6 research outputs found

    HBIM for cultural heritage: the case study of Panayia Karmiotissa church

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    The authors acknowledge the support from EU ERA Chair MNEMOSYNE project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 810857. The authors acknowledge the support from EU MSCA CHANGE project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 813789. The authors thank the Bishopric of Limassol, the Karmiotissa Church Committee and the Department of Antiquities for permitting all rights and access to the Church of Panayia Karmiotissa.HBIM (Heritage Building Information Modelling) is used for the documentation of the Church of Panayia Karmiotissa, near Limassol, Cyprus. The HBIM model is based on the geometric information obtained by digital documentation of the monument. Using laser scanning and Structure for Motion photogrammetric techniques, exterior images were collected using a drone with a 20MP camera and the interior images were taken using an SLR 20 MP camera. Ground control points were used both externally and internally to geo-reference the images using SfM photogrammetry. A Z+F latest technology 3D laser scanner was utilized to scan both the exterior and interior of the church. The images were used in order to create a 3D reconstruction of the Church and used photogrammetry to generate a point cloud of the church and a 3D surface texture model with ortho-images. Following, the data generated by the laser scanner and photogrammetry was processed to create a 3D model to document the church using Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM). The main objective of this case study was to create an HBIM model of the Church of Panayia Karmiotissa to digitally register and holistically to document the monument. HBIM is an important tool for the multidisciplinary area of conservators, architects and in general engineer activities, as it provides virtual details that are useful for monitoring, preservation and restoration.The authors acknowledge the ‘EXCELSIOR’: ERATOSTHENES: EΧcellence Research Centre for Earth Surveillance and Space-Based Monitoring of the Environment H2020 Widespread Teaming project (www.excelsior2020.eu). The ‘EXCELSIOR’ project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 857510, from the Government of the Republic of Cyprus through the Directorate General for the European Programmes, Coordination and Development and the Cyprus University of Technology

    Análisis constructivo y reconstrucción digital 3D de las ruinas del Antiguo Palacio de Verano de Pekín (Yuanmingyuan): el Pabellón de la Paz Universal (Wanfanganhe)

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    [EN] The destruction of the Old Summer Palace in Beijing after the sacking by Franco-British troops in 1860 has been an inestimable loss in the history of architecture, described by several authors as one of the wonders of Chinese architecture.This paper presents the virtual reconstruction and geometrical analysis of the Universal Peace Pavilion for the Ancient Palace of Beijing. It is a unique project in the traditional Chinese architecture both in its form and in the combination of the wooden structural elements. At the present time, only the foundation platform remains.In order to achieve a rigorous and accurate reconstruction, original sources from China and the Forbidden City Museum have been used, translating the ancient Chinese texts of the Qing dynasty and compiling the original existing documentation. The results include new unpublished documentation of the project.The reconstruction of the Universal Peace Pavilion continues the efforts made by the "Mission Palais d'Eté" (Summer Palace Mission) between 1983 and 1985, carried out by the cooperation of French and Chinese researchers and architects. Recently, the "Cooperans" institution has resumed the research of the Old Summer Palace in order to strengthen the cultural links between Europe and China.The digital reconstruction of the project makes it possible to visualize, analyse and understand a project of which only its ruins remain. By documenting the remains of the ancient ruins and exporting the Wanfanganhe Pavilion to a virtual reality system, it is possible to establish a link between Chinese architecture and the interested people, breaking down language barriers. The process of measuring, 3D modelling and translating the fundamental elements of traditional Chinese architecture has been carried out with precision to generate a model that represents an unforgettable part of the Chinese history. [ES] La destrucción del Antiguo Palacio de Verano de Pekín tras el saqueo de las tropas franco-británicas en 1860 ha supuesto una pérdida inestimable en la historia de la arquitectura, calificado por varios autores como una de las maravillas de la arquitectura china.El artículo presenta la reconstrucción virtual y análisis geométrico del Pabellón de la Paz Universal del Antiguo Palacio, con unas características únicas en la arquitectura tradicional china tanto en su forma como en la combinación de los elementos estructurales de madera. Actualmente tan solo se conserva la plataforma de cimentación.Para la consecución de una reconstrucción rigurosa y precisa, se ha acudido a las fuentes originales de China y del Museo de la Ciudad Prohibida, traduciendo los antiguos textos del chino de la dinastía Qing y recopilando la documentación original existente. Los resultados incluyen nueva documentación inédita del proyecto.La reconstrucción del Pabellón de la Paz pretende continuar los esfuerzos realizados por la Mission Palais d Eté (Misión del Palacio de Verano) entre 1983 y 1985, llevada a cabo por la cooperación de investigadores y arquitectos franceses y chinos. Recientemente, la institución Cooperans ha retomado las investigaciones sobre el Antiguo Palacio de Verano para fortalecer los vínculos culturales entre Europa y China.La reconstrucción digital del proyecto permite visualizar, analizar y entender un proyecto del que tan solo se conservan ruinas. Mediante la documentación de los restos de las antiguas ruinas y la exportación a sistemas de realidad virtual del pabellón Wanfanganhe, se establece un vínculo entre la arquitectura china y los usuarios interesados, suprimiendo las barreras lingüísticas. El proceso de la medición, modelado 3D y la traducción de los elementos fundamentales de la arquitectura tradicional china ha sido llevado a cabo con precisión para generar un modelo que represente una parte inolvidable de la historia china.Universidad Politécnica de MadridChen, Y.; Del Blanco García, FL. (2022). Constructive analysis and digital 3D reconstruction of the Yuanmingyuan Ruins: Wanfanganhe Pavilion (China). Virtual Archaeology Review. 13(27):1-16. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2022.16523116132


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    HBIM (Heritage Building Information Modelling) can be nowadays considered as part of the digitization process of Cultural Heritage, with the particular characteristics that being born to manage Models and Data within a unique environment they can be inherited to adopt a synergic approach to the cultural Heritage ‘as a whole system’. To this aim they need to overcome gaps and barriers undertaking an holistic approach in many directions. The paper intends to introduce an overview on the meaning of Holistic Heritage Information Building. The attribute holistic is here used with the meaning to empower instruments and methods capable to interconnect single HBIM nodes within networks where to find the information collected in a cross sectorial space: vocabularies, libraries of object and semantics, derived from such ‘Informative Models’ - with the support of Virtual Hub technologies - can boost nodes-networking empowering the capabilities of BIM Informative Modelling together with web accessible Geographic Informative System. Such richness once interconnected can be accessed from space-temporal queries, semantic searches, and harvested with other networks in order to enhance the cross correlation of the information and allowing the sharing of different case studies and HBIM within a space-temporal framework. This will allow the comparison of masonry texture, history of material finishing and skilled workers across space and time. HHBIM HUBS will be a gate toward the eXtended Reality potentials attracting and distributing data coming from different sources


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    In recent years, the generative process of building information modeling (BIM) digital models oriented to the digitisation of heritage buildings has been supported by the development of new modeling tools, able to integrate the point cloud data produced by laser scanning and digital photogrammetry in major modeling software applications such as Autodesk Revit and Graphisoft Archicad. Architectural and structural elements of churches, castles, and historical monuments such as complex vaults, arches, decorations and ornaments, irregular walls with a variable section and wall stratigraphy require higher levels of detail (LOD) and information (LOI) than new buildings. Consequently, the structure of a BIM model oriented to represent heritage buildings (HBIM) required the definition of a new digital process capable of converting the traditional techniques to the generation of 'unique' digital models able to connect different type of information. Consequently, the generation of 'new' 3D objects able to follow the constructive logic of the detected artefact has required the establishment of new grades of generation (GOG) and accuracy (GOA) to reduce the time and cost of the scan-to-BIM process. The main challenge of this research was the integration of these new modeling requirements in BIM software through the development of an add-in for one of the most used BIM software (Autodesk Revit). Through the generation of the complex vaulted system of the Basilica of Collemaggio (L’Aquila, Italy) and one of the most famous monuments of northern Italy (Arch of Peace in Milan, Italy), the following research shows how it was possible to support users in the HBIM generation, reducing the modeling impact of complex shapes from point cloud data and increasing information sharing for different BIM-based analysis, disciplines and users

    HBIM, dibujo 3D y realidad virtual aplicados a sitios arqueológicos y ruinas antiguas

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    [EN] Data collection, documentation and analysis of the traces of ancient ruins and archaeological sites represent an inestimable value to be handed down to future generations. Thanks to the development of new technologies in the field of computer graphics, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Virtual Reality (VR) and three-dimensional (3D) digital survey, this research proposes new levels of interactivity between users and virtual environments capable of communicating the tangible and intangible values of remains of ancient ruins. In this particular field of development, 3D drawing and digital modelling are based on the application of new Scan-to-HBIM-to-VR specifications capable of transforming simple points (point clouds) into mathematical models and digital information. Thanks to the direct application of novel grades of generation (GOG) and accuracy (GOA) it has been possible to go beyond the creation of complex models for heritage BIM (HBIM) and explore the creation of informative 3D representation composed by subelements (granular HBIM objects) characterized by a further level of knowledge. The value of measurement, 3D drawing and digital modelling have been investigated from the scientific point of view and oriented to the generation of a holistic model able to relate both with architects, engineers, and surveyors but also with archaeologists, restorers and virtual tourists.[ES] La captura de datos, la documentación y el análisis de los restos de las ruinas antiguas y  de  los sitios arqueológicos representan una herencia inestimabile que debe ser transferida a las generaciones futúras. Gracias al desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías en el campo de los gráficos por ordenador, el modelado de información de la construción (BIM), la realidad virtual (RV) y el levantamiento  digital tridimensional (3D), esta investigación propone nuevos niveles de interacción entre los usuarios y los entornos digitales que pueden comunicar los valores tangibiles e intangibles de los restos de las ruinas antiguas. En este particular ámbito de desarrollo, el dibujo 3D y la modelización digital se basan en la aplicación de las nuevas especificaciones escaneado-a-HBIM-a-RV, capaces de transformar puntos simples (nubes de puntos) en modelos matemáticos e informacción digital. Gracias a la aplicación directa de los GOG (grados of generación) y GOA (grados de exactitud) ha sido posible ir más allá de la creacción de los complejos BIM patrimoniales (HBIM) y explorar la creacción de representaciones 3D, formada por sub-elementos (objetos HBIM granulares) caracterizados por un mayor nivel de conocimiento. El valor de la medición, el dibujo 3D y el modelado digital ha sido investigado desde un enfoque científico y orientado a la generación de un modelo holístico capaz de relacionar tanto a arquitectos, ingenieros y aparejadores con arqueológos, restauradores y turistas virtuales.Banfi, F. (2020). HBIM, 3D drawing and virtual reality for archaeological sites and ancient ruins. Virtual Archaeology Review. 11(23):16-33. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2020.12416OJS16331123Alby, E., Vigouroux, E., & Elter, R. (2019). Implementation of survey and three-dimensional monitoring of archaeological excavations of the Khirbat al-Dusaq site, Jordan. 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    Ontology-based HBIM for historic buildings with traditional woodwork in Taiwan

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    In recent years, the use of Historic Building Information Modeling (HBIM) has grown prevalent and thus provided a research opportunity. Differing from newly constructed buildings, structural components of historic buildings come with unique physical configurations and have amassed impressive amount of restoration data, all of which must be taken into consideration when incorporating Building Information Modeling. In terms of modelling, it is critical to determine the appropriate level of detail (LoD), level of information (LoI), especially the comprehensiveness and expandability of the database. International Committee for Documentation/Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC CRM) is a widely accepted standard for ontology model. This study aims to integrate the HBIM and CIDOC CRM to construct a framework and comprehensive operational procedure for the modeling of traditional Minan architecture and a database with complete semantics archiving the background and restoration data. Autodesk A360 is ideal for collaborative. However, there are limitations when it comes to developing advanced models for data management or query; interactive experience; meeting model applications derived from future scenarios. Therefore, the study also offers a 3D modeling platform constructed using Unity, as well as a comparison of the platforms built with Unity, three.js and Autodesk A360 as a reference for users