8 research outputs found

    Impacto de la preparación de gestión de crisis organizacional en el desempeño financiero de la banca múltiple en 2020

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    La presente investigación tiene como finalidad validar el impacto de la preparación de gestión de crisis organizacional en el desempeño financiero en el segmento de Banca Múltiple de Perú en 2020. Se decidió optar por el tema de gestión de crisis, debido a que en el año 2020 se inició la pandemia del Covid-19, la misma que afectó a diversas empresas en el desempeño de sus actividades y en sus resultados financieros. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación, se segmentará la primera variable, preparación de gestión de crisis organizacional en seis actividades: planificación estratégica para la crisis; cultura organizacional positiva; plan de detección de señales de alerta temprana; rapidez en la toma de decisiones; movilización e implementación de recursos; y, por último, creación de flujo de información eficiente. Por otro lado, para la variable desempeño financiero, se utilizarán indicadores de eficiencia y eficacia financiera. La metodología a utilizar en esta investigación será PLS-SEM, metodología que se utilizará para procesar los resultados obtenidos del segmento de Banca Múltiple, el cual está conformado por 16 empresas, entre ellas Banco de Crédito, Banco BBVA, Interbank y Scotiabank, como los más representativos de este segmento.The purpose of this research is to validate the impact of the organizational crisis management preparation on financial performance in the Multiple Banking segment of Peru in 2020. It was decided to opt for the crisis management issue, because in 2020 The Covid-19 pandemic began, the same one that affected several companies in the performance of their activities and in their financial results. For the development of this research, the first variable, organizational crisis management preparation, will be divided into six activities: strategic planning for the crisis; positive organizational culture; early warning signs detection plan; speed in decision making; resource mobilization and implementation; and lastly, creation of efficient information flow. On the other hand, for the financial performance variable, financial efficiency and effectiveness indicators will be used. The methodology to be used in this research will be PLS-SEM, a methodology that will be used to process the results obtained from the Multiple Banking segment, which is made up of 16 companies, including Banco de Crédito, Banco BBVA, Interbank and Scotiabank, such as most representative of this segmentTesi

    Modelo para la gestión de infraestructuras de tecnologías de la información

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    Currently, organizations face problems in order to introduce new information technologies. They include the misalignment between and complexity of information technology infrastructure and the business policies derived from different reference frameworks with insufficiencies for unification, the heterogeneity and dispersion of the elements to be managed, standardized management models with little integration with each other, and the inexactness of impact evaluation solutions. This paper presents an information technology infrastructure management model that aims to reduce complexity and misalignment in management. It is divided into five components: (1) comprehensive framework for Information Technology management adapted to organizational needs, (2) Information Technology policy-making based on the extrapolation of system architecture design methods, (3) sizing of the underlying infrastructure necessary to automate management and meet service quality needs, (4) implementation of policies in the underlying infrastructures and proposing changes to the management architecture based on policies, and (5) impact evaluation including the strategic, structural, and social impact.Entre los problemas actuales para la introducción de las tecnologías de la información en las organizaciones, se encuentran el desalineamiento y la complejidad existente entre las infraestructuras de tecnologías de la información y las políticas del negocio provocadas por múltiples marcos de referencia con insuficiencias para su unificación, la heterogeneidad y dispersión en los elementos a gestionar y los modelos de gestión estandarizados con poca integración entre ellos e inexactitud en las soluciones de evaluación de impacto. En el presente trabajo, se desarrolla un modelo para la gestión de infraestructuras de tecnologías de la información (mgiti) que contribuye a reducir la complejidad y el desalineamiento presentes en esta. Posee cinco componentes: marco integrado de procesos para la gestión de las de tecnologías de la información, contextualizado a las necesidades de las organizaciones; diseño de políticas de de tecnologías de la información a partir de la extrapolación de los métodos de diseño de arquitecturas de sistemas; dimensionamiento de la infraestructura subyacente necesaria para automatizar la gestión y cumplir las necesidades de calidad de servicio; ejecución de políticas en las infraestructuras subyacentes, con la propuesta de una modificación a la arquitectura de gestión basada en políticas; y, por último, evaluación de impacto, que contempla el impacto estratégico, estructural y social

    Developing the concept of an integrated emergency response system for the tourism industry: case study of the cruise ship industry.

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    The tourism industry is vulnerable to all kinds of emergency events. These events are in turn impacted by further complexities arising from a range of consequences, themselves exacerbated by inevitable knock-on effects. As a result, the tourism industry is vulnerable to physical damage and loss to critical infrastructure and super structure. It is also vulnerable to injury and loss to human life, and loss to the environment. Finally, it is vulnerable to its reputation in terms of the image portrayed of the destinations resulting in a drastic fall in the number of visitors. Some impact can be mitigated by the improving links and the understanding between the tourism industry and the emergency services thereby facilitating future emergency response to any potential incident, particularly in destinations which receive a high volume of tourists. The complex nature of emergencies requires the involvement of multiple emergency response actors; above and beyond the usual emergency services. This in turn requires effective communication and co-ordination in order to ensure a successful outcome. Despite the fact that several studies have been carried out into the integration of the tourism industry with emergency management systems on land, very little research has focused on the cruise industry. Cruise ships are an important consideration because with their ever-increasing size, they are now floating destinations, hosting thousands of tourists. This study seeks to fill that gap by using building-block scenarios within which to examine the concept of an integrated emergency response system for the tourism industry in Oman with specific focus upon the cruise ship sector. To assist in achieving this aim a thorough review of complexity, complex systems and complexity theory was conducted in order to better understand the nature of emergencies and how tourism works as a complex adaptive system. Planning theory was also examined, in particular strategic and scenario planning, in order to recommend improvements in the planning and management processes of emergencies. This research subsequently highlighted a particular aspect of the emergency management cycle upon which to focus; namely the response phase. The complexity of emergency response, particularly in relation to tourism, was examined in order to elicit ways to improve the effectiveness of emergency responses to future incidents. The case studies of Costa Concordia, MVs Sewol Korean Ferry and Norman Atlantic were utilised as an approach to evaluate the specific challenges encountered within the cruise-ship industry in the case of emergency responses. The study was conducted within the context of Oman, which has a growing cruise-ship industry. The study used a range of scenarios to examine issues that arise from emergencies. It proposes future coordinating actions to mitigate loss of life and damage to the tourism industry. The study used semi-structured, face-to-face interviews to evaluate the capabilities of the emergency response system in Oman and used online-semi- structured interviews to identify the capabilities, requirements and challenges of cruise lines in Europe. The outcomes of this research indicated that the tourism industry in Oman lacks awareness and knowledge about planning and managing emergencies, as well as having poor mitigation and preparedness measures. It also revealed that there is an absence of cohesiveness and communication between tourism organisations, in terms of sharing experiences and feedback. The tourism industry in Oman demonstrated a low level of communication and integration with other emergency services. This was further compounded by a lack of involvement of the tourism industry within any current emergency committees and plans in Oman. To assist in resolving these issues, intra-integration (within the tourism industry) and inter-integration (between tourism and emergency institutions) structures are proposed. Findings drawn from the online-interviews in relation to European cruise lines showed that, in general, cruise ships lack coordination and collaboration with local emergency services. It was discovered that the sole point of contact for the cruise industry within any given destination is frequently the shipping agent. This in turn highlighted a potential single point of failure, in that shipping agents confessed to lacking the capability and capacity to provide an effective liaison during times of emergency. To improve future integration and relations between cruise lines, local tourism industry and emergency services, the research suggested conducting joint drills, developing coordinated plans and working collaboratively in the event of emergencies