399 research outputs found

    Destination directed packet switch architecture for a 30/20 GHz FDMA/TDM geostationary communication satellite network

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    Emphasis is on a destination directed packet switching architecture for a 30/20 GHz frequency division multiplex access/time division multiplex (FDMA/TDM) geostationary satellite communication network. Critical subsystems and problem areas are identified and addressed. Efforts have concentrated heavily on the space segment; however, the ground segment was considered concurrently to ensure cost efficiency and realistic operational constraints

    Circuit-switch architecture for a 30/20-GHz FDMA/TDM geostationary satellite communications network

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    A circuit switching architecture is described for a 30/20 GHz frequency division, multiple access uplink/time division multiplexed downlink (FDMA/TDM) geostationary satellite communications network. Critical subsystems and problem areas are identified and addressed. Work was concentrated primarily on the space segment; however, the ground segment was considered concurrently to ensure cost efficiency and realistic operational constraints

    Destination-directed, packet-switching architecture for 30/20-GHz FDMA/TDM geostationary communications satellite network

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    A destination-directed packet switching architecture for a 30/20-GHz frequency division multiple access/time division multiplexed (FDMA/TDM) geostationary satellite communications network is discussed. Critical subsystems and problem areas are identified and addressed. Efforts have concentrated heavily on the space segment; however, the ground segment has been considered concurrently to ensure cost efficiency and realistic operational constraints

    Node design in optical packet switched networks

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    Information Switching Processor (ISP) contention analysis and control

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    Future satellite communications, as a viable means of communications and an alternative to terrestrial networks, demand flexibility and low end-user cost. On-board switching/processing satellites potentially provide these features, allowing flexible interconnection among multiple spot beams, direct to the user communications services using very small aperture terminals (VSAT's), independent uplink and downlink access/transmission system designs optimized to user's traffic requirements, efficient TDM downlink transmission, and better link performance. A flexible switching system on the satellite in conjunction with low-cost user terminals will likely benefit future satellite network users

    A Slotted Ring Test Bed for the Study of ATM Network Congestion Management

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    This thesis addresses issues raised by the proposed Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network which will provide a flexible combination of integrated services traffic through its cell-based Asynchronbus Transport Mode (ATM). The introduction of a cell-based, connection-oriented, transport mode brings with it new technical challenges for network management. The routing of cells, their service at switching centres, and problems of cell congestion not encountered in the existing network, are some of the key issues. The thesis describes the development of a hardware slotted ring testbed for the investigation of congestion management in an ATM network. The testbed is designed to incorporate a modified form of the ORWELL protocol to control media access. The media access protocol is analysed to give a model for maximum throughput and reset interval under various traffic distributions. The results from the models are compared with measurements carried out on the testbed, where cell arrival statistics are also varied. It is shown that the maximum throughput of the testbed is dependent on both traffic distribution and cell arrival statistics. The testbed is used for investigations in a heterogeneous traffic environment where two classes of traffic with different cell arrival statistics and quality of service requirements are defined. The effect of prioritisation, media access protocol, traffic intensity, and traffic source statistics were investigated by determining an Admissible Load Region (ALR) for a network station. Conclusions drawn from this work suggest that there are many problems associated with the reliable definition of an ALR because of the number of variable parameters which could shift the ALR boundary. A suggested direction for further work is to explore bandwidth reservation and the concept of equivalent capacity of a connection, and how this can be linked to source control parameters

    Isolating SDN Control Traffic with Layer-2 Slicing in 6TiSCH Industrial IoT Networks

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    Recent standardization efforts in IEEE 802.15.4-2015 Time Scheduled Channel Hopping (TSCH) and the IETF 6TiSCH Working Group (WG), aim to provide deterministic communications and efficient allocation of resources across constrained Internet of Things (IoT) networks, particularly in Industrial IoT (IIoT) scenarios. Within 6TiSCH, Software Defined Networking (SDN) has been identified as means of providing centralized control in a number of key situations. However, implementing a centralized SDN architecture in a Low Power and Lossy Network (LLN) faces considerable challenges: not only is controller traffic subject to jitter due to unreliable links and network contention, but the overhead generated by SDN can severely affect the performance of other traffic. This paper proposes using 6TiSCH tracks, a Layer-2 slicing mechanism for creating dedicated forwarding paths across TSCH networks, in order to isolate the SDN control overhead. Not only does this prevent control traffic from affecting the performance of other data flows, but the properties of 6TiSCH tracks allows deterministic, low-latency SDN controller communication. Using our own lightweight SDN implementation for Contiki OS, we firstly demonstrate the effect of SDN control traffic on application data flows across a 6TiSCH network. We then show that by slicing the network through the allocation of dedicated resources along a SDN control path, tracks provide an effective means of mitigating the cost of SDN control overhead in IEEE 802.15.4-2015 TSCH networks