250,759 research outputs found

    A Recursive Bateson-Inspired Model for the Generation of Semantic Formal Concepts from Spatial Sensory Data

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    Neural-symbolic approaches to machine learning incorporate the advantages from both connectionist and symbolic methods. Typically, these models employ a first module based on a neural architecture to extract features from complex data. Then, these features are processed as symbols by a symbolic engine that provides reasoning, concept structures, composability, better generalization and out-of-distribution learning among other possibilities. However, neural approaches to the grounding of symbols in sensory data, albeit powerful, still require heavy training and tedious labeling for the most part. This paper presents a new symbolic-only method for the generation of hierarchical concept structures from complex spatial sensory data. The approach is based on Bateson's notion of difference as the key to the genesis of an idea or a concept. Following his suggestion, the model extracts atomic features from raw data by computing elemental sequential comparisons in a stream of multivariate numerical values. Higher-level constructs are built from these features by subjecting them to further comparisons in a recursive process. At any stage in the recursion, a concept structure may be obtained from these constructs and features by means of Formal Concept Analysis. Results show that the model is able to produce fairly rich yet human-readable conceptual representations without training. Additionally, the concept structures obtained through the model (i) present high composability, which potentially enables the generation of 'unseen' concepts, (ii) allow formal reasoning, and (iii) have inherent abilities for generalization and out-of-distribution learning. Consequently, this method may offer an interesting angle to current neural-symbolic research. Future work is required to develop a training methodology so that the model can be tested against a larger dataset

    Instruction-Level Abstraction (ILA): A Uniform Specification for System-on-Chip (SoC) Verification

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    Modern Systems-on-Chip (SoC) designs are increasingly heterogeneous and contain specialized semi-programmable accelerators in addition to programmable processors. In contrast to the pre-accelerator era, when the ISA played an important role in verification by enabling a clean separation of concerns between software and hardware, verification of these "accelerator-rich" SoCs presents new challenges. From the perspective of hardware designers, there is a lack of a common framework for the formal functional specification of accelerator behavior. From the perspective of software developers, there exists no unified framework for reasoning about software/hardware interactions of programs that interact with accelerators. This paper addresses these challenges by providing a formal specification and high-level abstraction for accelerator functional behavior. It formalizes the concept of an Instruction Level Abstraction (ILA), developed informally in our previous work, and shows its application in modeling and verification of accelerators. This formal ILA extends the familiar notion of instructions to accelerators and provides a uniform, modular, and hierarchical abstraction for modeling software-visible behavior of both accelerators and programmable processors. We demonstrate the applicability of the ILA through several case studies of accelerators (for image processing, machine learning, and cryptography), and a general-purpose processor (RISC-V). We show how the ILA model facilitates equivalence checking between two ILAs, and between an ILA and its hardware finite-state machine (FSM) implementation. Further, this equivalence checking supports accelerator upgrades using the notion of ILA compatibility, similar to processor upgrades using ISA compatibility.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Knowledge tree: Putting discourse into computer‐based learning

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    Most CBL materials currently in use model only the declarative aspects of the learning process. If such courseware is used without careful planning, this can be dangerous because one of the most fundamental aspects of education is the dialogue that occurs between teachers and the students. Traditionally, this has taken place in informal discussions as well as in formal small‐group learning sessions such as the conventional tutorial. However, as the student‐staff ratio increases, so does the opportunity for this type of personal dialogue decrease. Modern networking technology offers a huge potential to add discourse to CBL, but there are many pedagogical problems involved with the intrinsically ephemeral and anarchic nature both of the Internet and of most conferencing or bulletin‐board systems. In this paper we describe a software system called Knowledge Tree (KT) which we have developed to address some of these issues. KT combines a hierarchical concept‐oriented database functionality with that of a Usenet‐style bulletin board Using this, a knowledge garden may be developed for any subject area. These each contain a hypermedia database of frequently asked questions, together with answers provided by subject experts. There is provision for inter‐student discussions of problems and issues. When students ask new questions these are automatically emailed to a relevant subject expert (determined by a subject‐specific concept thesaurus). The answer is then placed in the database which eventually grows to become a valuable teaching resource. KT is discipline‐independent as the concept thesaurus can be changed to encapsulate any domain of knowledge. We have used it in support of conventional lecture courses, as an important component of a multimedia course, and for general IT support. These examples illustrate the role that this system can play both in basic information provision, and in facilitating the discussion of deep issues

    Self Organisation and Hierarchical Concept Representation in Networks of Spiking Neurons

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    The aim of this work is to introduce modular processing mechanisms for cortical functions implemented in networks of spiking neurons. Neural maps are a feature of cortical processing found to be generic throughout sensory cortical areas, and self-organisation to the fundamental properties of input spike trains has been shown to be an important property of cortical organisation. Additionally, oscillatory behaviour, temporal coding of information, and learning through spike timing dependent plasticity are all frequently observed in the cortex. The traditional self-organising map (SOM) algorithm attempts to capture the computational properties of this cortical self-organisation in a neural network. As such, a cognitive module for a spiking SOM using oscillations, phasic coding and STDP has been implemented. This model is capable of mapping to distributions of input data in a manner consistent with the traditional SOM algorithm, and of categorising generic input data sets. Higher-level cortical processing areas appear to feature a hierarchical category structure that is founded on a feature-based object representation. The spiking SOM model is therefore extended to facilitate input patterns in the form of sets of binary feature-object relations, such as those seen in the field of formal concept analysis. It is demonstrated that this extended model is capable of learning to represent the hierarchical conceptual structure of an input data set using the existing learning scheme. Furthermore, manipulations of network parameters allow the level of hierarchy used for either learning or recall to be adjusted, and the network is capable of learning comparable representations when trained with incomplete input patterns. Together these two modules provide related approaches to the generation of both topographic mapping and hierarchical representation of input spaces that can be potentially combined and used as the basis for advanced spiking neuron models of the learning of complex representations

    Scalable Approaches for Auditing the Completeness of Biomedical Ontologies

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    An ontology provides a formalized representation of knowledge within a domain. In biomedicine, ontologies have been widely used in modern biomedical applications to enable semantic interoperability and facilitate data exchange. Given the important roles that biomedical ontologies play, quality issues such as incompleteness, if not addressed, can affect the quality of downstream ontology-driven applications. However, biomedical ontologies often have large sizes and complex structures. Thus, it is infeasible to uncover potential quality issues through manual effort. In this dissertation, we introduce automated and scalable approaches for auditing the completeness of biomedical ontologies. We mainly focus on two incompleteness issues -- missing hierarchical relations and missing concepts. To identify missing hierarchical relations, we develop three approaches: a lexical-based approach, a hybrid approach utilizing both lexical features and logical definitions, and an approach based on concept name transformation. To identify missing concepts, a lexical-based Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) method is proposed for concept enrichment. We also predict proper concept names for the missing concepts using deep learning techniques. Manual review by domain experts is performed to evaluate these approaches. In addition, we leverage extrinsic knowledge (i.e., external ontologies) to help validate the detected incompleteness issues. The auditing approaches have been applied to a variety of biomedical ontologies, including the SNOMED CT, National Cancer Institute (NCI) Thesaurus and Gene Ontology. In the first lexical-based approach to identify missing hierarchical relations, each concept is modeled with an enriched set of lexical features, leveraging words and noun phrases in the name of the concept itself and the concept\u27s ancestors. Given a pair of concepts that are not linked by a hierarchical relation, if the enriched lexical attributes of one concept is a superset of the other\u27s, a potentially missing hierarchical relation will be suggested. Applying this approach to the September 2017 release of SNOMED CT (US edition) suggested 38,615 potentially missing hierarchical relations. A domain expert reviewed a random sample of 100 potentially missing ones, and confirmed 90 are valid (a precision of 90%). In the second work, a hybrid approach is proposed to detect missing hierarchical relations in non-lattice subgraphs. For each concept, its lexical features are harmonized with role definitions to provide a more comprehensive semantic model. Then a two-step subsumption testing is performed to automatically suggest potentially missing hierarchical relations. This approach identified 55 potentially missing hierarchical relations in the 19.08d version of the NCI Thesaurus. 29 out of 55 were confirmed as valid by the curators from the NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Service (EVS) and have been incorporated in the newer versions of the NCI Thesaurus. 7 out of 55 further revealed incorrect existing hierarchical relations in the NCI Thesaurus. In the third work, we introduce a transformation-based method that leverages the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) knowledge to identify missing hierarchical relations in its source ontologies. Given a concept name, noun chunks within it are identified and replaced by their more general counterparts to generate new concept names that are supposed to be more general than the original one. Applying this method to the UMLS (2019AB release), a total of 39,359 potentially missing hierarchical relations were detected in 13 source ontologies. Domain experts evaluated a random sample of 200 potentially missing hierarchical relations identified in the SNOMED CT (US edition), and 100 in the Gene Ontology. 173 out of 200 and 63 out of 100 potentially missing hierarchical relations were confirmed by domain experts, indicating our method achieved a precision of 86.5% and 63% for the SNOMED CT and Gene Ontology, respectively. In the work of concept enrichment, we introduce a lexical method based on FCA to identify potentially missing concepts. Lexical features (i.e., words appearing in the concept names) are considered as FCA attributes while generating formal context. Applying multistage intersection on FCA attributes results in newly formalized concepts along with bags of words that can be utilized to name the concepts. This method was applied to the Disease or Disorder sub-hierarchy in the 19.08d version of the NCI Thesaurus and identified 8,983 potentially missing concepts. We performed a preliminary evaluation and validated that 592 out of 8,983 potentially missing concepts were included in external ontologies in the UMLS. After obtaining new concepts and their relevant bags of words, we further developed deep learning-based approaches to automatically predict concept names that comply with the naming convention of a specific ontology. We explored simple neural network, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) combined with LSTM. Our experiments showed that the LSTM-based approach achieved the best performance with an F1 score of 63.41% for predicting names for newly added concepts in the March 2018 release of SNOMED CT (US Edition) and an F1 score of 73.95% for naming missing concepts revealed by our previous work. In the last part of this dissertation, extrinsic knowledge is leveraged to collect supporting evidence for the detected incompleteness issues. We present a work in which cross-ontology evaluation based on extrinsic knowledge from the UMLS is utilized to help validate potentially missing hierarchical relations, aiming at relieving the heavy workload of manual review

    Visual knowledge representation of conceptual semantic networks

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    This article presents methods of using visual analysis to visually represent large amounts of massive, dynamic, ambiguous data allocated in a repository of learning objects. These methods are based on the semantic representation of these resources. We use a graphical model represented as a semantic graph. The formalization of the semantic graph has been intuitively built to solve a real problem which is browsing and searching for lectures in a vast repository of colleges/courses located at Western Kentucky University1. This study combines Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) with Semantic Factoring to decompose complex, vast concepts into their primitives in order to develop knowledge representation for the HyperManyMedia2 platform. Also, we argue that the most important factor in building the semantic representation is defining the hierarchical structure and the relationships among concepts and subconcepts. In addition, we investigate the association between concepts using Concept Analysis to generate a lattice graph. Our domain is considered as a graph, which represents the integrated ontology of the HyperManyMedia platform. This approach has been implemented and used by online students at WKU3

    Metadata for describing learning scenarios under European Higher Education Area paradigm

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    In this paper we identify the requirements for creating formal descriptions of learning scenarios designed under the European Higher Education Area paradigm, using competences and learning activities as the basic pieces of the learning process, instead of contents and learning resources, pursuing personalization. Classical arrangements of content based courses are no longer enough to describe all the richness of this new learning process, where user profiles, competences and complex hierarchical itineraries need to be properly combined. We study the intersection with the current IMS Learning Design specification and the additional metadata required for describing such learning scenarios. This new approach involves the use of case based learning and collaborative learning in order to acquire and develop competences, following adaptive learning paths in two structured levels