242 research outputs found

    A Framework of Implementation of Collaborative Product Service in Virtual Enterprise

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    To satisfy new market requirements, manufacturing industry has shifted from mass production that takes advantage of the scale of production, to quality management that optimizes the internal enterprise functions, to e-manufacturing era that leverage intellectual capital via collaborative innovation. In the same time, the product itself is becoming the most important asset for sustainable business success. Consequently, the effectiveness, efficiency and innovation for the development of the product across the whole product lifecycle are becoming key business factors for manufacturing enterprise to obtain competitive advantages for survival. To tackle such challenges, a new business model called collaborative product services in virtual enterprise is proposed in this paper. The architecture of this new model is developed based on the framework and the application of web service and process management for collaboration product service in virtual enterprise. Indeed, it is hoped that this architecture will lay the foundation for further research and development of effective product lifecycle management in virtually collaborative enterprise environment.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Challenges to describe QoS requirements for web services quality prediction to support web services interoperability in electronic commerce

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    Quality of service (QoS) is significant and necessary for web service applications quality assurance. Furthermore, web services quality has contributed to the successful implementation of Electronic Commerce (EC) applications. However, QoS is still the big issue for web services research and remains one of the main research questions that need to be explored. We believe that QoS should not only be measured but should also be predicted during the development and implementation stages. However, there are challenges and constraints to determine and choose QoS requirements for high quality web services. Therefore, this paper highlights the challenges for the QoS requirements prediction as they are not easy to identify. Moreover, there are many different perspectives and purposes of web services, and various prediction techniques to describe QoS requirements. Additionally, the paper introduces a metamodel as a concept of what makes a good web service

    Digital cockpits and decision support systems : design of technics and tools to extract and process data from heterogeneous databases

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    Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2006-200

    SOPA - a self organizing processing and streaming architecture

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    This paper describes SOPA, a component framework that is an essential part of the lecture recording system E-Chalk. It envisiones a general processing and streaming architecture featuring autonomous assembly of stream processing components. The goal is to provide an easy to use framework where dynamically organized processing graphs are build out of components from various distributed sources. Based on state-of-the-art solutions for component based software development the system simplifies the implementation and the configuration of multimedia streaming applications and associated tools. It supports stream synchronization transparently while extending components are installed on the fly according to the existing requirements that may change at any time

    Multi-party authentication protocols for web services

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    The Web service technology allows the dynamic composition of a workflow (or a business flow) by composing a set of existing Web services scattered across the Internet. While a given Web service may have multiple service instances taking part in several workflows simultaneously, a workflow often involves a set of service instances that belong to different Web services. In order to establish trust relationships amongst service instances, new security protocols are urgently needed. Hada and Maruyama [HAD02] presented a session-oriented, multi-party authentication protocol to resolve this problem. Within a session the protocol provides a common session secret shared by all the service instances, thereby distinguishing the instances from those of other sessions. However, individual instances cannot be distinguished and identified by the session secret. This leads to vulnerable session management and poor threat containment. In this thesis, we present a new design for a multi-party authentication protocol. In this protocol, each service instance is provided with a unique identifier. The Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement scheme is employed to generate the trust relationship between service instances within the same flow. The Coordinated Atomic Action scheme is exploited for achieving an improved level of threat containment. The new protocol was implemented in Java and evaluated by a combined use of experiments and model-based analysis. The results show that the time consumption for multi-party authentication increases linearly as the number of service instances that are introduced into a session increases. Our solution is therefore potentially applicable for Web service flow with a large number of participants. Various public key algorithms are also compared and evaluated during the experiments in order to select the most suitable one for our new protocol

    Modeling and verification of web service composition based interorganizational workflows

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    Interorganisationale Workflows sind Arbeitsabläufe, welche die Grenzen einer Organisation verlassen und einen Rahmen für Kooperationen der verschiedenen autonomen Organisationen zur Verfügung stellen. Ein wichtiger Punkt für den Entwurf solcher Workflows ist die Balance zwischen Offenheit und Abgrenzung, wobei erstere für Kooperationen und letztere die für den Schutz von Know-how benötigt wird. Workflow Sichten stellen ein effizientes Werkzeug für diesen Zweck zur Verfügung. Durch Offenlegung von bestimmten Teilen eines Prozesses, können Organisationen sowohl kooperieren als auch das Know-how schützen. Diese Dissertation präsentiert nun eine Methode für die korrekte Konstruktion von Workflow Sichten. Es wird angenommen, dass Organisationen Web Service orientierte Technologien zur Modellierung und Implementierung von interorganisationalen Workflows verwenden. Die Anwendung von Web Services bietet Organisationen viele Vorteile. Den eigentlichen Mehrwert von Web Services stellt aber die Kompositionsfähigkeit dar. Verfügbare Web Services können dadurch von anderen Choreographien und Orchestrationen (wieder-)verwendet werden. Die Notwendigkeit der Implementierung von Systemen von Null weg kann minimiert werden. Die zentralen Anforderungen sind einerseits eine Architektur mit adäquatem Potential, andererseits die Verifikation der Korrektheit. Diese Dissertation präsentiert nun eine Architektur zur Modellierung von Web Service Composition basierten interorganisationalen Workflows, genannt föderierte Choreographien, die verglichen mit anderen Architekturen verschiedene Vorteile anbieten. Darüber hinaus werden Algorithmen und Techniken zur Verifikation der strukturellen und temporalen Korrektheit vorgestellt. Strukturelle Korrektheit prüft, ob die Strukturen der beteiligten Prozesse zusammenpassen. Temporale Korrektheit überprüft, ob ein interorganisationaler Workflow, der aus mehreren Choreographien und Orchestrationen besteht hinsichtlich der lokalen und globalen Bedingungen fehlerfrei ist. Mit Hilfe dieser Techniken kann die strukturelle und temporale Konformität des Modells zur Designzeit überprüft werden. Falls das Modell nicht strukturell oder temporal konform ist, können nötige Änderungen durchgeführt werden, sodass die korrekte Ausführung zur Laufzeit garantiert werden kann. Die Überprüfung der Konformität zur Designzeit reduziert die Prozesskosten vor allem wegen den folgenden zwei Gründen: Erstens, die entdeckten Fehler zur Designzeit sind normalerweise billiger als jene, die zur Laufzeit entdeckt werden und zweitens, Fehlerbehandlungsmechanismen können verhindert werden, die wiederum Zusatzkosten verursachen. Zusätzlich zu der vorgestellten Architektur wird eine allgemeinere Architektur zusammen mit den passenden Konformitätsprüfungsalgorithmen präsentiert. Der Ansatz ist Platform- und sprachunabhängig und die Algorithmen sind verteilt.Interorganizational workflows are workflows that cross the boundaries of a single organization and provide a framework for cooperation of different autonomous organizations. An important issue when designing such workflows is the balance between the openness needed for cooperation and the privacy needed for protection of business know-how. Workflow views provide an efficient tool for this aim. By exposure of only selected parts of a process, organizations can both cooperate and protect their business logic. This dissertation presents a technique for a correct construction of workflow views. It is assumed that organizations and partners use web services and web service related technology to model and implement interorganizational workflows. Application of web services offers several advantages for organizations. The real surplus of web services is their capability of being composed to more complex systems. Available web services can be reused by other choreographies and orchestrations and the need for development of new systems from scratch can be minimized. The essential requirements are on the one hand an architecture with adequate capabilities and on the other hand, verification of correctness. This dissertation proposes an architecture for modeling web service composition based interorganizational workflows, called \emph{federated choreographies}, that provides several advantages compared to existing proposals. Moreover, algorithms and techniques for verification of structural and temporal correctness of interorganizational workflows are proposed. Structural conformance checks if the structures of the involved processes match. Temporal conformance checks if an interorganizational workflow composed of choreographies and orchestrations is temporally error-free with respect to local and global temporal constraints. The proposed algorithms can be applied for checking the structural and temporal conformance of the federated choreographies at design-time. If the model is not structurally or temporally conformant, necessary modifications can be done such that the correct execution of the flow at run-time can be guaranteed. The conformance checking at design time reduces the cost of process because of two reasons: first, errors detected at design time are normally cheaper than those detected at run time and second, exception handling mechanisms can be avoided which are, in turn, coupled with additional costs. In addition to the proposed architecture, a more general architecture together with the conformance checking algorithms and techniques for interorganizational workflows are presented. The presented approach is language and platform independent and algorithms work in a distributed manner

    G-QoSM: Grid Service Discovery Using QoS Properties

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    We extend the service abstraction in the Open Grid Services Architecture citeogsa for Quality of Service (QoS) properties. The realization of QoS often requires mechanisms such as advance or on-demand reservation of resources, varying in type and implementation, and independently controlled and monitored. Foster et al. propose the GARA citeFostKessl99 architecture. The GARA library provides a restricted representation scheme for encoding resource properties and the associated monitoring of Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Our focus is on the application layer, whereby a given service may indicate the QoS properties it can offer, or where a service may search for other services based on particular QoS properties

    Systems biology driven software design for the research enterprise

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In systems biology, and many other areas of research, there is a need for the interoperability of tools and data sources that were not originally designed to be integrated. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of systems biology, and its association with high throughput experimental platforms, there is an additional need to continually integrate new technologies. As scientists work in isolated groups, integration with other groups is rarely a consideration when building the required software tools.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We illustrate an approach, through the discussion of a purpose built software architecture, which allows disparate groups to reuse tools and access data sources in a common manner. The architecture allows for: the rapid development of distributed applications; interoperability, so it can be used by a wide variety of developers and computational biologists; development using standard tools, so that it is easy to maintain and does not require a large development effort; extensibility, so that new technologies and data types can be incorporated; and non intrusive development, insofar as researchers need not to adhere to a pre-existing object model.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>By using a relatively simple integration strategy, based upon a common identity system and dynamically discovered interoperable services, a light-weight software architecture can become the focal point through which scientists can both get access to and analyse the plethora of experimentally derived data.</p

    Agent-based real-time assembly line management for wireless job shop environment

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    Recent developments in wireless technologies have created opportunities for developing next-generation manufacturing systems with real-time traceability, visibility and interoperability in shop floor planning, execution and control. This paper discusses how to deploy wireless and intelligent technologies to convert physical objects in manufacturing systems into smart objects to introduce and improve the interoperability and visibility between them and thus with manufacturing decision support systems. A reference architecture for wireless manufacturing (WM) is proposed where three types of smart objects are identified. At the same time, the concept of smart object agent (SOA) is presented and the corresponding framework of smart objects management system (SOMS) is constructed. Under this framework and the concept of SOA, a SOA-based WM environment is studied and demonstrated using a near real-life simplified product assembly line for the collection and synchronization of the real-time field data from manufacturing workshops. © 2010 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA) 2010, Xi'an, China, 4-7 August 2010. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 2010, p. 2013-201

    Analysis of current middleware used in peer-to-peer and grid implementations for enhancement by catallactic mechanisms

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    This deliverable describes the work done in task 3.1, Middleware analysis: Analysis of current middleware used in peer-to-peer and grid implementations for enhancement by catallactic mechanisms from work package 3, Middleware Implementation. The document is divided in four parts: The introduction with application scenarios and middleware requirements, Catnets middleware architecture, evaluation of existing middleware toolkits, and conclusions. -- Die Arbeit definiert Anforderungen an Grid und Peer-to-Peer Middleware Architekturen und analysiert diese auf ihre Eignung für die prototypische Umsetzung der Katallaxie. Eine Middleware-Architektur für die Umsetzung der Katallaxie in Application Layer Netzwerken wird vorgestellt.Grid Computing