146,546 research outputs found

    A feature-based approach to web services e-contract establishment

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    Orientadores: Maria Beatriz Felgar de Toledo, Itana Maria de Souza GimenesTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Contratos eletrônicos descrevem processos de negócio interorganizacionais em termos de fornecimento e consumo de serviços eletrônicos (atualmente serviços Web). O estabelecimento de contratos eletrônicos em um determinado domínio de negócios normalmente envolve um conjunto de pontos comuns e pontos de variação bem definidos. Essas propriedades não são completamente exploradas pelas abordagens existentes para o estabelecimento de contratos eletrônicos. Modelos de características têm sido amplamente usados para capturar e gerenciar pontos comuns e variabilidades em famílias de produtos no contexto de linha de produto de software. Esta tese apresenta uma abordagem baseada em modelos de características para ser aplicada no estabelecimento de contratos eletrônicos para serviços Web. Seu objetivo é melhorar a estruturação e o reuso de informação em contratos eletrônicos, incluindo atributos de qualidade de serviço. Características são usadas para representar possíveis elementos de contratos eletrônicos para serviços Web com o objetivo de orientar a criação de instâncias de molde de contrato eletrônico e atuar, portanto, como um gerenciador de espaço de configuração. A abordagem proposta usa as linguagens WS-BPEL e WS-Agreement para especificar, respectivamente, processos de negócio e atributos de qualidade de serviço. Para oferecer apoio automatizado à abordagem proposta, um conjunto de ferramentas, chamado FeatureContract, foi desenvolvido como parte deste trabalho. Para demonstrar aplicabilidade da abordagem, foi realizado um estudo de caso dentro do contexto de sistemas para telecomunicaçõesAbstract: Electronic contracts describe inter-organizational business processes in terms of supply and consumption of electronic services (commonly Web services). The establishment of electronic contracts in a particular business domain usually involves a set of well-defined common and variation points. These properties are not fully exploited by the existing electronic contract establishment approaches. Feature modeling is a software engineering technique that has been widely used for capturing and managing commonalities and variabilities of product families in the context of software product line. This thesis presents a feature-based approach to be applied in the establishment of Web services electronic contracts. The approach aims at improving the structure and reuse of information in electronic contracts, including quality of service attributes. Features are used to represent possible elements in Web services electronic contracts in order to drive contract template instantiation and act, therefore, as a configuration space manager. The proposed approach uses WS-BPEL and WS-Agreement languages to specify business processes and quality of service attributes respectively. To provide automatic support for the proposed approach, a toolkit, named FeatureContract, was developed as part of this work. Aiming at demonstrating the approach applicability, a case study was carried within the telecommunication systems contextDoutoradoSistemas de InformaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Hukum Dan Kontrak Elektronik(Studi Pada Layanan Pinjam Meminjam Uang Melalui Shopee Paylater ditinjau dari hukum Indonesia dan Hukum Islam)

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    E-commerce is a form of utilizing technology and electronic transactions as regulated in Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE) which has the aim of developing trade and the national economy in order to improve welfare of the people. One form of technological advancement to meet the needs of e-commerce is shopee. In shopee there is a pay later feature (paylater) or in the Shopee application it is called Shopee Paylater which can be used by consumers to buy goods without paying directly but can pay for goods at the end or can be called "pay later" and can be paid in installments according to the payment deadline specified. has been determined by Shopee. Electronic contracts (e-contracts) emerged as a result of the creation of an agreement between a borrower and a lender. The presence of increasingly modern information technology creates electronic contracts (e-contracts) requiring clear arrangements based on law where the internet creates a transparent, effective, and efficient life so that the rules in conventional law have not been fully able to reach the rules electronically. Furthermore, the transaction or in Islam what is called the contract is the most important element in the engagement, which is firm in its application, and cannot be ruled out. This study aims to find out about electronic contracts in lending and borrowing services at Shopee Paylater in terms of Indonesian law and Islamic law. This study uses a normative juridical approach where the approach used to solve the problem is by researching secondary legal materials and analyzed using library materials or secondary legal materials. In addition, other complementary materials include books, published research results, journals, articles, and internet sites. The type of research used is descriptive research, which in this study has the aim of collecting data or information to be compiled, explained and analyzed to solve problems that are currently happening. The author will describe the law of electronic contracts in lending and borrowing services through Shopee Paylater

    The Role of International Rules in Blockchain-Based Cross-Border Commercial Disputes

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    [excerpt] The concept of online dispute resolution (ODR) is not new. 1 But, with the advent of Web 3.0, the distributed web that facilitates pseudonymous and cross-border transactions via blockchain\u27s distributed ledger technology, 2 the idea of, and pressing need for, appropriate dispute resolution models for blockchain-based disputes to support this novel system of distributed consensus and trust of which blockchain proponents boast, is a primary concern in rapid development. 3 The common goal of each project is to utilize smart contracts to facilitate superior, quicker[,] and less expensive proceedings by eliminating so many of the tedious and protracted trappings of traditional arbitral proceedings, such as the sending and receiving of documents via courier. , Despite myriad approaches, all emerging blockchain-based dispute resolution services (BDR solutions) generally seek to bridge the divide between automated performance mechanisms, like smart contracts, and the human judgment traditionally required to settle legal disputes.5 How our existing legal frameworks must develop to ensure that smart contracts 6 facilitate, rather than frustrate, the parties\u27 intent is a critically important question to ask as the blockchain stack\u27s infrastructure and application layers are being built and, ultimately, scaled. Indeed, interest is high in the race to create alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to resolve disputes arising from blockchain-based commercial transactions that, due to the transnational, borderless, pseudonymous, and distributed nature of blockchain, clearly necessitate international solutions.

    Legal answers to globalisation

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    A Positive Analysis of Targeted Employment Protection Legislation

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    In many countries, Employment Protection Legislation (EPL) establishes less strict dismissal procedures for specific groups of workers. This paper builds a simple matching model with heterogeneous workers in order to analyze this feature of EPL. We use the model to analyze the effects of reforms targeted at lowering the firing costs of a particular group of workers, and compare the results with those stemming from a comprehensive reform that reduces firing costs for all workers. The model is calibrated for the Spanish economy, where an important reform of this kind took place in 1997. Overall, our results point out that EPL reforms achieve the largest reduction in unemployment when they are targeted to workers with lower and more volatile productivity.Publicad

    Using the event calculus for tracking the normative state of contracts

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    In this work, we have been principally concerned with the representation of contracts so that their normative state may be tracked in an automated fashion over their deployment lifetime. The normative state of a contract, at a particular time, is the aggregation of instances of normative relations that hold between contract parties at that time, plus the current values of contract variables. The effects of contract events on the normative state of a contract are specified using an XML formalisation of the Event Calculus, called ecXML. We use an example mail service agreement from the domain of web services to ground the discussion of our work. We give a characterisation of the agreement according to the normative concepts of: obligation, power and permission, and show how the ecXML representation may be used to track the state of the agreement, according to a narrative of contract events. We also give a description of a state tracking architecture, and a contract deployment tool, both of which have been implemented in the course of our work.

    CrossFlow: Integrating Workflow Management and Electronic Commerce

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    The CrossFlow1 architecture provides support for cross-organisational workflow management in dynamically established virtual enterprises. The creation of a business relationship between a service provider organisation performing a service on behalf of a consumer organisation can be made dynamic when augmented by virtual market technology, the dynamic configuration of the contract enactment infrastructures, and the provision of fine grained service monitoring and control. Standard ways of describing services and contracts can be combined with matchmaking technology to create a virtual market for such service provision and consumption. A provider can then advertise its services in the market and consumers can search for a compatible business partner. This provides choice in selecting a partner and allows the deferment of the decision to a point in time where it can be made on the most up-to-date requirements of the consumer and service offers in the market. The penalty for deferred decision making is the time to set up the infrastructure in each organisation for the dynamically established contract. Thus, a further aspect of CrossFlow was to exploit the contract in the dynamic and automatic configuration of the contract enactment and supervision infrastructures of the respective organisations and in linking them in a dynamic fashion. The electronic contract, which results from the agreement between the newly established business partners, completely specifies the intended collaboration between them. Given the importance of the business process enacted by the provider, this includes fine-grained monitoring and control to allow tight co-operation between the organisations