42 research outputs found

    Intelligent Transportation Related Complex Systems and Sensors

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    Building around innovative services related to different modes of transport and traffic management, intelligent transport systems (ITS) are being widely adopted worldwide to improve the efficiency and safety of the transportation system. They enable users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and smarter decisions on the use of transport networks. Current ITSs are complex systems, made up of several components/sub-systems characterized by time-dependent interactions among themselves. Some examples of these transportation-related complex systems include: road traffic sensors, autonomous/automated cars, smart cities, smart sensors, virtual sensors, traffic control systems, smart roads, logistics systems, smart mobility systems, and many others that are emerging from niche areas. The efficient operation of these complex systems requires: i) efficient solutions to the issues of sensors/actuators used to capture and control the physical parameters of these systems, as well as the quality of data collected from these systems; ii) tackling complexities using simulations and analytical modelling techniques; and iii) applying optimization techniques to improve the performance of these systems. It includes twenty-four papers, which cover scientific concepts, frameworks, architectures and various other ideas on analytics, trends and applications of transportation-related data

    On Deep Machine Learning for Multi-view Object Detection and Neural Scene Rendering

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    This thesis addresses two contemporary computer vision tasks using a set of multiple-view imagery, namely the joint use of multi-view images to improve object detection and neural scene rendering via a novel volumetric input encoding for Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). While the former focuses on improving the accuracy of object detection, the latter contribution allows for better scene reconstruction, which ultimately can be exploited to generate novel views and perform multi-view object detection. Notwithstanding the significant advances in automatic object detection in the last decade, multi-view object detection has received little attention. For this reason, two contributions regarding multi-view object detection in the absence of explicit camera pose information are presented in this thesis. First, a multi-view epipolar filtering technique is introduced, using the distance of the detected object centre to a corresponding epipolar line as an additional probabilistic confidence. This technique removes false positives without a corresponding detection in other views, giving greater confidence to consistent detections across the views. The second contribution adds an attention-based layer, called Multi-view Vision Transformer, to the backbone of a deep machine learning object detector, effectively aggregating features from different views and creating a multi-view aware representation. The final contribution explores another application for multi-view imagery, namely novel volumetric input encoding of NeRF. The proposed method derives an analytical solution for the average value of a sinusoidal (inducing a high-frequency component) within a pyramidal frustum region, whereas previous state-of-the-art NeRF methods approximate this with a Gaussian distribution. This parameterisation obtains a better representation of regions where the Gaussian approximation is poor, allowing more accurate synthesis of distant areas and depth map estimation. Experimental evaluation is carried out across multiple established benchmark datasets to compare the proposed methods against contemporary state-of-the-art architectures such that the efficacy of the proposed methods can be both quantitively and qualitatively illustrated

    Advances in Public Transport Platform for the Development of Sustainability Cities

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    Modern societies demand high and varied mobility, which in turn requires a complex transport system adapted to social needs that guarantees the movement of people and goods in an economically efficient and safe way, but all are subject to a new environmental rationality and the new logic of the paradigm of sustainability. From this perspective, an efficient and flexible transport system that provides intelligent and sustainable mobility patterns is essential to our economy and our quality of life. The current transport system poses growing and significant challenges for the environment, human health, and sustainability, while current mobility schemes have focused much more on the private vehicle that has conditioned both the lifestyles of citizens and cities, as well as urban and territorial sustainability. Transport has a very considerable weight in the framework of sustainable development due to environmental pressures, associated social and economic effects, and interrelations with other sectors. The continuous growth that this sector has experienced over the last few years and its foreseeable increase, even considering the change in trends due to the current situation of generalized crisis, make the challenge of sustainable transport a strategic priority at local, national, European, and global levels. This Special Issue will pay attention to all those research approaches focused on the relationship between evolution in the area of transport with a high incidence in the environment from the perspective of efficiency

    Advanced Sensors for Real-Time Monitoring Applications

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    It is impossible to imagine the modern world without sensors, or without real-time information about almost everything—from local temperature to material composition and health parameters. We sense, measure, and process data and act accordingly all the time. In fact, real-time monitoring and information is key to a successful business, an assistant in life-saving decisions that healthcare professionals make, and a tool in research that could revolutionize the future. To ensure that sensors address the rapidly developing needs of various areas of our lives and activities, scientists, researchers, manufacturers, and end-users have established an efficient dialogue so that the newest technological achievements in all aspects of real-time sensing can be implemented for the benefit of the wider community. This book documents some of the results of such a dialogue and reports on advances in sensors and sensor systems for existing and emerging real-time monitoring applications

    Big Data Computing for Geospatial Applications

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    The convergence of big data and geospatial computing has brought forth challenges and opportunities to Geographic Information Science with regard to geospatial data management, processing, analysis, modeling, and visualization. This book highlights recent advancements in integrating new computing approaches, spatial methods, and data management strategies to tackle geospatial big data challenges and meanwhile demonstrates opportunities for using big data for geospatial applications. Crucial to the advancements highlighted in this book is the integration of computational thinking and spatial thinking and the transformation of abstract ideas and models to concrete data structures and algorithms

    Analyse et détection des trajectoires d'approches atypiques des aéronefs à l'aide de l'analyse de données fonctionnelles et de l'apprentissage automatique

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    L'amélioration de la sécurité aérienne implique généralement l'identification, la détection et la gestion des événements indésirables qui peuvent conduire à des événements finaux mortels. De précédentes études menées par la DSAC, l'autorité de surveillance française, ont permis d'identifier les approches non-conformes présentant des déviations par rapport aux procédures standards comme des événements indésirables. Cette thèse vise à explorer les techniques de l'analyse de données fonctionnelles et d'apprentissage automatique afin de fournir des algorithmes permettant la détection et l'analyse de trajectoires atypiques en approche à partir de données sol. Quatre axes de recherche sont abordés. Le premier axe vise à développer un algorithme d'analyse post-opérationnel basé sur des techniques d'analyse de données fonctionnelles et d'apprentissage non-supervisé pour la détection de comportements atypiques en approche. Le modèle sera confronté à l'analyse des bureaux de sécurité des vols des compagnies aériennes, et sera appliqué dans le contexte particulier de la période COVID-19 pour illustrer son utilisation potentielle alors que le système global ATM est confronté à une crise. Le deuxième axe de recherche s'intéresse plus particulièrement à la génération et à l'extraction d'informations à partir de données radar à l'aide de nouvelles techniques telles que l'apprentissage automatique. Ces méthodologies permettent d'améliorer la compréhension et l'analyse des trajectoires, par exemple dans le cas de l'estimation des paramètres embarqués à partir des paramètres radar. Le troisième axe, propose de nouvelles techniques de manipulation et de génération de données en utilisant le cadre de l'analyse de données fonctionnelles. Enfin, le quatrième axe se concentre sur l'extension en temps réel de l'algorithme post-opérationnel grâce à l'utilisation de techniques de contrôle optimal, donnant des pistes vers de nouveaux systèmes d'alerte permettant une meilleure conscience de la situation.Improving aviation safety generally involves identifying, detecting and managing undesirable events that can lead to final events with fatalities. Previous studies conducted by the French National Supervisory Authority have led to the identification of non-compliant approaches presenting deviation from standard procedures as undesirable events. This thesis aims to explore functional data analysis and machine learning techniques in order to provide algorithms for the detection and analysis of atypical trajectories in approach from ground side. Four research directions are being investigated. The first axis aims to develop a post-op analysis algorithm based on functional data analysis techniques and unsupervised learning for the detection of atypical behaviours in approach. The model is confronted with the analysis of airline flight safety offices, and is applied in the particular context of the COVID-19 crisis to illustrate its potential use while the global ATM system is facing a standstill. The second axis of research addresses the generation and extraction of information from radar data using new techniques such as Machine Learning. These methodologies allow to \mbox{improve} the understanding and the analysis of trajectories, for example in the case of the estimation of on-board parameters from radar parameters. The third axis proposes novel data manipulation and generation techniques using the functional data analysis framework. Finally, the fourth axis focuses on extending the post-operational algorithm into real time with the use of optimal control techniques, giving directions to new situation awareness alerting systems

    Numerical Computation, Data Analysis and Software in Mathematics and Engineering

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    The present book contains 14 articles that were accepted for publication in the Special Issue “Numerical Computation, Data Analysis and Software in Mathematics and Engineering” of the MDPI journal Mathematics. The topics of these articles include the aspects of the meshless method, numerical simulation, mathematical models, deep learning and data analysis. Meshless methods, such as the improved element-free Galerkin method, the dimension-splitting, interpolating, moving, least-squares method, the dimension-splitting, generalized, interpolating, element-free Galerkin method and the improved interpolating, complex variable, element-free Galerkin method, are presented. Some complicated problems, such as tge cold roll-forming process, ceramsite compound insulation block, crack propagation and heavy-haul railway tunnel with defects, are numerically analyzed. Mathematical models, such as the lattice hydrodynamic model, extended car-following model and smart helmet-based PLS-BPNN error compensation model, are proposed. The use of the deep learning approach to predict the mechanical properties of single-network hydrogel is presented, and data analysis for land leasing is discussed. This book will be interesting and useful for those working in the meshless method, numerical simulation, mathematical model, deep learning and data analysis fields

    Geo-Information Technology and Its Applications

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    Geo-information technology has been playing an ever more important role in environmental monitoring, land resource quantification and mapping, geo-disaster damage and risk assessment, urban planning and smart city development. This book focuses on the fundamental and applied research in these domains, aiming to promote exchanges and communications, share the research outcomes of scientists worldwide and to put these achievements better social use. This Special Issue collects fourteen high-quality research papers and is expected to provide a useful reference and technical support for graduate students, scientists, civil engineers and experts of governments to valorize scientific research

    A Novel Graph Neural Network-based Framework for Automatic Modulation Classification in Mobile Environments

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    Automatic modulation classification (AMC) refers to a signal processing procedure through which the modulation type and order of an observed signal are identified without any prior information about the communications setup. AMC has been recognized as one of the essential measures in various communications research fields such as intelligent modem design, spectrum sensing and management, and threat detection. The research literature in AMC is limited to accounting only for the noise that affects the received signal, which makes their models applicable for stationary environments. However, a more practical and real-world application of AMC can be found in mobile environments where a higher number of distorting effects is present. Hence, in this dissertation, we have developed a solution in which the distorting effects of mobile environments, e.g., multipath, Doppler shift, frequency, phase and timing offset, do not influence the process of identifying the modulation type and order classification. This solution has two major parts: recording an emulated dataset in mobile environments with real-world parameters (MIMOSigRef-SD), and developing an efficient feature-based AMC classifier. The latter itself includes two modules: feature extraction and classification. The feature extraction module runs upon a dynamic spatio-temporal graph convolutional neural network architecture, which tackles the challenges of statistical pattern recognition of received samples and assignment of constellation points. After organizing the feature space in the classification module, a support vector machine is adopted to be trained and perform classification operation. The designed robust feature extraction modules enable the developed solution to outperform other state-of-the-art AMC platforms in terms of classification accuracy and efficiency, which is an important factor for real-world implementations. We validated the performance of our developed solution in a prototyping and field-testing process in environments similar to MIMOSigRef-SD. Therefore, taking all aspects into consideration, our developed solution is deemed to be more practical and feasible for implementation in the next generations of communication systems. Advisor: Hamid R. Sharif-Kashan

    EG-ICE 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering

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    The 28th EG-ICE International Workshop 2021 brings together international experts working at the interface between advanced computing and modern engineering challenges. Many engineering tasks require open-world resolutions to support multi-actor collaboration, coping with approximate models, providing effective engineer-computer interaction, search in multi-dimensional solution spaces, accommodating uncertainty, including specialist domain knowledge, performing sensor-data interpretation and dealing with incomplete knowledge. While results from computer science provide much initial support for resolution, adaptation is unavoidable and most importantly, feedback from addressing engineering challenges drives fundamental computer-science research. Competence and knowledge transfer goes both ways