1,832 research outputs found

    Semi-supervised Embedding in Attributed Networks with Outliers

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    In this paper, we propose a novel framework, called Semi-supervised Embedding in Attributed Networks with Outliers (SEANO), to learn a low-dimensional vector representation that systematically captures the topological proximity, attribute affinity and label similarity of vertices in a partially labeled attributed network (PLAN). Our method is designed to work in both transductive and inductive settings while explicitly alleviating noise effects from outliers. Experimental results on various datasets drawn from the web, text and image domains demonstrate the advantages of SEANO over state-of-the-art methods in semi-supervised classification under transductive as well as inductive settings. We also show that a subset of parameters in SEANO is interpretable as outlier score and can significantly outperform baseline methods when applied for detecting network outliers. Finally, we present the use of SEANO in a challenging real-world setting -- flood mapping of satellite images and show that it is able to outperform modern remote sensing algorithms for this task.Comment: in Proceedings of SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'18

    On multi-view learning with additive models

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    In many scientific settings data can be naturally partitioned into variable groupings called views. Common examples include environmental (1st view) and genetic information (2nd view) in ecological applications, chemical (1st view) and biological (2nd view) data in drug discovery. Multi-view data also occur in text analysis and proteomics applications where one view consists of a graph with observations as the vertices and a weighted measure of pairwise similarity between observations as the edges. Further, in several of these applications the observations can be partitioned into two sets, one where the response is observed (labeled) and the other where the response is not (unlabeled). The problem for simultaneously addressing viewed data and incorporating unlabeled observations in training is referred to as multi-view transductive learning. In this work we introduce and study a comprehensive generalized fixed point additive modeling framework for multi-view transductive learning, where any view is represented by a linear smoother. The problem of view selection is discussed using a generalized Akaike Information Criterion, which provides an approach for testing the contribution of each view. An efficient implementation is provided for fitting these models with both backfitting and local-scoring type algorithms adjusted to semi-supervised graph-based learning. The proposed technique is assessed on both synthetic and real data sets and is shown to be competitive to state-of-the-art co-training and graph-based techniques.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOAS202 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Applicability of semi-supervised learning assumptions for gene ontology terms prediction

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    Gene Ontology (GO) is one of the most important resources in bioinformatics, aiming to provide a unified framework for the biological annotation of genes and proteins across all species. Predicting GO terms is an essential task for bioinformatics, but the number of available labelled proteins is in several cases insufficient for training reliable machine learning classifiers. Semi-supervised learning methods arise as a powerful solution that explodes the information contained in unlabelled data in order to improve the estimations of traditional supervised approaches. However, semi-supervised learning methods have to make strong assumptions about the nature of the training data and thus, the performance of the predictor is highly dependent on these assumptions. This paper presents an analysis of the applicability of semi-supervised learning assumptions over the specific task of GO terms prediction, focused on providing judgment elements that allow choosing the most suitable tools for specific GO terms. The results show that semi-supervised approaches significantly outperform the traditional supervised methods and that the highest performances are reached when applying the cluster assumption. Besides, it is experimentally demonstrated that cluster and manifold assumptions are complimentary to each other and an analysis of which GO terms can be more prone to be correctly predicted with each assumption, is provided.Postprint (published version

    Discrete-Continuous ADMM for Transductive Inference in Higher-Order MRFs

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    This paper introduces a novel algorithm for transductive inference in higher-order MRFs, where the unary energies are parameterized by a variable classifier. The considered task is posed as a joint optimization problem in the continuous classifier parameters and the discrete label variables. In contrast to prior approaches such as convex relaxations, we propose an advantageous decoupling of the objective function into discrete and continuous subproblems and a novel, efficient optimization method related to ADMM. This approach preserves integrality of the discrete label variables and guarantees global convergence to a critical point. We demonstrate the advantages of our approach in several experiments including video object segmentation on the DAVIS data set and interactive image segmentation
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