26 research outputs found

    A fast passivity test for descriptor systems via structure-preserving transformations of Skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencils

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    Passivity in a VLSI model is an important property to guarantee stable global simulation. Most VLSI models are naturally described as descriptor systems (DSs) or singular state spaces. Passivity tests for DSs, however, are much less developed compared to their non-singular state space counterparts. For large-scale DSs, the existing test based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) is computationally prohibitive. Other system decoupling techniques involve complicated coding and sometimes ill-conditioned transformations. This paper proposes a simple DS passivity test based on the key insight that the sum of a passive system and its adjoint must be impulse-free. A sidetrack shows that the proper (non-impulsive) part of a passive DS can be easily decoupled along the test flow. Numerical examples confirm the effectiveness of the proposed DS passivity test over conventional approaches. Copyright 2006 ACM.published_or_final_versio

    A Perturbation Scheme for Passivity Verification and Enforcement of Parameterized Macromodels

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    This paper presents an algorithm for checking and enforcing passivity of behavioral reduced-order macromodels of LTI systems, whose frequency-domain (scattering) responses depend on external parameters. Such models, which are typically extracted from sampled input-output responses obtained from numerical solution of first-principle physical models, usually expressed as Partial Differential Equations, prove extremely useful in design flows, since they allow optimization, what-if or sensitivity analyses, and design centering. Starting from an implicit parameterization of both poles and residues of the model, as resulting from well-known model identification schemes based on the Generalized Sanathanan-Koerner iteration, we construct a parameter-dependent Skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencil. The iterative extraction of purely imaginary eigenvalues ot fhe pencil, combined with an adaptive sampling scheme in the parameter space, is able to identify all regions in the frequency-parameter plane where local passivity violations occur. Then, a singular value perturbation scheme is setup to iteratively correct the model coefficients, until all local passivity violations are eliminated. The final result is a corrected model, which is uniformly passive throughout the parameter range. Several numerical examples denomstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology on 13-Apr-201

    An efficient projector-based passivity test for descriptor systems

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    An efficient passivity test based on canonical projector techniques is proposed for descriptor systems (DSs) widely encountered in circuit and system modeling. The test features a natural flow that first evaluates the index of a DS, followed by possible decoupling into its proper and improper subsystems. Explicit state-space formulations for respective subsystems are derived to facilitate further processing such as model order reduction and/or passivity enforcement. Efficient projector construction and a fast generalized Hamiltonian test for the proper-part passivity are also elaborated. Numerical examples then confirm the superiority of the proposed method over existing passivity tests for DSs based on linear matrix inequalities or skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencils. © 2010 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    GHM: A generalized Hamiltonian method for passivity test of impedance/admittance descriptor systems

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    A generalized Hamiltonian method (GHM) is proposed for passivity test of descriptor systems (DSs) which describe impedance or admittance input-output responses. GHM can test passivity of DSs with any system index without minimal realization. This frequency-independent method can avoid the time-consuming system decomposition as required in many existing DS passivity test approaches. Furthermore, GHM can test systems with singular D + DT where traditional Hamiltonian method fails, and enjoys a more accurate passivity violation identification compared to frequency sweeping techniques. Numerical results have verified the effectiveness of GHM. The proposed method constitutes a versatile tool to speed up passivity check and enforcement of DSs and subsequently ensures globally stable simulations of electrical circuits and components. Copyright 2009 ACM.published_or_final_versio

    5 Post-processing methods for passivity enforcement

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    Many physical systems are passive (or dissipative): they are unable to generate energy on their own, but they can store energy in some form while exchanging power with the surrounding environment. This chapter describes the most prominent approaches for ensuring that Reduced Order Models are passive, so that their math- ematical representation satisfies an appropriate dissipativity condition. The main focus is on Linear and Time-Invariant (LTI) systems in state-space form. Different conditions for testing passivity of a given LTI model are discussed, including Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs), Frequency-Domain Inequalities, and spectral conditions on associated Hamiltonian matrices. Then we describe common approaches for perturbing a given non-passive system to enforce its passivity. Various examples from electronic applications are used to demonstrate both theory and algorithm performance

    Passivity test of immittance descriptor systems based on generalized hamiltonian methods

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    A generalized Hamiltonian method (GHM) and its half-size variant (HGHM) are proposed to characterize the spectral behaviors of descriptor systems (DSs). With the preprocess improper part test, GHM and HGHM can be applied to test the passivity of immittance (impedance or admittance) DSs without system decomposition, system index assumption, or minimal realization requirement, which are the major bottlenecks of existing algebraic DS passivity tests. The proposed method allows exact detection of nonpassive frequency intervals, which is not possible with frequency-sweeping techniques. Numerical results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methods. © 2006 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    PEDS: Passivity enforcement for descriptor systems via Hamiltonian- symplectic matrix pencil perturbation

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    Passivity is a crucial property of macromodels to guarantee stable global (interconnected) simulation. However, weakly nonpassive models may be generated for passive circuits and systems in various contexts, such as data fitting, model order reduction (MOR) and electromagnetic (EM) macromodeling. Therefore, a post-processing passivity enforcement algorithm is desired. Most existing algorithms are designed to handle poleresidue models. The few algorithms for state space models only handle regular systems (RSs) with a nonsingular D+D T term. To the authors' best knowledge, no algorithm has been proposed to enforce passivity for more general descriptor systems (DSs) and state space models with singular D + D T terms. In this paper, a new post-processing passivity enforcement algorithm based on perturbation of Hamiltonian-symplectic matrix pencil, PEDS, is proposed. PEDS, for the first time, can enforce passivity for DSs. It can also handle all kinds of state space models (both RSs and DSs) with singular D + D T terms. Moreover, a criterion to control the error of perturbation is devised, with which the optimal passive models with the best accuracy can be obtained. Numerical examples then verify that PEDS is efficient, robust and relatively cheap for passivity enforcement of DSs with mild passivity violations. ©2010 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD 2010), San Jose, CA., 7-11 November 2010. In Proceedings of ICCAD, 2010, p. 800-80

    Passivity enforcement for descriptor systems via matrix pencil perturbation

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    Passivity is an important property of circuits and systems to guarantee stable global simulation. Nonetheless, nonpassive models may result from passive underlying structures due to numerical or measurement error/inaccuracy. A postprocessing passivity enforcement algorithm is therefore desirable to perturb the model to be passive under a controlled error. However, previous literature only reports such passivity enforcement algorithms for pole-residue models and regular systems (RSs). In this paper, passivity enforcement algorithms for descriptor systems (DSs, a superset of RSs) with possibly singular direct term (specifically, D+D T or I-DD T) are proposed. The proposed algorithms cover all kinds of state-space models (RSs or DSs, with direct terms being singular or nonsingular, in the immittance or scattering representation) and thus have a much wider application scope than existing algorithms. The passivity enforcement is reduced to two standard optimization problems that can be solved efficiently. The objective functions in both optimization problems are the error functions, hence perturbed models with adequate accuracy can be obtained. Numerical examples then verify the efficiency and robustness of the proposed algorithms. © 2012 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    System- and Data-Driven Methods and Algorithms

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    An increasing complexity of models used to predict real-world systems leads to the need for algorithms to replace complex models with far simpler ones, while preserving the accuracy of the predictions. This two-volume handbook covers methods as well as applications. This first volume focuses on real-time control theory, data assimilation, real-time visualization, high-dimensional state spaces and interaction of different reduction techniques

    New impulse (noncausality) test for descriptor systems by Mobius-transformation

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    Descriptor systems (DSs) are usually used to model very-large-scale integration (VLSI) circuit systems and multibody dynamics macromodeling. The analysis of DSs, however, is much more complicated than linear time-invariant (LTI) systems due to the poles at infinity. Mȯbius transformation (MT) provides a way to transform poles at infinity to finite poles and largely facilitates the reuse or adaptation of the standard techniques for LTI system to analyze DSs. Nonetheless, MT is well known in the literature and its potential use is currently less appreciated in the analysis of DSs. This paper gives a new way to the impulse (noncausality) test using the properties of the transformed LTI systems by MT. Moreover, the applications to the analysis of controllability, observability and regularity are given. Numerical examples are included to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2012 Chinese Assoc of Automati.published_or_final_versio