42 research outputs found

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 17. Number 2.

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    Scalable Bayesian Inference Using Stochastic Gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo

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    Bayesian inference offers a flexible framework to account for uncertainty across all unobserved quantities in a model. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a class of sampling algorithms which simulate from the Bayesian posterior distribution. These methods are generally regarded as the go-to computational technique for practical Bayesian modelling. MCMC is well-understood, offers (asymptotically) exact inference, and can be implemented intuitively. Samplers built upon the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm can benefit from strong theoretical guarantees under reasonable conditions. Derived from discrete-time approximations of Itô diffusions, gradient-based samplers (Roberts and Rosenthal, 1998; Neal, 2011) leverage local gradient information in their proposal, allowing for efficient exploration of the posterior. The most championed of the diffusion processes are the overdamped Langevin diffusion and Hamiltonian dynamics. In large data settings, standard MCMC can falter. The per-iteration cost of calculating the loglikelihood in the Metropolis-Hastings acceptance step scales with dataset size. Gradient-based samplers are doubly afflicted in this scenario, given that a full-data gradient is computed each iteration. These issues have prompted considerable interest in developing approaches for scalable Bayesian inference. This thesis proposes novel contributions for stochastic gradient MCMC (Welling and Teh, 2011; Ma et al., 2015; Nemeth and Fearnhead, 2021). Stochastic gradient MCMC utilises data subsampling to construct a noisy, unbiased estimate of the gradient of the log-posterior. The first two chapters review key background from the literature. Chapter 3 presents our first paper contribution. In this work, we extend stochastic gradient MCMC to time series, via non-linear, non-Gaussian state space models. Chapter 4 presents the second paper contribution of this thesis. Here, we examine the use of a preferential subsampling distribution to reweight the stochastic gradient and improve variance control. Chapter 5 evaluates the feasibility of using determinantal point processes (Kulesza et al., 2012) for data subsampling in SGLD. We conclude and propose directions for future work in Chapter 6

    Time-, Graph- and Value-based Sampling of Internet of Things Sensor Networks

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    A statistical mechanical model of economics

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    Statistical mechanics pursues low-dimensional descriptions of systems with a very large number of degrees of freedom. I explore this theme in two contexts. The main body of this dissertation explores and extends the Yard Sale Model (YSM) of economic transactions using a combination of simulations and theory. The YSM is a simple interacting model for wealth distributions which has the potential to explain the empirical observation of Pareto distributions of wealth. I develop the link between wealth condensation and the breakdown of ergodicity due to nonlinear diffusion effects which are analogous to the geometric random walk. Using this, I develop a deterministic effective theory of wealth transfer in the YSM that is useful for explaining many quantitative results. I introduce various forms of growth to the model, paying attention to the effect of growth on wealth condensation, inequality, and ergodicity. Arithmetic growth is found to partially break condensation, and geometric growth is found to completely break condensation. Further generalizations of geometric growth with growth in- equality show that the system is divided into two phases by a tipping point in the inequality parameter. The tipping point marks the line between systems which are ergodic and systems which exhibit wealth condensation. I explore generalizations of the YSM transaction scheme to arbitrary betting functions to develop notions of universality in YSM-like models. I find that wealth condensation is universal to a large class of models which can be divided into two phases. The first exhibits slow, power-law condensation dynamics, and the second exhibits fast, finite-time condensation dynamics. I find that the YSM, which exhibits exponential dynamics, is the critical, self-similar model which marks the dividing line between the two phases. The final chapter develops a low-dimensional approach to materials microstructure quantification. Modern materials design harnesses complex microstructure effects to develop high-performance materials, but general microstructure quantification is an unsolved problem. Motivated by statistical physics, I envision microstructure as a low-dimensional manifold, and construct this manifold by leveraging multiple machine learning approaches including transfer learning, dimensionality reduction, and computer vision breakthroughs with convolutional neural networks

    Temporal abstraction and generalisation in reinforcement learning

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    The ability of agents to generalise---to perform well when presented with previously unseen situations and data---is deeply important to the reliability, autonomy, and functionality of artificial intelligence systems. The generalisation test examines an agent's ability to reason over the world in an \emph{abstract} manner. In reinforcement learning problem settings, where an agent interacts continually with the environment, multiple notions of abstraction are possible. State-based abstraction allows for generalised behaviour across different \mccorrect{observations in the environment} that share similar properties. On the other hand, temporal abstraction is concerned with generalisation over an agent's own behaviour. This form of abstraction allows an agent to reason in a unified manner over different sequences of actions that may lead to similar outcomes. Data abstraction refers to the fact that agents may need to make use of information gleaned using data from one sampling distribution, while being evaluated on a different sampling distribution. This thesis develops algorithmic, theoretical, and empirical results on the questions of state abstraction, temporal abstraction, and finite-data generalisation performance for reinforcement learning algorithms. To focus on data abstraction, we explore an imitation learning setting. We provide a novel algorithm for completely offline imitation learning, as well as an empirical evaluation pipeline for offline reinforcement learning algorithms, encouraging honest and principled data complexity results and discouraging overfitting of algorithm hyperparameters to the environment on which test scores are reported. In order to more deeply explore state abstraction, we provide finite-sample analysis of target network performance---a key architectural element of deep reinforcement learning. By conducting our analysis in the fully nonlinear setting, we are able to help explain the strong performance of nonlinear neural-network based function approximation. Finally, we consider the question of temporal abstraction, providing an algorithm for semi-supervised (partially reward-free) learning of skills. This algorithm improves on the variational option discovery framework---solving a key under-specification problem in the domain---by defining skills which are specified in terms of a learned, reward-dependent state abstraction

    The 4th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationBalancing the trade off between the spatial and temporal quality of interactive computer graphics imagery is one of the fundamental design challenges in the construction of rendering systems. Inexpensive interactive rendering hardware may deliver a high level of temporal performance if the level of spatial image quality is sufficiently constrained. In these cases, the spatial fidelity level is an independent parameter of the system and temporal performance is a dependent variable. The spatial quality parameter is selected for the system by the designer based on the anticipated graphics workload. Interactive ray tracing is one example; the algorithm is often selected due to its ability to deliver a high level of spatial fidelity, and the relatively lower level of temporal performance isreadily accepted. This dissertation proposes an algorithm to perform fine-grained adjustments to the trade off between the spatial quality of images produced by an interactive renderer, and the temporal performance or quality of the rendered image sequence. The approach first determines the minimum amount of sampling work necessary to achieve a certain fidelity level, and then allows the surplus capacity to be directed towards spatial or temporal fidelity improvement. The algorithm consists of an efficient parallel spatial and temporal adaptive rendering mechanism and a control optimization problem which adjusts the sampling rate based on a characterization of the rendered imagery and constraints on the capacity of the rendering system

    Classical simulations of Gaussian boson sampling

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