4,839 research outputs found

    DCDIDP: A distributed, collaborative, and data-driven intrusion detection and prevention framework for cloud computing environments

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    With the growing popularity of cloud computing, the exploitation of possible vulnerabilities grows at the same pace; the distributed nature of the cloud makes it an attractive target for potential intruders. Despite security issues delaying its adoption, cloud computing has already become an unstoppable force; thus, security mechanisms to ensure its secure adoption are an immediate need. Here, we focus on intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPSs) to defend against the intruders. In this paper, we propose a Distributed, Collaborative, and Data-driven Intrusion Detection and Prevention system (DCDIDP). Its goal is to make use of the resources in the cloud and provide a holistic IDPS for all cloud service providers which collaborate with other peers in a distributed manner at different architectural levels to respond to attacks. We present the DCDIDP framework, whose infrastructure level is composed of three logical layers: network, host, and global as well as platform and software levels. Then, we review its components and discuss some existing approaches to be used for the modules in our proposed framework. Furthermore, we discuss developing a comprehensive trust management framework to support the establishment and evolution of trust among different cloud service providers. © 2011 ICST

    Application acceleration for wireless and mobile data networks

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    This work studies application acceleration for wireless and mobile data networks. The problem of accelerating application can be addressed along multiple dimensions. The first dimension is advanced network protocol design, i.e., optimizing underlying network protocols, particulary transport layer protocol and link layer protocol. Despite advanced network protocol design, in this work we observe that certain application behaviors can fundamentally limit the performance achievable when operating over wireless and mobile data networks. The performance difference is caused by the complex application behaviors of these non-FTP applications. Explicitly dealing with application behaviors can improve application performance for new environments. Along this overcoming application behavior dimension, we accelerate applications by studying specific types of applications including Client-server, Peer-to-peer and Location-based applications. In exploring along this dimension, we identify a set of application behaviors that significantly affect application performance. To accommodate these application behaviors, we firstly extract general design principles that can apply to any applications whenever possible. These design principles can also be integrated into new application designs. We also consider specific applications by applying these design principles and build prototypes to demonstrate the effectiveness of the solutions. In the context of application acceleration, even though all the challenges belong to the two aforementioned dimensions of advanced network protocol design and overcoming application behavior are addressed, application performance can still be limited by the underlying network capability, particularly physical bandwidth. In this work, we study the possibility of speeding up data delivery by eliminating traffic redundancy present in application traffics. Specifically, we first study the traffic redundancy along multiple dimensions using traces obtained from multiple real wireless network deployments. Based on the insights obtained from the analysis, we propose Wireless Memory (WM), a two-ended AP-client solution to effectively exploit traffic redundancy in wireless and mobile environments. Application acceleration can be achieved along two other dimensions: network provision ing and quality of service (QoS). Network provisioning allocates network resources such as physical bandwidth or wireless spectrum, while QoS provides different priority to different applications, users, or data flows. These two dimensions have their respective limitations in the context of application acceleration. In this work, we focus on the two dimensions of overcoming application behavior and Eliminating traffic redundancy to improve application performance. The contribution of this work is as follows. First, we study the problem of application acceleration for wireless and mobile data networks, and we characterize the dimensions along which to address the problem. Second, we identify that application behaviors can significantly affect application performance, and we propose a set of design principles to deal with the behaviors. We also build prototypes to conduct system research. Third, we consider traffic redundancy elimination and propose a wireless memory approach.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Sivakumar, Raghupathy; Committee Member: Ammar, Mostafa; Committee Member: Fekri, Faramarz; Committee Member: Ji, Chuanyi; Committee Member: Ramachandran, Umakishor

    Mobile Edge Computing

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    This is an open access book. It offers comprehensive, self-contained knowledge on Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), which is a very promising technology for achieving intelligence in the next-generation wireless communications and computing networks. The book starts with the basic concepts, key techniques and network architectures of MEC. Then, we present the wide applications of MEC, including edge caching, 6G networks, Internet of Vehicles, and UAVs. In the last part, we present new opportunities when MEC meets blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and distributed machine learning (e.g., federated learning). We also identify the emerging applications of MEC in pandemic, industrial Internet of Things and disaster management. The book allows an easy cross-reference owing to the broad coverage on both the principle and applications of MEC. The book is written for people interested in communications and computer networks at all levels. The primary audience includes senior undergraduates, postgraduates, educators, scientists, researchers, developers, engineers, innovators and research strategists

    Models and Protocols for Resource Optimization in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless mesh networks are built on a mix of fixed and mobile nodes interconnected via wireless links to form a multihop ad hoc network. An emerging application area for wireless mesh networks is their evolution into a converged infrastructure used to share and extend, to mobile users, the wireless Internet connectivity of sparsely deployed fixed lines with heterogeneous capacity, ranging from ISP-owned broadband links to subscriber owned low-speed connections. In this thesis we address different key research issues for this networking scenario. First, we propose an analytical predictive tool, developing a queuing network model capable of predicting the network capacity and we use it in a load aware routing protocol in order to provide, to the end users, a quality of service based on the throughput. We then extend the queuing network model and introduce a multi-class queuing network model to predict analytically the average end-to-end packet delay of the traffic flows among the mobile end users and the Internet. The analytical models are validated against simulation. Second, we propose an address auto-configuration solution to extend the coverage of a wireless mesh network by interconnecting it to a mobile ad hoc network in a transparent way for the infrastructure network (i.e., the legacy Internet interconnected to the wireless mesh network). Third, we implement two real testbed prototypes of the proposed solutions as a proof-of-concept, both for the load aware routing protocol and the auto-configuration protocol. Finally we discuss the issues related to the adoption of ad hoc networking technologies to address the fragility of our communication infrastructure and to build the next generation of dependable, secure and rapidly deployable communications infrastructures

    Adaptive trust and reputation system as a security service in group communications

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    Group communications has been facilitating many emerging applications which require packet delivery from one or more sender(s) to multiple receivers. Owing to the multicasting and broadcasting nature, group communications are susceptible to various kinds of attacks. Though a number of proposals have been reported to secure group communications, provisioning security in group communications remains a critical and challenging issue. This work first presents a survey on recent advances in security requirements and services in group communications in wireless and wired networks, and discusses challenges in designing secure group communications in these networks. Effective security services to secure group communications are then proposed. This dissertation also introduces the taxonomy of security services, which can be applied to secure group communications, and evaluates existing secure group communications schemes. This dissertation work analyzes a number of vulnerabilities against trust and reputation systems, and proposes a threat model to predict attack behaviors. This work also considers scenarios in which multiple attacking agents actively and collaboratively attack the whole network as well as a specific individual node. The behaviors may be related to both performance issues and security issues. Finally, this work extensively examines and substantiates the security of the proposed trust and reputation system. This work next discusses the proposed trust and reputation system for an anonymous network, referred to as the Adaptive Trust-based Anonymous Network (ATAN). The distributed and decentralized network management in ATAN does not require a central authority so that ATAN alleviates the problem of a single point of failure. In ATAN, the trust and reputation system aims to enhance anonymity by establishing a trust and reputation relationship between the source and the forwarding members. The trust and reputation relationship of any two nodes is adaptive to new information learned by these two nodes or recommended from other trust nodes. Therefore, packets are anonymously routed from the \u27trusted\u27 source to the destination through \u27trusted\u27 intermediate nodes, thereby improving anonymity of communications. In the performance analysis, the ratio of the ATAN header and data payload is around 0.1, which is relatively small. This dissertation offers analysis on security services on group communications. It illustrates that these security services are needed to incorporate with each other such that group communications can be secure. Furthermore, the adaptive trust and reputation system is proposed to integrate the concept of trust and reputation into communications. Although deploying the trust and reputation system incurs some overheads in terms of storage spaces, bandwidth and computation cycles, it shows a very promising performance that enhance users\u27 confidence in using group communications, and concludes that the trust and reputation system should be deployed as another layer of security services to protect group communications against malicious adversaries and attacks

    Global Consistency Management Methods Based on Escrow Approaches in Mobile ad Hoc Networks

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    Context-aware Approach for Determining the Threshold Price in Name-Your-Own-Price Channels

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    Key feature of a context-aware application is the ability to adapt based on the change of context. Two approaches that are widely used in this regard are the context-action pair mapping where developers match an action to execute for a particular context change and the adaptive learning where a context-aware application refines its action over time based on the preceding action’s outcome. Both these approaches have limitation which makes them unsuitable in situations where a context-aware application has to deal with unknown context changes. In this paper we propose a framework where adaptation is carried out via concurrent multi-action evaluation of a dynamically created action space. This dynamic creation of the action space eliminates the need for relying on the developers to create context-action pairs and the concurrent multi-action evaluation reduces the adaptation time as opposed to the iterative approach used by adaptive learning techniques. Using our reference implementation of the framework we show how it could be used to dynamically determine the threshold price in an e-commerce system which uses the name-your-own-price (NYOP) strategy

    Addressing Insider Threats from Smart Devices

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    Smart devices have unique security challenges and are becoming increasingly common. They have been used in the past to launch cyber attacks such as the Mirai attack. This work is focused on solving the threats posed to and by smart devices inside a network. The size of the problem is quantified; the initial compromise is prevented where possible, and compromised devices are identified. To gain insight into the size of the problem, campus Domain Name System (DNS) measurements were taken that allow for wireless traffic to be separated from wired traffic. Two-thirds of the DNS traffic measured came from wireless hosts, implying that mobile devices are playing a bigger role in networks. Also, port scans and service discovery protocols were used to identify Internet of Things (IoT) devices on the campus network and follow-up work was done to assess the state of the IoT devices. Motivated by these findings, three solutions were developed. To handle the scenario when compromised mobile devices are connected to the network, a new strategy for steppingstone detection was developed with both an application layer and a transport layer solution. The proposed solution is effective even when the mobile device cellular connection is used. Also, malicious or vulnerable applications make it through the mobile app store vetting process. A user space tool was developed that identifies apps contacting malicious domains in real time and collects data for research purposes. Malicious app behavior can then be identified on the user’s device, catching malicious apps that were overlooked by software vetting. Last, the variety of IoT device types and manufacturers makes the job of keeping them secure difficult. A generic framework was developed to lighten the management burden of securing IoT devices, serve as a middle box to secure legacy devices, and also use DNS queries as a way to identify misbehaving devices