13 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Integrated Framework for Software Process Improvement

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    Current software process models (CMM, SPICE, etc.) strongly recommend the application of statistical control and measure guides to define, implement, and evaluate the effects of different process improvements. However, whilst quantitative modeling has been widely used in other fields, it has not been considered enough in the field of software process improvement. During the last decade software process simulation has been used to address a wide diversity of management problems. Some of these problems are related to strategic management, technology adoption, understanding, training and learning, and risk management, among others. In this work a dynamic integrated framework for software processimprovement ispres ented. Thisframework combinestraditional estimation models with an intensive utilization of dynamic simulation models of the software process. The aim of this framework is to support a qualitative and quantitative assessment for software process improvement and decision making to achieve a higher software development process capability according to the Capability Maturity Model. The conceptsunderlying thisframework have been implemented in a software process improvement tool that has been used in a local software organization. The results obtained and the lessons learned are also presented in this paperCICYT TIC2001-1143-C03-0

    Integrating Dynamic Models for CMM-Based Software Process Improvement

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    During the last decade software process simulation has been used to address a wide diversity of management problems. Some of these problems are related to strategic management, technology adoption, understanding, training and learning, and risk management, among others. In this work a dynamic integrated framework for software process improvement is presented. This framework combines traditional estimation static models with an intensive utilization of dynamic simulation models of the software process. The aim of this framework is to support a qualitative and quantitative assessment for software process improvement and decision making to achieve a higher software development process capability according to the Capability Maturity Model. The paper describes the concepts underlying this framework, its implementation, the dynamic approach followed to systematically develop the dynamic modules, and an example of its potential use and benefits.CICYT TIC2001-1143-C03-0

    Modular Software Process Simulation Models Through Metamodeling

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    In this paper we present the main concepts and principles of a multilevel architecture to help in the development of modularized and reusable software process models under the System Dynamics approach. The conceptual ideas of the multilevel architecture have been formalized using UML as a notation. Metamodeling is used to support the process of abstract modules development. The architecture proposed is also based on ISO鈥檚 Information Resource Dictionary System. The principles of the architecture and overall guide to develop software process simulation models are described in this work.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a TIN2004-06689-C03-0

    Improving software process maturity through dynamic modeling and simulation

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    Los modelos de procesos actuales como CMM, SPICE y otros recomiendan la aplicaci贸n de control estad铆stico y de gu铆as de m茅tricas para la definici贸n, implementaci贸n y posterior evaluaci贸n de diferentes mejoras del proceso. Sin embargo, precisamente en este contexto no se ha considerado lo suficiente el modelado cuantitativo, reconocido en otras 谩reas como un elemento esencial para la adquisici贸n de conocimiento. En este trabajo se describe la base conceptual y fundamental utilizada para el desarrollo de un marco enfocado a la mejora de procesos software que combina las t茅cnicas de estimaci贸n tradicionales con la utilizaci贸n extensiva de modelos din谩micos de simulaci贸n como herramienta para asesorar en el proceso de evoluci贸n entre los diferentes niveles de madurez propuestos por el modelo de referencia CMM. Tras la necesaria introducci贸n a los conceptos fundamentales del modelado y simulaci贸n del proceso software y la justificaci贸n para la creaci贸n de dicho marco, se abordan las cuestiones fundamentales para su desarrollo, tales como el enfoque conceptual y su estructura, prestando especial atenci贸n al paradigma de desarrollo de los modelos din谩micos de simulaci贸n que le dan soporte.Current software process models (CMM, SPICE, etc.) strongly recommend the application of statistical control and measure guides to define, implement and evaluate the effects of different process improvements. However, whilst quantitative modelling has been widely used in other fields, it has not been considered enough in the field of software process improvement. During the last decade software process simulation has been used to address a wide diversity of management problems. Some of these problems are related to strategic management, technology adoption, understanding, training and learning, and risk management, among others. In this work a dynamic integrated framework for software process improvement is presented. This framework combines traditional estimation models with an intensive utilisation of dynamic simulation models of software process. The aim of this framework is to support a qualitative and quantitative assessment for software process improvement and decision making to achieve a higher software development process capability according to the Capability Maturity Model. The concepts underlying this framework have been implemented in a software process improvement tool that has been used in a local software organisation. The results obtained and the lessons learned are also presented in this paper.Comisi贸n Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a (CICYT) TIC2001-1143-C03-0

    Software Process Dynamics: Modeling, Simulation and Improvement

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    The aim of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the dynamics of the software process, the ways to represent and formalize it, and how it can be integrated with other techniques to facilitate, among other things, process improvement. In order to achieve this goal, different approaches of software process modeling and simulation will be introduced, analyzing their pros and cons. Then, continuous modeling will be used as the modeling approach to build software process models that work in the qualitative and quantitative fields, assessing the decision-making process and the software process improvement arena. The integration of this approach with current process assessment models (such as CMM), static and algorithmic models (such as traditional models used in the estimation process) and the design of a metrics collection program which is triggered by the actual process of model building will also be described in the chapter.Comisi贸n Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a (CICYT) TIN2004-06689-C03-0

    Towards Interactive Systems Usability Improvement through Simulation Modeling

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    Nowadays, usability has become an essential contribution to the success of interactive systems and is recognized as a quality attribute for software products. This paper proposes the use of dynamic simulation models for the improvement of interactive systems usability through the application of a User Centered Design (UCD) process and its integration into the software development process. The simulation model developed is used to experiment on the effect that different levels of usability have over the behavior of the UCD process in a specific kind of interactive systems such as web site application development.Comisi贸n Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a (CICYT) TIC 2003-369Comisi贸n Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a (CICYT) TIC-2001-1143-C03-0

    Using Dynamic Modeling and Simulation to Improve the COTS Software Process

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    In the last several years, software industry has undergone a significant transition to the use of existing component products in building systems. Nowadays, more and more solutions are built by integrating Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products rather than building from scratch. This new approach for software development has specific features that add new factors that need to be taken into account to successfully face software development. In this paper, we present the first results of developing a dynamic simulation model to model and simulate the COTS-based software development process with the aim of helping to understand the specific features of this kind of software development, and design and evaluate software process improvements. An example of how to use these dynamic simulation models to study how the system integration starting point affects the main project variables is shown.CICYT TIC2001-1143-C03-0

    An Integrated Framework for Simulation-based Software Process Improvement

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    In this paper we present an integrated framework for software process improvement according to CMM. The framework is double-integrated. First, it is based on the systematic integration of dynamic modules to build a dynamic model to model each maturity level proposed in the reference model. As a consequence, a hierarchical set of dynamic models is developed following the same hierarchy of levels suggested in CMM. Second, the dynamic models of the framework are integrated with the use of different static techniques commonly used in planning, control, and process evaluation. The paper describes the reasons found to follow this approach, the integration process of models and techniques, the implementation of the framework, and shows an example of how it can be used in a software process improvement regarding the cost of software quality.CICYT TIC2001-1143-C03-0

    Simulating the Software Development Lifecycle: The Waterfall Model

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    (1) Background: This study employs a simulation-based approach, adapting the waterfall model, to provides estimates for projects and individual phase completion times. Additionally, it pin-points potential efficiency issues stemming from a suboptimal resource level. It further demonstrates how one can go on to identify a resource level that effectively eliminates bottlenecks and curtails the idle time of resources. (2) Methods: We implement our software development lifecycle using SimPy, a discrete-event simulation framework written in Python. Our model is executed on 100 projects of varying sizes over three stages. The first, pre-optimization, provides insight based on the initial set of resources. This is followed by the optimization stage, which serves to identify the optimal number of resources to eliminate bottlenecks and minimize idle time. The third stage, post-optimization, evaluates the resource optimized model. (3) Results: The analysis of the simulation-generated data reveals the presence of resource bottlenecks during the pre-optimization stage, particularly in the implementation phase. These dissipate after optimization. (4) Conclusions: The findings emphasize the advantage of using simulation as a safe and effective way to experiment and plan for software development projects. Such simulations also allow those man-aging software development projects to make accurate, evidence-based projections as to phase and project completion times and identify optimal resource levels and their interplay. In particular, understanding the tradeoffs between experiencing delayed completion times and procuring additional resources to alleviate any bottlenecks

    Using Simulation to Aid Decision Making in Managing the Usability Evaluation Process

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    Context: This paper is developed in the context of Usability Engineering. More specifically, it focuses on the use of modelling and simulation to help decision-making in the scope of usability evaluation. Objective: The main goal of this paper is to present UESim: a System Dynamics simulation model to help decision-making in the make-up of the usability evaluation team during the process of usability evaluation. Method: To develop this research we followed four main research phases: a) study identification, b) study development, c) running and observation and finally, d) reflexion. In relation with these phases the paper describes the literature revision, the model building and validation, the model simulation and its results and finally the reflexion on it. Results: We developed and validated a model to simulate the usability evaluation process. Through three different simulations we analysed the effects of different compositions of the evaluation team on the outcome of the evaluation. The simulation results show the utility of the model in the decision making of the usability evaluation process by changing the number and expertise of evaluators employed. Conclusion: One of the main advantages of using such a simulation model is that it allows developers to observe the evolution of the key indicators of the evaluation process over time. UESim represents a customisable tool to help decision-making in the management of the usability evaluation process, since it makes it possible to analyse how the key process indicators are affected by the main management options of the Usability Evaluation Process