17 research outputs found

    A Digital Game Maturity Model (DGMM)

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    Game development is an interdisciplinary concept that embraces artistic, software engineering, management, and business disciplines. This research facilitates a better understanding of important dimensions of digital game development methodology. Game development is considered as one of the most complex tasks in software engineering. The increased popularity of digital games, the challenges faced by game development organizations in developing quality games, and high competition in the digital game industry demand a game development maturity assessment. Consequently, this study presents a Digital Game Maturity Model to evaluate the current development methodology in an organization. The framework of this model consists of assessment questionnaires, a performance scale, and a rating method. The main goal of the questionnaires is to collect information about current processes and practices. In general, this research contributes towards formulating a comprehensive and unified strategy for game development maturity evaluation. Two case studies were conducted and their assessment results reported. These demonstrate the level of maturity of current development practices in two organizations

    A Digital Game Maturity Model

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    Game development is an interdisciplinary concept that embraces artistic, software engineering, management, and business disciplines. Game development is considered as one of the most complex tasks in software engineering. Hence, for successful development of good-quality games, the game developers must consider and explore all related dimensions as well as discussing them with the stakeholders involved. This research facilitates a better understanding of important dimensions of digital game development methodology. The increased popularity of digital games, the challenges faced by game development organizations in developing quality games, and severe competition in the digital game industry demand a game development process maturity assessment. Consequently, this study presents a Digital Game Maturity Model to evaluate the current development methodology in an organization. The objective is first to identify key factors in the game development process, then to classify these factors into target groups, and eventually to use this grouping as a theoretical basis for proposing a maturity model for digital game development. In doing so, the research focuses on three major stakeholders in game development: developers, consumers, and business management. The framework of the proposed model consists of assessment questionnaires made up of key identified factors from three empirical studies, a performance scale, and a rating method. The main goal of the questionnaires is to collect information about current processes and practices. This research contributes towards formulating a comprehensive and unified strategy for game development process maturity assessment. The proposed model was evaluated with two case studies from the digital game industry

    Game Development Software Engineering Process Life Cycle: A Systematic Review

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    Software game is a kind of application that is used not only for entertainment, but also for serious purposes that can be applicable to different domains such as education, business, and health care. Multidisciplinary nature of the game development processes that combine sound, art, control systems, artificial intelligence (AI), and human factors, makes the software game development practice different from traditional software development. However, the underline software engineering techniques help game development to achieve maintainability, flexibility, lower effort and cost, and better design. The purpose of this study is to assesses the state of the art research on the game development software engineering process and highlight areas that need further consideration by researchers. In the study, we used a systematic literature review methodology based on well-known digital libraries. The largest number of studies have been reported in the production phase of the game development software engineering process life cycle, followed by the pre-production phase. By contrast, the post-production phase has received much less research activity than the pre-production and production phases. The results of this study suggest that the game development software engineering process has many aspects that need further attention from researchers; that especially includes the post-production phase


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    Identification and verification have always been at the heart of financial services and payments, which is even more the case in the digital age. So, while banks have long been trusted to keep money safe, is there a new role for them as stewards of digital identity? Governments should, in consultation with the private sector, develop a national identity strategy based on a federated-style model in which public and private sector identity providers would compete to supply trusted digital identities to individuals and businesses. Back then, when the world seemed smaller, slower and more local, physical identity documents were adequate for face-to-face transactions. However, the Internet changed everything. It shrank distances, created new business models and generally sped everything up. From the innovation lifecycle to access to information, processes and the clock-speed on risk, the Internet has accelerated everything. The use of Internet in doing business has grown over the years in Africa and Zambia in particular. As such, the incidences of online identity theft have grown too. Identity theft is becoming a prevalent and increasing problem in Zambia. An identity thief only requires certain identity information to decimate a victim's life and credit. This research proposes to identify and extract various forms of identity attributes from various sources used in the physical and cyberspace to identity users accessing the financial services through extracting identity attributes from the various forms of identity credentials and application forms. Finally, design a digital identity model based on Shannon’s Information theory and Euclidean metric based Euclidean Distance Geometry (EDG) to be used for quantifying, implementation and validating of extracted identity attributes from various forms of identity credentials and application forms, in an effective way

    Border Thinking

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    Border Thinking: Disassembling Histories of Racialized Violence aims to question and provide answers to current border issues in Europe. Central to this investigation is a refugee crisis that is primarily a crisis of global Western capitalism and its components: modernization, nationalism, structural racism, dispossession, and social, political, and economic violence. In this volume, these notions and conditions are connected with the concept of borders, which seems to have disappeared as a function of the global neoliberal economy but is palpably reappearing again and again through deportations, segregations, and war. How can we think about these relations in an open way, beyond borders? Is it possible to develop border thinking for a radical transformation, as a means to revolutionize the state of things? To do this, we must reconsider what is possible for the social and the political as well as for art and culture

    Diagnóstico de transformación digital en las pymes afiliadas a la Cámara de Comercio y Producción Ibarra

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    Realizar un diagnóstico de transformación digital en las pequeñas y medianas empresas que forman parte de la Cámara de Comercio y Producción Ibarra, mediante una investigación cualitativa que nos permita recopilar información para que nos ayude a identificar la situación actual respecto a la transformación digital.La transformación digital permite mejorar la eficiencia en las diferentes áreas de una empresa mediante la integración de las nuevas tecnologías emergentes, sin embargo, la transformación digital también es un tema cultural en donde se debe involucrar toda la empresa para alcanzar los objetivos de forma exitosa. En la literatura revisada, se identificó que en el Ecuador existe muy poca información acerca de cómo las empresas están realizando procesos de Transformación Digital, y también nos permitió determinar que los Modelos de Madurez Digital son la principal herramienta que permite identificar el nivel de madurez de las empresas, principalmente de las grandes organizaciones, sin embargo, también se identificó que las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyMEs) tienen ciertas características especiales debido a sus limitaciones en tamaño y recursos, por esta razón existen muy pocos modelos que puedan ser usados en este tipo de empresas. El presente trabajo de titulación tiene como finalidad elaborar un diagnóstico de transformación digital en las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyMEs) que forman parte de la Cámara de Comercio y Producción Ibarra, a través de un estudio de campo que nos permita identificar la situación actual de estas empresas frente a la transformación digital. La metodología planteada para realizar el trabajo de investigación se conoce como estudio de campo, basado en la metodología estudio de caso propuesto por Yin. Este trabajo consistió en recolectar datos con entrevistas y encuestas a gerentes, jefes o ejecutivos que manejan o dirigen las PyMEs. Los resultados se observaron mediante un análisis cualitativo de los datos recolectados con la ayuda de la herramienta MAXQDA, siguiendo las recomendaciones de Kuckartz y para complementar la investigación también se aplicaron encuestas, para estas se utilizó el análisis cuantitativo haciendo uso de un modelo de madurez digital enfocado en la economía digital propuesto por Gonzáles. Este análisis permite determinar de forma más acertada la situación actual de las PyMEs, donde cada área o dimensión es estudiada a detalle para poder identificar el nivel de madurez de las PyMEs. Concluyendo que actualmente las PyMEs tienen un nivel de madurez casi inexistente, presentando falencias casi en la totalidad de las áreas estudiadas, esto quiere decir que actualmente las PyMEs no están aplicando ningún tipo de estrategia para empezar y alcanzar una transformación digital exitosa debido a las limitantes que tienen, además de la falta de Información respecto al uso de la tecnología y los beneficios que aporta que causa incertidumbre en los empresarios dentro de su entorno y evita que estos sean mejores competitivamente.Ingenierí

    Customer Participation in Digital Transformation, Value Co-Creation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study in China Information Communication & Technology Industry

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    The role of customer participation is an important area in service marketing research. Increasingly more enterprises encourage customers to participate in the service production and delivery processes, stimulate customers to share innovative ideas, and promote a greater role for customers through participation. Although some research has acknowledged the importance of customer participation in creating knowledge and value for enterprises, it has ignored the uncertainty and the complexity that customer participation may bring. Most scholars study customer participation only in a broad sense without examining how to effectively manage customer participation. To address this existing research deficiency, this study uses service-oriented logic, digital transformation theory, value co-creation theory, and corporate performance theory to examine how enterprises can promote customer participation in the process of digital transformation, co-create corporate value with customers, improve and influence the company's digital transformation maturity, and thus promote the company's performance growth (including environmental, economic, and relationship performance). Specifically, this study makes the following major contributions: 1. Based on the behaviour of customers participating in digital transformation, customer participation is divided into four dimensions (information and knowledge exchange, business collaboration, co-leading, and cost-effectiveness) to understand the process of value co-creation, and to some extent, resolve the inconsistent views of customer participation in existing research. Most extant studies explore customer participation as a whole; such integrated research results in the loss of customer participation’s rich connotation and leads to differing opinions about the impact of customer participation. 2. Based on the theory of digital transformation and the theory of digital maturity model, this study primarily examines how to effectively guide and manage customers from the perspective of an operational management model and strategy. The existing research on value co-creation largely focuses on how external environmental factors influence value co-creation among enterprises. These factors are difficult for enterprises to control and control. 3. This study focuses on the co-creation results of traditional enterprise customers and Internet enterprise customers in the process of digital transformation, analyses and compares the different concerns of traditional enterprise customers and Internet enterprise customers on the value co-creation process, and provides effective and positive aid for future strategic planning regarding these two types of customers. The information communication technology industry in China is taken as this study’s research object; five representative enterprises are selected. First, 10 traditional enterprise customers, Internet enterprise customers, and industry experts are interviewed in-depth, and the questionnaire is collected. Second, 506 matching questionnaires for traditional enterprise customers and Internet enterprise customers were collected. Using structural equation modelling, this study examines the relationship between digital transformation and corporate value co-creation, as well as the intermediate role of digital maturity on digital transformation and corporate value co-creation. The empirical results support most of the assumptions, as follows: 1. Customer participation in digital transformation has a significantly positive impact on value co-creation (economic, innovation, and relationship value). 2. Value co-creation (economic, innovation, and relationship value) has a significantly positive impact on firm performance. 3. Digital transformation maturity has a significant moderating effect on the influence of value co-creation on firm performance. 4. Value co-creation has a mediating effect on the relationship between customer participation in digital transformation and firm performance

    Ortografar: Desenvolvimento de um Jogo Digital Sério para crianças com Défice na Expressão Escrita

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    Após a deteção de perturbações da aprendizagem específica com défice na expressão escrita, é necessário combatê-las. Quando estas se detetam, uma intervenção imediata irá colmatar grandes dificuldades de aprendizagem ao longo da vida e evitar outros problemas. Por vezes, sem se saber a causa, há crianças que apresentam maior dificuldade na aprendizagem, tais como, a Disortografia e a Disgrafia. Estas são difíceis de detetar, especialmente se os profissionais na área da educação não estiverem atentos, não forem sensíveis a esta questão, ou ainda, se não tiverem formação na área. O trabalho desenvolvido no centro, “Diferenças – Centro de Desenvolvimento Infantil”, tem sido uma mais valia no apoio a estas e outras perturbações que afetam o desenvolvimento infantil, mas por vezes são utilizados métodos manuais, com pouco uso de tecnologia, o que poderá levar à precoce falta de interesse pelas crianças com os problemas anteriormente mencionados. Na expetativa de alcançar um maior sucesso na aprendizagem e desenvolvimento das aptidões das crianças, bem como cativá-las através de novas formas de aprendizagem, iniciou-se a criação de um Jogo Digital - o projeto “Ortografar”. Este consiste num programa que permite, de uma forma interativa, ajudar as crianças com disortografia, contendo os casos especiais da língua portuguesa. É considerado um jogo digital sério, pois almeja o entretenimento da criança com perturbação no desenvolvimento – objetivo lúdico, bem como a aprendizagem/treino dos casos especiais da língua portuguesa – objetivo sério. Este trabalho teve, portanto como objetivo fornecer aos terapeutas destas crianças, bem assim como a pais ou cuidadores em geral, mais uma ferramenta de terapia / tratamento

    Integración de las APIs rest de zenodo y github mediante una aplicación orientada a servicios para publicar contenido Open Science

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    Integrar las APIs REST de Zenodo y GitHub mediante una aplicación orientada a servicios para publicar contenido Open Science.El objetivo de la presente investigación fue desarrollar un método innovador que permita la publicación de contenido científico en formatos abiertos, promoviendo así el acceso abierto a la ciencia. El objetivo principal de este trabajo de titulación fue crear un aplicativo de gestión de inventario que pudiera integrarse fácilmente entre Zenodo y GitHub, dos plataformas clave. La integración facilitó la transferencia rápida de proyectos y componentes alojados en GitHub a Zenodo, lo que los convirtió en recursos de Open Science accesibles para la comunidad científica. La investigación examinó las características y los beneficios de Open Science, destacando su papel en promover la transparencia, la colaboración y la difusión del conocimiento científico. Se creó una aplicación orientada a servicios que permitió la integración de las API Rest de Zenodo y GitHub, que se identificaron como herramientas esenciales para lograr este objetivo. El resultado fue un aplicativo útil que simplificó significativamente el proceso de publicación en Open Science y proporcionó a los investigadores una plataforma efectiva y accesible para compartir sus contribuciones científicas. Al promover la colaboración y el acceso abierto a la investigación y el desarrollo, esta tesis contribuye al avance de la ciencia abierta. Esto hace que el ecosistema científico sea más abierto e inclusivo.Ingenierí