4 research outputs found

    A Development Framework Enabling the Design of Service-Based Cloud Applications

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    Cloud application platforms gain popularity and have the potential to change the way applications are developed, involving composition of platform basic services. In order to enhance the developer’s experience and reduce the barriers in the software development, a new paradigm of cloud application creation should be adopted. According to that developers are enabled to design their applications, leveraging multiple platform basic services, independently from the target application platforms. To this end, this paper proposes a development framework for the design of service-based cloud applications comprising two main components: the meta-model and the Platform Service Manager. The meta-model describes the building blocks which enable the construction of Platform Service Connectors in a uniform way while the Platform Service Manager coordinates the interaction of the application with the concrete service providers and further facilitates the administration of the deployed platform basic services

    CloudML based dynamic deployment configuration for scaling enterprise applications in the cloud

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    Arvutustehnika populaarsuse seisukohalt on väga tähtis pilve tarnija muutmise võimalus. Kuigi, enamikul juhtudest süsteemi konfiguratsioon sõltub tarnija teenusest. Näiteks koormuse tasakaalustamisest või databaasidest, ning see teeb tarnija muutmise raskemaks. See töö seletab CloudMLile põhinevaid lahendusi, mis on võimeline rakendama keerulisi süsteeme kasutades erinevaid pilve tarnijaid. Selline võimalus lubab luua kaleeritavat kon-figuratiooni mis on iseseisvad tarnija koormuse tasakaalustamise teenusest ning lubavad igal osal süsteemis olla skaleeritav nõudlus. Pakutav lahendus omab ka integreeritudg-eneerilist LP( lineaarne programeerimine) mudelit kontrollimaks süsteemi ketendamist. Me tegime eksperimente läbi näitamaks kuidas süsteem võib olla kasutusel rakendamaks keerulisi süsteeme mis on väga populaarsed. Tulemus näitas et süsteem on võimeline skaleerima ja toetama sissetulevat töökorraldust hoolimata komponentide arvust.In light of the popularity of cloud computing, it is really important to be free to change cloud providers when needed. However, in most cases, system configuration relies on provider services, such as load balancing or databases and this makes it much harder to change the provider. This thesis describes a CloudML based solution that is capable of deploying complex systems using different cloud providers with minimum changes including embedded load balancers. This feature allows the creation of scalable configurations that are independent from providers' load balancing services and allow any component of the system to be scalable on demand. The proposed solution also has an integrated generic LP (linear programming) model to control system scaling. We conducted a number of experiments to show that the system could be used for deploying complex systems that follow most popular workflows. The results of the experiments show that this system is capable of scaling properly to support incoming workflow regardless of chosen workflow or number of the system components


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    Cloud computing (komputasi awan) merupakan sebuah pengembangan infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi yang dapat memberikan solusi atas keterbatasan kemampuan dari beberapa lembaga pemerintah. Tujuan dilakukan penelitan yaitu untuk mengetahui kemudahan, dan memetakan dalam implementasi peralihan data komputasi awan. Penggabunagn ROCCA – identifikasi resiko pada komputasi jaringan di instansi X dapat membuat tahapan migrasi menjadi terstruktur. Selain metoda ROCCA yang generik, sehingga dapat “dilakukan penyesuaian” modelnya dengan menyisipkan identifikasi resiko. Sebagai jaminan agar data sivitas dapat menggunakan data sebagai bagian dari pekerjaan korporat.Metoda yang digunakan dengan menggabungkan ROCCA Adoption Framework dan identifikasi resiko. Masing-masing tahapan pada ROCCA telah disisipkan identifikasi resiko yang dapat memantau dan melakukan evaluasi pada tiap tahapannya. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa tahapan dari ROCCA dengan indentifikasi resiko agar pelaksanaan migrasi data ke komputasi awan terencana dengan baik dan berjalan dengan baik. Diperlukan evaluasi pada tiap tahapan terutama pada tahapan migrasi, selain itu singkronisasi dan layanan data untuk sivitas, perlu dievaluasi sesuai dengan identifikasi yang telah dilakukan. Komputasi awan pada intansi X lebih mendekati model implementasi Private Cloud as a service (PaaS) dan layanan Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

    A Framework Enabling the Cross-Platform Development of Service-based Cloud Applications

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    Among all the different kinds of service offering available in the cloud, ranging from compute, storage and networking infrastructure to integrated platforms and software services, one of the more interesting is the cloud application platform, a kind of platform as a service (PaaS) which integrates cloud applications with a collection of platform basic services. This kind of platform is neither so open that it requires every application to be developed from scratch, nor so closed that it only offers services from a pre-designed toolbox. Instead, it supports the creation of novel service-based applications, consisting of micro-services supplied by multiple third-party providers. Software service development at this granularity has the greatest prospect for bringing about the future software service ecosystem envisaged for the cloud. Cloud application developers face several challenges when seeking to integrate the different micro-service offerings from third-party providers. There are many alternative offerings for each kind of service, such as mail, payment or image processing services, and each assumes a slightly different business model. We characterise these differences in terms of (i) workflow, (ii) exposed APIs and (iii) configuration settings. Furthermore, developers need to access the platform basic services in a consistent way. To address this, we present a novel design methodology for creating service-based applications. The methodology is exemplified in a Java framework, which (i) integrates platform basic services in a seamless way and (ii) alleviates the heterogeneity of third-party services. The benefit is that designers of complete service-based applications are no longer locked into the vendor-specific vagaries of third-party micro-services and may design applications in a vendor-agnostic way, leaving open the possibility of future micro-service substitution. The framework architecture is presented in three phases. The first describes the abstraction of platform basic services and third-party micro-service workflows,. The second describes the method for extending the framework for each alternative micro-service implementation, with examples. The third describes how the framework executes each workflow and generates suitable client adaptors for the web APIs of each micro-service