9 research outputs found

    Looking Over the Research Literature on Software Engineering from 2016 to 2018

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    This paper carries out a bibliometric analysis to detect (i) what is the most influential research on software engineering at the moment, (ii) where is being published that relevant research, (iii) what are the most commonly researched topics, (iv) and where is being undertaken that research (i.e., in which countries and institutions). For that, 6,365 software engineering articles, published from 2016 to 2018 on a variety of conferences and journals, are examined.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities under Project DPI2016-77677-P, the Community of Madrid under Grant RoboCity2030-DIH-CM P2018/NMT-4331, and grant TIN2016-75850-R from the FEDER funds

    Do Bugs Propagate? An Empirical Analysis of Temporal Correlations Among Software Bugs

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    The occurrences of bugs are not isolated events, rather they may interact, affect each other, and trigger other latent bugs. Identifying and understanding bug correlations could help developers localize bug origins, predict potential bugs, and design better architectures of software artifacts to prevent bug affection. Many studies in the defect prediction and fault localization literature implied the dependence and interactions between multiple bugs, but few of them explicitly investigate the correlations of bugs across time steps and how bugs affect each other. In this paper, we perform social network analysis on the temporal correlations between bugs across time steps on software artifact ties, i.e., software graphs. Adopted from the correlation analysis methodology in social networks, we construct software graphs of three artifact ties such as function calls and type hierarchy and then perform longitudinal logistic regressions of time-lag bug correlations on these graphs. Our experiments on four open-source projects suggest that bugs can propagate as observed on certain artifact tie graphs. Based on our findings, we propose a hybrid artifact tie graph, a synthesis of a few well-known software graphs, that exhibits a higher degree of bug propagation. Our findings shed light on research for better bug prediction and localization models and help developers to perform maintenance actions to prevent consequential bugs

    A Developer Centered Bug Prediction Model

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    Several techniques have been proposed to accurately predict software defects. These techniques generally exploit characteristics of the code artefacts (e.g., size, complexity, etc.) and/or of the process adopted during their development and maintenance (e.g., the number of developers working on a component) to spot out components likely containing bugs. While these bug prediction models achieve good levels of accuracy, they mostly ignore the major role played by human-related factors in the introduction of bugs. Previous studies have demonstrated that focused developers are less prone to introduce defects than non-focused developers. According to this observation, software components changed by focused developers should also be less error prone than components changed by less focused developers. We capture this observation by measuring the scattering of changes performed by developers working on a component and use this information to build a bug prediction model. Such a model has been evaluated on 26 systems and compared with four competitive techniques. The achieved results show the superiority of our model, and its high complementarity with respect to predictors commonly used in the literature. Based on this result, we also show the results of a 'hybrid' prediction model combining our predictors with the existing ones

    A Developer Centered Bug Prediction Model

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    <pre>Several techniques have been proposed to accurately predict software defects. These techniques generally exploit characteristics of the code artefacts (i.e., size, complexity, etc.) and/or of the process adopted in their development and maintenance (i.e., the number of developers working on a component) to spot out components likely containing bugs. While these bug prediction models achieve good levels of accuracy, they mostly ignore the major role played by human-related factors in the introduction of bugs. Previous studies have demonstrated that focused developers are less prone to introduce defects than non-focused developers. According to this observation, software components changed by focused developers should also be less error prone than components changed by less focused developers. We capture this observation by measuring the scattering of changes performed by developers working on a component and use this information to build a bug prediction model. Such a model has been evaluated on 26 systems and compared with four competitive techniques. The achieved results show the superiority of our model, and its high complementarity with respect to predictors commonly used in the literature. Based on this result, we also show the results of a ``hybrid'' prediction model combining our predictors with the state-of-the-art ones.</pre

    A Developer Centered Bug Prediction Model

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