238 research outputs found

    Modeling fuzzy topological predicates for fuzzy regions

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    Spatial database systems and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are currently only able to handle crisp spatial objects, i.e., objects whose extent, shape, and boundary are precisely determined. However, GIS applications are also interested in managing vague or fuzzy spatial objects. Spatial fuzziness captures the inherent property of many spatial objects in reality that do not have sharp boundaries and interiors or whose boundaries and interiors cannot be precisely determined. While topological relationships have been broadly explored for crisp spatial objects, this is not the case for fuzzy spatial objects. In this paper, we propose a novel model to formally define fuzzy topological predicates for simple and complex fuzzy regions. The model encompasses six fuzzy predicates (overlap, disjoint, inside, contains, equal and meet), wherein here we focus on the fuzzy overlap and the fuzzy disjoint predicates only. For their computation we consider two low-level measures, the degree of membership and the degree of coverage, and map them to high-level fuzzy modifiers and linguistic values respectively that are\ud deployed in spatial queries by end-users.FAPESP (grant numbers 2012/12299-8 and 2013/19633-3)CAPESCNPqNational Science Foundation (grant number NSF-IIS-0915914

    A survey of qualitative spatial representations

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    Representation and reasoning with qualitative spatial relations is an important problem in artificial intelligence and has wide applications in the fields of geographic information system, computer vision, autonomous robot navigation, natural language understanding, spatial databases and so on. The reasons for this interest in using qualitative spatial relations include cognitive comprehensibility, efficiency and computational facility. This paper summarizes progress in qualitative spatial representation by describing key calculi representing different types of spatial relationships. The paper concludes with a discussion of current research and glimpse of future work

    Culture boundaries in semantic web

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.Culture, being created by any and every of us, is the expression form of the society. We easily manipulate this term in everyday life, but defining the culture brings a lot of discussions in between scientists. The most common approach of understanding culture is from anthropologists (Harris & Johnson, 2006; Tylor, 1871) who associate culture with the common developed complex pattern of the society life expressed through knowledge, believes, art, morality, laws, traditions and other features. Approaching extinct cultures all this can be found and interpreted just from archaeological artefacts. Despite many culture definitions, the spatio-temporal aspect of culture is brought mostly by archaeologists. All in all the culture and cultural area understandings remain very fuzzy, though culture area is always formalized as a crispy one. Due to such fuzziness, author would guess, there was no hurry for cultural area or boundary digitalization as it happened with other cultural data in Europe within last decades. The cultural boundary question stayed 'taboo' in semantic web also, that is recently developing for cultural data in order to help to represent the meaning in a restricted sense. It is therefore in this thesis the culture boundary representation in semantic web is analyzed

    A unified theory of granularity, vagueness and approximation

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    Abstract: We propose a view of vagueness as a semantic property of names and predicates. All entities are crisp, on this semantic view, but there are, for each vague name, multiple portions of reality that are equally good candidates for being its referent, and, for each vague predicate, multiple classes of objects that are equally good candidates for being its extension. We provide a new formulation of these ideas in terms of a theory of granular partitions. We show that this theory provides a general framework within which we can understand the relation between vague terms and concepts and the corresponding crisp portions of reality. We also sketch how it might be possible to formulate within this framework a theory of vagueness which dispenses with the notion of truth-value gaps and other artifacts of more familiar approaches. Central to our approach is the idea that judgments about reality involve in every case (1) a separation of reality into foreground and background of attention and (2) the feature of granularity. On this basis we attempt to show that even vague judgments made in naturally occurring contexts are not marked by truth-value indeterminacy. We distinguish, in addition to crisp granular partitions, also vague partitions, and reference partitions, and we explain the role of the latter in the context of judgments that involve vagueness. We conclude by showing how reference partitions provide an effective means by which judging subjects are able to temper the vagueness of their judgments by means of approximations

    K-nearest neighbor search for fuzzy objects

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    The K-Nearest Neighbor search (kNN) problem has been investigated extensively in the past due to its broad range of applications. In this paper we study this problem in the context of fuzzy objects that have indeterministic boundaries. Fuzzy objects play an important role in many areas, such as biomedical image databases and GIS. Existing research on fuzzy objects mainly focuses on modelling basic fuzzy object types and operations, leaving the processing of more advanced queries such as kNN query untouched. In this paper, we propose two new kinds of kNN queries for fuzzy objects, Ad-hoc kNN query (AKNN) and Range kNN query (RKNN), to find the k nearest objects qualifying at a probability threshold or within a probability range. For efficient AKNN query processing, we optimize the basic best-first search algorithm by deriving more accurate approximations for the distance function between fuzzy objects and the query object. To improve the performance of RKNN search, effective pruning rules are developed to significantly reduce the search space and further speed up the candidate refinement process. The efficiency of our proposed algorithms as well as the optimization techniques are verified with an extensive set of experiments using both synthetic and real datasets

    Constrained Querying of Multimedia Databases

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    Copyright 2001 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic electronic or print reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.410976This paper investigates the problem of high-level querying of multimedia data by imposing arbitrary domain-specific constraints among multimedia objects. We argue that the current structured query mode, and the query-by-content model, are insufficient for many important applications, and we propose an alternative query framework that unifies and extends the previous two models. The proposed framework is based on the querying-by-concept paradigm, where the query is expressed simply in terms of concepts, regardless of the complexity of the underlying multimedia search engines. The query-by-concept paradigm was previously illustrated by the CAMEL system. The present paper builds upon and extends that work by adding arbitrary constraints and multiple levels of hierarchy in the concept representation model. We consider queries simply as descriptions of virtual data set, and that allows us to use the same unifying concept representation for query specification, as well as for data annotation purposes. We also identify some key issues and challenges presented by the new framework, and we outline possible approaches for overcoming them. In particular, we study the problems of concept representation, extraction, refinement, storage, and matching


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    Continuous advances in modern data collection techniques help spatial scientists gain access to massive and high-resolution spatial and spatio-temporal data. Thus there is an urgent need to develop effective and efficient methods seeking to find unknown and useful information embedded in big-data datasets of unprecedentedly large size (e.g., millions of observations), high dimensionality (e.g., hundreds of variables), and complexity (e.g., heterogeneous data sources, space–time dynamics, multivariate connections, explicit and implicit spatial relations and interactions). Responding to this line of development, this research focuses on the utilization of the association rule (AR) mining technique for a geospatial knowledge discovery process. Prior attempts have sidestepped the complexity of the spatial dependence structure embedded in the studied phenomenon. Thus, adopting association rule mining in spatial analysis is rather problematic. Interestingly, a very similar predicament afflicts spatial regression analysis with a spatial weight matrix that would be assigned a priori, without validation on the specific domain of application. Besides, a dependable geospatial knowledge discovery process necessitates algorithms supporting automatic and robust but accurate procedures for the evaluation of mined results. Surprisingly, this has received little attention in the context of spatial association rule mining. To remedy the existing deficiencies mentioned above, the foremost goal for this research is to construct a comprehensive geospatial knowledge discovery framework using spatial association rule mining for the detection of spatial patterns embedded in geospatial databases and to demonstrate its application within the domain of crime analysis. It is the first attempt at delivering a complete geo-spatial knowledge discovery framework using spatial association rule mining

    Using spatiotemporal patterns to qualitatively represent and manage dynamic situations of interest : a cognitive and integrative approach

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    Les situations spatio-temporelles dynamiques sont des situations qui Ă©voluent dans l’espace et dans le temps. L’ĂȘtre humain peut identifier des configurations de situations dans son environnement et les utilise pour prendre des dĂ©cisions. Ces configurations de situations peuvent aussi ĂȘtre appelĂ©es « situations d’intĂ©rĂȘt » ou encore « patrons spatio-temporels ». En informatique, les situations sont obtenues par des systĂšmes d’acquisition de donnĂ©es souvent prĂ©sents dans diverses industries grĂące aux rĂ©cents dĂ©veloppements technologiques et qui gĂ©nĂšrent des bases de donnĂ©es de plus en plus volumineuses. On relĂšve un problĂšme important dans la littĂ©rature liĂ© au fait que les formalismes de reprĂ©sentation utilisĂ©s sont souvent incapables de reprĂ©senter des phĂ©nomĂšnes spatiotemporels dynamiques et complexes qui reflĂštent la rĂ©alitĂ©. De plus, ils ne prennent pas en considĂ©ration l’apprĂ©hension cognitive (modĂšle mental) que l’humain peut avoir de son environnement. Ces facteurs rendent difficile la mise en Ɠuvre de tels modĂšles par des agents logiciels. Dans cette thĂšse, nous proposons un nouveau modĂšle de reprĂ©sentation des situations d’intĂ©rĂȘt s’appuyant sur la notion des patrons spatiotemporels. Notre approche utilise les graphes conceptuels pour offrir un aspect qualitatif au modĂšle de reprĂ©sentation. Le modĂšle se base sur les notions d’évĂ©nement et d’état pour reprĂ©senter des phĂ©nomĂšnes spatiotemporels dynamiques. Il intĂšgre la notion de contexte pour permettre aux agents logiciels de raisonner avec les instances de patrons dĂ©tectĂ©s. Nous proposons aussi un outil de gĂ©nĂ©ration automatisĂ©e des relations qualitatives de proximitĂ© spatiale en utilisant un classificateur flou. Finalement, nous proposons une plateforme de gestion des patrons spatiotemporels pour faciliter l’intĂ©gration de notre modĂšle dans des applications industrielles rĂ©elles. Ainsi, les contributions principales de notre travail sont : Un formalisme de reprĂ©sentation qualitative des situations spatiotemporelles dynamiques en utilisant des graphes conceptuels. ; Une approche cognitive pour la dĂ©finition des patrons spatio-temporels basĂ©e sur l’intĂ©gration de l’information contextuelle. ; Un outil de gĂ©nĂ©ration automatique des relations spatiales qualitatives de proximitĂ© basĂ© sur les classificateurs neuronaux flous. ; Une plateforme de gestion et de dĂ©tection des patrons spatiotemporels basĂ©e sur l’extension d’un moteur de traitement des Ă©vĂ©nements complexes (Complex Event Processing).Dynamic spatiotemporal situations are situations that evolve in space and time. They are part of humans’ daily life. One can be interested in a configuration of situations occurred in the environment and can use it to make decisions. In the literature, such configurations are referred to as “situations of interests” or “spatiotemporal patterns”. In Computer Science, dynamic situations are generated by large scale data acquisition systems which are deployed everywhere thanks to recent technological advances. Spatiotemporal pattern representation is a research subject which gained a lot of attraction from two main research areas. In spatiotemporal analysis, various works extended query languages to represent patterns and to query them from voluminous databases. In Artificial Intelligence, predicate-based models represent spatiotemporal patterns and detect their instances using rule-based mechanisms. Both approaches suffer several shortcomings. For example, they do not allow for representing dynamic and complex spatiotemporal phenomena due to their limited expressiveness. Furthermore, they do not take into account the human’s mental model of the environment in their representation formalisms. This limits the potential of building agent-based solutions to reason about these patterns. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to represent situations of interest using the concept of spatiotemporal patterns. We use Conceptual Graphs to offer a qualitative representation model of these patterns. Our model is based on the concepts of spatiotemporal events and states to represent dynamic spatiotemporal phenomena. It also incorporates contextual information in order to facilitate building the knowledge base of software agents. Besides, we propose an intelligent proximity tool based on a neuro-fuzzy classifier to support qualitative spatial relations in the pattern model. Finally, we propose a framework to manage spatiotemporal patterns in order to facilitate the integration of our pattern representation model to existing applications in the industry. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: A qualitative approach to model dynamic spatiotemporal situations of interest using Conceptual Graphs. ; A cognitive approach to represent spatiotemporal patterns by integrating contextual information. ; An automated tool to generate qualitative spatial proximity relations based on a neuro-fuzzy classifier. ; A platform for detection and management of spatiotemporal patterns using an extension of a Complex Event Processing engine

    An abstract data type to handle vague spatial objects based on the fuzzy model

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    Crisp spatial data are geometric features with exact location on the extent and well-known boundaries. On the other hand, vague spatial data are characterized by inaccurate locations or uncertain boundaries. Despite the importance of vague spatial data in spatial applications, few related work indeed implement vague spatial data and they do not define abstract data types to enable the management of vague spatial data by using database management systems. In this sense, we propose the abstract data type FuzzyGeometry to handle vague spatial data based on the fuzzy model. FuzzyGeometry was developed as a PostgreSQL extension and its implementation is open source. It offers management for fuzzy points and fuzzy lines. As a result, spatial applications are able to access the PostgreSQL to handle vague spatial objects.FAPESPCAPESCNP
