20,553 research outputs found

    Postmortem iris recognition and its application in human identification

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    Iris recognition is a validated and non-invasive human identification technology currently implemented for the purposes of surveillance and security (i.e. border control, schools, military). Similar to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), irises are a highly individualizing component of the human body. Based on a lack of genetic penetrance, irises are unique between an individual’s left and right iris and between identical twins, proving to be more individualizing than DNA. At this time, little to no research has been conducted on the use of postmortem iris scanning as a biometric measurement of identification. The purpose of this pilot study is to explore the use of iris recognition as a tool for postmortem identification. Objectives of the study include determining whether current iris recognition technology can locate and detect iris codes in postmortem globes, and if iris scans collected at different postmortem time intervals can be identified as the same iris initially enrolled. Data from 43 decedents involving 148 subsequent iris scans demonstrated a subsequent match rate of approximately 80%, supporting the theory that iris recognition technology is capable of detecting and identifying an individual’s iris code in a postmortem setting. A chi-square test of independence showed no significant difference between match outcomes and the globe scanned (left vs. right), and gender had no bearing on the match outcome. There was a significant relationship between iris color and match outcome, with blue/gray eyes yielding a lower match rate (59%) compared to brown (82%) or green/hazel eyes (88%), however, the sample size of blue/gray eyes in this study was not large enough to draw a meaningful conclusion. An isolated case involving an antemortem initial scan collected from an individual on life support yielded an accurate identification (match) with a subsequent scan captured at approximately 10 hours postmortem. Falsely rejected subsequent iris scans or "no match" results occurred in about 20% of scans; they were observed at each PMI range and varied from 19-30%. The false reject rate is too high to reliably establish non-identity when used alone and ideally would be significantly lower prior to implementation in a forensic setting; however, a "no match" could be confirmed using another method. Importantly, the data showed a false match rate or false accept rate (FAR) of zero, a result consistent with previous iris recognition studies in living individuals. The preliminary results of this pilot study demonstrate a plausible role for iris recognition in postmortem human identification. Implementation of a universal iris recognition database would benefit the medicolegal death investigation and forensic pathology communities, and has potential applications to other situations such as missing persons and human trafficking cases

    Correct and Control Complex IoT Systems: Evaluation of a Classification for System Anomalies

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    In practice there are deficiencies in precise interteam communications about system anomalies to perform troubleshooting and postmortem analysis along different teams operating complex IoT systems. We evaluate the quality in use of an adaptation of IEEE Std. 1044-2009 with the objective to differentiate the handling of fault detection and fault reaction from handling of defect and its options for defect correction. We extended the scope of IEEE Std. 1044-2009 from anomalies related to software only to anomalies related to complex IoT systems. To evaluate the quality in use of our classification a study was conducted at Robert Bosch GmbH. We applied our adaptation to a postmortem analysis of an IoT solution and evaluated the quality in use by conducting interviews with three stakeholders. Our adaptation was effectively applied and interteam communications as well as iterative and inductive learning for product improvement were enhanced. Further training and practice are required.Comment: Submitted to QRS 2020 (IEEE Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security

    A Manga-Driven System Requirements Development PBL Exercise

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    We conducted a Project-Based Learning (PBL)-type exercise incorporating Japanese cartoon (manga) techniques into Requirements Development (RD) processes. Manga has established techniques, such as those for character setting and story development, that we thought are also valid for RD processes. Using this manga-driven method, students were able to clarify high-level project goals early in the development life-cycle, and succeeded in defining high quality and unique system ideas.Comment: SEEM201

    Getting the public involved in Quantum Error Correction

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    The Decodoku project seeks to let users get hands-on with cutting-edge quantum research through a set of simple puzzle games. The design of these games is explicitly based on the problem of decoding qudit variants of surface codes. This problem is presented such that it can be tackled by players with no prior knowledge of quantum information theory, or any other high-level physics or mathematics. Methods devised by the players to solve the puzzles can then directly be incorporated into decoding algorithms for quantum computation. In this paper we give a brief overview of the novel decoding methods devised by players, and provide short postmortem for Decodoku v1.0-v4.1.Comment: Extended version of article in the proceedings of the GSGS'17 conference (see https://gsgs.ch/gsgs17/

    Decomposition of Pig Carcasses at Varying Room Temperature

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    The goal of this study is to assess the qualitative scoring of decomposition scales with statistical analysis while also determining which indoor environment will decompose the fastest. When comparing the three indoor environments, water decomposition appears to be the fastest, but the method of analysis for this study determines that using decomposition scales to analyze such environments may produce statistically insignificant results. For this study, piglets were put in a dry steel tub, a water filled steel tub, and a suitcase. These were recorded using photographs for 25 days and then scored using decomposition scales. The total score was divided by all points possible to show a percentage of decomposition and was compared between three different scales using statistical analysis. Therefore, relying on decomposition scales as the only forensic analysis for decomposition to observe how different environments affect cadavers may be problematic, as bodies found indoors tend to be in the early stages of decomposition. The statistical insignificance of the total body score further suggests decomposition scales and postmortem interval methods that use these scales should not be used alone for courtroom purposes, and medicolegal investigators need to apply other scientific methods in order to support their postmortem interval theory

    The Lost Generation: Environmental Regulatory Reform in the Era of Congressional Abdication

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    Congress constructed the entirety of the modern federal environmental regulatory system between 1970 and 1990. However, due to ever increasing political polarization and gridlock, Congress has abdicated its responsibility as the primary national environmental policymaker over the past 25 years. Since 1990, no major environmental legislation has been enacted, leading to a growing sense that the federal system has become stagnated and obsolescent. Since the mid-1990s, concerns over the effectiveness, inefficiencies, and under-inclusiveness of the federal system have led to a robust reform movement seeking to build the next generation of environmental regulation. Because of Congress\u27s inability to enact environmental legislation, however, such reform efforts have largely centered on numerous, primarily voluntary executive branch reinvention initiatives at EPA. Congress\u27s failure to support these efforts, through legislation or otherwise, has severely undermined the ability of these efforts to achieve meaningful success, leading to a lost generation of environmental regulatory reform. This Article surveys the most widely promoted and analyzed of the next generation environmental regulatory reform proposals and calls on Congress to accept reform advocates\u27 challenge to improve and modernize a severely outdated regulatory system

    Study of Scattering and Polarization of Light in Biological Tissue

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    Tkáňová optika nabývá rychle na významu a přesná znalost optických vlastností biologických tkání je podstatná pro výzkum v biomedicíně i pro kontrolu kvality potravin. Jestliže je vzorek tkáně osvětlen, dochází k mnohonásobnému odrazu světla. V případě postmortem neživých tkání (maso) je rozměr buněk větší než vlnová délka použitého světla. Dochází k Mieovu rozptylu prošlého nebo zpět odraženého světla, v důsledku čehož se objevují různé polarizační stavy světla. Polarizační stavy světla rozptýleného na difúzním prostředí jsou experimentálně zkoumány a modelovány. V práci jsme provedli dva modifikované experimenty: rozptyl polarizovaného světla, které dvakrát prochází vzorkem (vpřed a vzad) a jen světla, které jen prochází vzorkem. Měření rozptýleného světla ukazuje, že dochází k depolarizaci a ke stáčení polarizační roviny, což obojí závisí na orientaci svalových vláken a stárnutí tkání postmortem. Mimo experimentů byl také proveden teoretický popis difúzní biologické tkáně a byla vypočtena radiační přenosová rovnice pomocí modifikované Monte Carlo metody, která zahrnuje polarizační stav světla (PLMC). Je ukázáno, že stupeň polarizace podstatně závisí na optických vlastnostech rozptylového prostředí. Výsledky ukazují, že stav polarizace světla na výstupu závisí na stavu polarizace světla před vzorkem a na optických vlastnostech a tloušťce vrstvy prostředí v průběhu jejího stárnutí. Je také provedena korelace změn polarizace na čerstvosti masa, i popis dynamického chování polarizace při stárnutí masa.Tissue optics becomes a rapidly expanding field of great interest and a precise knowledge of optical properties of biological tissues is essential for biomedical investigation and food quality control. If the sample of tissue is illuminated, the multiple scattering occurs. In the case of the postmortem tissue (meat) the cell dimensions are larger than the wavelength. Mie scattering of transmitted or reflected light arises and produces various polarization states. Polarization properties of light scattered from a scattering medium have been studied with experiments and modeling. Two modified experiments were performed: scattering of polarized light passing twice the sample (forward and backward) and only transmitted light. The measurements of scattered light display depolarization and rotation of polarized light, which depend both on orientation of the muscle fibers and ageing process of meat. Theoretical description of turbid biological tissue and computing of radiative transfer equation by modified Polarized Light Monte Carlo (PLMC) method has also been executed. It is shown that the degree of polarization is sensitive to the optical properties of the turbid medium. The results demonstrate that polarized light scattered from a scattering medium is sensitive to the state of input polarization and the optical properties and thickness of the tissue during the ageing. The correlations of polarization changes and freshness of meat, as well as dynamic behavior of the polarization in ageing meat are shown.

    Software-Engineering Process Simulation (SEPS) model

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    The Software Engineering Process Simulation (SEPS) model is described which was developed at JPL. SEPS is a dynamic simulation model of the software project development process. It uses the feedback principles of system dynamics to simulate the dynamic interactions among various software life cycle development activities and management decision making processes. The model is designed to be a planning tool to examine tradeoffs of cost, schedule, and functionality, and to test the implications of different managerial policies on a project's outcome. Furthermore, SEPS will enable software managers to gain a better understanding of the dynamics of software project development and perform postmodern assessments