29 research outputs found

    Compiled Low-Level Virtual Instruction Set Simulation and Profiling for Code Partitioning and ASIP-Synthesis

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    Abstract We present ongoing work and first results in static and detailed quantitative runtime analysis of LLVM byte code for the purpose of automatic procedural level partitioning and cosynthesis of complex software systems. Runtime behaviour is captured by reverse compilation of LLVM bytecode into augmented, self-profiling ANSI-C simulator programs retaining the LLVM instruction level. The actual global data flow is captured both in quantity and value range to guide function unit layout in the synthesis of application specific processors. Currently the implemented tool LLILA (Low Level Intermediate Language Analyzer) focuses on static code analysis on the inter-procedural data flow via e.g. function parameters and global variables to uncover a program's potential paths of data exchange

    FPGA based remote code integrity verification of programs in distributed embedded systems

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    The explosive growth of networked embedded systems has made ubiquitous and pervasive computing a reality. However, there are still a number of new challenges to its widespread adoption that include scalability, availability, and, especially, security of software. Among the different challenges in software security, the problem of remote-code integrity verification is still waiting for efficient solutions. This paper proposes the use of reconfigurable computing to build a consistent architecture for generation of attestations (proofs) of code integrity for an executing program as well as to deliver them to the designated verification entity. Remote dynamic update of reconfigurable devices is also exploited to increase the complexity of mounting attacks in a real-word environment. The proposed solution perfectly fits embedded devices that are nowadays commonly equipped with reconfigurable hardware components that are exploited to solve different computational problems

    Profile-directed specialisation of custom floating-point hardware

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    We present a methodology for generating floating-point arithmetic hardware designs which are, for suitable applications, much reduced in size, while still retaining performance and IEEE-754 compliance. Our system uses three key parts: a profiling tool, a set of customisable floating-point units and a selection of system integration methods. We use a profiling tool for floating-point behaviour to identify arithmetic operations where fundamental elements of IEEE-754 floating-point may be compromised, without generating erroneous results in the common case. In the uncommon case, we use simple detection logic to determine when operands lie outside the range of capabilities of the optimised hardware. Out-of-range operations are handled by a separate, fully capable, floatingpoint implementation, either on-chip or by returning calculations to a host processor. We present methods of system integration to achieve this errorcorrection. Thus the system suffers no compromise in IEEE-754 compliance, even when the synthesised hardware would generate erroneous results. In particular, we identify from input operands the shift amounts required for input operand alignment and post-operation normalisation. For operations where these are small, we synthesise hardware with reduced-size barrel-shifters. We also propose optimisations to take advantage of other profile-exposed behaviours, including removing the hardware required to swap operands in a floating-point adder or subtractor, and reducing the exponent range to fit observed values. We present profiling results for a range of applications, including a selection of computational science programs, Spec FP 95 benchmarks and the FFMPEG media processing tool, indicating which would be amenable to our method. Selected applications which demonstrate potential for optimisation are then taken through to a hardware implementation. We show up to a 45% decrease in hardware size for a floating-point datapath, with a correctable error-rate of less then 3%, even with non-profiled datasets


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    Automatic Heterogeneous Compilers allows blended hardware-software solutions to be explored without the cost of a full-fledged design team, but limited research exists on current partitioning algorithms responsible for separating hardware and software. The purpose of this thesis is to implement various partitioning algorithms onto the same automatic heterogeneous compiler platform to create an apples to apples comparison for AHC partitioning algorithms. Both estimated outcomes and actual outcomes for the solutions generated are studied and scored. The platform used to implement the algorithms is Cal Poly’s own Twill compiler, created by Doug Gallatin last year. Twill’s original partitioning algorithm is chosen along with two other partitioning algorithms: Tabu Search + Simulated Annealing (TSSA) and Genetic Search (GS). These algorithms are implemented inside Twill and test bench input code from the CHStone HLS Benchmark tests is used as stimulus. Along with the algorithms cost models, one key attribute of interest is queue counts generated, as the more cuts between hardware and software requires queues to pass the data between partition crossings. These high communication costs can end up damaging the heterogeneous solution’s performance. The Genetic, TSSA, and Twill’s original partitioning algorithm are all scored against each other’s cost models as well, combining the fitness and performance cost models with queue counts to evaluate each partitioning algorithm. The solutions generated by TSSA are rated as better by both the cost model for the TSSA algorithm and the cost model for the Genetic algorithm while producing low queue counts

    Pre-validation of SoC via hardware and software co-simulation

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    Abstract. System-on-chips (SoCs) are complex entities consisting of multiple hardware and software components. This complexity presents challenges in their design, verification, and validation. Traditional verification processes often test hardware models in isolation until late in the development cycle. As a result, cooperation between hardware and software development is also limited, slowing down bug detection and fixing. This thesis aims to develop, implement, and evaluate a co-simulation-based pre-validation methodology to address these challenges. The approach allows for the early integration of hardware and software, serving as a natural intermediate step between traditional hardware model verification and full system validation. The co-simulation employs a QEMU CPU emulator linked to a register-transfer level (RTL) hardware model. This setup enables the execution of software components, such as device drivers, on the target instruction set architecture (ISA) alongside cycle-accurate RTL hardware models. The thesis focuses on two primary applications of co-simulation. Firstly, it allows software unit tests to be run in conjunction with hardware models, facilitating early communication between device drivers, low-level software, and hardware components. Secondly, it offers an environment for using software in functional hardware verification. A significant advantage of this approach is the early detection of integration errors. Software unit tests can be executed at the IP block level with actual hardware models, a task previously only possible with costly system-level prototypes. This enables earlier collaboration between software and hardware development teams and smoothens the transition to traditional system-level validation techniques.JÀrjestelmÀpiirin esivalidointi laitteiston ja ohjelmiston yhteissimulaatiolla. TiivistelmÀ. JÀrjestelmÀpiirit (SoC) ovat monimutkaisia kokonaisuuksia, jotka koostuvat useista laitteisto- ja ohjelmistokomponenteista. TÀmÀ monimutkaisuus asettaa haasteita niiden suunnittelulle, varmennukselle ja validoinnille. Perinteiset varmennusprosessit testaavat usein laitteistomalleja eristyksissÀ kehityssyklin loppuvaiheeseen saakka. TÀmÀn myötÀ myös yhteistyö laitteisto- ja ohjelmistokehityksen vÀlillÀ on vÀhÀistÀ, mikÀ hidastaa virheiden tunnistamista ja korjausta. TÀmÀn diplomityön tavoitteena on kehittÀÀ, toteuttaa ja arvioida laitteisto-ohjelmisto-yhteissimulointiin perustuva esivalidointimenetelmÀ nÀiden haasteiden ratkaisemiseksi. MenetelmÀ mahdollistaa laitteiston ja ohjelmiston varhaisen integroinnin, toimien luonnollisena vÀlietappina perinteisen laitteistomallin varmennuksen ja koko jÀrjestelmÀn validoinnin vÀlillÀ. Yhteissimulointi kÀyttÀÀ QEMU suoritinemulaattoria, joka on yhdistetty rekisterinsiirtotason (RTL) laitteistomalliin. TÀmÀ mahdollistaa ohjelmistokomponenttien, kuten laiteajureiden, suorittamisen kohdejÀrjestelmÀn kÀskysarja-arkkitehtuurilla (ISA) yhdessÀ kellosyklitarkkojen RTL laitteistomallien kanssa. Työ keskittyy kahteen yhteissimulaation pÀÀsovellukseen. EnsinnÀkin se mahdollistaa ohjelmiston yksikkötestien suorittamisen laitteistomallien kanssa, varmistaen kommunikaation laiteajurien, matalan tason ohjelmiston ja laitteistokomponenttien vÀlillÀ. Toiseksi se tarjoaa ympÀristön ohjelmiston kÀyttÀmiseen toiminnallisessa laitteiston varmennuksessa. MerkittÀvÀ etu tÀstÀ lÀhestymistavasta on integraatiovirheiden varhainen havaitseminen. Ohjelmiston yksikkötestejÀ voidaan suorittaa jo IP-lohkon tasolla oikeilla laitteistomalleilla, mikÀ on aiemmin ollut mahdollista vain kalliilla jÀrjestelmÀtason prototyypeillÀ. TÀmÀ mahdollistaa aikaisemman ohjelmisto- ja laitteistokehitystiimien vÀlisen yhteistyön ja helpottaa siirtymistÀ perinteisiin jÀrjestelmÀtason validointimenetelmiin

    Generation of reconfigurable circuits from machine code

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. TelecomunicaçÔes. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201