10 research outputs found

    Implementation of Smart Contracts Ethereum Blockchain in Web-Based Electronic Voting (e-voting)

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    The increasing of digital technology today has helped many people to fulfill their needs. But the election system, still conventionally using paper in its implementation. Elections in general still use a centralized system, where there is an organization that manages it. Some of the problems that may occur in traditional electoral systems are that there are organizations that have full control over the database and system, so the possibility of hacking the database is quite a big opportunity.Blockchain innovation is one arrangement that can be utilized in light of the fact that it has a decentralized framework and the whole database is duplicated by all clients. Blockchain itself has been used by Bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrency which is known as a decentralized system. By using the blockchain in database recording on an e-voting system can reduce one source of fraud that is database manipulation. This study discusses the recording of voting data using blockchain technology. The implementation of Smart Contracts contained in the Ethereum Blockchain will be implemented to create this voting syste

    Trading Application Based on Blockchain Technology

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    Blockchain is a growing distributed list of records that are linked using cryptographic hashes. Its robustness, simplicity, immutability and trust are basis for development of interesting innovative business solutions. Considering some use-case scenarios within the financial sector, we developed a Blockchain based trading application placed on the Cosmos network. Cosmos is a decentralized network of independent, scalable, and interoperable Blockchains, creating the foundation for new economy. Our work describes the application functionalities for buying, selling and renting goods. It shows the easiness of trading, while eliminating the third parties and demonstrates the disruptive potential of the Blockchain technologies

    An Architecture for Blockchain-based Collaborative Signature-based Intrusion Detection System

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    Collaborative intrusion detection system (CIDS), where IDS hosts work with each other and share resources, have been proposed to cope with the increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. Despite the promising benefits such as expanded signature databases and alert data from multiple sites, trust management and consensus building remain as challenges for a CIDS to work effectively. The blockchain technology with built-in immutability and consensus building capability provides a viable solution to the issues of CIDS. In this paper, we introduce an architecture for a blockchain-enabled signature-based collaborative IDS, discuss the implementation strategy of the proposed architecture and developed a prototype using Hyperledger and Snort. Our preliminary evaluation on a bench mark showed the proposed architecture offers a solution by addressing the issues of trust, data sharing and insider attacks in the network environment of CIDSs. The implications and limitations of this study are also discussed

    Blockchain: Como pode impactar o comércio eletrónico

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    Com a rápida evolução da tecnologia digital, o Comércio Eletrónico registou um crescimento substancial, impulsionado também pela pandemia da Covid-19, que obrigou uma mudança no paradigma das compras on-line. Este crescimento traz novos desafios para o e-Commerce, como falta de segurança nos dados do utilizador, confiança e legislação. Neste sentido, a aplicação de novos sistemas tecnológicos, nomeadamente a Blockchain, nos negócios online constituem uma abordagem transparente para a evolução do e-Commerce. Sendo a tecnologia Blockchain baseada num tipo de base de dados distribuída e pública, de registos transparentes e imutáveis, poderá constituir a resposta à eliminação destes problemas que o negócio eletrónico enfrenta. Esta investigação tem como principal objetivo avaliar o impacto da tecnologia da Blockchain no Comércio Eletrónico, compreendendo como a tecnologia pode influenciar o negócio eletrónico, através do método de revisão sistemática de literatura. De forma a garantir o rigor metodológico, a presente revisão sistemática da literatura segue as diretrizes PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses), estando incluídos neste estudo um total de 20 documentos. Os resultados sugerem que os impactos da Blockchain no comércio eletrónico passam por dois niveis, o impacto nos problemas de segurança, processamento e transparência dos dados e diminuir as fraudes e corrupção, e por fim, o seu impacto na gestão da cadeia de fornecimento, reduzindo custos e aumentando a eficiência da mesma.With the fast evolution of digital technology, e-Commerce has seen substantial growth, driven also by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has forced a paradigm shift in online shopping. This growth brings new challenges for e-Commerce, such as lack of data security, trust and legislation. In this sense, the application of new technological sistems, namely Blockchain, in online business, constitute a transparent approach to the evolution of e-Commerce. Since Blockchain technology is based on a type of distributed and public database of transparent and immutable records, it may be the answer to eliminating these problems that e-business faces. This dissertation aims to evaluate the impact of Blockchain technology on e-Commerce, understanding how the technology behind cryptocurrencies can influence e-business, through the systematic literature review method. In order to ensure methodological rigor, this systematic literature review follows PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines, with a total of 20 papers are included in this study. The results suggest that the impacts of Blockchain on e-Commerce go through two levels, the impact on security issues, data processing and transparency and decreasing fraud and corruption, and finally, its impact on supply chain management, reducing costs and increasing supply chain efficiency

    Blockchain na gestão do acervo acadêmico de instituições federais de ensino superior: uma proposta de implementação

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    The Ministry of Education (MEC) has made efforts to improve efficiency and security in the process of issuing diplomas, certificates and official documents, encouraging research and development of solutions in this context. Blockchain technology has been increasingly mentioned by the Federal Government as a possible tool to modernize and improve processes in the public sphere. This technology can be understood as a distributed registry capable of guaranteeing the immutability and authenticity of data, without depending on a central authority, and is considered by many authors as a disruptive technology, capable of generating innovation by breaking with old models and introducing new standards. . Driven by these assumptions, this work developed and implemented an application that uses the Ethereum blockchain to ensure the immutability, integrity and availability of an academic collection item originating from a Federal Institution of Higher Education (IFES). The programming languages PHP and Javascript were used, with the help of libraries and specific tools for programming Smart Contracts (smart contracts) and connection with the Ethereum blockchain. The effectiveness of the application was confirmed by evaluating the results using tools such as Node Explorers. However, the results also revealed that the costs associated with the operation can pose a challenge to the project's scalability, which makes the development of private blockchain networks (permissioned blockchains) by public organizations a potentially more viable solution.O Ministério da Educação (MEC) tem empreendido esforços para aprimorar a eficiência e segurança no processo de emissão de diplomas, certificados e documentos oficiais, incentivando a pesquisa e desenvolvimento de soluções nesse contexto. A tecnologia blockchain tem sido cada vez mais mencionada pelo Governo Federal como uma possível ferramenta para modernizar e aperfeiçoar os processos na esfera pública. Essa tecnologia pode ser compreendida como um registro distribuído capaz de garantir a imutabilidade e autenticidade de dados, sem depender de uma autoridade central, e é considerada por muitos autores como uma tecnologia disruptiva, capaz de gerar inovação ao romper com modelos antigos e introduzir novos padrões. Impulsionado por essas premissas, o presente trabalho desenvolveu e implementou uma aplicação que utiliza a blockchain da rede Ethereum para assegurar a imutabilidade, integridade e disponibilidade de um item do acervo acadêmico originado de uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior (IFES). Foram empregadas as linguagens de programação PHP e Javascript, com auxílio de bibliotecas e ferramentas específicas para a programação de Contratos Inteligentes (smart contracts) e conexão com a blockchain Ethereum. A eficácia da aplicação foi confirmada por meio da avaliação dos resultados utilizando ferramentas como exploradores de nós. No entanto, os resultados também revelaram que os custos associados à operação podem representar um desafio para a escalabilidade do projeto, o que torna o desenvolvimento de redes blockchain privadas (permissioned blockchains) pelas organizações públicas uma solução potencialmente mais viável

    Next Generation Business Ecosystems: Engineering Decentralized Markets, Self-Sovereign Identities and Tokenization

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    Digital transformation research increasingly shifts from studying information systems within organizations towards adopting an ecosystem perspective, where multiple actors co-create value. While digital platforms have become a ubiquitous phenomenon in consumer-facing industries, organizations remain cautious about fully embracing the ecosystem concept and sharing data with external partners. Concerns about the market power of platform orchestrators and ongoing discussions on privacy, individual empowerment, and digital sovereignty further complicate the widespread adoption of business ecosystems, particularly in the European Union. In this context, technological innovations in Web3, including blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies, have emerged as potential catalysts for disrupting centralized gatekeepers and enabling a strategic shift towards user-centric, privacy-oriented next-generation business ecosystems. However, existing research efforts focus on decentralizing interactions through distributed network topologies and open protocols lack theoretical convergence, resulting in a fragmented and complex landscape that inadequately addresses the challenges organizations face when transitioning to an ecosystem strategy that harnesses the potential of disintermediation. To address these gaps and successfully engineer next-generation business ecosystems, a comprehensive approach is needed that encompasses the technical design, economic models, and socio-technical dynamics. This dissertation aims to contribute to this endeavor by exploring the implications of Web3 technologies on digital innovation and transformation paths. Drawing on a combination of qualitative and quantitative research, it makes three overarching contributions: First, a conceptual perspective on \u27tokenization\u27 in markets clarifies its ambiguity and provides a unified understanding of the role in ecosystems. This perspective includes frameworks on: (a) technological; (b) economic; and (c) governance aspects of tokenization. Second, a design perspective on \u27decentralized marketplaces\u27 highlights the need for an integrated understanding of micro-structures, business structures, and IT infrastructures in blockchain-enabled marketplaces. This perspective includes: (a) an explorative literature review on design factors; (b) case studies and insights from practitioners to develop requirements and design principles; and (c) a design science project with an interface design prototype of blockchain-enabled marketplaces. Third, an economic perspective on \u27self-sovereign identities\u27 (SSI) as micro-structural elements of decentralized markets. This perspective includes: (a) value creation mechanisms and business aspects of strategic alliances governing SSI ecosystems; (b) business model characteristics adopted by organizations leveraging SSI; and (c) business model archetypes and a framework for SSI ecosystem engineering efforts. The dissertation concludes by discussing limitations as well as outlining potential avenues for future research. These include, amongst others, exploring the challenges of ecosystem bootstrapping in the absence of intermediaries, examining the make-or-join decision in ecosystem emergence, addressing the multidimensional complexity of Web3-enabled ecosystems, investigating incentive mechanisms for inter-organizational collaboration, understanding the role of trust in decentralized environments, and exploring varying degrees of decentralization with potential transition pathways