26 research outputs found

    Disaggregation of SMAP Soil Moisture at 20 m Resolution: Validation and Sub-Field Scale Analysis

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    This paper introduces a modified version of the DisPATCh (Disaggregation based on Physical And Theoretical scale Change) algorithm to disaggregate an SMAP surface soil moisture (SSM) product at a 20 m spatial resolution, through the use of sharpened Sentinel-3 land surface temperature (LST) data. Using sharpened LST as a high resolution proxy of SSM is a novel approach that needs to be validated and can be employed in a variety of applications that currently lack in a product with a similar high spatio-temporal resolution. The proposed high resolution SSM product was validated against available in situ data for two different fields, and it was also compared with two coarser DisPATCh products produced, disaggregating SMAP through the use of an LST at 1 km from Sentinel-3 and MODIS. From the correlation between in situ data and disaggregated SSM products, a general improvement was found in terms of Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R) for the proposed high resolution product with respect to the two products at 1 km. For the first field analyzed, R was equal to 0.47 when considering the 20 m product, an improvement compared to the 0.28 and 0.39 for the 1 km products. The improvement was especially noticeable during the summer season, in which it was only possible to successfully capture field-specific irrigation practices at the 20 m resolution. For the second field, R was 0.31 for the 20 m product, also an improvement compared to the 0.21 and 0.23 for the 1 km product. Additionally, the new product was able to depict SSM spatial variability at a sub-field scale and a validation analysis is also proposed at this scale. The main advantage of the proposed product is its very high spatio-temporal resolution, which opens up new opportunities to apply remotely sensed SSM data in disciplines that require fine spatial scales, such as agriculture and water management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evapotranspiration estimates derived using thermal-based satellite remote sensing and data fusion for irrigation management in California vineyards

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    Irrigation in the Central Valley of California is essential for successful wine grape production. With reductions in water availability in much of California due to drought and competing water-use interests, it is important to optimize irrigation management strategies. In the current study, we investigate the utility of satellite-derived maps of evapotranspiration (ET) and the ratio of actual-to-reference ET (fRET) based on remotely sensed land-surface temperature (LST) imagery for monitoring crop water use and stress in vineyards. The Disaggregated Atmosphere Land EXchange Inverse (ALEXI/DisALEXI) surface-energy balance model, a multi-scale ET remote-sensing framework with operational capabilities, is evaluated over two Pinot noir vineyard sites in central California that are being monitored as part of the Grape Remote-Sensing Atmospheric Profile and Evapotranspiration eXperiment (GRAPEX). A data fusion approach is employed to combine ET time-series retrievals from multiple satellite platforms to generate estimates at both the high spatial (30 m) and temporal (daily) resolution required for field-scale irrigation management. Comparisons with micrometeorological data indicate reasonable model performance, with mean absolute errors of 0.6 mm day−1 in ET at the daily time step and minimal bias. Values of fRET agree well with tower observations and reflect known irrigation. Spatiotemporal analyses illustrate the ability of ALEXI/DisALEXI/data fusion package to characterize heterogeneity in ET and fRET both within a vineyard and over the surrounding landscape. These findings will inform the development of strategies for integrating ET mapping time series into operational irrigation management framework, providing actionable information regarding vineyard water use and crop stress at the field and regional scale and at daily to multi-annual time scales.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio


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    High frequency of images and high spatial resolution are necessary characteristics in studies with high temporal and spatial dynamics, which are difficult to find in a single orbital sensor. Therefore, the possibility of using multiple satellites to overcome this obstacle in monitoring is of fundamental importance. The aim of the study was to evaluate the multi-sensor coupling for the monitoring of phenomena that require a greater frequency of spatial detail and high-temporal observations by intercalibrating the reflectance images of the LISS III sensor, which is on board the satellite ResourceSat-II, and the MSI sensor onboard the Sentinel-2A, utilizing the Landsat-8 OLI sensor as standard. To perform the methodology, prior the intercalibration, it was necessary to convert the digital numbers of the bands into reflectance at the top of the atmosphere, so that intercalibration of data with simple linear regression could be subsequently performed. The results demonstrate that, with the intercalibrations of the reflectance images of the LISS III and MSI sensors, it is possible to couple the information of these sensors with those coming from OLI, enabling the increase of the frequency and availability of information in studies that require more observations, as in agricultural monitoring, natural disasters, and deforestation among others

    Modelling actual evapotranspiration using a two source energy balance model with Sentinel imagery in herbaceous-free and herbaceous-cover Mediterranean olive orchards

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    To the European Space Agency for the imagery of the Sentinel Missions and its open access. Special thanks to Radoslaw Guzinski for share and make accessible (https://github.com/radosuav/pyDMS) the implemented software for the used sharpening process (likewise to Hector Nieto for the implemented TSEB-PT, https://github.com/hectornieto/pyTSEB).To the Group of Castillo de Canena for the use of their farm as an experimental site and their people for continuous cooperation. We also give special thanks to Andrew S. Kowalski for his advice and suggestions. We would like also to express our gratitude to the anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions that enhanced this work. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through project CGL2017-83538-C3-1-R (ELEMENTAL) and PID2020-117825GB-C21 (INTEGRATYON3) Including European Union ERDF funds [grant number PRE2018-085638]. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA.Precipitation deficit and more extreme drought and precipitation events are expected to increase in the Mediterranean region due to global warming. A great part of this region is covered by olive orchards, representing 97.5% of the world’s olive agricultural area. Thus, the adaptation of olive cultivation demands climate-smart management, such as the optimization of water use efficiency, since evapotranspiration is one of the most important components of the water balance. The novelty of this work is the combination of the remote sensing data fusion and the Two Source Energy Balance (TSEB) model (through Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 imagery) to estimate the actual daily evapotranspiration (ETd), at high spatial (20 m) and temporal (daily) resolution, in an olive orchard under two management regimes: herbaceous free (HF) and herbaceous-cover (HC); along a three years period, based on the hypothesis that TSEB is still able to track and estimate the evapotranspiration over more complex canopies. The study was carried out from 2016 to 2019 in an olive orchard in the South of Spain, where the flux estimates were validated and assessed by in situ eddy covariance (EC) measurements. The results show better agreement in HC for net radiation (Rn) and the soil heat flux (G), but similar for both surfaces regarding the sensible (H) and latent (λE) heat fluxes, as well as ETd. On both surfaces greater differences obtained at higher H, and the magnitude of overestimation of λE and ETd were influenced by the EC energy imbalance. By contrast, G was overestimated with HC probably influenced by herbs, and equally underestimated for HF surfaces. The obtained results are in agreement with similar studies in tree crop orchards, and show the consistency of the used methodology and its usefulness for some farming activities, even on the more heterogeneous surface.Spanish Government CGL2017-83538-C3-1-R PID2020-117825GB-C21European Commission PRE2018-085638Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Application of a remote-sensing three-source energy balance model to improve evapotranspiration partitioning in vineyards

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    © The Author(s) 2022. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Improved accuracy of evapotranspiration (ET) estimation, including its partitioning between transpiration (T) and surface evaporation (E), is key to monitor agricultural water use in vineyards, especially to enhance water use efficiency in semi-arid regions such as California, USA. Remote-sensing methods have shown great utility in retrieving ET from surface energy balance models based on thermal infrared data. Notably, the two-source energy balance (TSEB) has been widely and robustly applied in numerous landscapes, including vineyards. However, vineyards add an additional complexity where the landscape is essentially made up of two distinct zones: the grapevine and the interrow, which is often seasonally covered by an herbaceous cover crop. Therefore, it becomes more complex to disentangle the various contributions of the different vegetation elements to total ET, especially through TSEB, which assumes a single vegetation source over a soil layer. As such, a remote-sensing-based three-source energy balance (3SEB) model, which essentially adds a vegetation source to TSEB, was applied in an experimental vineyard located in California’s Central Valley to investigate whether it improves the depiction of the grapevine-interrow system. The model was applied in four different blocks in 2019 and 2020, where each block had an eddy-covariance (EC) tower collecting continuous flux, radiometric, and meteorological measurements. 3SEB’s latent and sensible heat flux retrievals were accurate with an overall RMSD ~ 50 W/m2 compared to EC measurements. 3SEB improved upon TSEB simulations, with the largest differences being concentrated in the spring season, when there is greater mixing between grapevine foliage and the cover crop. Additionally, 3SEB’s modeled ET partitioning (T/ET) compared well against an EC T/ET retrieval method, being only slightly underestimated. Overall, these promising results indicate 3SEB can be of great utility to vineyard irrigation management, especially to improve T/ET estimations and to quantify the contribution of the cover crop to ET. Improved knowledge of T/ET can enhance grapevine water stress detection to support irrigation and water resource management.Funding and logistical support for the GRAPEX project were provided by E. and J. Gallo Winery and from the NASA Applied Sciences-Water Resources Program (Grant No. NNH17AE39I). This research was also supported in part by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.Peer reviewe

    Field-scale mapping of evaporative stress indicators of crop yield: An application over Mead, NE, USA

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    The Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) quantifies temporal anomalies in a normalized evapotranspiration (ET) metric describing the ratio of actual-to-reference ET (fRET) as derived from satellite remote sensing. At regional scales (3–10 km pixel resolution), the ESI has demonstrated the capacity to capture developing crop stress and impacts on regional yield variability in water-limited agricultural regions. However, its performance in some regions where the vegetation cycle is intensively managed appears to be degraded due to spatial and temporal limitations in the standard ESI products. In this study, we investigated potential improvements to ESI by generating maps of ET, fRET, and fRET anomalies at high spatiotemporal resolution (30-m pixels, daily time steps) using a multi-sensor data fusion method, enabling separation of landcover types with different phenologies and resilience to drought. The study was conducted for the period 2010–2014 covering a region around Mead, Nebraska that includes both rainfed and irrigated crops. Correlations between ESI and measurements of maize yield were investigated at both the field and county level to assess the potential of ESI as a yield forecasting tool. To examine the role of crop phenology in yield-ESI correlations, annual input fRET time series were aligned by both calendar day and by biophysically relevant dates (e.g. days since planting or emergence). At the resolution of the operational U.S. ESI product (4 km), adjusting fRET alignment to a regionally reported emergence date prior to anomaly computation improves r2 correlations with county-level yield estimates from 0.28 to 0.80. At 30-m resolution, where pure maize pixels can be isolated from other crops and landcover types, county-level yield correlations improved from 0.47 to 0.93 when aligning fRET by emergence date rather than calendar date. Peak correlations occurred 68 days after emergence, corresponding to the silking stage for maize when grain development is particularly sensitive to soil moisture deficiencies. The results of this study demonstrate the utility of remotely sensed ET in conveying spatially and temporally explicit water stress information to yield prediction and crop simulation models

    Feasibility of Using the Two-Source Energy Balance Model (TSEB) with Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Images to Analyze the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Vine Water Status in a Vineyard

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    In viticulture, detailed spatial information about actual evapotranspiration (ETa) and vine water status within a vineyard may be of particular utility when applying site-specific, precision irrigation management. Over recent decades, extensive research has been carried out in the use of remote sensing energy balance models to estimate and monitor ETa at the field level. However, one of the major limitations remains the coarse spatial resolution in the thermal infrared (TIR) domain. In this context, the recent advent of the Sentinel missions of the European Space Agency (ESA) has greatly improved the possibility of monitoring crop parameters and estimating ETa at higher temporal and spatial resolutions. In order to bridge the gap between the coarse-resolution Sentinel-3 thermal and the fine-resolution Sentinel-2 shortwave data, sharpening techniques have been used to downscale the Sentinel-3 land surface temperature (LST) from 1 km to 20 m. However, the accurate estimates of high-resolution LST through sharpening techniques are still unclear, particularly when intended to be used for detecting crop water stress. The goal of this study was to assess the feasibility of the two-source energy balance model (TSEB) using sharpened LST images from Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 (TSEB-PTS2+3) to estimate the spatio-temporal variability of actual transpiration (T) and water stress in a vineyard. T and crop water stress index (CWSI) estimates were evaluated against a vine water consumption model and regressed with in situ stem water potential (Ψstem). Two different TSEB approaches, using very high-resolution airborne thermal imagery, were also included in the analysis as benchmarks for TSEB-PTS2+3. One of them uses aggregated TIR data at the vine+inter-row level (TSEB-PTairb), while the other is based on a contextual method that directly, although separately, retrieves soil and canopy temperatures (TSEB-2T). The results obtained demonstrated that when comparing airborne Trad and sharpened S2+3 LST, the latter tend to be underestimated. This complicates the use of TSEB-PTS2+3 to detect crop water stress. TSEB-2T appeared to outperform all the other methods. This was shown by a higher R2 and slightly lower RMSD when compared with modelled T. In addition, regressions between T and CWSI-2T with Ψstem also produced the highest R2.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phenological corrections to a field-scale, ET-based crop stress indicator: An application to yield forecasting across the U.S. Corn Belt

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    Soil moisture deficiency is a major factor in determining crop yields in water-limited agricultural production regions. Evapotranspiration (ET), which consists of crop water use through transpiration and water loss through direct soil evaporation, is a good indicator of soil moisture availability and vegetation health. ET therefore has been an integral part of many yield estimation efforts. The Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) is an ET-based crop stress indicator that describes temporal anomalies in a normalized evapotranspiration metric as derived from satellite remote sensing. ESI has demonstrated the capacity to explain regional yield variability in water-limited regions. However, its performance in some regions where the vegetation cycle is intensively managed appears to be degraded due to interannual phenological variability. This investigation selected three study sites across the U.S. Corn Belt – Mead, NE, Ames, IA and Champaign, IL – to investigate the potential operational value of 30-m resolution, phenologically corrected ESI datasets for yield prediction. The analysis was conducted over an 8-year period from 2010 to 2017, which included both drought and pluvial conditions as well as a broad range in yield values. Detrended yield anomalies for corn and soybean were correlated with ESI computed using annual ET curves temporally aligned based on (1) calendar date, (2) crop emergence date, and (3) a growing degree day (GDD) scaled time axis. Results showed that ESI has good correlations with yield anomalies at the county scale and that phenological corrections to the annual temporal alignment of the ET timeseries improve the correlation, especially when the time axis is defined by GDD rather than the calendar date. Peak correlations occur in the silking stage for corn and the reproductive stage for soybean – phases when these crops are particularly sensitive to soil moisture deficiencies. Regression equations derived at the time of peak correlation were used to estimate yields at county scale using a leave-one-out cross-validation strategy. The ESI-based yield estimates agree well with the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) county-level crop yield data, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.79 to 0.93 and percent root-mean-square errors of 5–8%. These results demonstrate that remotely sensed ET at high spatiotemporal resolution can convey valuable water stress information for forecasting crop yields across the Corn Belt if interannual phenological variability is considered

    Sharpening ECOSTRESS and VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Using Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel Surface Reflectances

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    Land surface temperature (LST) is a key diagnostic indicator of agricultural water use and crop stress. LST data retrieved from thermal infrared (TIR) band imagery, however, tend to have a coarser spatial resolution (e.g., 100 m for Landsat 8) than surface reflectance (SR) data collected from shortwave bands on the same instrument (e.g., 30 m for Landsat). Spatial sharpening of LST data using the higher resolution multi-band SR data provides an important path for improved agricultural monitoring at sub-field scales. A previously developed Data Mining Sharpener (DMS) approach has shown great potential in the sharpening of Landsat LST using Landsat SR data co-collected over various landscapes. This work evaluates DMS performance for sharpening ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) LST (~70 m native resolution) and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) LST (375 m) data using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) SR data, providing the basis for generating 30-m LST data at a higher temporal frequency than afforded by Landsat alone. To account for the misalignment between ECOSTRESS/VIIRS and Landsat/HLS caused by errors in registration and orthorectification, we propose a modified version of the DMS approach that employs a relaxed box size for energy conservation (EC). Sharpening experiments were conducted over three study sites in California, and results were evaluated visually and quantitatively against LST data from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) flights and from Landsat 8. Over the three sites, the modified DMS technique showed improved sharpening accuracy over the standard DMS for both ECOSTRESS and VIIRS, suggesting the effectiveness of relaxing EC box in relieving misalignment-induced errors. To achieve reasonable accuracy while minimizing loss of spatial detail due to the EC box size increase, an optimal EC box size of 180–270 m was identified for ECOSTRESS and about 780 m for VIIRS data based on experiments from the three sites. Results from this work will facilitate the development of a prototype system that generates high spatiotemporal resolution LST products for improved agricultural water use monitoring by synthesizing multi-source remote sensing data