248 research outputs found

    Benchmarks for Parity Games (extended version)

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    We propose a benchmark suite for parity games that includes all benchmarks that have been used in the literature, and make it available online. We give an overview of the parity games, including a description of how they have been generated. We also describe structural properties of parity games, and using these properties we show that our benchmarks are representative. With this work we provide a starting point for further experimentation with parity games.Comment: The corresponding tool and benchmarks are available from https://github.com/jkeiren/paritygame-generator. This is an extended version of the paper that has been accepted for FSEN 201

    Advanced reduction techniques for model checking

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    Parity game reductions

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    Parity games play a central role in model checking and satisfiability checking. Solving parity games is computationally expensive, among others due to the size of the games, which, for model checking problems, can easily contain 10910^9 vertices or beyond. Equivalence relations can be used to reduce the size of a parity game, thereby potentially alleviating part of the computational burden. We reconsider (governed) bisimulation and (governed) stuttering bisimulation, and we give detailed proofs that these relations are equivalences, have unique quotients and they approximate the winning regions of parity games. Furthermore, we present game-based characterisations of these relations. Using these characterisations our equivalences are compared to relations for parity games that can be found in the literature, such as direct simulation equivalence and delayed simulation equivalence. To complete the overview we develop coinductive characterisations of direct- and delayed simulation equivalence and we establish a lattice of equivalences for parity games

    Getting the point : obtaining and understanding fixpoints in model checking

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    Parity game reductions

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    Parity games play a central role in model checking and satisfiability checking. Solving parity games is computationally expensive, among others due to the size of the games, which, for model checking problems, can easily contain 10910^9 vertices or beyond. Equivalence relations can be used to reduce the size of a parity game, thereby potentially alleviating part of the computational burden. We reconsider (governed) bisimulation and (governed) stuttering bisimulation, and we give detailed proofs that these relations are equivalences, have unique quotients and they approximate the winning regions of parity games. Furthermore, we present game-based characterisations of these relations. Using these characterisations our equivalences are compared to relations for parity games that can be found in the literature, such as direct simulation equivalence and delayed simulation equivalence. To complete the overview we develop coinductive characterisations of direct- and delayed simulation equivalence and we establish a lattice of equivalences for parity games

    Partial-order reduction for parity games with an application on parameterised Boolean Equation Systems (Technical Report)

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    Partial-order reduction (POR) is a well-established technique to combat the problem of state-space explosion. Most approaches in literature focus on Kripke structures or labelled transition systems and preserve a form of stutter/weak trace equivalence or weak bisimulation. Therefore, they are at best applicable when checking weak modal mucalculus. We propose to apply POR on parity games, which can encode the combination of a transition system and a temporal property. Our technique allows one to apply POR in the setting of mu-calculus model checking. We show with an example that the reduction achieved on parity games can be significantly larger. Furthermore, we identify and repair an issue where stubborn sets do not preserve stutter equivalence

    Problem solving using process algebra considered insightful

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    An O(mlog n) algorithm for computing stuttering equivalence and branching bisimulation

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    We provide a new algorithm to determine stuttering equivalence with time complexity O(mlog n), where n is the number of states and mis the number of transitions of a Kripke structure. This algorithm can also be used to determine branching bisimulation in O(m(log |Act| + log n)) time, where Act is the set of actions in a labeled transition system. Theoretically, our algorithm substantially improves upon existing algorithms, which all have time complexity of the form O(mn) at best. Moreover, it has better or equal space complexity. Practical results confirm these findings: they show that our algorithm can outperform existing algorithms by several orders of magnitude, especially when the Kripke structures are large. The importance of our algorithm stretches far beyond stuttering equivalence and branching bisimulation. The known O(mn) algorithms were already far more efficient (both in space and time) than most other algorithms to determine behavioral equivalences (including weak bisimulation), and therefore they were often used as an essential preprocessing step. This new algorithm makes this use of stuttering equivalence and branching bisimulation even more attractive.</p
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