34 research outputs found

    Essays on antecedents and consequences of cloud computing capabilities in organizations: an empirical analysis of field data

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    Cloud computing is widely recognized as a potential disruptive paradigm that changes how IT is consumed and business is conducted in various industries. Managerial and academic literature has shown that cloud computing may benefit firms in various ways such as cost savings, fast project development, and business innovation. Nevertheless, there are many different interpretations and perceptions of cloud computing about how to better prepare for and use it in the information systems (IS) literature. A systematic analysis is necessary to clarify the equivocal issues around cloud computing and guide managers to better understand and utilize cloud computing in practice. This dissertation addresses several important relationships around cloud computing using theoretical models and empirical data as a representation of how the questions about cloud computing may be investigated in the IS literature and how the findings may benefit organizations in using cloud computing. Therefore, the dissertation comprises three connected chapters that address one important antecedent of cloud computing adoption – internal IT modularity within firms and two important consequences – firm performance and strategic alliance formation. It is found that in order to better prepare for cloud computing adoption, firm users can do something themselves by modularizing their internal IT systems. Firms also need to know whether and how cloud computing, after all, can benefit their firm performance or other activities such as strategic alliance formation. The findings show that cloud computing overall and its various specific cloud services may promote firm performance directly or complementarily with internal enterprise resources. Cloud computing and its specific cloud services may also exert different effects on strategic alliance formation. This dissertation systematically addresses the issues around cloud computing in the IS literature and sheds lights on how such a study can be applied to help managers and decision makers in industries to better understand and use cloud computing to achieve their business goals

    SLA management of non-computational services.

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    El incremento en el uso de arquitecturas orientadas a servicios en los últimos 15 años ha propiciado la propuesta de numerosas técnicas para automatizar y dar soporte al uso de dichos servicios. Un elemento fundamental en la provisión de servicios es el Acuerdo de Nivel de Servicio (ANS), donde se formalizan los requisitos y garantías de consumidor y proveedor respecto del rendimiento del servicio. Las propuestas para servicios computacionales, además de proveer modelos formales para describirlos, proponen la automatización de las diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida del ANS, tales como la negociación de las garantías para crear un ANS, el despliegue de servicios basados en el ANS, o la gestión de los recursos para cumplir las garantías provistas en el mismo. Sin embargo, en los servicios tradicionales, no computacionales, es decir, los servicios que no son ejecutados por recursos computacionales, tales como los servicios de logística o de desarrollo de software, la gestión de sus ANSs todavía se realiza por medios ad-hoc. Así, las soluciones existentes no pueden ser reutilizadas por diferentes servicios. Y, en la mayoría de los casos, esta gestión se hace de manera manual (p.e. revisión de los objetivos acordados en los ANSs de servicios de transporte), por lo que la evaluación de estos ANSs es susceptible a errores y se suele retrasar respecto a la ejecución del servicio (p.e. cuando el ANS ha finalizado), por lo que no se pueden tomar acciones preventivas para evitar el incumplimiento del ANS o estas acciones no son rentables. En estos escenarios, aparecen, además, acuerdos marco para un periodo largo (p.e. 1 aõ), durante el cual pueden aparecen ANSs relacionados con éste para un periodo más específico y el análisis de la coherencia entre acuerdos marco y acuerdos específicos es complicada de hacer durante la ejecución del servicio. En esta tesis, nos proponemos automatizar parcialmente la gestión de los ANSs de servicios no computacionales. Así, por un lado, proponemos que los modelos para servicios computacionales se extiendan a servicios no computacionales, de manera que permitan describir la operativa del servicio y sus garantías. Y, por otro lado, basado en estos modelos, proporcionamos el diseño de operaciones para gestionar el ciclo de vida de los ANS. Concretamente, estas operaciones se basan en las fases de despligue y evaluación del ANS. De forma específica, esta tesis propone tres contribuciones principales. Primero, (A) extender iAgree para dar soporte al modelado de los ANS de servicios no computacionales. Segundo, (B) dar soporte al ciclo de vida de dichos ANS mediante la formalización de las operaciones citadas (configuración del servicio basada en el ANS y monitorización del mismo) y, a partir de estas operaciones, implementamos una arquitectura de referencia para estas operaciones. Y, por último, (C) proveemos el modelado de la relación entre acuerdos marco y específicos que relacione sus términos junto con la formalización de las operaciones para el análisis que aparecen entre ellos. Otros aspectos del ciclo de vida del servicio y del ANS, como la gestión de los recursos para mejorar el rendimiento del servicio o el uso de técnicas (como machine learning) para la predicción del cumplimiento de los ANSs están fuera del contexto de esta tesis, pero se plantean como futuras líneas de extensión. Este trabajo se ha basado en ANSs reales de diferentes dominios, tales como servicios de Transporte y Logística, proveedores de Cloud or outsourcing de desarrollo TIC, que se han utilizado para validar las propuestas. Además, las contribuciones presentadas se han aplicado en el contexto de proyectos reales de soporte de sistemas TIC.The rise of computational services in the last 15 years brought the proposal of a number of techniques to automate and support their enactment. One key element in services is the Service Level Agreement (SLA), where the requirements of service customer are matched with the performance levels from the service provider to define service level guarantees and related responsibilities. The proposals from computational domains are oriented to automate the different stages in the SLA Lifecycle, such as the negotiation of terms which will form the SLA, the deployment of services based on the SLA artifact or the management of computational resources to accomplish SLA goals on runtime. However, traditional non-computational services, that is, services which are not performed by computational resources, such as logistics or software development services, are still supported by ad-hoc mechanisms. Therefore, the existing solutions for the management of their SLAs cannot be reused for other services. This management is usually manually performed (e.g.: reviewing of the goals of an SLA in transport service), so their evaluation is error-prone and delayed regarding the service execution (e.g.: when the SLA is finished), so preemptive actions to avoid SLA violations cannot be taken or/and are expensive to perform. Furthermore, these SLAs are sometimes described on a long term basis (frame agreements), and related SLAs can appear for a shorter term (specific agreements) and the analysis of the validity among them is complex to perform on runtime. In this dissertation, we aim at partially automate the management of SLAs in noncomputational services. On the one hand, we suggest that existing models for computational services can be extended to non computational services and enable the description of the service operative and their guarantees. And, on the other hand, we provide a design for operations to partially support the SLA Lifecycle, based on the previous models. Specifically, these operations are mainly focused on the deployment and fulfillment stages of the SLA. Therefore, the contributions of this dissertation are three. First, (A) providing a model to describe Service Level Agreements of non computational services, as an extension of iAgree, an existing model for SLAs of computational services. Second side, (B) supporting the SLA Lifecycle with the design of the aforementioned operations (service configuration based on SLA and monitoring of SLA) and implementing a reference architecture for such operations. And, lastly, (C) providing a model for frame and specific agreements which relates their terms and formalises the analysis operations among them. Other related operations of the service lifecycle as the management of resources to improve service performance or the use of novel techniques (such as machine learning) to predict the SLA accomplishment are out of the scope of this thesis but planned as future line of extension. The current dissertation has been based on real SLAs from different domains, such as Transport & Logistics, public Cloud providers or IT Maintenance outsourcing, which have been used to validate the proposal. And, furthermore, the contributions have been applied in the context of real IT Maintenance outsourcing projects

    An Integrated Modeling Framework for Managing the Deployment and Operation of Cloud Applications

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    Cloud computing can help Software as a Service (SaaS) providers to take advantage of the sheer number of cloud benefits such as, agility, continuity, cost reduction, autonomy, and easy management of resources. To reap the benefits, SaaS providers should create their applications to utilize the cloud platform capabilities. However, this is a daunting task. First, it requires a full understanding of the service offerings from different providers, and the meta-data artifacts required by each provider to configure the platform to efficiently deploy, run and manage the application. Second, it involves complex decisions that are specified by different stakeholders. Examples include, financial decisions (e.g., selecting a platform to reduces costs), architectural decisions (e.g., partition the application to maximize scalability), and operational decisions (e.g., distributing modules to insure availability and porting the application to other platforms). Finally, while each stakeholder may conduct a certain type of change to address a specific concern, the impact of a change may span multiple models and influence the decisions of several stakeholders. These factors motivate the need for: (i) a new architectural view model that focuses on service operation and reflects the cloud stakeholder perspectives, and (ii) a novel framework that facilitates providing holistic as well as partial architectural views, and generating the required platform artifacts by fragmenting the model into artifacts that can be easily modified separately. This PhD research devises a novel architecture framework, "The 5+1 Architectural View Model", for cloud applications, in which each view corresponds to a different perspective on cloud application deployment. The architectural framework is realized as a cloud modeling framework, called "StratusML", which consists of a modeling language that uses layers to specify the cloud configuration space, and a transformation engine to generate the configuration space artifacts. The usefulness and practical applicability of StratusML to model multi-cloud and multi-tenant applications have been demonstrated though a representative domain example. Moreover, to automate the framework evolution as new concerns and cloud platforms emerge, this research work introduces also a novel schema matching technique, called "Liberate". Liberate supports the process of domain model creation, evolution, and transformations. Liberate helps solve the vendor lock-in problem by reducing the manual efforts required to map complex correspondences between cloud schemas whose domain concepts do not share linguistic similarities. The evaluation of Liberate shows its superiority in the cloud domain over existing schema matching approaches

    EU H2020 MSCA RISE Project FIRST - “virtual Factories: Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovation”

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    FIRST – “virtual Factories: Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovation”, is a European H2020 project, founded by the RESEARCH AND INNOVATION STAFF EXCHANGE (RISE) Work Programme as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. The project concerns with Manufacturing 2.0 and aims at providing the new technology and methodology to describe manufacturing assets; to compose and integrate the existing services into collaborative virtual manufacturing processes; and to deal with evolution of changes. This Chapter provides an overview of the state of the art for the research topics related to the project research objectives, and then it presents the progresses the project achieved up to now towards the implementation of the proposed innovations

    Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing

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    The importance of demonstrating the value achieved from IT investments is long established in the Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS) literature. However, emerging technologies such as the ever-changing complex area of cloud computing present new challenges and opportunities for demonstrating how IT investments lead to business value. Recent reviews of extant literature highlights the need for multi-disciplinary research. This research should explore and further develops the conceptualization of value in cloud computing research. In addition, there is a need for research which investigates how IT value manifests itself across the chain of service provision and in inter-organizational scenarios. This open access book will review the state of the art from an IS, Computer Science and Accounting perspective, will introduce and discuss the main techniques for measuring business value for cloud computing in a variety of scenarios, and illustrate these with mini-case studies

    Perspective Chapter: Cloud Lock-in Parameters – Service Adoption and Migration

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    ICT has been lauded as being revolutionised by cloud computing, which relieves businesses of having to make significant capital investments in ICT while allowing them to connect to incredibly potent computing capabilities over the network. Organisations adopt cloud computing as a way to solve business problems, not technical problems. As such, organisations across Europe are eagerly embracing cloud computing in their operating environments. Understanding cloud lock-in parameters is essential for supporting inter-cloud cooperation and seamless information and data exchange. Achieving vendor-neutral cloud services is a fundamental requirement and a necessary strategy to be fulfilled in order to enable portability. This chapter highlights technical advancements that contribute to the interoperable migration of services in the heterogeneous cloud environment. A set of guidelines and good practices were also collected and discussed, thus providing strategies on how lock-in can be mitigated. Moreover, this chapter provides some recommendations for moving forward with cloud computing adoption. To make sure the migration and integration between on-premise and cloud happen with minimal disruption to business and results in maximum sustainable cost benefit, the chapter’s contribution is also designed to provide new knowledge and greater depth to support organisations around the world to make informed decisions

    Blueprint model and language for engineering cloud applications

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    Abstract: The research presented in this thesis is positioned within the domain of engineering CSBAs. Its contribution is twofold: (1) a uniform specification language, called the Blueprint Specification Language (BSL), for specifying cloud services across several cloud vendors and (2) a set of associated techniques, called the Blueprint Manipulation Techniques (BMTs), for publishing, querying, and composing cloud service specifications with aim to support the flexible design and configuration of an CSBA.

    Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing

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    The importance of demonstrating the value achieved from IT investments is long established in the Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS) literature. However, emerging technologies such as the ever-changing complex area of cloud computing present new challenges and opportunities for demonstrating how IT investments lead to business value. Recent reviews of extant literature highlights the need for multi-disciplinary research. This research should explore and further develops the conceptualization of value in cloud computing research. In addition, there is a need for research which investigates how IT value manifests itself across the chain of service provision and in inter-organizational scenarios. This open access book will review the state of the art from an IS, Computer Science and Accounting perspective, will introduce and discuss the main techniques for measuring business value for cloud computing in a variety of scenarios, and illustrate these with mini-case studies

    End-to-End Trust Fulfillment of Big Data Workflow Provisioning over Competing Clouds

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    Cloud Computing has emerged as a promising and powerful paradigm for delivering data- intensive, high performance computation, applications and services over the Internet. Cloud Computing has enabled the implementation and success of Big Data, a relatively recent phenomenon consisting of the generation and analysis of abundant data from various sources. Accordingly, to satisfy the growing demands of Big Data storage, processing, and analytics, a large market has emerged for Cloud Service Providers, offering a myriad of resources, platforms, and infrastructures. The proliferation of these services often makes it difficult for consumers to select the most suitable and trustworthy provider to fulfill the requirements of building complex workflows and applications in a relatively short time. In this thesis, we first propose a quality specification model to support dual pre- and post-cloud workflow provisioning, consisting of service provider selection and workflow quality enforcement and adaptation. This model captures key properties of the quality of work at different stages of the Big Data value chain, enabling standardized quality specification, monitoring, and adaptation. Subsequently, we propose a two-dimensional trust-enabled framework to facilitate end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) enforcement that: 1) automates cloud service provider selection for Big Data workflow processing, and 2) maintains the required QoS levels of Big Data workflows during runtime through dynamic orchestration using multi-model architecture-driven workflow monitoring, prediction, and adaptation. The trust-based automatic service provider selection scheme we propose in this thesis is comprehensive and adaptive, as it relies on a dynamic trust model to evaluate the QoS of a cloud provider prior to taking any selection decisions. It is a multi-dimensional trust model for Big Data workflows over competing clouds that assesses the trustworthiness of cloud providers based on three trust levels: (1) presence of the most up-to-date cloud resource verified capabilities, (2) reputational evidence measured by neighboring users and (3) a recorded personal history of experiences with the cloud provider. The trust-based workflow orchestration scheme we propose aims to avoid performance degradation or cloud service interruption. Our workflow orchestration approach is not only based on automatic adaptation and reconfiguration supported by monitoring, but also on predicting cloud resource shortages, thus preventing performance degradation. We formalize the cloud resource orchestration process using a state machine that efficiently captures different dynamic properties of the cloud execution environment. In addition, we use a model checker to validate our monitoring model in terms of reachability, liveness, and safety properties. We evaluate both our automated service provider selection scheme and cloud workflow orchestration, monitoring and adaptation schemes on a workflow-enabled Big Data application. A set of scenarios were carefully chosen to evaluate the performance of the service provider selection, workflow monitoring and the adaptation schemes we have implemented. The results demonstrate that our service selection outperforms other selection strategies and ensures trustworthy service provider selection. The results of evaluating automated workflow orchestration further show that our model is self-adapting, self-configuring, reacts efficiently to changes and adapts accordingly while enforcing QoS of workflows

    Cloud Computing: TOE Adoption Factors By Service Model In Manufacturing

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    Organizations are adopting cloud technologies for two primary reasons: to reduce costs and to enhance business agility. The pressure to innovate, reduce costs and respond quickly to changes in market demand brought about by intense global competition has U.S. manufacturing firms turning to cloud computing as an enabling strategy. Cloud computing is a service based information technology model that enables on-demand access to a shared pool of computing services provisioned over a broadband network. Cloud is categorized across three primary service models, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), differentiated by the cloud provider’s level of responsibility for managing hardware services, development platforms and application services. While prior research in cloud computing has sought to define the concept and explore the business value, empirical studies in the Information Systems literature stream are sparse, limited to exploratory case studies and SaaS research. Using the Technology, Organization, and Environment framework as a theoretical foundation, this research provides a holistic cloud adoption model inclusive of all cloud service layers. The study analyzes factors influencing organizational cloud adoption utilizing survey data from 150 U.S. manufacturing firms. The results find organizational innovativeness as a crucial factor to cloud computing adoption in manufacturing. An inverse factor relationship suggests the more innovative the firm culture, the less likely it is to adopt cloud. Other significant adoption factors include trust and technical competency. Findings also suggest variations in adoption influences based on the cloud service model deployed. The study has strategic implications for both researchers and managers seeking to understand the antecedents to adoption, and for practitioners developing an organizational cloud strategy spanning multiple cloud service models. For vendors, the study provides insights that can be leveraged to inform product design, solution strategy, and value proposition creation for future cloud service offerings