1,026 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Stokes formulas via minimal resolutions

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    We describe an explicit chain map from the standard resolution to the minimal resolution for the finite cyclic group Z_k of order k. We then demonstrate how such a chain map induces a "Z_k-combinatorial Stokes theorem", which in turn implies "Dold's theorem" that there is no equivariant map from an n-connected to an n-dimensional free Z_k-complex. Thus we build a combinatorial access road to problems in combinatorics and discrete geometry that have previously been treated with methods from equivariant topology. The special case k=2 for this is classical; it involves Tucker's (1949) combinatorial lemma which implies the Borsuk-Ulam theorem, its proof via chain complexes by Lefschetz (1949), the combinatorial Stokes formula of Fan (1967), and Meunier's work (2006).Comment: 18 page

    Combinatorial cohomology of the space of long knots

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    The motivation of this work is to define cohomology classes in the space of knots that are both easy to find and to evaluate, by reducing the problem to simple linear algebra. We achieve this goal by defining a combinatorial graded cochain complex, such that the elements of an explicit submodule in the cohomology define algebraic intersections with some "geometrically simple" strata in the space of knots. Such strata are endowed with explicit co-orientations, that are canonical in some sense. The combinatorial tools involved are natural generalisations (degeneracies) of usual methods using arrow diagrams.Comment: 20p. 9 fig

    Stokes posets and serpent nests

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    We study two different objects attached to an arbitrary quadrangulation of a regular polygon. The first one is a poset, closely related to the Stokes polytopes introduced by Baryshnikov. The second one is a set of some paths configurations inside the quadrangulation, satisfying some specific constraints. These objects provide a generalisation of the existing combinatorics of cluster algebras and nonnesting partitions of type A.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    On the existence of combinatorial configurations

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    A (v, b, r, k) combinatorial configuration can be defined as a connected, (r, k)-biregular bipartite graph with v vertices on one side and b vertices on the other and with no cycle of length 4. Combinatorial configurations have become very important for some cryptographic applications to sensor networks and to peer-to-peer communities. Configurable tuples are those tuples (v, b, r, k) for which a (v, b, r, k) combinatorial configuration exists. It is proved in this work that the set of configurable tuples with fixed r and k has the structure of a numerical semigroup. The semigroup is completely described whenever r = 2 or r = 3. For the remaining cases some bounds are given on the multiplicity and the conductor of the numerical semigroup. This leads to some concluding results on the existence of configurable tuples.Peer Reviewe

    Invariants of Legendrian Knots and Coherent Orientations

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    We provide a translation between Chekanov's combinatorial theory for invariants of Legendrian knots in the standard contact R^3 and a relative version of Eliashberg and Hofer's Contact Homology. We use this translation to transport the idea of ``coherent orientations'' from the Contact Homology world to Chekanov's combinatorial setting. As a result, we obtain a lifting of Chekanov's differential graded algebra invariant to an algebra over Z[t,t^{-1}] with a full Z grading.Comment: 32 pages, 17 figures; small technical corrections to proof of Thm 3.7 and example 4.

    Biconed graphs, edge-rooted forests, and h-vectors of matroid complexes

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    A well-known conjecture of Richard Stanley posits that the hh-vector of the independence complex of a matroid is a pure O{\mathcal O}-sequence. The conjecture has been established for various classes but is open for graphic matroids. A biconed graph is a graph with two specified `coning vertices', such that every vertex of the graph is connected to at least one coning vertex. The class of biconed graphs includes coned graphs, Ferrers graphs, and complete multipartite graphs. We study the hh-vectors of graphic matroids arising from biconed graphs, providing a combinatorial interpretation of their entries in terms of `edge-rooted forests' of the underlying graph. This generalizes constructions of Kook and Lee who studied the M\"obius coinvariant (the last nonzero entry of the hh-vector) of graphic matroids of complete bipartite graphs. We show that allowing for partially edge-rooted forests gives rise to a pure multicomplex whose face count recovers the hh-vector, establishing Stanley's conjecture for this class of matroids.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; V2: added omitted author to metadat

    Asymptotics of classical spin networks

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    A spin network is a cubic ribbon graph labeled by representations of SU(2)\mathrm{SU}(2). Spin networks are important in various areas of Mathematics (3-dimensional Quantum Topology), Physics (Angular Momentum, Classical and Quantum Gravity) and Chemistry (Atomic Spectroscopy). The evaluation of a spin network is an integer number. The main results of our paper are: (a) an existence theorem for the asymptotics of evaluations of arbitrary spin networks (using the theory of GG-functions), (b) a rationality property of the generating series of all evaluations with a fixed underlying graph (using the combinatorics of the chromatic evaluation of a spin network), (c) rigorous effective computations of our results for some 6j6j-symbols using the Wilf-Zeilberger theory, and (d) a complete analysis of the regular Cube 12j12j spin network (including a non-rigorous guess of its Stokes constants), in the appendix.Comment: 24 pages, 32 figure

    Configuration Spaces of Manifolds with Boundary

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    We study ordered configuration spaces of compact manifolds with boundary. We show that for a large class of such manifolds, the real homotopy type of the configuration spaces only depends on the real homotopy type of the pair consisting of the manifold and its boundary. We moreover describe explicit real models of these configuration spaces using three different approaches. We do this by adapting previous constructions for configuration spaces of closed manifolds which relied on Kontsevich's proof of the formality of the little disks operads. We also prove that our models are compatible with the richer structure of configuration spaces, respectively a module over the Swiss-Cheese operad, a module over the associative algebra of configurations in a collar around the boundary of the manifold, and a module over the little disks operad.Comment: 107 page