100 research outputs found

    Balanced Quantization: An Effective and Efficient Approach to Quantized Neural Networks

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    Quantized Neural Networks (QNNs), which use low bitwidth numbers for representing parameters and performing computations, have been proposed to reduce the computation complexity, storage size and memory usage. In QNNs, parameters and activations are uniformly quantized, such that the multiplications and additions can be accelerated by bitwise operations. However, distributions of parameters in Neural Networks are often imbalanced, such that the uniform quantization determined from extremal values may under utilize available bitwidth. In this paper, we propose a novel quantization method that can ensure the balance of distributions of quantized values. Our method first recursively partitions the parameters by percentiles into balanced bins, and then applies uniform quantization. We also introduce computationally cheaper approximations of percentiles to reduce the computation overhead introduced. Overall, our method improves the prediction accuracies of QNNs without introducing extra computation during inference, has negligible impact on training speed, and is applicable to both Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks. Experiments on standard datasets including ImageNet and Penn Treebank confirm the effectiveness of our method. On ImageNet, the top-5 error rate of our 4-bit quantized GoogLeNet model is 12.7\%, which is superior to the state-of-the-arts of QNNs

    Efficient Hardware Architectures for Accelerating Deep Neural Networks: Survey

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    In the modern-day era of technology, a paradigm shift has been witnessed in the areas involving applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL). Specifically, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have emerged as a popular field of interest in most AI applications such as computer vision, image and video processing, robotics, etc. In the context of developed digital technologies and the availability of authentic data and data handling infrastructure, DNNs have been a credible choice for solving more complex real-life problems. The performance and accuracy of a DNN is a way better than human intelligence in certain situations. However, it is noteworthy that the DNN is computationally too cumbersome in terms of the resources and time to handle these computations. Furthermore, general-purpose architectures like CPUs have issues in handling such computationally intensive algorithms. Therefore, a lot of interest and efforts have been invested by the research fraternity in specialized hardware architectures such as Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), and Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) in the context of effective implementation of computationally intensive algorithms. This paper brings forward the various research works carried out on the development and deployment of DNNs using the aforementioned specialized hardware architectures and embedded AI accelerators. The review discusses the detailed description of the specialized hardware-based accelerators used in the training and/or inference of DNN. A comparative study based on factors like power, area, and throughput, is also made on the various accelerators discussed. Finally, future research and development directions are discussed, such as future trends in DNN implementation on specialized hardware accelerators. This review article is intended to serve as a guide for hardware architectures for accelerating and improving the effectiveness of deep learning research.publishedVersio

    Efficient Hardware Implementation of Deep Learning Networks Based on the Convolutional Neural Network

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    Image classification, speech processing, autonomous driving, and medical diagnosis have made the adoption of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) mainstream. Many deep networks such as AlexNet, GoogleNet, ResidualNet, MobileNet, YOLOv3 and Transformers have achieved immense success and popularity. However, implementing these deep and complex networks in hardware is a challenging feat. The growing demand of DNN applications in mobile devices and data centers have led the researchers to explore application specific hardware accelerators for DNNs. There have been numerous hardware and software based solutions to improve DNN throughput, latency, performance and accuracy. Any solution for hardware acceleration needs to optimize in a space confined by these metrics. Hardware acceleration of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) is a highly effective and viable solution for running them on mobile devices. The power of DNN is now available at the edge in a compact and power-efficient form factor because of hardware acceleration. In this thesis, we introduce a novel architecture that uses a generalized method called Single Input Partial Product 2-Dimensional Convolution (SIPP2D Convolution) which calculates a 2-D convolution in a fast and expedient manner. We present the exploration designs that have culminated into SIPP2D and emphasize its benefits. SIPP2D architecture prevents the re-fetching of input weights for the calculation of partial products. It can calculate the output of any input size and kernel size with a low memory-traffic while maintaining a low latency and high throughput compared to other popular techniques. In addition to being compatible with any input and kernel size, SIPP2D architecture can be modified to support any allowable stride. We describe the data flow and algorithmic modifications to SIPP2D which extends its capabilities to accommodate multi-stride convolutions. Supporting multi-stride convolutions is an essential feature addition to SIPP2D architecture, increasing its versatility and network agnostic character for convolutional type DNNs. Along with architectural explorations, we have also performed research in the area of model optimization. It is widely understood that any change on the algorithmic level of the network pays significant dividends at the hardware level. Compression and optimization techniques such as pruning and quantization help reduce the size of the model while maintaining the accuracy at an acceptable level. Thus, by combining techniques such as channel pruning with SIPP2D we can only boost its performance. In this thesis, we examine the performance of channel pruned SIPP2D compared to other compressed models. Traditionally, quantization of weights and inputs are used to reduce the memory transfer and power consumption. However, quantizing the outputs of layers can be a challenge since the output of each layer changes with the input. In our research, we use quantization on the output of each layer for AlexNet and VGGNet-16 to analyze the effect it has on accuracy. We use Signal to Noise Quantization Ratio (SQNR) to empirically determine the integer length (IL) as well as the fractional length (FL) for the fixed point precision that can yields the lowest SQNR and highest accuracy. Based on our observations, we can report that accuracy is sensitive to fractional length as well as integer length. For AlexNet, we observe deterioration in accuracy as the word length decreases. The Top -5 accuracy goes from 77% for floating point precision to 56% for a WL of 12 and FL of 8. The results are similar in the case of VGGNet-16. The Top-5 accuracy for VGGNet-16 decreases from 82% for floating point to 30% for a WL of 12 and FL of 8. In addition to the small word length, we observe the accuracy to be highly dependent on the integer length as well as the fractional length. We have also done analysis on the loss after retraining post quantization. We use polynomial fitting to achieve a relationship with fractional length and the drop in accuracy still sustained after retraining a quantized network. In summary, the winning combination of the enhanced SIPP2D architecture and compression techniques such as channel pruning and quantization techniques is highly advantageous and conducive to widespread adoption. SIPP2D architecture, with its flexible data flow and algorithmic modifications to support multi-stride convolutions, offers a powerful and versatile framework for deep neural networks

    Evolutionary Optimisation in Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have increased in performance in recent years and have been successfully used in many computer applications. The growth in ANNs and machine learning applications has resulted in the state-of-the-art ANNs comprising hundreds of hidden layers, which require millions of operations to process input data and gigabytes of memory to store model parameters. The complexity of ANNs limits them to be implemented on resource-constrained platforms for certain applications, such as Internet-of-Things (IoT). Therefore, it is obvious to try and optimise ANNs so that the computational cost and model size of ANNs is reduced, while maintaining high accuracy in classification. Evolutionary algorithms demonstrate flexible capabilities for solving optimisation problems with one or more objectives. Hence, applying evolutionary algorithms to optimise ANNs becomes a potential solution. In this PhD work, evolutionary techniques are applied to the optimisation of ANNs, which aims to reduce the computational cost and parameter size while minimising loss in classification accuracy. The optimisation is divided into two categories, i.e. computational cost optimisation, and data representation optimisation. For the computational cost optimisation, a multi-objective evolutionary approach is proposed to reduce the size and number of convolution kernels in each convolutional layer and generate trade-offs between computational cost and model's classification accuracy. For data representation optimisation, an evolutionary-based adaptive integer quantisation methodology is introduced to quantise the pre-trained models from 32-bit floating point representation to small bit-width integer representation. The experimental results for computational cost reduction that multi-objective evolutionary algorithms achieve large improvements in resource consumption with no significant reduction in a model classification accuracy, compared with the original models' architecture. From the experimental results on data representation optimisation, evolutionary-based adaptive integer quantisation methodology illustrates that weights and biases in convolutional layers can be quantised to 8-bit integer representation and 4-bit integer representation in fully-connected layers without significant gap in models' classification accuracy between pre-trained 32-bit floating point representation and quantised weights and biases

    HW-FlowQ: A Multi-Abstraction Level HW-CNN Co-design Quantization Methodology

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    Model compression through quantization is commonly applied to convolutional neural networks (CNNs) deployed on compute and memory-constrained embedded platforms. Different layers of the CNN can have varying degrees of numerical precision for both weights and activations, resulting in a large search space. Together with the hardware (HW) design space, the challenge of finding the globally optimal HW-CNN combination for a given application becomes daunting. To this end, we propose HW-FlowQ, a systematic approach that enables the co-design of the target hardware platform and the compressed CNN model through quantization. The search space is viewed at three levels of abstraction, allowing for an iterative approach for narrowing down the solution space before reaching a high-fidelity CNN hardware modeling tool, capable of capturing the effects of mixed-precision quantization strategies on different hardware architectures (processing unit counts, memory levels, cost models, dataflows) and two types of computation engines (bit-parallel vectorized, bit-serial). To combine both worlds, a multi-objective non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) is leveraged to establish a Pareto-optimal set of quantization strategies for the target HW-metrics at each abstraction level. HW-FlowQ detects optima in a discrete search space and maximizes the task-related accuracy of the underlying CNN while minimizing hardware-related costs. The Pareto-front approach keeps the design space open to a range of non-dominated solutions before refining the design to a more detailed level of abstraction. With equivalent prediction accuracy, we improve the energy and latency by 20% and 45% respectively for ResNet56 compared to existing mixed-precision search methods
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