280 research outputs found

    Property Paths over Linked Data: Can it be Done and How to Start?

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    Abstract. One of the advantages that Linked Data offers over the classical database setting is the ability to connect and navigate through different datasets. At the moment the standard mechanism for exploring navigational properties of the Semantic Web data are SPARQL property paths. However, the semantics of property paths is only defined assuming one evaluates them over a single local database, and it is still not clear what is the correct way to implement them over the Web of Linked Data, nor if this is even feasible. In this paper we explore this topic in more depth and gauge the merits of different approaches of executing property paths over Linked Data. To this end we test how property paths perform if the Linked Data is assumed to be available locally, through endpoints, or if it is accessed directly through dereferencing IRIs

    A Framework for Top-K Queries over Weighted RDF Graphs

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    abstract: The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a specification that aims to support the conceptual modeling of metadata or information about resources in the form of a directed graph composed of triples of knowledge (facts). RDF also provides mechanisms to encode meta-information (such as source, trust, and certainty) about facts already existing in a knowledge base through a process called reification. In this thesis, an extension to the current RDF specification is proposed in order to enhance RDF triples with an application specific weight (cost). Unlike reification, this extension treats these additional weights as first class knowledge attributes in the RDF model, which can be leveraged by the underlying query engine. Additionally, current RDF query languages, such as SPARQL, have a limited expressive power which limits the capabilities of applications that use them. Plus, even in the presence of language extensions, current RDF stores could not provide methods and tools to process extended queries in an efficient and effective way. To overcome these limitations, a set of novel primitives for the SPARQL language is proposed to express Top-k queries using traditional query patterns as well as novel predicates inspired by those from the XPath language. Plus, an extended query processor engine is developed to support efficient ranked path search, join, and indexing. In addition, several query optimization strategies are proposed, which employ heuristics, advanced indexing tools, and two graph metrics: proximity and sub-result inter-arrival time. These strategies aim to find join orders that reduce the total query execution time while avoiding worst-case pattern combinations. Finally, extensive experimental evaluation shows that using these two metrics in query optimization has a significant impact on the performance and efficiency of Top-k queries. Further experiments also show that proximity and inter-arrival have an even greater, although sometimes undesirable, impact when combined through aggregation functions. Based on these results, a hybrid algorithm is proposed which acknowledges that proximity is more important than inter-arrival time, due to its more complete nature, and performs a fine-grained combination of both metrics by analyzing the differences between their individual scores and performing the aggregation only if these differences are negligible.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Computer Science 201

    Evaluation of Link Traversal Query Execution over Decentralized Environments with Structural Assumptions

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    To counter societal and economic problems caused by data silos on the Web, efforts such as Solid strive to reclaim private data by storing it in permissioned documents over a large number of personal vaults across the Web. Building applications on top of such a decentralized Knowledge Graph involves significant technical challenges: centralized aggregation prior to query processing is excluded for legal reasons, and current federated querying techniques cannot handle this large scale of distribution at the expected performance. We propose an extension to Link Traversal Query Processing (LTQP) that incorporates structural properties within decentralized environments to tackle their unprecedented scale. In this article, we analyze the structural properties of the Solid decentralization ecosystem that are relevant for query execution, and provide the SolidBench benchmark to simulate Solid environments representatively. We introduce novel LTQP algorithms leveraging these structural properties, and evaluate their effectiveness. Our experiments indicate that these new algorithms obtain accurate results in the order of seconds for non-complex queries, which existing algorithms cannot achieve. Furthermore, we discuss limitations with respect to more complex queries. This work reveals that a traversal-based querying method using structural assumptions can be effective for large-scale decentralization, but that advances are needed in the area of query planning for LTQP to handle more complex queries. These insights open the door to query-driven decentralized applications, in which declarative queries shield developers from the inherent complexity of a decentralized landscape.Comment: Not peer-reviewe

    Derzis: A Path Aware Linked Data Crawler

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    Consuming Semantic Web data presents several challenges, from the number of datasets it is composed of, to the (very) large size of some of those datasets and the uncertain availability of querying endpoints. According to its core principles, accessing linked data can be done simply by dereferencing the IRIs of RDF resources. This is a light alternative both for clients and servers when compared to dataset dumps or SPARQL endpoints. The linked data interface does not support complex querying, but using it recursively may suffice to gather information about RDF resources, or to extract the relevant sub-graph which can then be processed and queried using other methods. We present Derzis, an open source semantic web crawler capable of traversing the linked data cloud starting from a set of seed resources. Derzis maintains information about the paths followed while crawling, which allows to define property path-based restrictions to the crawling frontier

    Weaving a Web of Linked Resources: Editorial

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    International audienceThis editorial introduces the special issue based on the best papers from ESWC 2015. And since ESWC'15 marked 15 years of Semantic Web research, we extended this editorial to a position paper that reflects the path that we, as a community, traveled so far with the goal of transforming the Web of Pages to a Web of Resources. We discuss some of the key challenges, research topics and trends addressed by the Semantic Web community in its journey. We conclude that the symbiotic relation of our community with the Web requires a truly multidisciplinary research approach to support the Web's diversity

    Model driven design and data integration in semantic web information systems

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    The Web is quickly evolving in many ways. It has evolved from a Web of documents into a Web of applications in which a growing number of designers offer new and interactive Web applications with people all over the world. However, application design and implementation remain complex, error-prone and laborious. In parallel there is also an evolution from a Web of documents into a Web of `knowledge' as a growing number of data owners are sharing their data sources with a growing audience. This brings the potential new applications for these data sources, including scenarios in which these datasets are reused and integrated with other existing and new data sources. However, the heterogeneity of these data sources in syntax, semantics and structure represents a great challenge for application designers. The Semantic Web is a collection of standards and technologies that offer solutions for at least the syntactic and some structural issues. If offers semantic freedom and flexibility, but this leaves the issue of semantic interoperability. In this thesis we present Hera-S, an evolution of the Model Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) method Hera. MDWEs allow designers to create data centric applications using models instead of programming. Hera-S especially targets Semantic Web sources and provides a flexible method for designing personalized adaptive Web applications. Hera-S defines several models that together define the target Web application. Moreover we implemented a framework called Hydragen, which is able to execute the Hera-S models to run the desired Web application. Hera-S' core is the Application Model (AM) in which the main logic of the application is defined, i.e. defining the groups of data elements that form logical units or subunits, the personalization conditions, and the relationships between the units. Hera-S also uses a so-called Domain Model (DM) that describes the content and its structure. However, this DM is not Hera-S specific, but instead allows any Semantic Web source representation as its DM, as long as its content can be queried by the standardized Semantic Web query language SPARQL. The same holds for the User Model (UM). The UM can be used for personalization conditions, but also as a source of user-related content if necessary. In fact, the difference between DM and UM is conceptual as their implementation within Hydragen is the same. Hera-S also defines a presentation model (PM) which defines presentation details of elements like order and style. In order to help designers with building their Web applications we have introduced a toolset, Hera Studio, which allows to build the different models graphically. Hera Studio also provides some additional functionality like model checking and deployment of the models in Hydragen. Both Hera-S and its implementation Hydragen are designed to be flexible regarding the user of models. In order to achieve this Hydragen is a stateless engine that queries for relevant information from the models at every page request. This allows the models and data to be changed in the datastore during runtime. We show that one way to exploit this flexibility is by applying aspect-orientation to the AM. Aspect-orientation allows us to dynamically inject functionality that pervades the entire application. Another way to exploit Hera-S' flexibility is in reusing specialized components, e.g. for presentation generation. We present a configuration of Hydragen in which we replace our native presentation generation functionality by the AMACONT engine. AMACONT provides more extensive multi-level presentation generation and adaptation capabilities as well aspect-orientation and a form of semantic based adaptation. Hera-S was designed to allow the (re-)use of any (Semantic) Web datasource. It even opens up the possibility for data integration at the back end, by using an extendible storage layer in our database of choice Sesame. However, even though theoretically possible it still leaves much of the actual data integration issue. As this is a recurring issue in many domains, a broader challenge than for Hera-S design only, we decided to look at this issue in isolation. We present a framework called Relco which provides a language to express data transformation operations as well as a collection of techniques that can be used to (semi-)automatically find relationships between concepts in different ontologies. This is done with a combination of syntactic, semantic and collaboration techniques, which together provide strong clues for which concepts are most likely related. In order to prove the applicability of Relco we explore five application scenarios in different domains for which data integration is a central aspect. This includes a cultural heritage portal, Explorer, for which data from several datasources was integrated and was made available by a mapview, a timeline and a graph view. Explorer also allows users to provide metadata for objects via a tagging mechanism. Another application is SenSee: an electronic TV-guide and recommender. TV-guide data was integrated and enriched with semantically structured data from several sources. Recommendations are computed by exploiting the underlying semantic structure. ViTa was a project in which several techniques for tagging and searching educational videos were evaluated. This includes scenarios in which user tags are related with an ontology, or other tags, using the Relco framework. The MobiLife project targeted the facilitation of a new generation of mobile applications that would use context-based personalization. This can be done using a context-based user profiling platform that can also be used for user model data exchange between mobile applications using technologies like Relco. The final application scenario that is shown is from the GRAPPLE project which targeted the integration of adaptive technology into current learning management systems. A large part of this integration is achieved by using a user modeling component framework in which any application can store user model information, but which can also be used for the exchange of user model data

    Content Recommendation Through Linked Data

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    Nowadays, people can easily obtain a huge amount of information from the Web, but often they have no criteria to discern it. This issue is known as information overload. Recommender systems are software tools to suggest interesting items to users and can help them to deal with a vast amount of information. Linked Data is a set of best practices to publish data on the Web, and it is the basis of the Web of Data, an interconnected global dataspace. This thesis discusses how to discover information useful for the user from the vast amount of structured data, and notably Linked Data available on the Web. The work addresses this issue by considering three research questions: how to exploit existing relationships between resources published on the Web to provide recommendations to users; how to represent the user and his context to generate better recommendations for the current situation; and how to effectively visualize the recommended resources and their relationships. To address the first question, the thesis proposes a new algorithm based on Linked Data which exploits existing relationships between resources to recommend related resources. The algorithm was integrated into a framework to deploy and evaluate Linked Data based recommendation algorithms. In fact, a related problem is how to compare them and how to evaluate their performance when applied to a given dataset. The user evaluation showed that our algorithm improves the rate of new recommendations, while maintaining a satisfying prediction accuracy. To represent the user and their context, this thesis presents the Recommender System Context ontology, which is exploited in a new context-aware approach that can be used with existing recommendation algorithms. The evaluation showed that this method can significantly improve the prediction accuracy. As regards the problem of effectively visualizing the recommended resources and their relationships, this thesis proposes a visualization framework for DBpedia (the Linked Data version of Wikipedia) and mobile devices, which is designed to be extended to other datasets. In summary, this thesis shows how it is possible to exploit structured data available on the Web to recommend useful resources to users. Linked Data were successfully exploited in recommender systems. Various proposed approaches were implemented and applied to use cases of Telecom Italia

    A context-sensitive conceptual framework for activity modeling

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    Human motion trajectories, however captured, provide a rich spatiotemporal data source for human activity recognition, and the rich literature in motion trajectory analysis provides the tools to bridge the gap between this data and its semantic interpretation. But activity is an ambiguous term across research communities. For example, in urban transport research activities are generally characterized around certain locations assuming the opportunities and resources are present in that location, and traveling happens between these locations for activity participation, i.e., travel is not an activity, rather a mean to overcome spatial constraints. In contrast, in human-computer interaction (HCI) research and in computer vision research activities taking place along the way, such as reading on the bus, are significant for contextualized service provision. Similarly activities at coarser spatial and temporal granularity, e.g., holidaying in a country, could be recognized in some context or domain. Thus the context prevalent in the literature does not provide a precise and consistent definition of activity, in particular in differentiation to travel when it comes to motion trajectory analysis. Hence in this paper, a thorough literature review studies activity from different perspectives, and develop a common framework to model and reason human behavior flexibly across contexts. This spatio-temporal framework is conceptualized with a focus on modeling activities hierarchically. Three case studies will illustrate how the semantics of the term activity changes based on scale and context. They provide evidence that the framework holds over different domains. In turn, the framework will help developing various applications and services that are aware of the broad spectrum of the term activity across contexts
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