5,539 research outputs found

    Contextualized B2B Registries

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    Abstract. Service discovery is a fundamental concept underpinning the move towards dynamic service-oriented business partnerships. The business process for integrating service discovery and underlying registry technologies into business relationships, procurement and project management functions has not been examined and hence existing Web Service registries lack capabilities required by business today. In this paper we present a novel contextualized B2B registry that supports dynamic registration and discovery of resources within management contexts to ensure that the search space is constrained to the scope of authorized and legitimate resources only. We describe how the registry has been deployed in three case studies from important economic sectors (aerospace, automotive, pharmaceutical) showing how contextualized discovery can support distributed product development processes

    B2B Infrastructures in the Process of Drug Discovery and Healthcare

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    In this paper we describe a demonstration of an innovative B2B infrastructure which can be used to support collaborations in the pharmaceutical industry to achieve the drug discovery goal. Based on experience gained in a wide range of collaborative projects in the areas of grid technology, semantics and data management we show future work and new topics in B2B infrastructures which arise when considering the use of patient records in the process of drug discovery and in healthcare applications

    Negotiation processes within inter-organizational alliances

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    This paper describesthe negotiation component of E-Alliance, a software infrastructure defined for supporting negotiation activities in concurrent inter-organizational alliances. The E-Alliance’s main intent is to preserve the autonomy of organizations grouped in an alliance. The purpose of this work is to offer support for small and medium enterprises which cannot or do not want to fulfill a big contract alone. This approach is illustrated by a sample scenario where partners are printshops grouped into an alliance to better accomplish customers’ demands.negotiation, middleware, virtual enterprises, multi-agent systems, interaction protocol

    Sustainable business models: integrating employees, customers and technology

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    This Special Issue of the Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing has the same title as the 23rd International Conference CBIM 2018 (June 18-20, 2018, Madrid, Spain) “Sustainable Business Models: Integrating Employees, Customers and Technology”. In this edition of International Conference, following a competitive blind review process, papers from 126 authors and 25 countries were ultimately accepted. The best papers of the Conference were invited to submit to this Special Issue and we were also open to direct submissions from other authors. We present here the 17 accepted papers for publication in this Special Issue

    SAFE-ICE: research, innovation and business support for a low-carbon economy

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    The SAFE-ICE Cluster unites 20 partners from the coastal regions adjoining the Channel and the North Sea, of France, England, Belgium and the Netherlands. The mix of partners highlights the group’s triple helix approach to exploring key issues from multiple perspectives with universities, public bodies and private organisations all being represented. The SAFE-ICE Cluster work is set within a backdrop of various European policies and strategies and an evolving market

    Cross-sector social partnerships: value creation and capabilities

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    Aquesta tesi s’organitza en un compendi de tres articles individuals, tot i que estan interrelacionats, que se centren en diversos aspectes de les relacions interorganitzatives (RIO) entre sectors, en les quals es formen aliances entre empreses i organitzacions de la societat civil per tractar problemàtiques socials complexes. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és contribuir a les obres de referència sobre aliances intersectorials a partir de l’anàlisi d’especificitats de les habilitats que es requereixen per involucrar-se, de manera eficaç, en RIO en què els objectius dels partners i els de l’aliança difereixen enormement de les aliances entre empreses. El primer article, “Through Indigenous Lenses: Cross-sector collaborations with fringe stakeholders” (Murphy i Arenas, 2010), il•lustrat a partir de tres casos d’estudi, proposa un marc per a la construcció d’un pont intercultural i un model per a la creació de valor en les col•laboracions intersectorials entre empreses i parts interessades de la perifèria. El segon article, “Value Creation in Cross-Sector Collaborations: Increasing influence for competitive advantage” (Murphy, Arenas i Batista), que es basa en una enquesta duta a terme entre 362 directius espanyols de múltiples sectors, analitza els efectes i la interacció de les experiències de gestió anteriors a l’aliança i l’alineació de les missions, les estratègies i els valors dels partners en l’èxit de les col•laboracions intersectorials. Finalment, l’article “A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation in Cross-Sector Collaborations” (Murphy, Perrot i Rivera-Santos, 2012), recolzat per dos casos d’estudi, presenta el concepte de capacitat relacional per a la innovació social, un model relacionat amb la capacitat d’absorció, però més adequat al context de l’aprenentatge i la innovació en les col•laboracions entre sectors en mercats de subsistència.Esta tesis se organiza en un compendio de tres artículos individuales, aunque interrelacionados, que se centran en distintos aspectos de las relaciones interorganizacionales (RIO) entre sectores, en las que se forman alianzas entre empresas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil para tratar problemáticas sociales complejas. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir a las obras de referencia sobre alianzas intersectoriales a partir del análisis de especificidades de las habilidades que se requieren para involucrarse, de forma eficaz, en RIO en las que los objetivos de los partners y los de la alianza difieren enormemente de las alianzas entre empresas. El primer artículo, “Through Indigenous Lenses: Cross-sector collaborations with fringe stakeholders” (Murphy y Arenas, 2010), ilustrado a partir de tres casos de estudio, propone un marco para la construcción de un puente intercultural y un modelo para la creación de valor en las colaboraciones intersectoriales entre empresas y partes interesadas de la periferia. El segundo artículo, “Value Creation in Cross-Sector Collaborations: Increasing influence for competitive advantage” (Murphy, Arenas y Batista), basado en una encuesta llevada a cabo entre 362 directivos españoles de múltiples sectores, analiza los efectos y la interacción de las experiencias de gestión anteriores a la alianza y la alineación de las misiones, las estrategias y los valores de los partners en el éxito de las colaboraciones intersectoriales. Finalmente, el artículo “A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation in Cross-Sector Collaborations” (Murphy, Perrot y Rivera-Santos, 2012), respaldado por dos casos de estudio, presenta el concepto de capacidad relacional para la innovación social, un modelo relacionado con la capacidad de absorción, pero más adecuado al contexto del aprendizaje y la innovación en las colaboraciones entre sectores en mercados de subsistencia.This thesis is organized in a compendium of three individual, though interrelated, articles that focus on various aspects of cross-sector inter-organizational relationships (IORs), where alliances between firms and civil-society organizations are formed to address complex societal dilemmas. The overall goal of this work is to contribute to the literature on cross-sector alliances by exploring the specificities of capabilities required to engage effectively in IORs where partners and alliance goals differ greatly from business-to-business alliances. The first article, “Through Indigenous Lenses: Cross-sector collaborations with fringe stakeholders” (Murphy and Arenas, 2010), illustrated through three case studies, proposes a framework for cross-cultural bridge building and a model for value creation in cross-sector collaborations between businesses and fringe stakeholders. The second article, “Value Creation in Cross-Sector Collaborations: Increasing Influence for Competitive Advantage” (Murphy, Arenas and Batista), based on a survey conducted among 362 Spanish managers across multiple sectors, analyzes the effects and interaction of prior alliance management experience and the alignment of partners’ missions, strategies and values on the success of cross-sector collaborations. Finally, the article “A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation in Cross-Sector Collaborations” (Murphy, Perrot and Rivera-Santos, 2012), supported by two case studies, introduces the concept of Relational Capacity for Social Innovation, a model related to Absorptive Capacity, but better suited to the context of learning and innovation in cross-sector collaborations in subsistence marketplaces

    The Effect of Dynamic Relationship Capabilities on B2B Lolyalty

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    The focal issue of our study is to model the adaptation capability of enterprises from a relational point of view in the South Great Plain Region of Hungary. Our main question is how enterprises can modify their relational behaviour in B2B markets to ensure the success of their relationships. We use the resource based view from a dynamic aspect. To operationalise the investigation problem we use the dynamic relational capability framework. In the study we investigate the perceived values of dynamic relational capability and the effect of relational capability on the perceived relationship success
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