2,920 research outputs found

    A Constraint-Based Model for Fast Post-Disaster Emergency Vehicle Routing

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    Disasters like terrorist attacks, earthquakes, hurricanes, and volcano eruptions are usually unpredictable events that affect a high number of people. We propose an approach that could be used as a decision support tool for a post-disaster response that allows the assignment of victims to hospitals and organizes their transportation via emergency vehicles. By exploiting the synergy between Mixed Integer Programming and Constraint Programming techniques, we are able to compute the routing of the vehicles so as to rescue much more victims than both heuristic based and complete approaches in a very reasonable time

    Construcción de planes de restauración de vías orientados a facilitar operaciones de logística humanitaria

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    Disruptions in the transportation network are one of the hardest consequences of a disaster. They have the potential of hampering the performance of emergency aid organizations, reducing the opportunities of saving critical victims during response and recovery phases. The strategic restoration of road network implies the prioritization of those a ected roads whose rehabilitation would reduce travel times, allowing emergency relief vehicles, civilians and restoration machines to move faster through the network. Humanitarian Road Restoration Problem (HURREP) is a relatively new topic in comparison with other research topics on disaster management. In this study, we present a mathematical model which schedules and routes restoration machines and relief vehicles working in parallel on the same network. We adopt the minimization of weighted sum of attention times to communities as the objective function, seeking for a restoration plan totally dedicated to provide support to relief plan. Among other features, our methods are able to deal with di erent relief modes working in parallel, road disruptions that are naturally removed over time (e.g. by evaporation) and vehicle-dependent starting times. We also provided an heuristic algorithm able to solve large size instances of our problem in less than the 2.7% of the runtime limit suggested by the Administrative Department for Prevention, Attention, and Recovery from Disasters in Antioquia, Colombia (DAPARD). We validated the applicability of our methods on real world disaster scenarios through a study case based on the Mojana's oods occurred in northern Colombia on the 2010-2011.MaestríaMagister en Ingeniería Industria


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    In today's society that disasters seem to be striking all corners of the globe, the importance of emergency management is undeniable. Much human loss and unnecessary destruction of infrastructure can be avoided with better planning and foresight. When a disaster strikes, various aid organizations often face significant problems of transporting large amounts of many different commodities including food, clothing, medicine, medical supplies, machinery, and personnel from several points of origin to a number of destinations in the disaster areas. The transportation of supplies and relief personnel must be done quickly and efficiently to maximize the survival rate of the affected population. The goal of this research is to develop a comprehensive model that describes the integrated logistics operations in response to natural disasters at the operational level. The proposed mathematical model integrates three main components. First, it controls the flow of several relief commodities from sources through the supply chain until they are delivered to the hands of recipients. Second, it considers a large-scale unconventional vehicle routing problem with mixed pickup and delivery schedules for multiple transportation modes. And third, following FEMA's complex logistics structure, a special facility location problem is considered that involves four layers of temporary facilities at the federal and state levels. Such integrated model provides the opportunity for a centralized operation plan that can effectively eliminate delays and assign the limited resources in a way that is optimal for the entire system. The proposed model is a large-scale mixed integer program. To solve the model, two sets of heuristic algorithms are proposed. For solving the multi-echelon facility location problem, four heuristic approaches are proposed. Also four heuristic algorithms are proposed to solve the general integer vehicle routing problem. Overall, the proposed heuristics could efficiently find optimal or near optimal solution in minutes of CPU time where solving the same problems with a commercial solver needed hours of computation time. Numerical case studies and extensive sensitivity analysis are conducted to evaluate the properties of the model and solution algorithms. The numerical analysis indicated the capabilities of the model to handle large-scale relief operations with adequate details. Solution algorithms were tested for several random generated cases and showed robustness in solution quality as well as computation time

    A fast heuristic for routing in post-disaster humanitarian relief logistics

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    In the last decades, natural disasters have been affecting the human life of millions of people. The impressive scale of these disasters has pointed out the need for an effective management of the relief supply operations. One of the crucial issues in this context is the routing of vehicles carrying critical supplies and help to disaster victims. This problem poses unique logistics challenges, including damaged transportation infrastructure and limited knowledge on the road travel times. In such circumstances, selecting more reliable paths could help the rescue team to provide fast services to those in needs. The classic cost-minimizing routing problems do not properly reflect the relevant issue of the arrival time, which clearly has a serious impact on the survival rate of the affected community. In this paper, we focus specifically on the arrival time objective function in a multi-vehicle routing problem where stochastic travel times are taken into account. The considered problem should be solved promptly in the aftermath of a disaster, hence we propose a fast heuristic that could be applied to solve the problem

    a fast heuristic for routing in post disaster humanitarian relief logistics

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    Abstract In the last decades, natural disasters have been affecting the human life of millions of people. The impressive scale of these disasters has pointed out the need for an effective management of the relief supply operations. One of the crucial issues in this context is the routing of vehicles carrying critical supplies and help to disaster victims. This problem poses unique logistics challenges, including damaged transportation infrastructure and limited knowledge on the road travel times. In such circumstances, selecting more reliable paths could help the rescue team to provide fast services to those in needs. The classic cost-minimizing routing problems do not properly reflect the relevant issue of the arrival time, which clearly has a serious impact on the survival rate of the affected community. In this paper, we focus specifically on the arrival time objective function in a multi-vehicle routing problem where stochastic travel times are taken into account. The considered problem should be solved promptly in the aftermath of a disaster, hence we propose a fast heuristic that could be applied to solve the problem

    Debris removal during disaster response: A case for Turkey

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    Debris occurs from the ruin and wreckage of structures during a disaster. Proper removal of debris is of great importance because it blocks roads and prohibits emergency aid teams from accessing disaster affected regions. Poor disaster management, lack of efficiency and delays in debris removal cause disruptions in providing shelter, nutrition, healthcare and communication services to disaster victims, and more importantly, result in loss of lives. Due to the importance of systematic and efficient debris removal from the perspectives of improving disaster victims quality of life and allowing the transportation of emergency relief materials, the focus of this study is on providing emergency relief supplies to disaster affected regions as soon as possible by unblocking roads through removing the accumulated debris. We develop a mathematical model for the problem that requires long CPU times for large instances. Since it is crucial to act quickly in an emergency case, we also propose a heuristic methodology that solves instances with an average gap of 1% and optimum ratio of 80.83%

    Two-Echelon Vehicle and UAV Routing for Post-Disaster Humanitarian Operations with Uncertain Demand

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    Humanitarian logistics service providers have two major responsibilities immediately after a disaster: locating trapped people and routing aid to them. These difficult operations are further hindered by failures in the transportation and telecommunications networks, which are often rendered unusable by the disaster at hand. In this work, we propose two-echelon vehicle routing frameworks for performing these operations using aerial uncrewed autonomous vehicles (UAVs or drones) to address the issues associated with these failures. In our proposed frameworks, we assume that ground vehicles cannot reach the trapped population directly, but they can only transport drones from a depot to some intermediate locations. The drones launched from these locations serve to both identify demands for medical and other aids (e.g., epi-pens, medical supplies, dry food, water) and make deliveries to satisfy them. Specifically, we present two decision frameworks, in which the resulting optimization problem is formulated as a two-echelon vehicle routing problem. The first framework addresses the problem in two stages: providing telecommunications capabilities in the first stage and satisfying the resulting demands in the second. To that end, two types of drones are considered. Hotspot drones have the capability of providing cell phone and internet reception, and hence are used to capture demands. Delivery drones are subsequently employed to satisfy the observed demand. The second framework, on the other hand, addresses the problem as a stochastic emergency aid delivery problem, which uses a two-stage robust optimization model to handle demand uncertainty. To solve the resulting models, we propose efficient and novel solution approaches

    Optimal logistics scheduling with dynamic information in emergency response: case studies for humanitarian objectives

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    The mathematical model of infectious disease is a typical problem in mathematical modeling, and the common infectious disease models include the susceptible-infected (SI) model, the susceptible-infected-recovered model (SIR), the susceptible-infected-recovered-susceptible model (SIRS) and the susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered (SEIR) model. These models can be used to predict the impact of regional return to work after the epidemic. In this paper, we use the SEIR model to solve the dynamic medicine demand information in humanitarian relief phase. A multistage mixed integer programming model for the humanitarian logistics and transport resource is proposed. The objective functions of the model include delay cost and minimum running time in the time-space network. The model describes that how to distribute and deliver medicine resources from supply locations to demand locations with an efficient and lower-cost way through a transportation network. The linear programming problem is solved by the proposed Benders decomposition algorithm. Finally, we use two cases to calculate model and algorithm. The results of the case prove the validity of the model and algorithm

    A multi-objective evolutionary optimisation model for heterogeneous vehicles routing and relief items scheduling in humanitarian crises

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    In a disaster scenario, relief items distribution is required as early as possible for the disaster victims to reduce the associated risks. For the distribution tasks, an effective and efficient relief items distribution model is essential to generate relief items distribution schedules to minimise the impact of disaster to the disaster victims. However, developing efficient distribution schedules is challenging as the relief items distribution problem has multiple objectives to look after where the objectives are mostly contradictorily creating a barrier to simultaneous optimisation of each objective. Also, the relief items distribution model has added complexity with the consideration of multiple supply points having heterogeneous and limited vehicles with varying capacity, cost and time. In this paper, multi-objective evolutionary optimisation with the greedy heuristic search has been applied for the generation of relief items distribution schedules under heterogeneous vehicles condition at supply points. The evolutionary algorithm generates the disaster region distribution sequence by applying a global greedy heuristic search along with a local search that finds the efficient assignment of heterogeneous vehicles for the distribution. This multi-objective evolutionary approach provides Pareto optimal solutions that decision-makers can apply to generate effective distribution schedules to optimise the distribution time and vehicles’ operational cost. In addition, this optimisation process also incorporated the minimisation of unmet relief items demand at the disaster regions. The optimised distribution schedules with the proposed approach are compared with the single-objective optimisation, weighted single-objective optimisation and greedy multi-objective optimisation approaches. The comparative results showed that the proposed multi-objective evolutionary approach is an efficient alternative for finding the distribution schedules with optimisation of distribution time and operational cost for the relief items distribution with heterogeneous vehicles in humanitarian crisis