306 research outputs found

    A discrete hidden Markov model for SMS spam detection

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    Many machine learning methods have been applied for short messaging service (SMS) spam detection, including traditional methods such as naive Bayes (NB), vector space model (VSM), and support vector machine (SVM), and novel methods such as long short-term memory (LSTM) and the convolutional neural network (CNN). These methods are based on the well-known bag of words (BoW) model, which assumes documents are unordered collection of words. This assumption overlooks an important piece of information, i.e., word order. Moreover, the term frequency, which counts the number of occurrences of each word in SMS, is unable to distinguish the importance of words, due to the length limitation of SMS. This paper proposes a new method based on the discrete hidden Markov model (HMM) to use the word order information and to solve the low term frequency issue in SMS spam detection. The popularly adopted SMS spam dataset from the UCI machine learning repository is used for performance analysis of the proposed HMM method. The overall performance is compatible with deep learning by employing CNN and LSTM models. A Chinese SMS spam dataset with 2000 messages is used for further performance evaluation. Experiments show that the proposed HMM method is not language-sensitive and can identify spam with high accuracy on both datasets

    Deteção de ataques de negação de serviços distribuídos na origem

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    From year to year new records of the amount of traffic in an attack are established, which demonstrate not only the constant presence of distributed denialof-service attacks, but also its evolution, demarcating itself from the other network threats. The increasing importance of resource availability alongside the security debate on network devices and infrastructures is continuous, given the preponderant role in both the home and corporate domains. In the face of the constant threat, the latest network security systems have been applying pattern recognition techniques to infer, detect, and react more quickly and assertively. This dissertation proposes methodologies to infer network activities patterns, based on their traffic: follows a behavior previously defined as normal, or if there are deviations that raise suspicions about the normality of the action in the network. It seems that the future of network defense systems continues in this direction, not only by increasing amount of traffic, but also by the diversity of actions, services and entities that reflect different patterns, thus contributing to the detection of anomalous activities on the network. The methodologies propose the collection of metadata, up to the transport layer of the osi model, which will then be processed by the machien learning algorithms in order to classify the underlying action. Intending to contribute beyond denial-of-service attacks and the network domain, the methodologies were described in a generic way, in order to be applied in other scenarios of greater or less complexity. The third chapter presents a proof of concept with attack vectors that marked the history and a few evaluation metrics that allows to compare the different classifiers as to their success rate, given the various activities in the network and inherent dynamics. The various tests show flexibility, speed and accuracy of the various classification algorithms, setting the bar between 90 and 99 percent.De ano para ano são estabelecidos novos recordes de quantidade de tráfego num ataque, que demonstram não só a presença constante de ataques de negação de serviço distribuídos, como também a sua evolução, demarcando-se das outras ameaças de rede. A crescente importância da disponibilidade de recursos a par do debate sobre a segurança nos dispositivos e infraestruturas de rede é contínuo, dado o papel preponderante tanto no dominio doméstico como no corporativo. Face à constante ameaça, os sistemas de segurança de rede mais recentes têm vindo a aplicar técnicas de reconhecimento de padrões para inferir, detetar e reagir de forma mais rápida e assertiva. Esta dissertação propõe metodologias para inferir padrões de atividades na rede, tendo por base o seu tráfego: se segue um comportamento previamente definido como normal, ou se existem desvios que levantam suspeitas sobre normalidade da ação na rede. Tudo indica que o futuro dos sistemas de defesa de rede continuará neste sentido, servindo-se não só do crescente aumento da quantidade de tráfego, como também da diversidade de ações, serviços e entidades que refletem padrões distintos contribuindo assim para a deteção de atividades anómalas na rede. As metodologias propõem a recolha de metadados, até á camada de transporte, que seguidamente serão processados pelos algoritmos de aprendizagem automática com o objectivo de classificar a ação subjacente. Pretendendo que o contributo fosse além dos ataques de negação de serviço e do dominio de rede, as metodologias foram descritas de forma tendencialmente genérica, de forma a serem aplicadas noutros cenários de maior ou menos complexidade. No quarto capítulo é apresentada uma prova de conceito com vetores de ataques que marcaram a história e, algumas métricas de avaliação que permitem comparar os diferentes classificadores quanto à sua taxa de sucesso, face às várias atividades na rede e inerentes dinâmicas. Os vários testes mostram flexibilidade, rapidez e precisão dos vários algoritmos de classificação, estabelecendo a fasquia entre os 90 e os 99 por cento.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Approximation and Relaxation Approaches for Parallel and Distributed Machine Learning

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    Large scale machine learning requires tradeoffs. Commonly this tradeoff has led practitioners to choose simpler, less powerful models, e.g. linear models, in order to process more training examples in a limited time. In this work, we introduce parallelism to the training of non-linear models by leveraging a different tradeoff--approximation. We demonstrate various techniques by which non-linear models can be made amenable to larger data sets and significantly more training parallelism by strategically introducing approximation in certain optimization steps. For gradient boosted regression tree ensembles, we replace precise selection of tree splits with a coarse-grained, approximate split selection, yielding both faster sequential training and a significant increase in parallelism, in the distributed setting in particular. For metric learning with nearest neighbor classification, rather than explicitly train a neighborhood structure we leverage the implicit neighborhood structure induced by task-specific random forest classifiers, yielding a highly parallel method for metric learning. For support vector machines, we follow existing work to learn a reduced basis set with extremely high parallelism, particularly on GPUs, via existing linear algebra libraries. We believe these optimization tradeoffs are widely applicable wherever machine learning is put in practice in large scale settings. By carefully introducing approximation, we also introduce significantly higher parallelism and consequently can process more training examples for more iterations than competing exact methods. While seemingly learning the model with less precision, this tradeoff often yields noticeably higher accuracy under a restricted training time budget

    Explainable Artificial Intelligence Applications in Cyber Security: State-of-the-Art in Research

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    This survey presents a comprehensive review of current literature on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods for cyber security applications. Due to the rapid development of Internet-connected systems and Artificial Intelligence in recent years, Artificial Intelligence including Machine Learning and Deep Learning has been widely utilized in the fields of cyber security including intrusion detection, malware detection, and spam filtering. However, although Artificial Intelligence-based approaches for the detection and defense of cyber attacks and threats are more advanced and efficient compared to the conventional signature-based and rule-based cyber security strategies, most Machine Learning-based techniques and Deep Learning-based techniques are deployed in the “black-box” manner, meaning that security experts and customers are unable to explain how such procedures reach particular conclusions. The deficiencies of transparencies and interpretability of existing Artificial Intelligence techniques would decrease human users’ confidence in the models utilized for the defense against cyber attacks, especially in current situations where cyber attacks become increasingly diverse and complicated. Therefore, it is essential to apply XAI in the establishment of cyber security models to create more explainable models while maintaining high accuracy and allowing human users to comprehend, trust, and manage the next generation of cyber defense mechanisms. Although there are papers reviewing Artificial Intelligence applications in cyber security areas and the vast literature on applying XAI in many fields including healthcare, financial services, and criminal justice, the surprising fact is that there are currently no survey research articles that concentrate on XAI applications in cyber security. Therefore, the motivation behind the survey is to bridge the research gap by presenting a detailed and up-to-date survey of XAI approaches applicable to issues in the cyber security field. Our work is the first to propose a clear roadmap for navigating the XAI literature in the context of applications in cyber security

    Advances in Data Mining Knowledge Discovery and Applications

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    Advances in Data Mining Knowledge Discovery and Applications aims to help data miners, researchers, scholars, and PhD students who wish to apply data mining techniques. The primary contribution of this book is highlighting frontier fields and implementations of the knowledge discovery and data mining. It seems to be same things are repeated again. But in general, same approach and techniques may help us in different fields and expertise areas. This book presents knowledge discovery and data mining applications in two different sections. As known that, data mining covers areas of statistics, machine learning, data management and databases, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, and other areas. In this book, most of the areas are covered with different data mining applications. The eighteen chapters have been classified in two parts: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Applications

    Twitter Bots’ Detection with Benford’s Law and Machine Learning

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs) have grown exponentially in terms of active users and have now become an influential factor in the formation of public opinions. For this reason, the use of bots and botnets for spreading misinformation on OSNs has become a widespread concern. Identifying bots and botnets on Twitter can require complex statistical methods to score a profile based on multiple features. Benford’s Law, or the Law of Anomalous Numbers, states that, in any naturally occurring sequence of numbers, the First Significant Leading Digit (FSLD) frequency follows a particular pattern such that they are unevenly distributed and reducing. This principle can be applied to the first-degree egocentric network of a Twitter profile to assess its conformity to such law and, thus, classify it as a bot profile or normal profile. This paper focuses on leveraging Benford’s Law in combination with various Machine Learning (ML) classifiers to identify bot profiles on Twitter. In addition, a comparison with other statistical methods is produced to confirm our classification results

    A Blockchain-Based Tamper-Resistant Logging Framework

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    Since its introduction in Bitcoin, the blockchain has proven to be a versatile data structure. In its role as an immutable ledger, it has grown beyond its initial use in financial transactions to be used in recording a wide variety of other useful information. In this paper, we explore the application of the blockchain outside of its traditional decentralized, financial domain. We show how, even with only a single “mining” node, a proof-of-work blockchain can be the cornerstone of a tamper resistant logging framework. By attaching a proof-of-work to blocks of logging messages, we make it increasingly difficult for an attacker to modify those logs even after totally compromising the system. Furthermore, we discuss various strategies an attacker might take to modify the logs without detection and show how effective those evasion techniques are against statistical analysis