94 research outputs found

    Linear MIMO Precoding in Jointly-Correlated Fading Multiple Access Channels with Finite Alphabet Signaling

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    In this paper, we investigate the design of linear precoders for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multiple access channels (MAC). We assume that statistical channel state information (CSI) is available at the transmitters and consider the problem under the practical finite alphabet input assumption. First, we derive an asymptotic (in the large-system limit) weighted sum rate (WSR) expression for the MIMO MAC with finite alphabet inputs and general jointly-correlated fading. Subsequently, we obtain necessary conditions for linear precoders maximizing the asymptotic WSR and propose an iterative algorithm for determining the precoders of all users. In the proposed algorithm, the search space of each user for designing the precoding matrices is its own modulation set. This significantly reduces the dimension of the search space for finding the precoding matrices of all users compared to the conventional precoding design for the MIMO MAC with finite alphabet inputs, where the search space is the combination of the modulation sets of all users. As a result, the proposed algorithm decreases the computational complexity for MIMO MAC precoding design with finite alphabet inputs by several orders of magnitude. Simulation results for finite alphabet signalling indicate that the proposed iterative algorithm achieves significant performance gains over existing precoder designs, including the precoder design based on the Gaussian input assumption, in terms of both the sum rate and the coded bit error rate.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, accepted for ICC1

    Joint precoding and antenna selection in massive mimo systems

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    This thesis presents an overview of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and proposes new algorithms to jointly precode and select the antennas. Massive MIMO is a new technology, which is candidate for comprising the fifth-generation (5G) of mobile cellular systems. This technology employs a huge amount of antennas at the base station and can reach high data rates under favorable, or asymptotically favorable, propagation conditions, while using simple linear processing. However, massive MIMO systems have some drawbacks, such as the high cost related to the base stations. A way to deal with this issue is to employ antenna selection algorithms at the base stations. These algorithms reduce the number of active antennas, decreasing the deployment and maintenance costs related to the base stations. Moreover, this thesis also describes a class of nonlinear precoders that are rarely addressed in the literature; these techniques are able to generate precoded sparse signals in order to achieve joint precoding and antenna selection. This thesis proposes two precoders belonging to this class, where the number of selected antennas is controlled by a design parameter. Simulation results show that the proposed precoders reach a lower bit-error rate than the classical antenna selection algorithms. Furthermore, simulation results show that the proposed precoders present a linear relation between the aforementioned design parameter that controls the signals’ sparsity and the number of selected antennas. Such relation is invariant to the number of base station’s antennas and the number of terminals served by this base station.Esta dissertação apresenta uma visão geral sobre MIMO (do termo em inglês, multiple-input multiple-output) massivo e propõe novos algoritmos que permitem a pré-codificacão de sinais e a seleção de antenas de forma simultânea. MIMO massivo é uma nova tecnologia candidata para compor a quinta geração (5G) dos sistemas celulares. Essa tecnologia utiliza uma quantidade muito grande de antenas na estação-base e, sob condições de propagação favorável ou assintoticamente favorável, pode alcançar taxas de transmissão elevadas, ainda que utilizando um simples processamento linear. Entretanto, os sistemas MIMO massivo apresentam algumas desvantagens, como por exemplo, o alto custo de implementação das estações-bases. Uma maneira de lidar com esse problema é utilizar algoritmos de seleção de antenas na estação-base. Com esses algoritmos é possível reduzir o número de antenas ativas e consequentemente reduzir o custo nas estações-bases. Essa dissertação também apresenta uma classe pouco estudada de pré-codificadores não-lineares que buscam sinais pré-codificados esparsos para realizar a seleção de antenas conjuntamente com a pré-codificação. Além disso, este trabalho propõem dois novos pré-codificadores pertencentes a essa classe, para os quais o número de antenas selecionadas é controlado por um parâmetro de projeto. Resultados de simulações mostram que os pré-codificadores propostos conseguem uma BER (do termo em inglês, bit-error rate) menor que os algoritmos clássicos usados para selecionar antenas. Além disso, resultados de simulações mostram que os pré-codificadores propostos apresentam uma relação linear com o parâmetro de projeto que controla a quantidade de antenas selecionadas; tal relação independe do número de antenas na estação-base e do número de terminais servidos por essa estação

    An Efficient Precoder Design for Multiuser MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks with Interference Constraints

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    We consider a linear precoder design for an underlay cognitive radio multiple-input multiple-output broadcast channel, where the secondary system consisting of a secondary base-station (BS) and a group of secondary users (SUs) is allowed to share the same spectrum with the primary system. All the transceivers are equipped with multiple antennas, each of which has its own maximum power constraint. Assuming zero-forcing method to eliminate the multiuser interference, we study the sum rate maximization problem for the secondary system subject to both per-antenna power constraints at the secondary BS and the interference power constraints at the primary users. The problem of interest differs from the ones studied previously that often assumed a sum power constraint and/or single antenna employed at either both the primary and secondary receivers or the primary receivers. To develop an efficient numerical algorithm, we first invoke the rank relaxation method to transform the considered problem into a convex-concave problem based on a downlink-uplink result. We then propose a barrier interior-point method to solve the resulting saddle point problem. In particular, in each iteration of the proposed method we find the Newton step by solving a system of discrete-time Sylvester equations, which help reduce the complexity significantly, compared to the conventional method. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate fast convergence and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.Comment: Accepted to appear in IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 13 pages, 8 figure

    Precoder Design for Physical Layer Multicasting

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    This paper studies the instantaneous rate maximization and the weighted sum delay minimization problems over a K-user multicast channel, where multiple antennas are available at the transmitter as well as at all the receivers. Motivated by the degree of freedom optimality and the simplicity offered by linear precoding schemes, we consider the design of linear precoders using the aforementioned two criteria. We first consider the scenario wherein the linear precoder can be any complex-valued matrix subject to rank and power constraints. We propose cyclic alternating ascent based precoder design algorithms and establish their convergence to respective stationary points. Simulation results reveal that our proposed algorithms considerably outperform known competing solutions. We then consider a scenario in which the linear precoder can be formed by selecting and concatenating precoders from a given finite codebook of precoding matrices, subject to rank and power constraints. We show that under this scenario, the instantaneous rate maximization problem is equivalent to a robust submodular maximization problem which is strongly NP hard. We propose a deterministic approximation algorithm and show that it yields a bicriteria approximation. For the weighted sum delay minimization problem we propose a simple deterministic greedy algorithm, which at each step entails approximately maximizing a submodular set function subject to multiple knapsack constraints, and establish its performance guarantee.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IEEE Trans. Signal Pro

    Linear Transmit-Receive Strategies for Multi-user MIMO Wireless Communications

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    Die Notwendigkeit zur Unterdrueckung von Interferenzen auf der einen Seite und zur Ausnutzung der durch Mehrfachzugriffsverfahren erzielbaren Gewinne auf der anderen Seite rueckte die raeumlichen Mehrfachzugriffsverfahren (Space Division Multiple Access, SDMA) in den Fokus der Forschung. Ein Vertreter der raeumlichen Mehrfachzugriffsverfahren, die lineare Vorkodierung, fand aufgrund steigender Anzahl an Nutzern und Antennen in heutigen und zukuenftigen Mobilkommunikationssystemen besondere Beachtung, da diese Verfahren das Design von Algorithmen zur Vorcodierung vereinfachen. Aus diesem Grund leistet diese Dissertation einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung linearer Sende- und Empfangstechniken fuer MIMO-Technologie mit mehreren Nutzern. Zunaechst stellen wir ein Framework zur Approximation des Datendurchsatzes in Broadcast-MIMO-Kanaelen mit mehreren Nutzern vor. In diesem Framework nehmen wir das lineare Vorkodierverfahren regularisierte Blockdiagonalisierung (RBD) an. Durch den Vergleich von Dirty Paper Coding (DPC) und linearen Vorkodieralgorithmen (z.B. Zero Forcing (ZF) und Blockdiagonalisierung (BD)) ist es uns moeglich, untere und obere Schranken fuer den Unterschied bezueglich Datenraten und bezueglich Leistung zwischen beiden anzugeben. Im Weiteren entwickeln wir einen Algorithmus fuer koordiniertes Beamforming (Coordinated Beamforming, CBF), dessen Loesung sich in geschlossener Form angeben laesst. Dieser CBF-Algorithmus basiert auf der SeDJoCo-Transformation und loest bisher vorhandene Probleme im Bereich CBF. Im Anschluss schlagen wir einen iterativen CBF-Algorithmus namens FlexCoBF (flexible coordinated beamforming) fuer MIMO-Broadcast-Kanaele mit mehreren Nutzern vor. Im Vergleich mit bis dato existierenden iterativen CBF-Algorithmen kann als vielversprechendster Vorteil die freie Wahl der linearen Sende- und Empfangsstrategie herausgestellt werden. Das heisst, jede existierende Methode der linearen Vorkodierung kann als Sendestrategie genutzt werden, waehrend die Strategie zum Empfangsbeamforming frei aus MRC oder MMSE gewaehlt werden darf. Im Hinblick auf Szenarien, in denen Mobilfunkzellen in Clustern zusammengefasst sind, erweitern wir FlexCoBF noch weiter. Hier wurde das Konzept der koordinierten Mehrpunktverbindung (Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP) transmission) integriert. Zuletzt stellen wir drei Moeglichkeiten vor, Kanalzustandsinformationen (Channel State Information, CSI) unter verschiedenen Kanalumstaenden zu erlangen. Die Qualitaet der Kanalzustandsinformationen hat einen starken Einfluss auf die Guete des Uebertragungssystems. Die durch unsere neuen Algorithmen erzielten Verbesserungen haben wir mittels numerischer Simulationen von Summenraten und Bitfehlerraten belegt.In order to combat interference and exploit large multiplexing gains of the multi-antenna systems, a particular interest in spatial division multiple access (SDMA) techniques has emerged. Linear precoding techniques, as one of the SDMA strategies, have obtained more attention due to the fact that an increasing number of users and antennas involved into the existing and future mobile communication systems requires a simplification of the precoding design. Therefore, this thesis contributes to the design of linear transmit and receive strategies for multi-user MIMO broadcast channels in a single cell and clustered multiple cells. First, we present a throughput approximation framework for multi-user MIMO broadcast channels employing regularized block diagonalization (RBD) linear precoding. Comparing dirty paper coding (DPC) and linear precoding algorithms (e.g., zero forcing (ZF) and block diagonalization (BD)), we further quantify lower and upper bounds of the rate and power offset between them as a function of the system parameters such as the number of users and antennas. Next, we develop a novel closed-form coordinated beamforming (CBF) algorithm (i.e., SeDJoCo based closed-form CBF) to solve the existing open problem of CBF. Our new algorithm can support a MIMO system with an arbitrary number of users and transmit antennas. Moreover, the application of our new algorithm is not only for CBF, but also for blind source separation (BSS), since the same mathematical model has been used in BSS application.Then, we further propose a new iterative CBF algorithm (i.e., flexible coordinated beamforming (FlexCoBF)) for multi-user MIMO broadcast channels. Compared to the existing iterative CBF algorithms, the most promising advantage of our new algorithm is that it provides freedom in the choice of the linear transmit and receive beamforming strategies, i.e., any existing linear precoding method can be chosen as the transmit strategy and the receive beamforming strategy can be flexibly chosen from MRC or MMSE receivers. Considering clustered multiple cell scenarios, we extend the FlexCoBF algorithm further and introduce the concept of the coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission. Finally, we present three strategies for channel state information (CSI) acquisition regarding various channel conditions and channel estimation strategies. The CSI knowledge is required at the base station in order to implement SDMA techniques. The quality of the obtained CSI heavily affects the system performance. The performance enhancement achieved by our new strategies has been demonstrated by numerical simulation results in terms of the system sum rate and the bit error rate

    On the MIMO Capacity with Multiple Power Constraints

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    Themultiple-inputmultiple-output(MIMO)technology has become an essential element of modern communication systems e.g.,3G,4 Gand massive MIMOtechnology has been recently standardized i n3GPPRel-15i.e. ,New Radio(NR)to enhance the spectral efficiency or the capacity of 5G networks. Given a digital communication system, a receiver will suffer from decoding errors if the transmission rate exceeds the capacity. Therefore, the capacity of a MIMO system is an important metric to characterize the system performance. More importantly,an efficient precoder design to achieve that capacity is of great interest. This thesis is dedicated to this fundamental problem under multiple power constraints. From the theoretical perspective, capacity maximization is a classical problem. However efficient algorithms considering realistic scenarios or multiple power constraints, especially for massive MIMO application, are still sparse. In the thesis, the author has sought new methods of determining the capacity under two practical power constraints: 1) per-antenna power constraint (PAPC) 2) linear transmit covariance constraint (LTCC). In particular, the PAPC imposes an individual power limit one ach power amplifier associated with atransmit antenna, thus is much more realistic than the traditional sum power constraint (SPC) in which all transmit antennas collaborate to satisfy a predefined total power budget. In many other practical scenarios, other power constraints can be imposed on a system, not necessarily to either SPC or PAPC. To this end, LTCCs are general enough to include those constraints. In both cases, we have proposed low-complexity approaches to the considered problems and the description of them is in the following. For the problem of capacity maximization under PAPC,two closed-formlow-complexity approaches have been developed for single-user MIMO and multi-user MIMO under different MIMO channels and precoding techniques. More specifically, the first approach is based on fixed-point-iterationtosolvetheproblemdirectlyinthebroadcast channel (BC), whereas the other relies on alternating optimization (AO) together with successive convex optimization (SCA) to solve the equivalent problem in dual multiple access channel (MAC) domain. Interestingly, the latter approach is also applicable to the problem of computing capacity with LTCCs. For the special case of joint SPC and PAPC, we have also derived analytical solutions to this important problem. Last but not least, we have investigated the applications of machine learning to our capacity problems and presented some preliminary results