23 research outputs found

    A Computational Pipeline for High- Throughput Discovery of cis-Regulatory Noncoding RNA in Prokaryotes

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    Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are important functional RNAs that do not code for proteins. We present a highly efficient computational pipeline for discovering cis-regulatory ncRNA motifs de novo. The pipeline differs from previous methods in that it is structure-oriented, does not require a multiple-sequence alignment as input, and is capable of detecting RNA motifs with low sequence conservation. We also integrate RNA motif prediction with RNA homolog search, which improves the quality of the RNA motifs significantly. Here, we report the results of applying this pipeline to Firmicute bacteria. Our top-ranking motifs include most known Firmicute elements found in the RNA family database (Rfam). Comparing our motif models with Rfam's hand-curated motif models, we achieve high accuracy in both membership prediction and base-pair–level secondary structure prediction (at least 75% average sensitivity and specificity on both tasks). Of the ncRNA candidates not in Rfam, we find compelling evidence that some of them are functional, and analyze several potential ribosomal protein leaders in depth

    smyRNA: A Novel Ab Initio ncRNA Gene Finder

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    Background: Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have important functional roles in the cell: for example, they regulate gene expression by means of establishing stable joint structures with target mRNAs via complementary sequence motifs. Sequence motifs are also important determinants of the structure of ncRNAs. Although ncRNAs are abundant, discovering novel ncRNAs on genome sequences has proven to be a hard task; in particular past attempts for ab initio ncRNA search mostly failed with the exception of tools that can identify micro RNAs. Methodology/Principal Findings: We present a very general ab initio ncRNA gene finder that exploits differential distributions of sequence motifs between ncRNAs and background genome sequences. Conclusions/Significance: Our method, once trained on a set of ncRNAs from a given species, can be applied to a genome sequences of other organisms to find not only ncRNAs homologous to those in the training set but also others that potentially belong to novel (and perhaps unknown) ncRNA families. Availability

    Conserved Secondary Structures in Aspergillus

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    Background: Recent evidence suggests that the number and variety of functional RNAs (ncRNAs as well as cis-acting RNA elements within mRNAs) is much higher than previously thought; thus, the ability to computationally predict and analyze RNAs has taken on new importance. We have computationally studied the secondary structures in an alignment of six Aspergillus genomes. Little is known about the RNAs present in this set of fungi, and this diverse set of genomes has an optimal level of sequence conservation for observing the correlated evolution of base-pairs seen in RNAs. Methodology/Principal Findings: We report the results of a whole-genome search for evolutionarily conserved secondary structures, as well as the results of clustering these predicted secondary structures by structural similarity. We find a total of 7450 predicted secondary structures, including a new predicted,60 bp long hairpin motif found primarily inside introns. We find no evidence for microRNAs. Different types of genomic regions are over-represented in different classes of predicted secondary structures. Exons contain the longest motifs (primarily long, branched hairpins), 59 UTRs primarily contain groupings of short hairpins located near the start codon, and 39 UTRs contain very little secondary structure compared to other regions. There is a large concentration of short hairpins just inside the boundaries of exons. The density of predicted intronic RNAs increases with the length of introns, and the density of predicted secondary structures within mRNA coding regions increases with the number of introns in a gene

    nocoRNAc: Characterization of non-coding RNAs in prokaryotes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The interest in non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) constantly rose during the past few years because of the wide spectrum of biological processes in which they are involved. This led to the discovery of numerous ncRNA genes across many species. However, for most organisms the non-coding transcriptome still remains unexplored to a great extent. Various experimental techniques for the identification of ncRNA transcripts are available, but as these methods are costly and time-consuming, there is a need for computational methods that allow the detection of functional RNAs in complete genomes in order to suggest elements for further experiments. Several programs for the genome-wide prediction of functional RNAs have been developed but most of them predict a genomic locus with no indication whether the element is transcribed or not.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present <smcaps>NOCO</smcaps>RNAc, a program for the genome-wide prediction of ncRNA transcripts in bacteria. <smcaps>NOCO</smcaps>RNAc incorporates various procedures for the detection of transcriptional features which are then integrated with functional ncRNA loci to determine the transcript coordinates. We applied RNAz and <smcaps>NOCO</smcaps>RNAc to the genome of <it>Streptomyces coelicolor </it>and detected more than 800 putative ncRNA transcripts most of them located antisense to protein-coding regions. Using a custom design microarray we profiled the expression of about 400 of these elements and found more than 300 to be transcribed, 38 of them are predicted novel ncRNA genes in intergenic regions. The expression patterns of many ncRNAs are similarly complex as those of the protein-coding genes, in particular many antisense ncRNAs show a high expression correlation with their protein-coding partner.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have developed <smcaps>NOCO</smcaps>RNAc, a framework that facilitates the automated characterization of functional ncRNAs. <smcaps>NOCO</smcaps>RNAc increases the confidence of predicted ncRNA loci, especially if they contain transcribed ncRNAs. <smcaps>NOCO</smcaps>RNAc is not restricted to intergenic regions, but it is applicable to the prediction of ncRNA transcripts in whole microbial genomes. The software as well as a user guide and example data is available at <url>http://www.zbit.uni-tuebingen.de/pas/nocornac.htm</url>.</p

    Folding of the lysine riboswitch: importance of peripheral elements for transcriptional regulation

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    The Bacillus subtilis lysC lysine riboswitch modulates its own gene expression upon lysine binding through a transcription attenuation mechanism. The riboswitch aptamer is organized around a single five-way junction that provides the scaffold for two long-range tertiary interactions (loop L2–loop L3 and helix P2–loop L4)—all of this for the creation of a specific lysine binding site. We have determined that the interaction P2–L4 is particularly important for the organization of the ligand-binding site and for the riboswitch transcription attenuation control. Moreover, we have observed that a folding synergy between L2–L3 and P2–L4 allows both interactions to fold at lower magnesium ion concentrations. The P2–L4 interaction is also critical for the close juxtaposition involving stems P1 and P5. This is facilitated by the presence of lysine, suggesting an active role of the ligand in the folding transition. We also show that a previously uncharacterized stem–loop located in the expression platform is highly important for the riboswitch activity. Thus, folding elements located in the aptamer and the expression platform both influence the lysine riboswitch gene regulation

    From Structure Prediction to Genomic Screens for Novel Non-Coding RNAs

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    Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are receiving more and more attention not only as an abundant class of genes, but also as regulatory structural elements (some located in mRNAs). A key feature of RNA function is its structure. Computational methods were developed early for folding and prediction of RNA structure with the aim of assisting in functional analysis. With the discovery of more and more ncRNAs, it has become clear that a large fraction of these are highly structured. Interestingly, a large part of the structure is comprised of regular Watson-Crick and GU wobble base pairs. This and the increased amount of available genomes have made it possible to employ structure-based methods for genomic screens. The field has moved from folding prediction of single sequences to computational screens for ncRNAs in genomic sequence using the RNA structure as the main characteristic feature. Whereas early methods focused on energy-directed folding of single sequences, comparative analysis based on structure preserving changes of base pairs has been efficient in improving accuracy, and today this constitutes a key component in genomic screens. Here, we cover the basic principles of RNA folding and touch upon some of the concepts in current methods that have been applied in genomic screens for de novo RNA structures in searches for novel ncRNA genes and regulatory RNA structure on mRNAs. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the different strategies and how they can complement each other