18 research outputs found

    Comparion of different POS tagging technique (N-Gram, HMM and Brill's tagger) for Bangla

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 6-7).There are different approaches to the problem of assigning each word of a text with a parts-of-speech tag, which is known as Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging. In this paper we compare the performance of a few POS tagging techniques for Bangla language, e.g. statistical approach (n-gram, HMM) and transformation based approach (Brill’s tagger). A supervised POS tagging approach requires a large amount of annotated training corpus to tag properly. At this initial stage of POS-tagging for Bangla, we have very limited resource of annotated corpus. We tried to see which technique maximizes the performance with this limited resource. We also checked the performance for English and tried to conclude how these techniques might perform if we can manage a substantial amount of annotated corpus.Naushad UzZamanFahim Muhammad HasanMumit Kha

    Part-Of-Speech Tagging Of Urdu in Limited Resources Scenario

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    We address the problem of Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging of Urdu. POS tagging is the process of assigning a part-of-speech or lexical class marker to each word in the given text. Tagging for natural languages is similar to tokenization and lexical analysis for computer languages, except that we encounter ambiguities which are to be resolved. It plays a fundamental role in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications such as word sense disambiguation, parsing, name entity recognition and chunking. POS tagging, particularly plays very important role in processing free-word-order languages because such languages have relatively complex morphological structure. Urdu is a morphologically rich language. Forms of the verb, as well as case, gender, and number are expressed by the morphology. It shares its morphology, phonology and grammatical structures with Hindi. It shares its vocabulary with Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Turkish and Pashto languages. Urdu is written using the Perso-Arabic script. POS tagging of Urdu is a necessary component for most NLP applications of Urdu. Development of an Urdu POS tagger will influence several pipelined modules of natural language understanding system, including machine translation; partial parsing and word sense disambiguation. Our objective is to develop a robust POS tagger for Urdu. We have worked on the automatic annotation of part-of-speech for Urdu. We have defined a tag-set for Urdu. We manually annotated a corpus of 10,000 sentences. We have used different machine learning methods, namely Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Maximum Entropy Model (ME) and Conditional Random Field (CRF). Further, to deal with a small-annotated corpus, we explored the use of semi-supervised learning by using an additional un-annotated corpus. We also explored the use of a dictionary to provide to us all possible POS labeling for a given word. Since Urdu is morphologically productive. Hence we augmented Hidden Markov Model, Maximum Entropy Model and Conditional Random Field with morphological features, word suffixes and POS categories of words to develop robust POS tagger for Urdu in the limited resources scenario

    A free/open-source hybrid morphological disambiguation tool for Kazakh

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    This paper presents the results of developing a morphological disambiguation tool for Kazakh. Starting with a previously developed rule-based approach, we tried to cope with the complex morphology of Kazakh by breaking up lexical forms across their derivational boundaries into inflectional groups and modeling their behavior with statistical methods. A hybrid rule-based/statistical approach appears to benefit morphological disambiguation demonstrating a per-token accuracy of 91% in running text

    Words and their secrets

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    Part-of-speech Tagging: A Machine Learning Approach based on Decision Trees

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    The study and application of general Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to theclassical ambiguity problems in the area of Natural Language Processing (NLP) isa currently very active area of research. This trend is sometimes called NaturalLanguage Learning. Within this framework, the present work explores the applicationof a concrete machine-learning technique, namely decision-tree induction, toa very basic NLP problem, namely part-of-speech disambiguation (POS tagging).Its main contributions fall in the NLP field, while topics appearing are addressedfrom the artificial intelligence perspective, rather from a linguistic point of view.A relevant property of the system we propose is the clear separation betweenthe acquisition of the language model and its application within a concrete disambiguationalgorithm, with the aim of constructing two components which are asindependent as possible. Such an approach has many advantages. For instance, thelanguage models obtained can be easily adapted into previously existing taggingformalisms; the two modules can be improved and extended separately; etc.As a first step, we have experimentally proven that decision trees (DT) providea flexible (by allowing a rich feature representation), efficient and compact wayfor acquiring, representing and accessing the information about POS ambiguities.In addition to that, DTs provide proper estimations of conditional probabilities fortags and words in their particular contexts. Additional machine learning techniques,based on the combination of classifiers, have been applied to address some particularweaknesses of our tree-based approach, and to further improve the accuracy in themost difficult cases.As a second step, the acquired models have been used to construct simple,accurate and effective taggers, based on diiferent paradigms. In particular, wepresent three different taggers that include the tree-based models: RTT, STT, andRELAX, which have shown different properties regarding speed, flexibility, accuracy,etc. The idea is that the particular user needs and environment will define whichis the most appropriate tagger in each situation. Although we have observed slightdifferences, the accuracy results for the three taggers, tested on the WSJ test benchcorpus, are uniformly very high, and, if not better, they are at least as good asthose of a number of current taggers based on automatic acquisition (a qualitativecomparison with the most relevant current work is also reported.Additionally, our approach has been adapted to annotate a general Spanishcorpus, with the particular limitation of learning from small training sets. A newtechnique, based on tagger combination and bootstrapping, has been proposed toaddress this problem and to improve accuracy. Experimental results showed thatvery high accuracy is possible for Spanish tagging, with a relatively low manualeffort. Additionally, the success in this real application has confirmed the validity of our approach, and the validity of the previously presented portability argumentin favour of automatically acquired taggers

    Maschineller Erwerb von Wortklassifikationsregeln

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    In dieser Arbeit soll erst ein kurzer Überblick über die Gebiete der Wortklassifizierung und des maschinellen Lernens gegeben werden (Kap. 1). Dann wird der Ansatz der transformationsbasierten fehlergesteuerten Wortklassifizierung (Transformation-Based Error-Driven Tagging) von Brill (1992, 1993, 1994) vorgestellt und für die Verwendung für deutschsprachige Korpora angepaßt (Kap. 2). Hierbei handelt es sich um ein regelbasiertes System, bei dem die Regeln im Gegensatz zu den bisher vorhandenen Systemen nicht manuell erarbeitet und dem System vorgegeben werden; das System erwirbt die Regeln vielmehr selbst anhand von wenigen Regelschemata aus einem kleinen bereits getaggten Lernkorpus. In Kapitel 3 werden die Ergebnisse aus der Anwendung des Systems auf Teile eines deutschsprachigen Korpus dargestellt. In Kapitel 4 schließlich werden andere Taggingsysteme vorgestellt und mit dem System von Brill (1993) anhand von acht Kriterien verglichen