74,331 research outputs found

    Reactivity on the Web

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    Reactivity, the ability to detect simple and composite events and respond in a timely manner, is an essential requirement in many present-day information systems. With the emergence of new, dynamic Web applications, reactivity on the Web is receiving increasing attention. Reactive Web-based systems need to detect and react not only to simple events but also to complex, real-life situations. This paper introduces XChange, a language for programming reactive behaviour on the Web, emphasising the querying of event data and detection of composite events

    Estimating the relative rate of recombination to mutation in bacteria from single-locus variants using composite likelihood methods

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    A number of studies have suggested using comparisons between DNA sequences of closely related bacterial isolates to estimate the relative rate of recombination to mutation for that bacterial species. We consider such an approach which uses single-locus variants: pairs of isolates whose DNA differ at a single gene locus. One way of deriving point estimates for the relative rate of recombination to mutation from such data is to use composite likelihood methods. We extend recent work in this area so as to be able to construct confidence intervals for our estimates, without needing to resort to computationally-intensive bootstrap procedures, and to develop a test for whether the relative rate varies across loci. Both our test and method for constructing confidence intervals are obtained by modeling the dependence structure in the data, and then applying asymptotic theory regarding the distribution of estimators obtained using a composite likelihood. We applied these methods to multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) data from eight bacteria, finding strong evidence for considerable rate variation in three of these: Bacillus cereus, Enterococcus faecium and Klebsiella pneumoniae.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOAS795 in the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Use-cases on evolution

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    This report presents a set of use cases for evolution and reactivity for data in the Web and Semantic Web. This set is organized around three different case study scenarios, each of them is related to one of the three different areas of application within Rewerse. Namely, the scenarios are: “The Rewerse Information System and Portal”, closely related to the work of A3 – Personalised Information Systems; “Organizing Travels”, that may be related to the work of A1 – Events, Time, and Locations; “Updates and evolution in bioinformatics data sources” related to the work of A2 – Towards a Bioinformatics Web

    A Parameterized Algebra for Event Notification Services

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    Event notification services are used in various applications such as digital libraries, stock tickers, traffic control, or facility management. However, to our knowledge, a common semantics of events in event notification services has not been defined so far. In this paper, we propose a parameterized event algebra which describes the semantics of composite events for event notification systems. The parameters serve as a basis for flexible handling of duplicates in both primitive and composite events

    Near-Infrared Microlensing of Stars by the Super-Massive Black Hole in the Galactic Center

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    We investigate microlensing amplification of faint stars in the dense stellar cluster in the Galactic Center (GC) by the super-massive black hole (BH). Such events would appear very close to the position of the radio source SgrA*, which is thought to coincide with the BH, and could be observed during the monitoring of stellar motions in the GC. We use the observed K-band (2.2 um) luminosity function (KLF) in the GC and in Baade's Window, as well as stellar population synthesis computations, to construct KLF models for the inner 300 pc of the Galaxy. These, and the observed dynamical properties of this region, are used to compute the rates of microlensing events, which amplify stars above specified detection thresholds. We present computations of the lensing rates and amplifications as functions of the event durations (weeks to years), for a range of detection thresholds. We find that short events dominate the total rate and that long events tend to have large amplifications. For the current detection limit of K=17 mag, the total microlensing rate is 0.003 1/yr, and the rate of events with durations >1 yr is 0.001 1/yr. Recent GC proper motion studies have revealed the possible presence of one or two variable K-band sources very close to SgrA* (Genzel et al 97; Ghez et al 98). These sources may have attained peak brightnesses of K~15 mag, about 1.5-2 mag above the observational detection limits, and appear to have varied on a timescale of ~1 yr. This behavior is consistent with long-duration microlensing of faint stars by the BH. However, we estimate that the probability that such an event could have been detected during the course of the recent proper motion studies is \~0.5%. A ten-fold improvement in the detection limit and 10 yr of monthly monitoring would increase the total detection probability to ~20%. (Abridged)Comment: 29 p. with 5 figs. To appear in ApJ. Changed to reflect published version. Short discussions of solar metallicity luminosity function and star-star microlensing adde