528 research outputs found

    Research reports: 1985 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

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    A compilation of 40 technical reports on research conducted by participants in the 1985 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is given. Weibull density functions, reliability analysis, directional solidification, space stations, jet stream, fracture mechanics, composite materials, orbital maneuvering vehicles, stellar winds and gamma ray bursts are among the topics discussed

    Geometric Path-Planning Algorithm in Cluttered 2D Environments Using Convex Hulls

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    Routing or path planning is the problem of finding a collision-free path in an environment usually scattered with multiple objects. Finding the shortest route in a planar (2D) or spatial (3D) environment has a variety of applications such as robot motion planning, navigating autonomous vehicles, routing of cables, wires, and harnesses in vehicles, routing of pipes in chemical process plants, etc. The problem often times is decomposed into two main sub-problems: modeling and representation of the workspace geometrically and optimization of the path. Geometric modeling and representation of the workspace are paramount in any path planning problem since it builds the data structures and provides the means for solving the optimization problem. The optimization aspect of the path planning involves satisfying some constraints, the most important of which is to avoid intersections with the interior of any object and optimizing one or more criteria. The most common criterion in path planning problems is to minimize the length of the path between a source and a destination point of the workspace while other criteria such as minimizing the number of links or curves could also be taken into account. Planar path planning is mainly about modeling the workspace of the problem as a collision-free graph. The graph is, later on, searched for the optimal path using network optimization techniques such as branch-and-bound or search algorithms such as Dijkstra\u27s. Previous methods developed to construct the collision-free graph explore the entire workspace of the problem which usually results in some unnecessary information that has no value but to increase the time complexity of the algorithm, hence, affecting the efficiency significantly. For example, the fastest known algorithm to construct the visibility graph, which is the most common method of modeling the collision-free space, in a workspace with a total of n vertices has a time complexity of order O(n2). In this research, first, the 2D workspace of the problem is modeled using the tessellated format of the objects in a CAD software which facilitates handling of any free-form object. Then, an algorithm is developed to construct the collision-free graph of the workspace using the convex hulls of the intersecting obstacles. The proposed algorithm focuses only on a portion of the workspace involved in the straight line connecting the source and destination points. Considering the worst case that all the objects of the workspace are intersecting, the algorithm yields a time complexity of O(nlog(n/f)), with n being the total number of vertices and f being the number of objects. The collision-free graph is later searched for the shortest path between the two given nodes using a search algorithm known as Dijkstra\u27s

    Aeronautical Engineering. A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 156

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    This bibliography lists 288 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in December 1982

    NASA Tech Briefs, July 2005

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    Thin-Film Resistance Heat-Flux Sensors Circuit Indicates that Voice-Recording Disks are Nearly Full Optical Sensing of Combustion Instabilities in Gas Turbines Topics include: Crane-Load Contact Sensor; Hexagonal and Pentagonal Fractal Multiband Antennas; Multifunctional Logic Gate Controlled by Temperature; Multifunctional Logic Gate Controlled by Supply Voltage; Power Divider for Waveforms Rich in Harmonics; SCB Quantum Computers Using iSWAP and 1-Qubit Rotations; CSAM Metrology Software Tool; Update on Rover Sequencing and Visualization Program; Selecting Data from a Star Catalog; Rotating Desk for Collaboration by Two Computer Programmers; Variable-Pressure Washer; Magnetically Attached Multifunction Maintenance Rover; Improvements in Fabrication of Sand/Binder Cores for Casting; Solid Freeform Fabrication of Composite-Material Objects; Efficient Computational Model of Hysteresis; Gauges for Highly Precise Metrology of a Compound Mirror; Improved Electrolytic Hydrogen Peroxide Generator; High-Power Fiber Lasers Using Photonic Band Gap Materials; Ontology-Driven Information Integration; Quantifying Traversability of Terrain for a Mobile Robot; More About Arc-Welding Process for Making Carbon Nanotubes; Controlling Laser Spot Size in Outer Space; or Software-Reconfigurable Processors for Spacecraft

    VRCC-3D+: Qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning in 3 dimensions

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    Qualitative Spatial Reasoning (QSR) has varying applications in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), visual programming language semantics, and digital image analysis. Systems for spatial reasoning over a set of objects have evolved in both expressive power and complexity, but implementations or usages of these systems are not common. This is partially due to the computational complexity of the operations required by the reasoner to make informed decisions about its surroundings. These theoretical systems are designed to focus on certain criteria, including efficiency of computation, ease of human comprehension, and expressive power. Sadly, the implementation of these systems is frequently left as an exercise for the reader. Herein, a new QSR system, VRCC-3D+, is proposed that strives to maximize expressive power while minimizing the complexity of reasoning and computational cost of using the system. This system is an evolution of RCC-3D; the system and implementation are constantly being refined to handle the complexities of the reasoning being performed. The refinements contribute to the accuracy, correctness, and speed of the implementation. To improve the accuracy and correctness of the implementation, a way to dynamically change error tolerance in the system to more accurately reflect what the user sees is designed. A method that improves the speed of determining spatial relationships between objects by using composition tables and decision trees is introduced, and improvements to the system itself are recommended; by streamlining the relation set and enforcing strict rules for the precision of the predicates that determine the relationships between objects. A potential use case and prototype implementation is introduced to further motivate the need for implementations of QSR systems, and show that their use is not precluded by computational complexity. --Abstract, page iv

    Multi-robot cooperative platform : a task-oriented teleoperation paradigm

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    This thesis proposes the study and development of a teleoperation system based on multi-robot cooperation under the task oriented teleoperation paradigm: Multi-Robot Cooperative Paradigm, MRCP. In standard teleoperation, the operator uses the master devices to control the remote slave robot arms. These arms reproduce the desired movements and perform the task. With the developed work, the operator can virtually manipulate an object. MRCP automatically generates the arms orders to perform the task. The operator does not have to solve situations arising from possible restrictions that the slave arms may have. The research carried out is therefore aimed at improving the accuracy teleoperation tasks in complex environments, particularly in the field of robot assisted minimally invasive surgery. This field requires patient safety and the workspace entails many restrictions to teleoperation. MRCP can be defined as a platform composed of several robots that cooperate automatically to perform a teleoperated task, creating a robotic system with increased capacity (workspace volume, accessibility, dexterity ...). The cooperation is based on transferring the task between robots when necessary to enable a smooth task execution. The MRCP control evaluates the suitability of each robot to continue with the ongoing task and the optimal time to execute a task transfer between the current selected robot and the best candidate to continue with the task. From the operator¿s point of view, MRCP provides an interface that enables the teleoperation though the task-oriented paradigm: operator orders are translated into task actions instead of robot orders. This thesis is structured as follows: The first part is dedicated to review the current solutions in the teleoperation of complex tasks and compare them with those proposed in this research. The second part of the thesis presents and reviews in depth the different evaluation criteria to determine the suitability of each robot to continue with the execution of a task, considering the configuration of the robots and emphasizing the criterion of dexterity and manipulability. The study reviews the different required control algorithms to enable the task oriented telemanipulation. This proposed teleoperation paradigm is transparent to the operator. Then, the Thesis presents and analyses several experimental results using MRCP in the field of minimally invasive surgery. These experiments study the effectiveness of MRCP in various tasks requiring the cooperation of two hands. A type task is used: a suture using minimally invasive surgery technique. The analysis is done in terms of execution time, economy of movement, quality and patient safety (potential damage produced by undesired interaction between the tools and the vital tissues of the patient). The final part of the thesis proposes the implementation of different virtual aids and restrictions (guided teleoperation based on haptic visual and audio feedback, protection of restricted workspace regions, etc.) using the task oriented teleoperation paradigm. A framework is defined for implementing and applying a basic set of virtual aids and constraints within the framework of a virtual simulator for laparoscopic abdominal surgery. The set of experiments have allowed to validate the developed work. The study revealed the influence of virtual aids in the learning process of laparoscopic techniques. It has also demonstrated the improvement of learning curves, which paves the way for its implementation as a methodology for training new surgeons.Aquesta tesi doctoral proposa l'estudi i desenvolupament d'un sistema de teleoperació basat en la cooperació multi-robot sota el paradigma de la teleoperació orientada a tasca: Multi-Robot Cooperative Paradigm, MRCP. En la teleoperació clàssica, l'operador utilitza els telecomandaments perquè els braços robots reprodueixin els seus moviments i es realitzi la tasca desitjada. Amb el treball realitzat, l'operador pot manipular virtualment un objecte i és mitjançant el MRCP que s'adjudica a cada braç les ordres necessàries per realitzar la tasca, sense que l'operador hagi de resoldre les situacions derivades de possibles restriccions que puguin tenir els braços executors. La recerca desenvolupada està doncs orientada a millorar la teleoperació en tasques de precisió en entorns complexos i, en particular, en el camp de la cirurgia mínimament invasiva assistida per robots. Aquest camp imposa condicions de seguretat del pacient i l'espai de treball comporta moltes restriccions a la teleoperació. MRCP es pot definir com a una plataforma formada per diversos robots que cooperen de forma automàtica per dur a terme una tasca teleoperada, generant un sistema robòtic amb capacitats augmentades (volums de treball, accessibilitat, destresa,...). La cooperació es basa en transferir la tasca entre robots a partir de determinar quin és aquell que és més adequat per continuar amb la seva execució i el moment òptim per realitzar la transferència de la tasca entre el robot actiu i el millor candidat a continuar-la. Des del punt de vista de l'operari, MRCP ofereix una interfície de teleoperació que permet la realització de la teleoperació mitjançant el paradigma d'ordres orientades a la tasca: les ordres es tradueixen en accions sobre la tasca en comptes d'estar dirigides als robots. Aquesta tesi està estructurada de la següent manera: Primerament es fa una revisió de l'estat actual de les diverses solucions desenvolupades actualment en el camp de la teleoperació de tasques complexes, comparant-les amb les proposades en aquest treball de recerca. En el segon bloc de la tesi es presenten i s'analitzen a fons els diversos criteris per determinar la capacitat de cada robot per continuar l'execució d'una tasca, segons la configuració del conjunt de robots i fent especial èmfasi en el criteri de destresa i manipulabilitat. Seguint aquest estudi, es presenten els diferents processos de control emprats per tal d'assolir la telemanipulació orientada a tasca de forma transparent a l'operari. Seguidament es presenten diversos resultats experimentals aplicant MRCP al camp de la cirurgia mínimament invasiva. En aquests experiments s'estudia l'eficàcia de MRCP en diverses tasques que requereixen de la cooperació de dues mans. S'ha escollit una tasca tipus: sutura amb tècnica de cirurgia mínimament invasiva. L'anàlisi es fa en termes de temps d'execució, economia de moviment, qualitat i seguretat del pacient (potencials danys causats per la interacció no desitjada entre les eines i els teixits vitals del pacient). Finalment s'ha estudiat l'ús de diferents ajudes i restriccions virtuals (guiat de la teleoperació via retorn hàptic, visual o auditiu, protecció de regions de l'espai de treball, etc) dins el paradigma de teleoperació orientada a tasca. S'ha definint un marc d'aplicació base i implementant un conjunt de restriccions virtuals dins el marc d'un simulador de cirurgia laparoscòpia abdominal. El conjunt d'experiments realitzats han permès validar el treball realitzat. Aquest estudi ha permès determinar la influencia de les ajudes virtuals en el procés d'aprenentatge de les tècniques laparoscòpiques. S'ha evidenciat una millora en les corbes d'aprenentatge i obre el camí a la seva implantació com a metodologia d'entrenament de nous cirurgians.Postprint (published version

    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2