521 research outputs found

    Advanced Control of Piezoelectric Actuators.

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    168 p.A lo largo de las últimas décadas, la ingeniería de precisión ha tenido un papel importante como tecnología puntera donde la tendencia a la reducción de tamaño de las herramientas industriales ha sido clave. Los procesos industriales comenzaron a demandar precisión en el rango de nanómetros a micrómetros. Pese a que los actuadores convencionales no pueden reducirse lo suficiente ni lograr tal exactitud, los actuadores piezoeléctricos son una tecnología innovadora en este campo y su rendimiento aún está en estudio en la comunidad científica. Los actuadores piezoeléctricos se usan comúnmente en micro y nanomecatrónica para aplicaciones de posicionamiento debido a su alta resolución y fuerza de actuación (pueden llegar a soportar fuerzas de hasta 100 Newtons) en comparación con su tamaño. Todas estas características también se pueden combinar con una actuación rápida y rigidez, según los requisitos de la aplicación. Por lo tanto, con estas características, los actuadores piezoeléctricos pueden ser utilizados en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones industriales. Los efectos negativos, como la fluencia, vibraciones y la histéresis, se estudian comúnmente para mejorar el rendimiento cuando se requiere una alta precisión. Uno de los efectos que más reduce el rendimiento de los PEA es la histéresis. Esto se produce especialmente cuando el actuador está en una aplicación de guiado, por lo que la histéresis puede inducir errores que pueden alcanzar un valor de hasta 22%. Este fenómeno no lineal se puede definir como un efecto generado por la combinación de acciones mecánicas y eléctricas que depende de estados previos. La histéresis se puede reducir principalmente mediante dos estrategias: rediseño de materiales o algoritmos de control tipo feedback. El rediseño de material comprende varias desventajas por lo que el motivo principal de esta tesis está enfocado al diseño de algoritmos de control para reducir la histéresis. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de estrategias de control avanzadas que puedan mejorar la precisión de seguimiento de los actuadores piezoeléctricos comerciale

    Design and experimental validation of a piezoelectric actuator tracking control based on fuzzy logic and neural compensation

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    This work proposes two control feedback-feedforward algorithms, based on fuzzy logic in combination with neural networks, aimed at reducing the tracking error and improving the actuation signal of piezoelectric actuators. These are frequently used devices in a wide range of applications due to their high precision in micro- and nanopositioning combined with their mechanical stiffness. Nevertheless, the hysteresis is one the main phenomenon that degrades the performance of these actuators in tracking operations. The proposed control schemes were tested experimentally in a commercial piezoelectric actuator. They were implemented with a dSPACE 1104 device, which was used for signal generation and acquisition purposes. The performance of the proposed control schemes was compared to conventional structures based on proportional-integral-derivative and fuzzy logic in feedback configuration. Experimental results show the advantages of the proposed controllers, since they are capable of reducing the error to significant magnitude orders.The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Basque Government, through the project EKOHEGAZ (ELKARTEK KK-2021/00092), to the Diputación Foral de Álava (DFA), through the project CONAVANTER, and to the UPV/EHU, through the project GIU20/063, for supporting this work

    High-Performance Tracking for Piezoelectric Actuators Using Super-Twisting Algorithm Based on Artificial Neural Networks

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    Piezoelectric actuators (PEA) are frequently employed in applications where nano-Micr-odisplacement is required because of their high-precision performance. However, the positioning is affected substantially by the hysteresis which resembles in an nonlinear effect. In addition, hysteresis mathematical models own deficiencies that can influence on the reference following performance. The objective of this study was to enhance the tracking accuracy of a commercial PEA stack actuator with the implementation of a novel approach which consists in the use of a Super-Twisting Algorithm (STA) combined with artificial neural networks (ANN). A Lyapunov stability proof is bestowed to explain the theoretical solution. Experimental results of the proposed method were compared with a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. The outcomes in a real PEA reported that the novel structure is stable as it was proved theoretically, and the experiments provided a significant error reduction in contrast with the PID.This research was funded by Basque Government and UPV/EHU projects

    Optimal fuzzy iterative learning control based on artificial bee colony for vibration control of piezoelectric smart structures

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    Combining P-type iterative learning (IL) control, fuzzy logic control and artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm, a new optimal fuzzy IL controller is designed for active vibration control of piezoelectric smart structures. In order to accelerate the learning speed of feedback gain, the fuzzy logic controller is integrated into the ANSYS finite element (FE) models by using APDL (ANSYS Parameter Design Language) approach to adjust adaptively the learning gain of P-type IL control. For improving the performance and robustness of the fuzzy logic controller as well as diminishing human intervention in the operation process, ABC algorithm is used to automatically identify the optimal configurations for values in fuzzy query table, fuzzification parameters and defuzzification parameters, and the main program of ABC algorithm is operated in MATLAB. The active vibration equations are driven from the FE equations for the dynamic response of a linear elastic piezoelectric smart structure. Considering the vibrations generated by various external disturbances, the optimal fuzzy IL controller is numerically investigated for a clamped piezoelectric smart plate. Results demonstrate that the proposed control approach makes the feedback gain has a fast learning speed and performs excellent in vibration suppression. This is demonstrated in the results by comparing the new control approach with the P-type IL control

    Study and Development of Mechatronic Devices and Machine Learning Schemes for Industrial Applications

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    Obiettivo del presente progetto di dottorato è lo studio e sviluppo di sistemi meccatronici e di modelli machine learning per macchine operatrici e celle robotizzate al fine di incrementarne le prestazioni operative e gestionali. Le pressanti esigenze del mercato hanno imposto lavorazioni con livelli di accuratezza sempre più elevati, tempi di risposta e di produzione ridotti e a costi contenuti. In questo contesto nasce il progetto di dottorato, focalizzato su applicazioni di lavorazioni meccaniche (e.g. fresatura), che includono sistemi complessi quali, ad esempio, macchine a 5 assi e, tipicamente, robot industriali, il cui utilizzo varia a seconda dell’impiego. Oltre alle specifiche problematiche delle lavorazioni, si deve anche considerare l’interazione macchina-robot per permettere un’efficiente capacità e gestione dell’intero impianto. La complessità di questo scenario può evidenziare sia specifiche problematiche inerenti alle lavorazioni (e.g. vibrazioni) sia inefficienze più generali che riguardano l’impianto produttivo (e.g. asservimento delle macchine con robot, consumo energetico). Vista la vastità della tematica, il progetto si è suddiviso in due parti, lo studio e sviluppo di due specifici dispositivi meccatronici, basati sull’impiego di attuatori piezoelettrici, che puntano principalmente alla compensazione di vibrazioni indotte dal processo di lavorazione, e l’integrazione di robot per l’asservimento di macchine utensili in celle robotizzate, impiegando modelli di machine learning per definire le traiettorie ed i punti di raggiungibilità del robot, al fine di migliorarne l’accuratezza del posizionamento del pezzo in diverse condizioni. In conclusione, la presente tesi vuole proporre soluzioni meccatroniche e di machine learning per incrementare le prestazioni di macchine e sistemi robotizzati convenzionali. I sistemi studiati possono essere integrati in celle robotizzate, focalizzandosi sia su problematiche specifiche delle lavorazioni in macchine operatrici sia su problematiche a livello di impianto robot-macchina. Le ricerche hanno riguardato un’approfondita valutazione dello stato dell’arte, la definizione dei modelli teorici, la progettazione funzionale e l’identificazione delle criticità del design dei prototipi, la realizzazione delle simulazioni e delle prove sperimentali e l’analisi dei risultati.The aim of this Ph.D. project is the study and development of mechatronic systems and machine learning models for machine tools and robotic applications to improve their performances. The industrial demands have imposed an ever-increasing accuracy and efficiency requirement whilst constraining the cost. In this context, this project focuses on machining processes (e.g. milling) that include complex systems such as 5-axes machine tool and industrial robots, employed for various applications. Beside the issues related to the machining process itself, the interaction between the machining centre and the robot must be considered for the complete industrial plant’s improvement. This scenario´s complexity depicts both specific machining problematics (e.g. vibrations) and more general issues related to the complete plant, such as machine tending with an industrial robot and energy consumption. Regarding the immensity of this area, this project is divided in two parts, the study and development of two mechatronic devices, based on piezoelectric stack actuators, for the active vibration control during the machining process, and the robot machine tending within the robotic cell, employing machine learning schemes for the trajectory definition and robot reachability to improve the corresponding positioning accuracy. In conclusion, this thesis aims to provide a set of solutions, based on mechatronic devices and machine learning schemes, to improve the conventional machining centre and the robotic systems performances. The studied systems can be integrated within a robotic cell, focusing on issues related to the specific machining process and to the interaction between robot-machining centre. This research required a thorough study of the state-of-the-art, the formulation of theoretical models, the functional design development, the identification of the critical aspects in the prototype designs, the simulation and experimental campaigns, and the analysis of the obtained results

    Performance-driven control of nano-motion systems

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    The performance of high-precision mechatronic systems is subject to ever increasing demands regarding speed and accuracy. To meet these demands, new actuator drivers, sensor signal processing and control algorithms have to be derived. The state-of-the-art scientific developments in these research directions can significantly improve the performance of high-precision systems. However, translation of the scientific developments to usable technology is often non-trivial. To improve the performance of high-precision systems and to bridge the gap between science and technology, a performance-driven control approach has been developed. First, the main performance limiting factor (PLF) is identified. Then, a model-based compensation method is developed for the identified PLF. Experimental validation shows the performance improvement and reveals the next PLF to which the same procedure is applied. The compensation method can relate to the actuator driver, the sensor system or the control algorithm. In this thesis, the focus is on nano-motion systems that are driven by piezo actuators and/or use encoder sensors. Nano-motion systems are defined as the class of systems that require velocities ranging from nanometers per second to millimeters per second with a (sub)nanometer resolution. The main PLFs of such systems are the actuator driver, hysteresis, stick-slip effects, repetitive disturbances, coupling between degrees-of-freedom (DOFs), geometric nonlinearities and quantization errors. The developed approach is applied to three illustrative experimental cases that exhibit the above mentioned PLFs. The cases include a nano-motion stage driven by a walking piezo actuator, a metrological AFM and an encoder system. The contributions of this thesis relate to modeling, actuation driver development, control synthesis and encoder sensor signal processing. In particular, dynamic models are derived of the bimorph piezo legs of the walking piezo actuator and of the nano-motion stage with the walking piezo actuator containing the switching actuation principle, stick-slip effects and contact dynamics. Subsequently, a model-based optimization is performed to obtain optimal drive waveforms for a constant stage velocity. Both the walking piezo actuator and the AFM case exhibit repetitive disturbances with a non-constant period-time, for which dedicated repetitive control methods are developed. Furthermore, control algorithms have been developed to cope with the present coupling between and hysteresis in the different axes of the AFM. Finally, sensor signal processing algorithms have been developed to cope with the quantization effects and encoder imperfections in optical incremental encoders. The application of the performance-driven control approach to the different cases shows that the different identified PLFs can be successfully modeled and compensated for. The experiments show that the performance-driven control approach can largely improve the performance of nano-motion systems with piezo actuators and/or encoder sensors

    From model-driven to data-driven : a review of hysteresis modeling in structural and mechanical systems

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    Hysteresis is a natural phenomenon that widely exists in structural and mechanical systems. The characteristics of structural hysteretic behaviors are complicated. Therefore, numerous methods have been developed to describe hysteresis. In this paper, a review of the available hysteretic modeling methods is carried out. Such methods are divided into: a) model-driven and b) datadriven methods. The model-driven method uses parameter identification to determine parameters. Three types of parametric models are introduced including polynomial models, differential based models, and operator based models. Four algorithms as least mean square error algorithm, Kalman filter algorithm, metaheuristic algorithms, and Bayesian estimation are presented to realize parameter identification. The data-driven method utilizes universal mathematical models to describe hysteretic behavior. Regression model, artificial neural network, least square support vector machine, and deep learning are introduced in turn as the classical data-driven methods. Model-data driven hybrid methods are also discussed to make up for the shortcomings of the two methods. Based on a multi-dimensional evaluation, the existing problems and open challenges of different hysteresis modeling methods are discussed. Some possible research directions about hysteresis description are given in the final section

    Nonlinear ESO-based vibration control for an all-clamped piezoelectric plate with disturbances and time delay: design and hardware implementation

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    Considering the problems of model uncertainties, higher harmonics, uncertain boundary conditions, external excitations and system time delay in practical vibration control system, a novel active vibration control method is proposed to suppress the vibration of a thin plate structure with acceleration sensor and piezoelectric bimorph actuator in this paper. First, a nonlinear extended state observer (NESO)-based controller is designed to ensure the anti-disturbance performance of the structural vibration control system. Then, an enhanced differentiator-based time delay compensation method is introduced to improve the vibration suppression performance of the NESO-based controller. A real time hardware-in-the-loop benchmark for an all-clamped piezoelectric thin plate is designed to verify and compare the performance of the developed controller against conventional ESO-based methods (linear ESO with/without time delay compensation, NESO without time compensation). The best vibration suppression and disturbance rejection performance of the proposed NESO-based controller with an enhanced time delay compensator is verified in the comparative experimental results. This work is able to provide practitioners with vital guidance in designing active vibration control system in the presence of disturbances and time delay

    Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Driven Trailing Edge Flaps For Active Rotors

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    This research focuses on the development of an active rotor system capable of primary control and vibration reduction for rotorcraft. The objective is to investigate the feasibility of a novel Trailing Edge Flap (TEF) actuation system driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (PAMs). A significant design effort led to a series of experimental apparatuses which tested various aspects of the performance of the actuators themselves and of TEF systems driven by them. Analytical models were developed in parallel to predict the quasistatic and dynamic behavior of these systems. Initial testing of a prototype blade section with an integrated PAM driven TEF proved the viability of the concept through successful benchtop testing under simulated M = 0.3 loading and open jet wind tunnel tests under airspeeds up to M = 0.13. This prototype showed the ability of PAM actuators to generate significant flap deflections over the bandwidth of interest for primary control and vibration reduction on a rotorcraft. It also identified the importance of high pneumatic system mass flow rate for maintaining performance at higher operating frequencies. Research into the development and improvement of PAM actuators centered around a new manufacturing technique which was invented to directly address the weaknesses of previous designs. Detailed finite element model (FEM) analysis of the design allowed for the mitigation of stress concentrations, leading to increased strength. Tensile testing of the swaged actuators showed a factor of safety over 5, and burst pressure testing showed a factor of safety of 3. Over 120,000,000 load cycles were applied to the actuators without failure. Characterization testing before, during, and after the fatigue tests showed no reduction in PAM performance. Wind tunnel testing of a full scale Bell 407 blade retrofitted with a PAM TEF system showed excellent control authority. At the maximum wind tunnel test speed of M = 0.3 and a derated PAM operating pressure of 28 psi, 18.8° half-peak-to-peak flap deflections were achieved at 1/rev (7 Hz), and 17.1° of half-peak-to-peak flap deflection was still available at 5/rev (35 Hz). A quasistatic system model was developed which combined PAM forces, kinematics and flap aerodynamics to predict flap deflection amplitudes. This model agreed well with experimental data. Whirl testing of a sub-span whirl rig under full scale loading conditions showed the ability of PAM TEF systems to operate under full scale levels of centrifugal (CF), aerodynamic, and inertia loading. A commercial pneumatic rotary union was used to provide air in the rotating frame. Extrapolation of the results to 100% of CF acceleration predicts 15.4° of half-peak-to-peak flap deflection at 1/rev (7 Hz), and 7.7° of half-peak-to-peak flap deflection at 5/rev (35 Hz). A dynamic model was developed which successfully predicted the time domain behavior of the PAM actuators and PAM TEF system. This model includes control valve dynamics, frictional tubing losses, pressure dynamics, PAM forces, mechanism kinematics, aerodynamic hinge moments, system stiffness, damping, and inertia to solve for the rotational dynamics of the flap. Control system development led to a closed loop control system for PAM TEF systems capable of tracking complex, multi-sinusoid flap deflections representative of a combined primary control and vibration reduction flap actuation scheme. This research shows the promise that PAM actuators have as drivers for trailing edge flaps on active helicopter rotors. The robustness, ease of integration, control authority and tracking accuracy of these actuators have been established, thereby motivating further research

    Modelling and real-time control of a high performance rotary wood planing machine

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    Rotary planing is one of the most valuable machining operations in the timber processing industry. It has been established that cutting tool inaccuracy and forced vibration during the machining process are the primary causes of surface quality degradation. The main aim of this thesis is to design a control architecture that is suitable for adaptive operation of a wood planing machining in order to improve the quality of its surface finish. In order to achieve the stated goal, thorough understanding of the effects of machine deficiencies on surface finish quality is required. Therefore, a generic simulation model for synthesising the surface profiles produced by wood planing process is first developed. The model is used to simulate the combined effects of machining parameters, vibration and cutting tool inaccuracy on the resultant surface profiles. It has been postulated that online monitoring of surface finish quality can be used to provide feedback information for a secondary control loop for the machining process, which will lead to the production of consistently high quality surface finishes. There is an existing vision-based wood surface profile measurement technique, but the application of the technique has been limited to static wood samples. This thesis extends the application of the technique to moving wood samples. It is shown experimentally that the method is suitable for in-process surface profile measurements. The current industrial wood planing machines do not have the capability of measuring and adjusting process parameters in real-time. Therefore, knowledge of the causes of surface finish degradation would enable the operators to optimise the mechanical structure of the machines offline. For this reason, two novel approaches for characterising defects on planed timber surfaces have been created in this thesis using synthetic data. The output of this work is a software tool that can assist machine operators in inferring the causes of defects based on the waviness components of the workpiece surface finish. The main achievement in this research is the design of a new active wood planing technique that combines real-time cutter path optimisation (cutting tool inaccuracy compensation) with vibration disturbance rejection. The technique is based on real-time vertical displacements of the machine spindle. Simulation and experimental results obtained from a smart wood planing machine show significant improvements in the dynamic performance of the machine and the produced surface finish quality. Potential areas for future research include application of the defects characterisation techniques to real data and full integration of the dynamic surface profile measurements with the smart wood planing machine