480 research outputs found

    Image Segmentation and Classification using Small Data: An Application on Friendly Statements - A Computer Vision and Document Intelligence Project

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Data ScienceInsurance companies face significant challenges in managing numerous physical documents containing critical information, resulting in considerable time and cost expenditures. Although Deep Learning models offer a promising solution, their implementation costs and data privacy concerns restrict widespread adoption, especially when dealing with confidential documents. This internship report presents a novel approach to address these challenges by developing a lightweight computer vision solution for accurately detecting and processing checkboxes from Portuguese friendly statements. The key objective was to demonstrate the feasibility of achieving high accuracy without relying on advanced Deep Learning techniques. By leveraging a small set of examples, we successfully extracted checkbox information while mitigating the high computational requirements associated with traditional Deep Learning models. The results highlight the practicality and cost-effectiveness of our approach, offering insurance companies a viable solution to streamline document management, enhance data security, and improve overall efficiency. This research contributes to the computer vision field by providing valuable insights into alternative methodologies that can be adopted to overcome the limitations of Deep Learning, facilitating broader accessibility and utilization among insurance providers

    Automatic skeletonization and skin attachment for realistic character animation.

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    The realism of character animation is associated with a number of tasks ranging from modelling, skin defonnation, motion generation to rendering. In this research we are concerned with two of them: skeletonization and weight assignment for skin deformation. The fonner is to generate a skeleton, which is placed within the character model and links the motion data to the skin shape of the character. The latter assists the modelling of realistic skin shape when a character is in motion. In the current animation production practice, the task of skeletonization is primarily undertaken by hand, i.e. the animator produces an appropriate skeleton and binds it with the skin model of a character. This is inevitably very time-consuming and costs a lot of labour. In order to improve this issue, in this thesis we present an automatic skeletonization framework. It aims at producing high-quality animatible skeletons without heavy human involvement while allowing the animator to maintain the overall control of the process. In the literature, the tenn skeletonization can have different meanings. Most existing research on skeletonization is in the remit of CAD (Computer Aided Design). Although existing research is of significant reference value to animation, their downside is the skeleton generated is either not appropriate for the particular needs of animation, or the methods are computationally expensive. Although some purpose-build animation skeleton generation techniques exist, unfortunately they rely on complicated post-processing procedures, such as thinning and pruning, which again can be undesirable. The proposed skeletonization framework makes use of a new geometric entity known as the 3D silhouette that is an ordinary silhouette with its depth information recorded. We extract a curve skeleton from two 3D silhouettes of a character detected from its two perpendicular projections. The skeletal joints are identified by down sampling the curve skeleton, leading to the generation of the final animation skeleton. The efficiency and quality are major performance indicators in animation skeleton generation. Our framework achieves the former by providing a 2D solution to the 3D skeletonization problem. Reducing in dimensions brings much faster performances. Experiments and comparisons are carried out to demonstrate the computational simplicity. Its accuracy is also verified via these experiments and comparisons. To link a skeleton to the skin, accordingly we present a skin attachment framework aiming at automatic and reasonable weight distribution. It differs from the conventional algorithms in taking topological information into account during weight computation. An effective range is defined for a joint. Skin vertices located outside the effective range will not be affected by this joint. By this means, we provide a solution to remove the influence of a topologically distant, hence highly likely irrelevant joint on a vertex. A user-defined parameter is also provided in this algorithm, which allows different deformation effects to be obtained according to user's needs. Experiments and comparisons prove that the presented framework results in weight distribution of good quality. Thus it frees animators from tedious manual weight editing. Furthermore, it is flexible to be used with various deformation algorithms

    Constrained parameterization with applications to graphics and image processing.

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    Surface parameterization is to establish a transformation that maps the points on a surface to a specified parametric domain. It has been widely applied to computer graphics and image processing fields. The challenging issue is that the usual positional constraints always result in triangle flipping in parameterizations (also called foldovers). Additionally, distortion is inevitable in parameterizations. Thus the rigid constraint is always taken into account. In general, the constraints are application-dependent. This thesis thus focuses on the various constraints depended on applications and investigates the foldover-free constrained parameterization approaches individually. Such constraints usually include, simple positional constraints, tradeoff of positional constraints and rigid constraint, and rigid constraint. From the perspective of applications, we aim at the foldover-free parameterization methods with positional constraints, the as-rigid-as-possible parameterization with positional constraints, and the well-shaped well-spaced pre-processing procedure for low-distortion parameterizations in this thesis. The first contribution of this thesis is the development of a RBF-based re-parameterization algorithm for the application of the foldover-free constrained texture mapping. The basic idea is to split the usual parameterization procedure into two steps, 2D parameterization with the constraints of convex boundaries and 2D re-parameterization with the interior positional constraints. Moreover, we further extend the 2D re-parameterization approach with the interior positional constraints to high dimensional datasets, such as, volume data and polyhedrons. The second contribution is the development of a vector field based deformation algorithm for 2D mesh deformation and image warping. Many presented deformation approaches are used to employ the basis functions (including our proposed RBF-based re-parameterization algorithm here). The main problem is that such algorithms have infinite support, that is, any local deformation always leads to small changes over the whole domain. Our presented vector field based algorithm can effectively carry on the local deformation while reducing distortion as much as possible. The third contribution is the development of a pre-processing for surface parameterization. Except the developable surfaces, the current parameterization approaches inevitably incur large distortion. To reduce distortion, we proposed a pre-processing procedure in this thesis, including mesh partition and mesh smoothing. As a result, the resulting meshes are partitioned into a set of small patches with rectangle-like boundaries. Moreover, they are well-shaped and well-spaced. This pre-processing procedure can evidently improve the quality of meshes for low-distortion parameterizations

    Identifying Humans by the Shape of Their Heartbeats and Materials by Their X-Ray Scattering Profiles

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    Security needs at access control points presents itself in the form of human identification and/or material identification. The field of Biometrics deals with the problem of identifying individuals based on the signal measured from them. One approach to material identification involves matching their x-ray scattering profiles with a database of known materials. Classical biometric traits such as fingerprints, facial images, speech, iris and retinal scans are plagued by potential circumvention they could be copied and later used by an impostor. To address this problem, other bodily traits such as the electrical signal acquired from the brain (electroencephalogram) or the heart (electrocardiogram) and the mechanical signals acquired from the heart (heart sound, laser Doppler vibrometry measures of the carotid pulse) have been investigated. These signals depend on the physiology of the body, and require the individual to be alive and present during acquisition, potentially overcoming circumvention. We investigate the use of the electrocardiogram (ECG) and carotid laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) signal, both individually and in unison, for biometric identity recognition. A parametric modeling approach to system design is employed, where the system parameters are estimated from training data. The estimated model is then validated using testing data. A typical identity recognition system can operate in either the authentication (verification) or identification mode. The performance of the biometric identity recognition systems is evaluated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) or detection error tradeoff (DET) curves, in the authentication mode, and cumulative match characteristic (CMC) curves, in the identification mode. The performance of the ECG- and LDV-based identity recognition systems is comparable, but is worse than those of classical biometric systems. Authentication performance below 1% equal error rate (EER) can be attained when the training and testing data are obtained from a single measurement session. When the training and testing data are obtained from different measurement sessions, allowing for a potential short-term or long-term change in the physiology, the authentication EER performance degrades to about 6 to 7%. Leveraging both the electrical (ECG) and mechanical (LDV) aspects of the heart, we obtain a performance gain of over 50%, relative to each individual ECG-based or LDV-based identity recognition system, bringing us closer to the performance of classical biometrics, with the added advantage of anti-circumvention. We consider the problem of designing combined x-ray attenuation and scatter systems and the algorithms to reconstruct images from the systems. As is the case within a computational imaging framework, we tackle the problem by taking a joint system and algorithm design approach. Accurate modeling of the attenuation of incident and scattered photons within a scatter imaging setup will ultimately lead to more accurate estimates of the scatter densities of an illuminated object. Such scattering densities can then be used in material classification. In x-ray scatter imaging, tomographic measurements of the forward scatter distribution are used to infer scatter densities within a volume. A mask placed between the object and the detector array provides information about scatter angles. An efficient computational implementation of the forward and backward model facilitates iterative algorithms based upon a Poisson log-likelihood. The design of the scatter imaging system influences the algorithmic choices we make. In turn, the need for efficient algorithms guides the system design. We begin by analyzing an x-ray scatter system fitted with a fanbeam source distribution and flat-panel energy-integrating detectors. Efficient algorithms for reconstructing object scatter densities from scatter measurements made on this system are developed. Building on the fanbeam source, energy-integrating at-panel detection model, we develop a pencil beam model and an energy-sensitive detection model. The scatter forward models and reconstruction algorithms are validated on simulated, Monte Carlo, and real data. We describe a prototype x-ray attenuation scanner, co-registered with the scatter system, which was built to provide complementary attenuation information to the scatter reconstruction and present results of applying alternating minimization reconstruction algorithms on measurements from the scanner

    Medical Image Analytics (Radiomics) with Machine/Deeping Learning for Outcome Modeling in Radiation Oncology

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    Image-based quantitative analysis (radiomics) has gained great attention recently. Radiomics possesses promising potentials to be applied in the clinical practice of radiotherapy and to provide personalized healthcare for cancer patients. However, there are several challenges along the way that this thesis will attempt to address. Specifically, this thesis focuses on the investigation of repeatability and reproducibility of radiomics features, the development of new machine/deep learning models, and combining these for robust outcomes modeling and their applications in radiotherapy. Radiomics features suffer from robustness issues when applied to outcome modeling problems, especially in head and neck computed tomography (CT) images. These images tend to contain streak artifacts due to patients’ dental implants. To investigate the influence of artifacts for radiomics modeling performance, we firstly developed an automatic artifact detection algorithm using gradient-based hand-crafted features. Then, comparing the radiomics models trained on ‘clean’ and ‘contaminated’ datasets. The second project focused on using hand-crafted radiomics features and conventional machine learning methods for the prediction of overall response and progression-free survival for Y90 treated liver cancer patients. By identifying robust features and embedding prior knowledge in the engineered radiomics features and using bootstrapped LASSO to select robust features, we trained imaging and dose based models for the desired clinical endpoints, highlighting the complementary nature of this information in Y90 outcomes prediction. Combining hand-crafted and machine learnt features can take advantage of both expert domain knowledge and advanced data-driven approaches (e.g., deep learning). Thus, we proposed a new variational autoencoder network framework that modeled radiomics features, clinical factors, and raw CT images for the prediction of intrahepatic recurrence-free and overall survival for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients in this third project. The proposed approach was compared with widely used Cox proportional hazard model for survival analysis. Our proposed methods achieved significant improvement in terms of the prediction using the c-index metric highlighting the value of advanced modeling techniques in learning from limited and heterogeneous information in actuarial prediction of outcomes. Advances in stereotactic radiation therapy (SBRT) has led to excellent local tumor control with limited toxicities for HCC patients, but intrahepatic recurrence still remains prevalent. As an extension of the third project, we not only hope to predict the time to intrahepatic recurrence, but also the location where the tumor might recur. This will be clinically beneficial for better intervention and optimizing decision making during the process of radiotherapy treatment planning. To address this challenging task, firstly, we proposed an unsupervised registration neural network to register atlas CT to patient simulation CT and obtain the liver’s Couinaud segments for the entire patient cohort. Secondly, a new attention convolutional neural network has been applied to utilize multimodality images (CT, MR and 3D dose distribution) for the prediction of high-risk segments. The results showed much improved efficiency for obtaining segments compared with conventional registration methods and the prediction performance showed promising accuracy for anticipating the recurrence location as well. Overall, this thesis contributed new methods and techniques to improve the utilization of radiomics for personalized radiotherapy. These contributions included new algorithm for detecting artifacts, a joint model of dose with image heterogeneity, combining hand-crafted features with machine learnt features for actuarial radiomics modeling, and a novel approach for predicting location of treatment failure.PHDApplied PhysicsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163092/1/liswei_1.pd

    Sparse Volumetric Deformation

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    Volume rendering is becoming increasingly popular as applications require realistic solid shape representations with seamless texture mapping and accurate filtering. However rendering sparse volumetric data is difficult because of the limited memory and processing capabilities of current hardware. To address these limitations, the volumetric information can be stored at progressive resolutions in the hierarchical branches of a tree structure, and sampled according to the region of interest. This means that only a partial region of the full dataset is processed, and therefore massive volumetric scenes can be rendered efficiently. The problem with this approach is that it currently only supports static scenes. This is because it is difficult to accurately deform massive amounts of volume elements and reconstruct the scene hierarchy in real-time. Another problem is that deformation operations distort the shape where more than one volume element tries to occupy the same location, and similarly gaps occur where deformation stretches the elements further than one discrete location. It is also challenging to efficiently support sophisticated deformations at hierarchical resolutions, such as character skinning or physically based animation. These types of deformation are expensive and require a control structure (for example a cage or skeleton) that maps to a set of features to accelerate the deformation process. The problems with this technique are that the varying volume hierarchy reflects different feature sizes, and manipulating the features at the original resolution is too expensive; therefore the control structure must also hierarchically capture features according to the varying volumetric resolution. This thesis investigates the area of deforming and rendering massive amounts of dynamic volumetric content. The proposed approach efficiently deforms hierarchical volume elements without introducing artifacts and supports both ray casting and rasterization renderers. This enables light transport to be modeled both accurately and efficiently with applications in the fields of real-time rendering and computer animation. Sophisticated volumetric deformation, including character animation, is also supported in real-time. This is achieved by automatically generating a control skeleton which is mapped to the varying feature resolution of the volume hierarchy. The output deformations are demonstrated in massive dynamic volumetric scenes

    MIT's interferometer CST testbed

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    The MIT Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) has developed a controlled structures technology (CST) testbed based on one design for a space-based optical interferometer. The role of the testbed is to provide a versatile platform for experimental investigation and discovery of CST approaches. In particular, it will serve as the focus for experimental verification of CSI methodologies and control strategies at SERC. The testbed program has an emphasis on experimental CST--incorporating a broad suite of actuators and sensors, active struts, system identification, passive damping, active mirror mounts, and precision component characterization. The SERC testbed represents a one-tenth scaled version of an optical interferometer concept based on an inherently rigid tetrahedral configuration with collecting apertures on one face. The testbed consists of six 3.5 meter long truss legs joined at four vertices and is suspended with attachment points at three vertices. Each aluminum leg has a 0.2 m by 0.2 m by 0.25 m triangular cross-section. The structure has a first flexible mode at 31 Hz and has over 50 global modes below 200 Hz. The stiff tetrahedral design differs from similar testbeds (such as the JPL Phase B) in that the structural topology is closed. The tetrahedral design minimizes structural deflections at the vertices (site of optical components for maximum baseline) resulting in reduced stroke requirements for isolation and pointing of optics. Typical total light path length stability goals are on the order of lambda/20, with a wavelength of light, lambda, of roughly 500 nanometers. It is expected that active structural control will be necessary to achieve this goal in the presence of disturbances

    On semiparametric regression and data mining

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    Semiparametric regression is playing an increasingly large role in the analysis of datasets exhibiting various complications (Ruppert, Wand & Carroll, 2003). In particular semiparametric regression a plays prominent role in the area of data mining where such complications are numerous (Hastie, Tibshirani & Friedman, 2001). In this thesis we develop fast, interpretable methods addressing many of the difficulties associated with data mining applications including: model selection, missing value analysis, outliers and heteroscedastic noise. We focus on function estimation using penalised splines via mixed model methodology (Wahba 1990; Speed 1991; Ruppert et al. 2003). In dealing with the difficulties associated with data mining applications many of the models we consider deviate from typical normality assumptions. These models lead to likelihoods involving analytically intractable integrals. Thus, in keeping with the aim of speed, we seek analytic approximations to such integrals which are typically faster than numeric alternatives. These analytic approximations not only include popular penalised quasi-likelihood (PQL) approximations (Breslow & Clayton, 1993) but variational approximations. Originating in physics, variational approximations are a relatively new class of approximations (to statistics) which are simple, fast, flexible and effective. They have recently been applied to statistical problems in machine learning where they are rapidly gaining popularity (Jordan, Ghahramani, Jaakkola & Sau11999; Corduneanu & Bishop, 2001; Ueda & Ghahramani, 2002; Bishop & Winn, 2003; Winn & Bishop 2005). We develop variational approximations to: generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs); Bayesian GLMMs; simple missing values models; and for outlier and heteroscedastic noise models, which are, to the best of our knowledge, new. These methods are quite effective and extremely fast, with fitting taking minutes if not seconds on a typical 2008 computer. We also make a contribution to variational methods themselves. Variational approximations often underestimate the variance of posterior densities in Bayesian models (Humphreys & Titterington, 2000; Consonni & Marin, 2004; Wang & Titterington, 2005). We develop grid-based variational posterior approximations. These approximations combine a sequence of variational posterior approximations, can be extremely accurate and are reasonably fast

    Deep learning-enabled high-speed, multi-parameter diffuse optical tomography

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    SIGNIFICANCE: Frequency-domain diffuse optical tomography (FD-DOT) could enhance clinical breast tumor characterization. However, conventional diffuse optical tomography (DOT) image reconstruction algorithms require case-by-case expert tuning and are too computationally intensive to provide feedback during a scan. Deep learning (DL) algorithms front-load computational and tuning costs, enabling high-speed, high-fidelity FD-DOT.AIM: We aim to demonstrate a simultaneous reconstruction of three-dimensional absorption and reduced scattering coefficients using DL-FD-DOT, with a view toward real-time imaging with a handheld probe.APPROACH: A DL model was trained to solve the DOT inverse problem using a realistically simulated FD-DOT dataset emulating a handheld probe for human breast imaging and tested using both synthetic and experimental data.RESULTS: Over a test set of 300 simulated tissue phantoms for absorption and scattering reconstructions, the DL-DOT model reduced the root mean square error by 12 % ± 40 % and 23 % ± 40 % , increased the spatial similarity by 17 % ± 17 % and 9 % ± 15 % , increased the anomaly contrast accuracy by 9 % ± 9 % ( Ό a ), and reduced the crosstalk by 5 % ± 18 % and 7 % ± 11 % , respectively, compared with model-based tomography. The average reconstruction time was reduced from 3.8 min to 0.02 s for a single reconstruction. The model was successfully verified using two tumor-emulating optical phantoms. CONCLUSIONS: There is clinical potential for real-time functional imaging of human breast tissue using DL and FD-DOT.</p
