30 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Push and Pull Techniques for AJAX

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    HTTP Mailbox - Asynchronous RESTful Communication

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    We describe HTTP Mailbox, a mechanism to enable RESTful HTTP communication in an asynchronous mode with a full range of HTTP methods otherwise unavailable to standard clients and servers. HTTP Mailbox allows for broadcast and multicast semantics via HTTP. We evaluate a reference implementation using ApacheBench (a server stress testing tool) demonstrating high throughput (on 1,000 concurrent requests) and a systemic error rate of 0.01%. Finally, we demonstrate our HTTP Mailbox implementation in a human assisted web preservation application called "Preserve Me".Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 8 code blocks, 3 equations, and 3 table

    noteEd - A web-based lecture capture system

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    Electronic capture and playback of lectures has long been the aim of many academic projects. Synote is an application developed under MACFoB (Multimedia Annotation and Community Folksonomy Building) project to synchronise the playback of lecture materials. However, Synote provides no functionality to capture such multimedia. This project involves the creation of a system called noteEd, which will capture a range of multimedia from lectures and make them available to Synote. This report describes the evolution of the noteEd project throughout the design and implementation of the proposed system. The performance of the system was checked in a user acceptance test with the customer, which is discussed after screenshots of our solution. Finally, the project management is presented containing a final project evaluation

    CSI-Pi: A novel automated secure solution to interpret on-site colorimetric tests

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    Illicit drug evidence constitutes a vast majority of chemical evidence collected from crime scenes. However, determining which drug is seized is not a trivial task as most are white powders. Since their introduction, colorimetric chemical detection tests, also referred to as presumptive drug tests based on their tentative determination of unknown substances, aid in the on-scene differentiation of drug material with a rapid color change within 1-2 minutes. These colorimetric tests are an important tool used in crime scene investigation and for obtaining a search warrant to find illegal drug labs and drug distributors. However, both positive and negative color interpretation is often reported differently depending upon the user and two analysts may describe the same color differently, e.g., brilliant greenish blue vs. strong greenish blue . Moreover, the high rate of false positives and working color memory limit the effectiveness of these manual tests. To this effect, this research reduces the subjective interpretation and reporting with regard to color in these tests by offering users with a new platform/technology in the form of a Raspberry Pi (standalone) application that reads the color of the presumptive drug test, searches and matches the color using a pre-built library database, and reports accuracy (%) matches for further laboratory evaluation

    MoodRec: gomendio-sistema bat hezkuntzarako

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    Gaur egun asko zabaltzen ari den sektoretako bat online bidezko hezkuntza da. Teknologia berriekin gertatu ohi den bezala, ikasketak kudeatzeko sistemek (Learning Management Systems) bere abantaila eta desabantailak eskaintzen dituzte. Abantailetako bat, plataforma horien erabiltzaileek sortzen duten datu kantitate handia da, izan ere sortutako datuei esker ikaslearen eredua eraikitzeko aukera sortzen da. Eredu horren bidez ikaste-prozesua ulertzeko aukera (Learning Analytics) zein ikaslea ikaste-prozesuan gidatuko dituen gomendioak eskaintzeko aukera sortzen da. Ikaslearen-eredua sortzerako orduan, interesgarria da oso bere ezagutzak modelatu ahal izatea, ikaslearen ezagutza hobeto ulertuta, ezagutzan trebatzeko baliabideak eskaintzeko aukera sortzen baita. Zentzu honetan, MoodRec plataforma proposatzen da LMStan sortzen diren datuak baliatuz, ikaslearen ezagutza modelatu eta honen bidez edukian oinarrituriko gomendio-sistema bat eraikitzeko

    Project Triton : A study into delivering targeted information to an individual based on implicit and explicit data.

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    The World Wide Web is frequently seen as a source of knowledge, however much of this remains undiscovered by its users. In recent times, recommender systems (e.g. Digg and Last.fm) have attempted to bridge this gap, alerting users to previously untapped knowledge. As more socially oriented services appear on the Web (e.g. Facebook and MySpace), it has never been easier to obtain information pertaining to an individual’s interests. At present, solutions for automated data recommendation tend to be highly topic specific (recommending only a certain topic such as news) and often only allow access to the system using monolithic interfaces. This report hopes to detail the stages from research to evaluation involved in creating an extensible framework, which will operate without the need for human intervention. The framework will feature several proof-of-concept plugins residing in a custom workflow, which target information that is useful to the user. Information will be retrieved automatically through plugins involved with data gathering (such as feed processing and page scraping), while users’ interests will be obtained implicitly (for example, using header information to derive location) or explicitly (taking advantage of Social Network APIs such as Facebook Connect). Finally, Third Parties will be able to integrate the framework into their own solutions using the customisable XML API (written in PHP), so that their products can provide custom user interfaces without style constraints

    MolabIS - An integrated information system for storing and managing molecular genetics data

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    BACKGROUND: Long-term sample storage, tracing of data flow and data export for subsequent analyses are of great importance in genetics studies. Therefore, molecular labs do need a proper information system to handle an increasing amount of data from different projects. RESULTS: We have developed a molecular labs information management system (MolabIS). It was implemented as a web-based system allowing the users to capture original data at each step of their workflow. MolabIS provides essential functionality for managing information on individuals, tracking samples and storage locations, capturing raw files, importing final data from external files, searching results, accessing and modifying data. Further important features are options to generate ready-to-print reports and convert sequence and microsatellite data into various data formats, which can be used as input files in subsequent analyses. Moreover, MolabIS also provides a tool for data migration. CONCLUSIONS: MolabIS is designed for small-to-medium sized labs conducting Sanger sequencing and microsatellite genotyping to store and efficiently handle a relative large amount of data. MolabIS not only helps to avoid time consuming tasks but also ensures the availability of data for further analyses. The software is packaged as a virtual appliance which can run on different platforms (e.g. Linux, Windows). MolabIS can be distributed to a wide range of molecular genetics labs since it was developed according to a general data model. Released under GPL, MolabIS is freely available at http://www.molabis.org

    Exploiting Personal Web Servers for Mobile Context-Aware Applications

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    There is an increasing trend in moving desktop applications to web browsers, even when the web server is running on the same desktop machine. In this paper we go further in this direction and show how to combine a web server, a web application framework (enhanced to support desktop-like Model-View-Controller interaction) and a context-aware architecture to develop web based mobile context-aware applications. By using this approach we take advantage of the well established web paradigm to design the GUIs and the inherent ability of the web to mash up applications with external components (such as Google Maps). On top of that, since the web server runs on the device itself, the application can access local resources (such as disk space or sensing devices, which are indispensable for context-aware systems) avoiding the sandbox model of the web browsers. To illustrate our approach we show how a mobile hypermedia system has been built on top of our platform.Facultad de InformáticaLaboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada (LIFIA

    Medidas y modelado del tráfico de red

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    El crecimiento cada vez mayor de la Web y su evolución progresiva ha hecho de Internet, y sus muchas aplicaciones, uno de los instrumentos más poderosos y populares para la transmisión de información, lo que hace necesario hacer la navegación accesible, rápida y mejor. El protocolo http ha sido hasta hace bien poco, una herramienta fuerte y poderosa, pero la necesidad de mejorarlo se ha hecho imprescindible. Las limitaciones que tiene el protocolo Http se han visto solventadas por la nueva tecnología Ajax “Asynchronous Javascript y XML” que, al ser nueva, existen aún modelos, estadísticas y probabilidades por estudiar. El objetivo del proyecto es realizar pruebas para analizar el tráfico con esta nueva forma de navegar, comparándola con la estándar. Se centrará en pruebas de conexiones en las que se haga vigente la navegación Web2.0 como es el caso de Facebook, obteniendo los parámetros necesarios para su posterior análisis y modelaje y, utilizando después algunos programas basados en hacer análisis estadísticos, e incluso concretar parámetros para crear una cadena de Markov fiable.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen