6 research outputs found

    A comparison of humanoid and non-humanoid robots in supporting the learning of pupils with severe intellectual disabilities

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    Previous research has shown that the humanoid NAO robot can enhance learning as well as improve communication in children with intellectual disabilities. However, most special needs schools cannot afford the humanoid NAO robot due to high costs. Could a cheaper nonhumanoid Lego Mindstorm robot be an alternative way of achieving the same learning objectives as the humanoid NAO robot? A single case study experimental ABAB design was used consisting of 16 sessions over 5 weeks: eight with the humanoid and eight with the non-humanoid robot. All sessions were video recorded and analysed for percentage engagement and percentage errors made by each of four students. For each student individually, these outcome measures were then compared between the two conditions. The teachers were interviewed at the end of the study. Three out of four students were significantly more engaged with the non-humanoid robot than the humanoid robot, whilst one student was found to be equally engaged with both robots. There was no significant difference between the two robots in terms of percentage errors for all four participants who managed to complete the study

    Robots in special education: reasons for low uptake

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    Purpose: This paper identifies the main reasons for low uptake of robots in Special Education, obtained from an analysis of previous studies that used robots in the area, and from interviewing Special Education teachers about the topic. Design/methodology/approach: An analysis of 18 studies that used robots in Special Education was performed, and the conclusions were complemented and compared with the feedback from interviewing 13 Special Education teachers from Spain and UK about the reasons they believed caused the low uptake of robots in Special Education classrooms. Findings: Five main reasons why Special Education schools do not normally use robots in their classrooms were identified: the inability to acquire the system due to its price or availability; its difficulty of use; the low range of activities offered; the limited ways of interaction offered; and the inability to use different robots with the same software. Originality/value: Previous studies focused on exploring the advantages of using robots to help children with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and Learning Disabilities. This study takes a step further and looks into the reasons why, despite the benefits shown, robots are rarely used in real-life settings after the relevant study ends. The authors also present a potential solution to the issues found: involving end users in the design and development of new systems using a user-centred design approach for all the components, including methods of interaction, learning activities, and the most suitable type of robots

    Socially Assistive Robotics ed educazione inclusiva: prospettive teoriche e applicazioni pratiche nella disabilità intellettiva

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    This contribution, examining the Socially Assistive Robotics (SAR), an emerging form of Assistive Technology that incorporates all robotic systems capable of providing assistance through social interaction (Feil-Seifer & Mataric, 2005), aims to initiate an organic reflection on the potential inherent in it, for the promotion of social skills of people with Intellectual Disabilities.Il presente contributo, prendendo in esame la Socially Assistive Robotics (SAR- in italiano Robotica Sociale Assistiva), una forma emergente di Tecnologia Assistita che ingloba tutti i sistemi robotici in grado di fornire assistenza attraverso l’interazione sociale (Feil-Seifer & Mataric, 2005), ha la finalità di avviare una riflessione organica sulle potenzialità in essa insite, per la promozione e lo sviluppo delle abilità sociali delle persone con Disabilità Intellettiva

    Robôs Humanoides na Educação: Um Mapeamento Sistemático com Base na Produção Cientifica Nacional e Internacional

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    O presente artigo teve como objetivo investigar como se dá o uso de robôs humanoides no âmbito educacional. Para tanto, realizamos um Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura a partir teses, dissertações e artigos científicos publicados no período compreendido entre os anos de 2009 e 2018 nas bases de dados da Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações – BDTD, por ser uma base de dados aberta, tendo o português como língua oficial. No contexto internacional, IEEE Xplore Digital Library e Education Resources Information Center - ERIC, por ser uma base de dados com foco em pesquisas e informações educacionais, tendo o inglês como língua oficial. Especificou-se os tipos de robôs humanoides, aspectos metodológicos, didáticos e curriculares. O resultado desta pesquisa produz fundamentação teórica para a investigação e inserção de novas tecnologias na escola, assim como uma análise mais precisa das interações e o impacto do uso de robôs humanoides na educação