16 research outputs found

    Implementing E-learning Specifications with Conformance Testing: Profiling for IMS Learning Design

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    Submitted for publication. Please contact authors for reference.Improving interoperability between e-learning systems and content has been one of the driving forces behind the adoption of e-learning specifications over recent years. A vital step towards achieving this goal is the widespread adoption of conformant implementations of e-learning specifications. A conformant implementation is one which fully complies with the conformance requirements of the specification. However, conformance testing is time consuming and expensive. The process of localising specifications to create so-called “Application Profiles” to meet individual community needs further complicates conformance testing efforts. To solve this problem, we developed the conformance testing approach presented in this article. This approach simplifies the development of Application Profiles, and the process of conformance testing against them. Using this approach, test suites can be generated to test software applications against both e-learning specifications and their derived Application Profiles. A case study based around the IMS Learning Design specification demonstrates this process

    Modelos formales para la definición estructural y semántica en documentos XML. Comparación de posibilidades en un corpus textual de documentación jurisprudencial

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    Se presenta una comparación de soluciones a la modelización formal de la estructura y la semántica de documentos textuales, en concreto a una colección de sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional español, que se ha utilizado como material de experimentación de tecnologías XML en una tesis doctoral ya defendida. Se analizan y aplican los dos modelos principales de la tecnología XML para la definición formal de los documentos electrónicos, el modelo inicial de la DTD y el modelo más avanzado del XML Schema. Este último se ha revelado como una tecnología más potente para la expresión de restricciones tanto en las estructuras lógicas de los tipos documentales jurídicos como en la definición de determinados datos presentes en los mismos. Igualmente, se introducen otros modelos de esquema con clara orientación a la definición de ontologías o lenguajes de marcado semántico capaces de ofrecer una respuesta a las necesidades existentes para la construcción de la denominada Web semántica en Internet, caso del RDF Schema o, más recientemente, del DAML+OIL

    The use of ontologies for effective knowledge modelling and information retrieval

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    © 2017 The dramatic increase in the use of knowledge discovery applications requires end users to write complex database search requests to retrieve information. Such users are not only expected to grasp the structural complexity of complex databases but also the semantic relationships between data stored in databases. In order to overcome such difficulties, researchers have been focusing on knowledge representation and interactive query generation through ontologies, with particular emphasis on improving the interface between data and search requests in order to bring the result sets closer to users research requirements. This paper discusses ontology-based information retrieval approaches and techniques by taking into consideration the aspects of ontology modelling, processing and the translation of ontological knowledge into database search requests. It also extensively compares the existing ontology-to-database transformation and mapping approaches in terms of loss of data and semantics, structural mapping and domain knowledge applicability. The research outcomes, recommendations and future challenges presented in this paper can bridge the gap between ontology and relational models to generate precise search requests using ontologies. Moreover, the comparison presented between various ontology-based information retrieval, database-to-ontology transformations and ontology-to-database mappings approaches provides a reference for enhancing the searching capabilities of massively loaded information management systems

    Semantic modelling of road traffic information elements

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    Nowadays there are vocabularies or languages that describe concepts and structures of data related to traffic, but the description is just syntactic, not semantic. No vocabularies or ontologies with semantic value that give significance to concepts and their relations were found (at least up to where the search and bibliographic revision of this work took us) which we could have taken as a starting point for our research so this emptiness was covered by its own construction.Keywords: Semantic Web, Ontologies, Road Trafffic Information , Semantic language, Multilingua

    Peer to peer metrological data sharing model

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    Present manufacturing systems often generate enormous amounts of data, that are often forgotten or lost. A major reason for ignoring such data is the heterogeneity of data. This research focuses on the heterogeneity between the manufacturing machine’s capacity parameters and part design. In manufacturing factories, the machine capacity data is available in form of machine specifications, while part data is stored in 2D or 3D-CAD models. In this thesis, a framework is proposed to provide guidelines and strategies for acquiring, pre-processing, and storing manufacturing capacity data in the form of structured table-oriented database systems. The framework also proposes the extraction, pre-processing, and storage of dimensional data of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) part models into feature-based-logical storage within XML files. Such a database storage system can improve vendor search using advanced predictive modeling. Such a system is beneficial for small-medium scale machine shops for quantifying their manufacturing capability and constraints and linking such with a prospective pool of manufacturing part’s designs


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    Монографію присвячено проблематиці створення інтелектуальних інформаційних систем. Розглядаються питання керування знаннями на основі технологій SemanticWeb. Як основний інструмент застосовується онтологічне моделювання знань. Аналізуються методи здобуття онтологічних знань з ресурсів Web, Wiki-ресурсів та природномовних документів. Висвітлено засоби інтелектуалізації програмних агентів, пошукових систем та Web-сервісів. Запропоновані приклади\ud застосування семантичних технологій у сфері інтелектуальних пошукових систем, е-медицини, е-комерції та е-навчання.\ud Робота орієнтована на аспірантів, науковців та спеціалістів, які займаються\ud дослідженнями та розробками в галузі інтелектуальних систем та баз знань

    Ontology and Knowledge Base of Brittle Deformation Microstructures for the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Core Samples

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    The quest to answer fundamental questions and solve complex problems is a principal tenet of Earth science. The pursuit of scientific knowledge has generated profuse research, resulting in a plethora of information-rich resources. This phenomenon offers great potential for scientific discovery. However, a deficiency in information connectivity and processing standards has become evident. This deficiency has resulted in a demand for tools to facilitate and process this upsurge in information. This ontology project is an answer to the demand for information processing tools. The primary purpose of this domain-specific ontology and knowledge base is to organize, connect, and correlate research data related to brittle deformation microstructures. This semantically enabled ontology may be queried to return not only asserted information, but inferred knowledge that may not be evident. In addition, its standardized development in OWL-DL (Web Ontology Language-Description Logic) allows the potential for sharing and reuse among other geologic science communities

    A framework for autonomic web service selection

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    Web services are a form of distributed computing. As applications accessible over standard internet protocols, web services allow access to disparate computational resources. Recently, with an increased commoditization of web services, there has been a greater interest in the problem of selection. If a web service client can be configured to use one of a number of different web services, which should it select? In this thesis, an approach based on examining the past quality of service (QoS) parameters of similar clients is presented. Standard web service clients are augmented to report their experiences, and can reason over both these and the experiences of others using a number of formal techniques, thereby arriving at an informed decision

    Introdução ao controle adaptativo a eventos discretos em base de dados RFID com planejador automático aplicado a sistemas robóticos

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    Industry 4.0 technologies integrate devices and data, bringing flexibility and efficiency, derived from decentralization of information sources and processing, which is fundamental to further advance applications. This work aims to introduce Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) working with decision affecting passive objects, a system with distributed data, and automatic planners, to achieve a self-sufficient process manipulator that does not require external goal insertion and can self-adjust given an exception, in real-time. This solution is more flexible and autonomous than state machines. Applying the technologies introduced in Industry 4.0 and methods that were previously treated separately, such as symbolic artificial intelligence and robot kinematics, the system can perform perception, planning and actuation processes. This system is capable of extracting information inside passive passive entities in the physical domain by using Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) to acquire predicates, data, about each object current and objective states using the Predicate inside RFID Database (PRD) tool. This data is treated to produce a domain snapshot, by joining distributed information and generating a problem definition, through the Grouped Individual State Predicates (GISP) methodology. This problem definition may then be fed into a planning module, implemented on an Edge or Cloud server, where discrete-action and trajectory planning are concatenated to output control references, using a generic symbolic planner and a numeric trajectory generator. Then, the active agent may actuate, verify for exceptions and update the passive objects information if the obtained state is perceived with no exceptions, else it must reiterate to satisfy the global goal. This work structures the adaptive discrete event control architecture with a RFID database containing parts of predicate logic.Pesquisa sem auxílio de agências de fomentoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)As tecnologias da indústria 4.0 integram dispositivos e dados, trazendo flexibilidade e eficiência, derivada da decentralização das fontes de informação e processamento, que é fundamental para o avanço das aplicações. Esse trabalho busca introduzir sistemas ciber físicos trabalhando com objetos passivos com capacidade de afetar decisões, um sistema com informação distribuida, e planejadores automáticos, para alcançar um manipulador de processos autossuficiente que não requer inserção externa de objetivos e que pode auto-ajustar-se de acordo com exceções, em tempo de execução. Essa é uma solução mais flexível e autônoma que o uso de máquinas de estado. Aplicando as tecnologias introduzidas na Indústria 4.0 e métodos que eram tratados em separado, como inteligência artificial simbólica e cinemática de robôs, o sistema pode realizar os processos de percepção, planejamento e atuação. Esse sistema é capaz de extrair informação de entidades passivas no domínio físico utilizando Identificação por Rádio Frequência (RFID) para adquirir predicados, dados, sobre os estados corrente e objetivo de cada objeto através da ferramenta PRD (Predicados dentro de base de Dados RFID). Esses dados são tratados para produzir um retrato do domínio, através da união da informação distribuída e produção de uma definição de problema usando a metodologia GISP (Predicados de Estado Individual Agrupados). Essa definição de problema pode ser alimentada no módulo de planejamento, implementado num servidor local ou na nuvem, onde planemento de ações discretas e trajetória são concatenados para retornar referências de controle, usando um planejador simbólico genérico e um gerador numérico de trajetória. Então, o agente ativo pode atuar, verificar exceções e atualizar a informação nos objetos passivos caso o estado obtido seja percebido livre de exceções, senão deve reiterar até que se satisfaça o objetivo global. Esse trabalho estrutura a arquitetura de controle adaptativa a eventos discretos com base de dados RFID contendo partes de lógica de predicados