14 research outputs found

    Suspension of Managerial Decisions in Relation to the Risks in the Business

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    This paper analyzes the importance of the elasticity of managerial decisions in different territories on the example of Coca-Cola Hellenic Group (CCH Group). Suspension of managerial decisions is an important part of the product life cycle. Previous studies have indicated the price elasticity different approaches depending on the life cycle stage through which the product moves. Bearing in mind the business risks and “sensitivity” consumer prices, CCH Group 's own market divided into three segments: the country in which the sale has been established, developing and emerging countries. On the basis of this division is made portfolio marketing mix, in order to find "the right product at the right time in the right location at the right price". In addition to achieving the economic benefits to the countries it operates in, the company generates direct, indirect and induced impact on economic development

    Create Attention to Attract Attention - Viral Marketing of Digital Music in Social Networks

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    Digitalization has led to a plethora of digital media. Especially with regard to music, consumers have the choice among millions of songs and artists. For artists and music labels the arising question is how to find their audiences and how to get attention for their music. Since music is naturally part of communications and interactions, viral marketing is a chance for them to (re-)gain attention. But viral marketing needs to accommodate digital music and its unique characteristics. In this paper, (1) the characteristics of digital music are identified and (2) it is analyzed how they affect the viral marketing process. The result shows, what critical factors are to be considered when conducting viral marketing of digital music. This contribution is important for the emerging area of research on music marketing and for music marketers in practice

    Таргетированное предоставление информации на цифровых вывесках: возможные решения

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    Presenting information to a wide audience through digital signage has now become a very popular way in both public areas (shopping centers, exhibitions) and areas accessible by limited groups of people (condominiums, office buildings). This method of information delivery can be used both for advertising and for non-commercial information. Although targeted information delivery to one person (for example, banner ads on web pages) is already very well developed, the design of digital signage systems that provide targeted information has not been paid enough attention. The paper proposes an approach to providing information through targeted digital signage. The research method used in this work is based on the design science research (DSR) approach. This is an approach to problem solving, motivated and initiated by a specific business problem and trying to solve this problem by creating and verifying information technology artifacts, such as prototypes, models, methods, or architectures. Based on this method, the problem was refined, in particular, from the point of view of the housing industry, which led to the development of a new solution to support business processes of stakeholder groups in the industry. Verification of the draft decision showed that additional technological solutions are needed, such as user identification support, search for common preferences for a group of users, ensuring confidentiality of interests and preferences of individual users. The paper also proposes technologies for user identification and finding common interests and preferences.Представление информации широкой аудитории на цифровых вывесках (digital signage) стало весьма популярным способом как в общедоступных местах (торговые центры, выставки), так и в местах, доступных ограниченным группам людей (кондоминиумы, офисы компаний). Данный способ может использоваться как для рекламы, так и для предоставления информации некоммерческого характера. Хотя таргетированное предоставление информации одному человеку (например, рекламные баннеры на веб-страницах) уже весьма хорошо развито, разработке цифровых вывесок, предоставляющих таргетированную информацию, не уделяется достаточного внимания. Таким образом, в статье представлены результаты исследований в области таргетированного предоставления информации посредством цифровых вывесок. В работе используется метод исследования на основе подхода DSR (design science research). Данный подход мотивируется и инициируется определенной бизнес-проблемой и ориентирован на ее решение путем создания и проверки артефактов из области информационных технологий, таких как прототипы, модели, методы или архитектуры. На его основе было выполнено уточнение проблемы, в частности, с точки зрения отрасли жилищно-коммунального хозяйства, что привело к разработке нового решения с целью поддержки бизнес-процессов участников данной отрасли. Проверка проекта показала, что необходимы дополнительные технологические решения, такие как поддержка возможности идентификации пользователя, поиск общих предпочтений для группы пользователей, обеспечение конфиденциальности интересов и предпочтений отдельных пользователей. Предложены технологии идентификации пользователей и выявления их общих интересов и предпочтений

    Таргетированное предоставление информации на цифровых вывесках: возможные решения

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    Представление информации широкой аудитории на цифровых вывесках (digital signage) стало весьма популярным способом как в общедоступных местах (торговые центры, выставки), так и в местах, доступных ограниченным группам людей (кондоминиумы, офисы компаний). Данный способ может использоваться как для рекламы, так и для предоставления информации некоммерческого характера. Хотя таргетированное предоставление информации одному человеку (например, рекламные баннеры на веб-страницах) уже весьма хорошо развито, разработке цифровых вывесок, предоставляющих таргетированную информацию, не уделяется достаточного внимания. Таким образом, в статье представлены результаты исследований в области таргетированного предоставления информации посредством цифровых вывесок. В работе используется метод исследования на основе подхода DSR (design science research). Данный подход мотивируется и инициируется определенной бизнес-проблемой и ориентирован на ее решение путем создания и проверки артефактов из области информационных технологий, таких как прототипы, модели, методы или архитектуры. На его основе было выполнено уточнение проблемы, в частности, с точки зрения отрасли жилищно-коммунального хозяйства, что привело к разработке нового решения с целью поддержки бизнес-процессов участников данной отрасли. Проверка проекта показала, что необходимы дополнительные технологические решения, такие как поддержка возможности идентификации пользователя, поиск общих предпочтений для группы пользователей, обеспечение конфиденциальности интересов и предпочтений отдельных пользователей. Предложены технологии идентификации пользователей и выявления их общих интересов и предпочтений

    Digital Marketing Strategy of Creative Consultant during COVID-19 Pandemic: a Qualitative Approach

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    In this research, we aim to explain how creative consultant use digital marketing and the success rate of this marketing strategy, since the digital marketing has improved business strategies to increase productivity and sales, especially during COVID-19 pandemic. Our study used qualitative method and we conduct interview and observation to collect the data. In this study, we use several analysis tools, such as EFE, CPM, IFE, SWOT, SPACE, IE, and QSPM, and our results showed that digital marketing strategy is quite effective from the point of view of promotional and advertising strategies carried out, even though not giving maximum profit as in pre-pandemic. Henceforth, creative consultant needs to use a market penetration strategy to improve their business performance

    Consumers’ perception of online marketing: a case of University of KwaZulu-Natal Westville Campus students.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Over the last decade, the Internet has assumed the role of being the most influencial platform for organisations to conduct their business. Likewise, the innovation of technological platform such as the web and social media platforms, has transformed the way in which markets communicate and interact. The increase in the use of the Internet among the youth, has also resulted in the increased reputation of online as a marketing platform. The youth, especially students, have embraced the Internet to a point that they have and use it as part of their daily activities and hence live actively through it. This has made them become market influencers and have also created new opportunities for organisations to market their products and services. The growing use of the Internet presents a rich interactive stage for marketers to capitalize on, in order to become relevant, become industry leaders, and influence consumers’ buying decisions. The understanding of consumers’ perception of online marketing is thus believed to enable marketers to make use of the Internet as a means for persuading the marketing behaviour of consumers. This study therefore aimed at understanding consumers’ perception of online marketing. A quantitative methodology was used to collect and analyse data in order to achieve the objectives of the study. Questionnaires were distributed to a total of 150 students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus) and analysis was carried out on the collected data using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).The result obtained in this study revealed that consumer find it easy to interact with organisations through online marketing. Furthermore, the result of this study also revealed that consumers are slowly shying away from traditional marketing and that online marketing is in recent times becoming the largest form of marketing

    Application of e-marketing in the agricultural-food market

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    Izravan marketing koristi više medija za promoviranje, a naglaska daje na narudžbi kupca. Važnost je u otkrivanju potencijalnih kupaca i zadržavanju postojećih putem komunikacije. Najčešći način korištenja izravnog marketinga je e-marketing što znači postavljanje digitalnog proizvoda na web stranicu ili društvene mreže, utvrđivanje njegove e-cijene na e-tržištu, ulagati trud i napore u e-promocija i osigurati e-distribuciju. Ono što e-marketing nudi poljoprivredno-prehrambenom tržištu je ekonomski značaj. Smanjenje troškova posredovanja, veći odabir informacija o ponudi i potražnji te opskrbi, povećanje tržišnog udjela ili otvaranje novih tržišta, udruživanje malih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava i promicanje globalizacije i postizanje konkurencije. Iako u Republici Hrvatskoj nije praksa, poljoprivredno-prehrambeni proizvodi imaju velik potencijal za prodaju putem Interneta.Direct marketing uses more media to promote, and emphasizes the customer's order. It is important to discover potential buyers and to retain the existing through communication. The most common way of using direct marketing is e-marketing, which means setting up a digital product on a website or social network, determining its e-price on the e-market, investing effort and effort into e-promotion and ensuring e-distribution. What e-marketing offers to the agri-food market is economic significance. Decrease in mediation costs, greater choice of supply and demand information and supply, increased market share or opening up new markets, pooling of small agricultural holdings, and promotion of globalization and competition. Although in the Republic of Croatia it is not a practice, agricultural and food products have great potential for sales through the Internet

    Turundusplaani koostamise väljakutsed äriklientide turul tööriistade müügiettevõtte "Varustaja24" näitel

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    Design of a E-shop's SEO Strategy

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    Predložená práca sa zaoberá optimalizáciou stránok internetového obchodu pre vyhľadávače. Cieľom práce je navrhnúť pre internetový obchod SEO stratégiu, pomocou ktorej bude internetový obchod viditeľný vo výsledkoch vyhľadávania a nastaviť vhodné kroky, ktoré budú zvyšovať návštevnosť internetového obchodu z vyhľadávania, konkrétne organického vyhľadávania. Praktická časť obsahuje analýzu kľúčových slov, na základe ktorej boli prevedené konkrétne návrhy a odporúčania pre internetový obchod.This thesis deals with optimization of web stores for search engine. The goal of this work is to propose SEO strategy for the web store, which will move the store over to upper search results and to plan further steps in order to increase attendance of the web store from online searching, organic searching in particular. The practical part contains analysis of key words. Particular proposals and reccomendations for the web store, were concluded based on the analysis.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvelmi dobř