8 research outputs found

    Channel gain for a wrist-to-arm scenario in the 55-65 GHz frequency band

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    Wireless communication on the body is expected to become more important in the future. This communication will in certain scenarios benefit from higher frequencies of operation and their associated smaller antennas and potentially higher bandwidths. One of these scenarios is communication between a wristband and wearable sensors on the arm. In order to investigate the feasibility of such a scenario, propagation at 55â65 GHz along the arm is measured for two configurations. First, for increasing separation distances along the arm, and second for a transmitter is rotationally placed around the wrist. Two channel gain models are fitted to the data and used to obtain a channel gain exponent in the first configuration and loss per angle of rotation in the second configuration. These models are relevant inputs for the design of future wearable wireless systems

    Low-profile and closely spaced four-element mimo antenna for wireless body area networks

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    A compact four-element multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) antenna is proposed for medical applications operating at a 2.4 GHz ISM band. The proposed MIMO design occupies an overall volume of 26 mm × 26 mm × 0.8 mm. This antenna exhibits a good impedance matching at the operating frequency of the ISM band, whose performance attributes include: isolation around 25 dB, envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) less than 0.02, average channel capacity loss (CCL) less than 0.3 bits/s/Hz and diversity gain (DG) of around 10 dB. The average peak realized gain of the four-element MIMO antenna is 2.4 dBi with more than 77 % radiation efficiency at the frequency of interest (ISM 2.4 GHz). The compact volume and adequate bandwidth, as well as the good achieved gain, make this antenna a strong candidate for bio-medical wearable applications

    Real-world performance of sub-1 GHz and 2.4 GHz textile antennas for RF-powered body area networks

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    In Radio Frequency (RF)-powered networks, peak antenna gains and path-loss models are often used to predict the power that can be received by a rectenna. However, this leads to significant over-estimation of the harvested power when using rectennas in a dynamic setting. This work proposes more realistic parameters for evaluating RF-powered Body Area Networks (BANs), and utilizes them to analyze and compare the performance of an RF-powered BAN based on 915 MHz and 2.4 GHz rectennas. Two fully-textile antennas: a 915 MHz monopole and a 2.4 GHz patch, are designed and fabricated for numerical radiation pattern analysis and practical forward transmission measurements. The antennas' radiation properties are used to calculate the power delivered to a wireless-powered BAN formed of four antennas at different body positions. The mean angular gain is proposed as a more insightful metric for evaluating RFEH networks with unknown transmitter-receiver alignment. It is concluded that, when considering the mean gain, an RF-powered BAN using an omnidirectional 915 MHz antenna outperforms a 2.4 GHz BAN with higher-gain antenna, despite lack of shielding, by 15.4× higher DC power. Furthermore, a transmitter located above the user can result in 1× and 9× higher DC power at 915 MHz and 2.4 GHz, respectively, compared to a horizontal transmitter. Finally, it is suggested that the mean and angular gain should be considered instead of the peak gain. This accounts for the antennas' angular misalignment resulting from the receiver's mobility, which can vary the received power by an order of magnitude

    A Comparative Study of On-Body Radio-Frequency Links in the 420 MHz–2.4 GHz Range

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    While there exists a wide variety of radio frequency (RF) technologies amenable for usage in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs), which have been studied separately before, it is currently still unclear how their performance compares in true on-body scenarios. In this paper, a single reference on-body scenario—that is, propagation along the arm—is used to experimentally compare six distinct RF technologies (between 420 MHz and 2.4 GHz) in terms of path loss. To further quantify on-body path loss, measurements for five different on-body scenarios are presented as well. To compensate for the effect of often large path losses, two mitigation strategies to (dynamically) improve on-body links are introduced and experimentally verified: beam steering using a phased array, and usage of on-body RF repeaters. The results of this study can serve as a tool for WBAN designers to aid in the selection of the right RF frequency and technology for their application

    A Comparative Study of On-Body Radio-Frequency Links in the 420 MHz–2.4 GHz Range

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    While there exists a wide variety of radio frequency (RF) technologies amenable for usage in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs), which have been studied separately before, it is currently still unclear how their performance compares in true on-body scenarios. In this paper, a single reference on-body scenario—that is, propagation along the arm—is used to experimentally compare six distinct RF technologies (between 420 MHz and 2.4 GHz) in terms of path loss. To further quantify on-body path loss, measurements for five different on-body scenarios are presented as well. To compensate for the effect of often large path losses, two mitigation strategies to (dynamically) improve on-body links are introduced and experimentally verified: beam steering using a phased array, and usage of on-body RF repeaters. The results of this study can serve as a tool for WBAN designers to aid in the selection of the right RF frequency and technology for their application

    A Comparative Study of On-Body Radio-Frequency Links in the 420 MHz-2.4 GHz Range

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    While there exists a wide variety of radio frequency (RF) technologies amenable for usage in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs), which have been studied separately before, it is currently still unclear how their performance compares in true on-body scenarios. In this paper, a single reference on-body scenario-that is, propagation along the arm-is used to experimentally compare six distinct RF technologies (between 420 MHz and 2.4 GHz) in terms of path loss. To further quantify on-body path loss, measurements for five different on-body scenarios are presented as well. To compensate for the effect of often large path losses, two mitigation strategies to (dynamically) improve on-body links are introduced and experimentally verified: beam steering using a phased array, and usage of on-body RF repeaters. The results of this study can serve as a tool for WBAN designers to aid in the selection of the right RF frequency and technology for their application.status: publishe

    Оптимiзацiя iнтрамережi підприємства

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу Ректора НАУ від 27.05.2021 р. №311/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії університету". Керівник дипломної роботи: професор кафедри ТКРС, Козлюк І.О.Основою інфраструктури сучасних підприємств є інтрамережі передачі даних, що надають транспорт для передачі інформації між різними програмами інформаційних систем. Останнім часом мультисервісні мережі змінюються спеціалізованим мережам. Для забезпечення потреб вимог до мультисервісної корпоративної інтрамережі, безперервно зростають, як до середовища передачі інформації для виконання різних додатків. Високе значення має час реакції, він потребує належної організації корпора- тивної мережі та додатків. Робота в реальному часі стала життєвою необхідністю і однією з головних вимог, що висуваються до корпоративних мереж та додатків