5,258 research outputs found

    A machine learning-based investigation of cloud service attacks

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    In this thesis, the security challenges of cloud computing are investigated in the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) layer, as security is one of the major concerns related to Cloud services. As IaaS consists of different security terms, the research has been further narrowed down to focus on Network Layer Security. Review of existing research revealed that several types of attacks and threats can affect cloud security. Therefore, there is a need for intrusion defence implementations to protect cloud services. Intrusion Detection (ID) is one of the most effective solutions for reacting to cloud network attacks. [Continues.

    Comparative Analysis of Selected Filtered Feature Rankers Evaluators for Cyber Attacks Detection

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    An increase in global connectivity and rapid expansion of computer usage and computer networks has made the security of the computer system an important issue with the industries and cyber communities being faced with new kinds of attacks daily The high complexity of cyberattacks poses a great challenge to the protection of cyberinfrastructures Confidentiality Integrity and availability of sensitive information stored on it Intrusion detection systems monitors network traffic for suspicious Intrusive activity and issues alert when such activity is detected Building Intrusion detection system that is computationally efficient and effective requires the use of relevant features of the network traffics packets identified by feature selection algorithms This paper implemented K-Nearest Neighbor and Na ve Bayes Intrusion detection models using relevant features of the UNSW-NB15 Intrusion detection dataset selected by Gain Ratio Information Gain Relief F and Correlation rankers feature selection technique

    Big data analytics: a predictive analysis applied to cybersecurity in a financial organization

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    Project Work presented as partial requirement for obtaining the Master’s degree in Information Management, with a specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceWith the generalization of the internet access, cyber attacks have registered an alarming growth in frequency and severity of damages, along with the awareness of organizations with heavy investments in cybersecurity, such as in the financial sector. This work is focused on an organization’s financial service that operates on the international markets in the payment systems industry. The objective was to develop a predictive framework solution responsible for threat detection to support the security team to open investigations on intrusive server requests, over the exponentially growing log events collected by the SIEM from the Apache Web Servers for the financial service. A Big Data framework, using Hadoop and Spark, was developed to perform classification tasks over the financial service requests, using Neural Networks, Logistic Regression, SVM, and Random Forests algorithms, while handling the training of the imbalance dataset through BEV. The main conclusions over the analysis conducted, registered the best scoring performances for the Random Forests classifier using all the preprocessed features available. Using the all the available worker nodes with a balanced configuration of the Spark executors, the most performant elapsed times for loading and preprocessing of the data were achieved using the column-oriented ORC with native format, while the row-oriented CSV format performed the best for the training of the classifiers.Com a generalização do acesso à internet, os ciberataques registaram um crescimento alarmante em frequência e severidade de danos causados, a par da consciencialização das organizações, com elevados investimentos em cibersegurança, como no setor financeiro. Este trabalho focou-se no serviço financeiro de uma organização que opera nos mercados internacionais da indústria de sistemas de pagamento. O objetivo consistiu no desenvolvimento uma solução preditiva responsável pela detecção de ameaças, por forma a dar suporte à equipa de segurança na abertura de investigações sobre pedidos intrusivos no servidor, relativamente aos exponencialmente crescentes eventos de log coletados pelo SIEM, referentes aos Apache Web Servers, para o serviço financeiro. Uma solução de Big Data, usando Hadoop e Spark, foi desenvolvida com o objectivo de executar tarefas de classificação sobre os pedidos do serviço financeiros, usando os algoritmos Neural Networks, Logistic Regression, SVM e Random Forests, solucionando os problemas associados ao treino de um dataset desequilibrado através de BEV. As principais conclusões sobre as análises realizadas registaram os melhores resultados de classificação usando o algoritmo Random Forests com todas as variáveis pré-processadas disponíveis. Usando todos os nós do cluster e uma configuração balanceada dos executores do Spark, os melhores tempos para carregar e pré-processar os dados foram obtidos usando o formato colunar ORC nativo, enquanto o formato CSV, orientado a linhas, apresentou os melhores tempos para o treino dos classificadores

    A taxonomy framework for unsupervised outlier detection techniques for multi-type data sets

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    The term "outlier" can generally be defined as an observation that is significantly different from the other values in a data set. The outliers may be instances of error or indicate events. The task of outlier detection aims at identifying such outliers in order to improve the analysis of data and further discover interesting and useful knowledge about unusual events within numerous applications domains. In this paper, we report on contemporary unsupervised outlier detection techniques for multiple types of data sets and provide a comprehensive taxonomy framework and two decision trees to select the most suitable technique based on data set. Furthermore, we highlight the advantages, disadvantages and performance issues of each class of outlier detection techniques under this taxonomy framework

    Machine Learning Techniques for Credit Card Fraud Detection

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    The term “fraud”, it always concerned about credit card fraud in our minds. And after the significant increase in the transactions of credit card, the fraud of credit card increased extremely in last years. So the fraud detection should include surveillance of the spending attitude for the person/customer to the determination, avoidance, and detection of unwanted behavior. Because the credit card is the most payment predominant way for the online and regular purchasing, the credit card fraud raises highly. The Fraud detection is not only concerned with capturing of the fraudulent practices, but also, discover it as fast as they can, because the fraud costs millions of dollar business loss and it is rising over time, and that affects greatly the worldwide economy. . In this paper we introduce 14 different techniques of how data mining techniques can be successfully combined to obtain a high fraud coverage with a high or low false rate, the Advantage and The Disadvantages of every technique, and The Data Sets used in the researches by researcher