447 research outputs found

    Characteristics of chicken slaughterhouse wastewater

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    The chicken slaughterhouse wastewater is a class of wastewater, which is heavily polluted with organic matters including proteins, blood residues, fats and lard. Therefore, the direct discharged of untreated chicken slaughterhouse wastewater into the environment is associated with the occurrence of eutrophication phenomenon. In the present study, the characteristics of chicken slaughterhouse wastewater were investigated to ascertain the role of these wastes in the adverse effect on the environment and natural water system. The parameter tested included biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solid (TSS), total nitrogen (TN), total organic carbon (TOC), orthophosphate (PO4 3-), temperature and pH. The results revealed available high concentrations of BOD (1,341 - 1,821 ± 242.7 mg L1 ), COD (3,154.19 - 7,719.3 ± 2,282.69 mg L-1), TSS (377.67 - 5,462 ± 2,696.1 mg L-1) which have exceeded the EQA1974 standard limits for disposal of wastewater into the environment. The concentrations of TN (162.6 -563.8 ± 215 mg L-1) and PO4 3- (7.047 - 17.111 ± 4.25 mg L-1) were within the range required for microalgae growth which confirm their role in the occurrence of eutrophication phenomenon. It can be concluded that the direct discharge of chicken slaughterhouse wastewater contributes negatively on the environmental biodiversity and thus they should be subjected for an effective treated before the final disposal

    Multicast broadcast services support in OFDMA-based WiMAX systems [Advances in mobile multimedia]

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    Multimedia stream service provided by broadband wireless networks has emerged as an important technology and has attracted much attention. An all-IP network architecture with reliable high-throughput air interface makes orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access (OFDMA)-based mobile worldwide interoperability for microwave access (mobile WiMAX) a viable technology for wireless multimedia services, such as voice over IP (VoIP), mobile TV, and so on. One of the main features in a WiMAX MAC layer is that it can provide'differentiated services among different traffic categories with individual QoS requirements. In this article, we first give an overview of the key aspects of WiMAX and describe multimedia broadcast multicast service (MBMS) architecture of the 3GPP. Then, we propose a multicast and broadcast service (MBS) architecture for WiMAX that is based on MBMS. Moreover, we enhance the MBS architecture for mobile WiMAX to overcome the shortcoming of limited video broadcast performance over the baseline MBS model. We also give examples to demonstrate that the proposed architecture can support better mobility and offer higher power efficiency

    A Survey on Scheduling in IEEE 802.16 Mesh Mode

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.IEEE 802.16 standard (also known as WiMAX) defines the wireless broadband network technology which aims to solve the so called last mile problem via providing high bandwidth Internet even to the rural areas for which the cable deployment is very costly. The standard mainly focuses on the MAC and PHY layer issues, supporting two transmission modes: PMP (Point-to-Multipoint) and mesh modes. Mesh mode is an optional mode developed as an extension to PMP mode and it has the advantage of having an improving performance as more subscribers are added to the system using multi-hop routes. In 802.16 MAC protocol, mesh mode slot allocation and reservation mechanisms are left open which makes this topic a hot research area. Hence, the focus of this survey will mostly be on the mesh mode, and the proposed scheduling algorithms and performance evaluation methods

    Performance Evaluation of Connection Admission Control for IEEE 802.16 Networks

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    Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning to the various kinds of network traffic is one of the major design criteria of IEEE 802.16 WiMAX standard. The MAC and physical layers of 802.16 standards are designed to support different types of real time application by providing QoS. Scheduling, Connection Admission Control (CAC) and traffic policing are the major issues to ensure QoS. In standard, scheduling and admission control are kept as open issues. Admission control is the ability of a network to control admission of new traffic based on the availability of resources. As per the specification the CAC considers minimum reserved rate of a connection as an admission criterion, in which the system can admit more connections, but packets of admitted connection may encounter large delays. In this paper average data rate (avg-rate CAC) and maximum sustained rate (max-rate CAC) of the connections are considered as admission criteria in CAC, along with minimum reserved rate (min-rate CAC). The performance of the WiMAX network is evaluated and compared for min-rate, avg-rate and max-rate CAC by considering the performance metrics such as number of connections admitted, throughput and delay using QualNet simulation tool

    Scheduling Mechanisms

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    Relay Technologies in IEEE 802.16j Mobile Multi-hop Relay (MMR) Networks

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    IEEE 802.16 standard is created to compete with cable access networks. In the beginning end users are immobile and have a line of sight with base station, now it moved to mobile non line of sight (NLOS) with the new standard IEEE 802.16e and IEEE 802.16j. The new IEEE 802.16j standard which is an amendment to IEEE 802.16e is mobile multi hop relay (MMR) specification for wireless networks. This paper discusses relay modes, relay transmission schemes and relay pairing schemes of IEEE 802.16j. Relay technologies such as transparent relay modes, non transparent relay mode, relay pairing schemes such as centralized relay pairing schemes, distributed relay pairing scheme, characterises of relay based networks such as throughput enhancement, capacity increase, cost reduction , relay techniques such as time domain frequency domain relay techniques and relay placement are also discussed in this paper. The paper also discusses about integration of IEEE 802.16j with IEEE 802.11. Keywords: IEEE 802.16j, Relay pairing schemes, relay techniques, Relay modes, WIMAX, NCTUns, et

    Handover analysis over mobile WiMAX technology.

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    As new mobile devices and mobile applications continue to growth, so does the data traffic demand for broadband services access and the user needs toward mobility, thereby, wireless application became today the fastest solution and lowest cost implementation unlike traditional wired deployment such as optical fibers and digital lines. WiMAX technology satisfies this gap through its high network performance over the air interface and high data rates based on the IEEE 802.16-2004 standards, this original specification does not support mobility. Therefore, the IEEE introduces a new standard that enables mobility profiles under 802.16e-2005, from which three different types of handovers process are introduced as hard handover (HHO), macro diversity handover (MDHO) and fast base station switching (FBSS) handover. The objective of this master thesis is to analyze how the handover process affects network performance. The analysis propose three scenarios, built over OPNET simulator to measure the most critical wireless parameter and performance indicator such as throughput, handover success rate, packet drop, delay and network usage.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format
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