1,009 research outputs found

    Prediction of the functional properties of ceramic materials from composition using artificial neural networks

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    We describe the development of artificial neural networks (ANN) for the prediction of the properties of ceramic materials. The ceramics studied here include polycrystalline, inorganic, non-metallic materials and are investigated on the basis of their dielectric and ionic properties. Dielectric materials are of interest in telecommunication applications where they are used in tuning and filtering equipment. Ionic and mixed conductors are the subjects of a concerted effort in the search for new materials that can be incorporated into efficient, clean electrochemical devices of interest in energy production and greenhouse gas reduction applications. Multi-layer perceptron ANNs are trained using the back-propagation algorithm and utilise data obtained from the literature to learn composition-property relationships between the inputs and outputs of the system. The trained networks use compositional information to predict the relative permittivity and oxygen diffusion properties of ceramic materials. The results show that ANNs are able to produce accurate predictions of the properties of these ceramic materials which can be used to develop materials suitable for use in telecommunication and energy production applications

    Computational Doping for Fuel Cell Material Design Based on Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming

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    Developing new materials have historically been time-consuming. Computational material discovery can search large design space to identify promising candidates for experimental verification. Recently, Density Functional Theory (DFT) based first principle calculation has been able to calculate many electrical and physical properties of materials, making them suitable for computational doping based material discovery. In material doping, given a base material, one can change its properties by substituting some elements with new ones or adding additional elements. In computational doping, we have a grid of atoms in a supercell, some of which can be substituted with dopant atoms. There are many possible doping positions for the doped elements in the supercell, among which the most stable supercell with the lowest free electronic energy is the one that most likely appears in experiments. So finding the most stable doped supercell configuration is the first step for computational doping, which is usually done exhaustively nowadays. For each such substitution, the Vienna Ab-Initio Simulation Package is usually used to calculate its energy and higher level physicochemical properties. Free energy calculations take about 15-30 hours for a supercell of 75 atoms for substituting two positions out of 15 with a single dopant element, and it may take days to weeks for multiple dopant elements. This is a typical optimization problem with expensive evaluation functions. Here we first developed a genetic algorithm for finding the most stable structure of the doped material with the lowest free electronic energy for a single dopant element. It can reduce the running time for computational doping by up to 75%. We used SrTiO3 perovskite as the base material and Nb as the substitution element. We also developed another genetic algorithm for multiple dopant elements. Since the search space becomes larger, the genetic algorithm works better and saves up to 85% of calculations for finding the most stable structures. Finally, we developed a genetic programming (GP) algorithm for computational doping which can simultaneously determine multiple dopant elements with different doping ratios. The simultaneous search of dopant elements and their ratios can speed up the search process for large doping spaces

    Designing Conducting Polymers Using Bioinspired Ant Algorithms

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    Ant algorithms are inspired in real ants and the main idea is to create virtual ants that travel into the space of possible solution depositing virtual pheromone proportional to how good a specific solution is. This creates a autocatalytic (positive feedback) process that can be used to generate automatic solutions to very difficult problems. In the present work we show that these algorithms can be used coupled to tight-binding hamiltonians to design conducting polymers with pre-specified properties. The methodology is completely general and can be used for a large number of optimization problems in materials science

    Data driven discovery of materials properties.

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    The high pace of nowadays industrial evolution is creating an urgent need to design new cost efficient materials that can satisfy both current and future demands. However, with the increase of structural and functional complexity of materials, the ability to rationally design new materials with a precise set of properties has become increasingly challenging. This basic observation has triggered the idea of applying machine learning techniques in the field, which was further encouraged by the launch of the Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) by the US government since 2011. In this work, we present a novel approach to apply machine learning techniques for materials science applications. Guided by knowledge from domain experts, our approach focuses on machine learning to accelerate data-driven discovery of materials properties. Our objectives are two folds: (i) Identify the optimal set of features that best describes a given predicted variable. (ii) Boost prediction accuracy via applying various regression algorithms. Ordinary Least Square, Partial Least Square and Lasso regressions, combined with well adjusted feature selection techniques are applied and tested to predict key properties of semiconductors for two types of applications. First, we propose to build a more robust prediction model for band-gap energy (BG-E) of chalcopyrites, commonly used for solar cells industry. Compared to the results reported in [1-3] , our approach shows that learning and using only a subset of relevant features can improve the prediction accuracy by about 40%. For the second application, we propose to determine the underlying factors responsible for Defect-Induced Magnetism (DIM) in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors (DMS) through the analysis of a set of 30 features for different DMS systems. We show that 8 of these features are more likely to contribute to this property. Using only these features to predict the total magnetic moment of new candidate DMSs has reduced the mean square error by about 90% compared to the models trained using the whole set of features. Given the scarcity of the available data sets for similar applications, this work aims not only to build robust models but also to establish a collaborative platform for future research

    The discovery of new functional oxides using combinatorial techniques and advanced data mining algorithms

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    Electroceramic materials research is a wide ranging field driven by device applications. For many years, the demand for new materials was addressed largely through serial processing and analysis of samples often similar in composition to those already characterised. The Functional Oxide Discovery project (FOXD) is a combinatorial materials discovery project combining high-throughput synthesis and characterisation with advanced data mining to develop novel materials. Dielectric ceramics are of interest for use in telecommunications equipment; oxygen ion conductors are examined for use in fuel cell cathodes. Both applications are subject to ever increasing industry demands and materials designs capable of meeting the stringent requirements are urgently required. The London University Search Instrument (LUSI) is a combinatorial robot employed for materials synthesis. Ceramic samples are produced automatically using an ink-jet printer which mixes and prints inks onto alumina slides. The slides are transferred to a furnace for sintering and transported to other locations for analysis. Production and analysis data are stored in the project database. The database forms a valuable resource detailing the progress of the project and forming a basis for data mining. Materials design is a two stage process. The first stage, forward prediction, is accomplished using an artificial neural network, a Baconian, inductive technique. In a second stage, the artificial neural network is inverted using a genetic algorithm. The artificial neural network prediction, stoichiometry and prediction reliability form objectives for the genetic algorithm which results in a selection of materials designs. The full potential of this approach is realised through the manufacture and characterisation of the materials. The resulting data improves the prediction algorithms, permitting iterative improvement to the designs and the discovery of completely new materials

    Database of novel magnetic materials for high-performance permanent magnet development

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    This paper describes the open Novamag database that has been developed for the design of novel Rare-Earth free/lean permanent magnets. Its main features as software technologies, friendly graphical user interface, advanced search mode, plotting tool and available data are explained in detail. Following the philosophy and standards of Materials Genome Initiative, it contains significant results of novel magnetic phases with high magnetocrystalline anisotropy obtained by three computational high-throughput screening approaches based on a crystal structure prediction method using an Adaptive Genetic Algorithm, tetragonally distortion of cubic phases and tuning known phases by doping. Additionally, it also includes theoretical and experimental data about fundamental magnetic material properties such as magnetic moments, magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy, exchange parameters, Curie temperature, domain wall width, exchange stiffness, coercivity and maximum energy product, that can be used in the study and design of new promising high-performance Rare-Earth free/lean permanent magnets. The results therein contained might provide some insights into the ongoing debate about the theoretical performance limits beyond Rare-Earth based magnets. Finally, some general strategies are discussed to design possible experimental routes for exploring most promising theoretical novel materials found in the database.European Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) under Grant Agreement No. 686056, NOVAMAG. European Regional Development Fund in the IT4Innovations national supercomputing center – path to exascale project, project number CZ 02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16–013/0001791 within the Operational Programme Research, Development and Educatio