65,761 research outputs found

    Classification of singularities of cluster algebras of finite type

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    We provide a complete classification of the singularities of cluster algebras of finite type. Alongside, we develop a constructive desingularization of these singularities via blowups in regular centers over fields of arbitrary characteristic. Furthermore, from the same perspective, we study a family of cluster algebras, which are not of finite type and which arise from a star shaped quiver.Comment: 36 page

    On the numerical classification of the singularities of robot manipulators

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    This paper is concerned with the task to obtain a complete description of the singularity set of any given non-redundant manipulator, including the identification and the precise computation of each constituent singularity class. Configurations belonging to the same class are equivalent in terms of the various types of kinematic and static degeneracy that characterize mechanism singularity. The proposed approach is an extension of recent work on computing singularities using a numerical method based on linear relaxations. Classification is sought by means of a hierarchy of singularity tests, each formulated as a system of quadratic or linear equations, which yields sets of classes to which an identified singularity cannot belong. A planar manipulator exemplifies the process of classification, and illustrates how, while most singularities get completely classified, for some lower-dimensional subsets one can only identify a restricted list of possible singularity classes.Postprint (published version

    Polar Cremona Transformations and Monodromy of Polynomials

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    Consider the gradient map associated to any non-constant homogeneous polynomial f\in \C[x_0,...,x_n] of degree dd, defined by \phi_f=grad(f): D(f)\to \CP^n, (x_0:...:x_n)\to (f_0(x):...:f_n(x)) where D(f)=\{x\in \CP^n; f(x)\neq 0\} is the principal open set associated to ff and fi=fxif_i=\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i}. This map corresponds to polar Cremona transformations. In Proposition \ref{p1} we give a new lower bound for the degree d(f)d(f) of ϕf\phi_f under the assumption that the projective hypersurface V:f=0V:f=0 has only isolated singularities. When d(f)=1d(f)=1, Theorem \ref{t4} yields very strong conditions on the singularities of VV.Comment: 8 page

    The Łojasiewicz exponent over a field of arbitrary characteristic

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    Let K be an algebraically closed field and let K((XQ)) denote the field of generalized series with coefficients in K. We propose definitions of the local Łojasiewicz exponent of F = ( f1, . . . , fm) ∈ K[[X, Y ]]m as well as of the Łojasiewicz exponent at infinity of F = ( f1, . . . , fm) ∈ K[X, Y ]m, which generalize the familiar case of K = C and F ∈ C{X, Y }m (resp. F ∈ C[X, Y ]m), see Cha˛dzy´nski and Krasi´nski (In: Singularities, 1988; In: Singularities, 1988; Ann Polon Math 67(3):297–301, 1997; Ann Polon Math 67(2):191–197, 1997), and prove some basic properties of such numbers. Namely, we show that in both cases the exponent is attained on a parametrization of a component of F (Theorems 6 and 7), thus being a rational number. To this end, we define the notion of the Łojasiewicz pseudoexponent of F ∈ (K((XQ))[Y ])m for which we give a description of all the generalized series that extract the pseudoexponent, in terms of their jets. In particular, we show that there exist only finitely many jets of generalized series giving the pseudoexponent of F (Theorem 5). The main tool in the proofs is the algebraic version of Newton’s Polygon Method. The results are illustrated with some explicit examples

    On maps with unstable singularities

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    If a continuous map f: X->Q is approximable arbitrary closely by embeddings X->Q, can some embedding be taken onto f by a pseudo-isotopy? This question, called Isotopic Realization Problem, was raised by Shchepin and Akhmet'ev. We consider the case where X is a compact n-polyhedron, Q a PL m-manifold and show that the answer is 'generally no' for (n,m)=(3,6); (1,3), and 'yes' when: 1) m>2n, (n,m)\neq (1,3); 2) 2m>3(n+1) and the set {(x,y)|f(x)=f(y)} has an equivariant (with respect to the factor exchanging involution) mapping cylinder neighborhood in X\times X; 3) m>n+2 and f is the composition of a PL map and a TOP embedding. In doing this, we answer affirmatively (with a minor preservation) a question of Kirby: does small smooth isotopy imply small smooth ambient isotopy in the metastable range, verify a conjecture of Kearton-Lickorish: small PL concordance implies small PL ambient isotopy in codimension \ge 3, and a conjecture set of Repovs-Skopenkov.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Topol Appl; some important footnotes added in version