301 research outputs found

    Modeling and Control of Piezoelectric Actuators

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    Piezoelectric actuators (PEAs) utilize the inverse piezoelectric effect to generate fine displacement with a resolution down to sub-nanometers and as such, they have been widely used in various micro- and nanopositioning applications. However, the modeling and control of PEAs have proven to be challenging tasks. The main difficulties lie in the existence of various nonlinear or difficult-to-model effects in PEAs, such as hysteresis, creep, and distributive vibration dynamics. Such effects can seriously degrade the PEA tracking control performances or even lead to instability. This raises a great need to model and control PEAs for improved performance. This research is aimed at developing novel models for PEAs and on this basis, developing model-based control schemes for the PEA tracking control taking into account the aforementioned nonlinear effects. In the first part of this research, a model of a PEA for the effects of hysteresis, creep, and vibration dynamics was developed. Notably, the widely-used Preisach hysteresis model cannot represent the one-sided hysteresis of PEAs. To overcome this shortcoming, a rate-independent hysteresis model based on a novel hysteresis operator modified from the Preisach hysteresis operator was developed, which was then integrated with the models of creep and vibration dynamics to form a comprehensive model for PEAs. For its validation, experiments were carried out on a commercially-available PEA and the results obtained agreed with those from model simulations. By taking into account the linear dynamics and hysteretic behavior of the PEA as well as the presliding friction between the moveable platform and the end-effector, a model of the piezoelectric-driven stick-slip (PDSS) actuator was also developed in the first part of the research. The effectiveness of the developed model was illustrated by the experiments on the PDSS actuator prototyped in the author's lab. In the second part of the research, control schemes were developed based on the aforementioned PEA models for tracking control of PEAs. Firstly, a novel PID-based sliding mode (PIDSM) controller was developed. The rational behind the use of a sliding mode (SM) control is that the SM control can effectively suppress the effects of matched uncertainties, while the PEA hysteresis, creep, and external load can be represented by a lumped matched uncertainty based on the developed model. To solve the chattering and steady-state problems, associated with the ideal SM control and the SM control with boundary layer (SMCBL), the novel PIDSM control developed in the present study replaces the switching control term in the ideal SM control schemes with a PID regulator. Experiments were carried out on a commercially-available PEA and the results obtained illustrate the effectiveness of the PIDSM controller, and its superiorities over other schemes of PID control, ideal SM control, and the SMCBL in terms of steady state error elimination, chattering suppression, and tracking error suppression. Secondly, a PIDSM observer was also developed based on the model of PEAs to provide the PIDSM controller with state estimates of the PEA. And the PIDSM controller and the PIDSM observer were combined to form an integrated control scheme (PIDSM observer-controller or PIDSMOC) for PEAs. The effectiveness of the PIDSM observer and the PIDSMOC were also validated experimentally. The superiority of the PIDSMOC over the PIDSM controller with σ-β filter control scheme was also analyzed and demonstrated experimentally. The significance of this research lies in the development of novel models for PEAs and PDSS actuators, which can be of great help in the design and control of such actuators. Also, the development of the PIDSM controller, the PIDSM observer, and their integrated form, i.e., PIDSMOC, enables the improved performance of tracking control of PEAs with the presence of various nonlinear or difficult-to-model effects

    Discrete-time sliding mode control of the RRR-robot

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    Discrete Modeling and Sliding Mode Control of Piezoelectric Actuators

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    With the ability to generate fine displacements with a resolution down to sub-nanometers, piezoelectric actuators (PEAs) have found wide applications in various nano-positioning systems. However, existence of various effects in PEAs, such as hysteresis and creep, as well as dynamics can seriously degrade the PEA performance or even lead to instability. This raises a great need to model and control PEAs for improved performance, which have drawn remarkable attention in the literature. Sliding mode control (SMC) shows its potential to the control of PEA, by which the hysteresis and other nonlinear effects can be regard as disturbance to the dynamic model and thus rejected or compensated by its switching control. To implement SMC in digital computers, this research is aimed at developing novel discrete models and discrete SMC (DSMC)-based control schemes for PEAs, along with their experimental validation. The first part of this thesis concerns with the modeling and control of one-degree of freedom (DOF) PEA, which can be treated as a single-input-single-output (SISO) system. Specifically, a novel discrete model based on the concept of auto-regressive moving average (ARMA) was developed for the PEA hysteresis; and to compensate for the PEA hysteresis and improve its dynamics, an output tracking integrated discrete proportional-integral-derivative-based SMC (PID-SMC) was developed. On this basis, by making use of the availability of PEA hysteresis models, two control schemes, named “the discrete inversion feedforward based PID-SMC” and “the discrete disturbance observer (DOB)-based PID-SMC”, were further developed. To illustrate the effectiveness of the developed models and control schemes, experiments were designed and conducted on a commercially available one-DOF PEA, as compared with the existing ones. The second part of the thesis presents the extension of the developed modeling and control methods to multi-DOF PEAs. Given the fact that details with regard to the PEA internal configurations is not typically provided by the manufacturer, a state space model based on the black box system identification was developed for the three-DOF PEA. The developed model was then integrated in the output tracking based discrete PID-SMC, with its effectiveness verified through the experiments on a commercially available three-DOF PEA. The superiority of the proposed control method over the conventional PID controller was also experimentally investigated and demonstrated. Finally, by integrating with a DOB in the discrete PID-based SMC, a novel control scheme is resulted to compensate for the nonlinearities of the three-DOF PEA. To verify its effectiveness, the discrete DOB based PID-SMC was applied in the control experiments and compared with the existing SMC. The significance of this research lies in the development of the discrete models and PID-based SMC for PEAs, which is of great help to improve their performance. The successful application of the proposed method in the control of multi-DOF PEA allows the application of SMC to the control of complicated multi-inputs-multi-outputs (MIMO) systems without details regarding the internal configuration. Also, integration of the inversion based feedforward control and the DOB in the SMC design has been proven effective for the tracking control of PEAs

    Advanced Control of Piezoelectric Actuators.

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    168 p.A lo largo de las últimas décadas, la ingeniería de precisión ha tenido un papel importante como tecnología puntera donde la tendencia a la reducción de tamaño de las herramientas industriales ha sido clave. Los procesos industriales comenzaron a demandar precisión en el rango de nanómetros a micrómetros. Pese a que los actuadores convencionales no pueden reducirse lo suficiente ni lograr tal exactitud, los actuadores piezoeléctricos son una tecnología innovadora en este campo y su rendimiento aún está en estudio en la comunidad científica. Los actuadores piezoeléctricos se usan comúnmente en micro y nanomecatrónica para aplicaciones de posicionamiento debido a su alta resolución y fuerza de actuación (pueden llegar a soportar fuerzas de hasta 100 Newtons) en comparación con su tamaño. Todas estas características también se pueden combinar con una actuación rápida y rigidez, según los requisitos de la aplicación. Por lo tanto, con estas características, los actuadores piezoeléctricos pueden ser utilizados en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones industriales. Los efectos negativos, como la fluencia, vibraciones y la histéresis, se estudian comúnmente para mejorar el rendimiento cuando se requiere una alta precisión. Uno de los efectos que más reduce el rendimiento de los PEA es la histéresis. Esto se produce especialmente cuando el actuador está en una aplicación de guiado, por lo que la histéresis puede inducir errores que pueden alcanzar un valor de hasta 22%. Este fenómeno no lineal se puede definir como un efecto generado por la combinación de acciones mecánicas y eléctricas que depende de estados previos. La histéresis se puede reducir principalmente mediante dos estrategias: rediseño de materiales o algoritmos de control tipo feedback. El rediseño de material comprende varias desventajas por lo que el motivo principal de esta tesis está enfocado al diseño de algoritmos de control para reducir la histéresis. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de estrategias de control avanzadas que puedan mejorar la precisión de seguimiento de los actuadores piezoeléctricos comerciale

    Design and experimental validation of a piezoelectric actuator tracking control based on fuzzy logic and neural compensation

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    This work proposes two control feedback-feedforward algorithms, based on fuzzy logic in combination with neural networks, aimed at reducing the tracking error and improving the actuation signal of piezoelectric actuators. These are frequently used devices in a wide range of applications due to their high precision in micro- and nanopositioning combined with their mechanical stiffness. Nevertheless, the hysteresis is one the main phenomenon that degrades the performance of these actuators in tracking operations. The proposed control schemes were tested experimentally in a commercial piezoelectric actuator. They were implemented with a dSPACE 1104 device, which was used for signal generation and acquisition purposes. The performance of the proposed control schemes was compared to conventional structures based on proportional-integral-derivative and fuzzy logic in feedback configuration. Experimental results show the advantages of the proposed controllers, since they are capable of reducing the error to significant magnitude orders.The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Basque Government, through the project EKOHEGAZ (ELKARTEK KK-2021/00092), to the Diputación Foral de Álava (DFA), through the project CONAVANTER, and to the UPV/EHU, through the project GIU20/063, for supporting this work

    Advances in Spacecraft Systems and Orbit Determination

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    "Advances in Spacecraft Systems and Orbit Determinations", discusses the development of new technologies and the limitations of the present technology, used for interplanetary missions. Various experts have contributed to develop the bridge between present limitations and technology growth to overcome the limitations. Key features of this book inform us about the orbit determination techniques based on a smooth research based on astrophysics. The book also provides a detailed overview on Spacecraft Systems including reliability of low-cost AOCS, sliding mode controlling and a new view on attitude controller design based on sliding mode, with thrusters. It also provides a technological roadmap for HVAC optimization. The book also gives an excellent overview of resolving the difficulties for interplanetary missions with the comparison of present technologies and new advancements. Overall, this will be very much interesting book to explore the roadmap of technological growth in spacecraft systems

    Development of Novel Compound Controllers to Reduce Chattering of Sliding Mode Control

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    The robotics and dynamic systems constantly encountered with disturbances such as micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) gyroscope under disturbances result in mechanical coupling terms between two axes, friction forces in exoskeleton robot joints, and unmodelled dynamics of robot manipulator. Sliding mode control (SMC) is a robust controller. The main drawback of the sliding mode controller is that it produces high-frequency control signals, which leads to chattering. The research objective is to reduce chattering, improve robustness, and increase trajectory tracking of SMC. In this research, we developed controllers for three different dynamic systems: (i) MEMS, (ii) an Exoskeleton type robot, and (iii) a 2 DOF robot manipulator. We proposed three sliding mode control methods such as robust sliding mode control (RSMC), new sliding mode control (NSMC), and fractional sliding mode control (FSMC). These controllers were applied on MEMS gyroscope, Exoskeleton robot, and robot manipulator. The performance of the three proposed sliding mode controllers was compared with conventional sliding mode control (CSMC). The simulation results verified that FSMC exhibits better performance in chattering reduction, faster convergence, finite-time convergence, robustness, and trajectory tracking compared to RSMC, CSMC, and NSFC. Also, the tracking performance of NSMC was compared with CSMC experimentally, which demonstrated better performance of the NSMC controller