22,016 research outputs found

    Gibbs properties of the fuzzy Potts model on trees and in mean field

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    We study Gibbs properties of the fuzzy Potts model in the mean field case (i.e on a complete graph) and on trees. For the mean field case, a complete characterization of the set of temperatures for which non-Gibbsianness happens is given. The results for trees are somewhat less explicit, but we do show for general trees that non-Gibbsianness of the fuzzy Potts model happens exactly for those temperatures where the underlying Potts model has multiple Gibbs measures

    Gibbs properties of the fuzzy potts model on trees and in mean fields

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    We study Gibbs properties of the fuzzy Potts model in the mean field case (i.e on a complete graph) and on trees. For the mean field case, a complete characterization of the set of temperatures for which non-Gibbsianness happens is given. The results for trees are somewhat less explicit, but we do show for general trees that non-Gibbsianness of the fuzzy Potts model happens exactly for those temperatures where the underlying Potts model has multiple Gibbs measures

    Towards an ecological index for tropical soil quality based on soil macrofauna

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    The objective of this work was to construct a simple index based on the presence/absence of different groups of soil macrofauna to determine the ecological quality of soils. The index was tested with data from 20 sites in South and Central Tabasco, Mexico, and a positive relation between the model and the field observations was detected. The index showed that diverse agroforestry systems had the highest soil quality index (1.00), and monocrops without trees, such as pineapple, showed the lowest soil quality index (0.08). Further research is required to improve this model for natural systems that have very low earthworm biomass

    Modelling fraud detection by attack trees and Choquet integral

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    Modelling an attack tree is basically a matter of associating a logical ÒndÓand a logical ÒrÓ but in most of real world applications related to fraud management the Ònd/orÓlogic is not adequate to effectively represent the relationship between a parent node and its children, most of all when information about attributes is associated to the nodes and the main problem to solve is how to promulgate attribute values up the tree through recursive aggregation operations occurring at the Ònd/orÓnodes. OWA-based aggregations have been introduced to generalize ÒndÓand ÒrÓoperators starting from the observation that in between the extremes Òor allÓ(and) and Òor anyÓ(or), terms (quantifiers) like ÒeveralÓ ÒostÓ ÒewÓ ÒomeÓ etc. can be introduced to represent the different weights associated to the nodes in the aggregation. The aggregation process taking place at an OWA node depends on the ordered position of the child nodes but it doesnÕ take care of the possible interactions between the nodes. In this paper, we propose to overcome this drawback introducing the Choquet integral whose distinguished feature is to be able to take into account the interaction between nodes. At first, the attack tree is valuated recursively through a bottom-up algorithm whose complexity is linear versus the number of nodes and exponential for every node. Then, the algorithm is extended assuming that the attribute values in the leaves are unimodal LR fuzzy numbers and the calculation of Choquet integral is carried out using the alpha-cuts.Fraud detection; attack tree; ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator; Choquet integral; fuzzy numbers.

    Learning Membership Functions in a Function-Based Object Recognition System

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    Functionality-based recognition systems recognize objects at the category level by reasoning about how well the objects support the expected function. Such systems naturally associate a ``measure of goodness'' or ``membership value'' with a recognized object. This measure of goodness is the result of combining individual measures, or membership values, from potentially many primitive evaluations of different properties of the object's shape. A membership function is used to compute the membership value when evaluating a primitive of a particular physical property of an object. In previous versions of a recognition system known as Gruff, the membership function for each of the primitive evaluations was hand-crafted by the system designer. In this paper, we provide a learning component for the Gruff system, called Omlet, that automatically learns membership functions given a set of example objects labeled with their desired category measure. The learning algorithm is generally applicable to any problem in which low-level membership values are combined through an and-or tree structure to give a final overall membership value.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Automatic programming methodologies for electronic hardware fault monitoring

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    This paper presents three variants of Genetic Programming (GP) approaches for intelligent online performance monitoring of electronic circuits and systems. Reliability modeling of electronic circuits can be best performed by the Stressor - susceptibility interaction model. A circuit or a system is considered to be failed once the stressor has exceeded the susceptibility limits. For on-line prediction, validated stressor vectors may be obtained by direct measurements or sensors, which after pre-processing and standardization are fed into the GP models. Empirical results are compared with artificial neural networks trained using backpropagation algorithm and classification and regression trees. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by comparing the experiment results with the actual failure model values. The developed model reveals that GP could play an important role for future fault monitoring systems.This research was supported by the International Joint Research Grant of the IITA (Institute of Information Technology Assessment) foreign professor invitation program of the MIC (Ministry of Information and Communication), Korea

    Expert System for Crop Disease based on Graph Pattern Matching: A proposal

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    Para la agroindustria, las enfermedades en cultivos constituyen uno de los problemas más frecuentes que generan grandes pérdidas económicas y baja calidad en la producción. Por otro lado, desde las ciencias de la computación, han surgido diferentes herramientas cuya finalidad es mejorar la prevención y el tratamiento de estas enfermedades. En este sentido, investigaciones recientes proponen el desarrollo de sistemas expertos para resolver este problema haciendo uso de técnicas de minería de datos e inteligencia artificial, como inferencia basada en reglas, árboles de decisión, redes bayesianas, entre otras. Además, los grafos pueden ser usados para el almacenamiento de los diferentes tipos de variables que se encuentran presentes en un ambiente de cultivos, permitiendo la aplicación de técnicas de minería de datos en grafos, como el emparejamiento de patrones en los mismos. En este artículo presentamos una visión general de las temáticas mencionadas y una propuesta de un sistema experto para enfermedades en cultivos, basado en emparejamiento de patrones en grafos.For agroindustry, crop diseases constitute one of the most common problems that generate large economic losses and low production quality. On the other hand, from computer science, several tools have emerged in order to improve the prevention and treatment of these diseases. In this sense, recent research proposes the development of expert systems to solve this problem, making use of data mining and artificial intelligence techniques like rule-based inference, decision trees, Bayesian network, among others. Furthermore, graphs can be used for storage of different types of variables that are present in an environment of crops, allowing the application of graph data mining techniques like graph pattern matching. Therefore, in this paper we present an overview of the above issues and a proposal of an expert system for crop disease based on graph pattern matching