136 research outputs found

    Automatic Generation of Labeled 3D Point Clouds of Natural Environments with Gazebo.

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    https://conferences.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/author-ethics/guidelines-and-policies/post-publication-policies/#preprintProgress in applying supervised learning for nat- ural scene classification is impeded by the lack of appropriate datasets for training. This paper describes the automatic generation of synthetic three-dimensional (3D) scans of natural environments with each point labelled individually with its element class. The developed software employs the robotic simulator Gazebo to obtain range and intensity measurements from a 3D laser rangefinder aboard a ground mobile robot. Precisely, the returned intensity values are used to annotate every 3D point within its corresponding class 100% error free. Several examples are provided to show the utility of the proposed approach

    Ubiquitous supercomputing : design and development of enabling technologies for multi-robot systems rethinking supercomputing

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    Supercomputing, also known as High Performance Computing (HPC), is almost everywhere (ubiquitous), from the small widget in your phone telling you that today will be a sunny day, up to the next great contribution to the understanding of the origins of the universe.However, there is a field where supercomputing has been only slightly explored - robotics. Other than attempts to optimize complex robotics tasks, the two forces lack an effective alignment and a purposeful long-term contract. With advancements in miniaturization, communications and the appearance of powerful, energy and weight optimized embedded computing boards, a next logical transition corresponds to the creation of clusters of robots, a set of robotic entities that behave similarly as a supercomputer does. Yet, there is key aspect regarding our current understanding of what supercomputing means, or is useful for, that this work aims to redefine. For decades, supercomputing has been solely intended as a computing efficiency mechanism i.e. decreasing the computing time for complex tasks. While such train of thought have led to countless findings, supercomputing is more than that, because in order to provide the capacity of solving most problems quickly, another complete set of features must be provided, a set of features that can also be exploited in contexts such as robotics and that ultimately transform a set of independent entities into a cohesive unit.This thesis aims at rethinking what supercomputing means and to devise strategies to effectively set its inclusion within the robotics realm, contributing therefore to the ubiquity of supercomputing, the first main ideal of this work. With this in mind, a state of the art concerning previous attempts to mix robotics and HPC will be outlined, followed by the proposal of High Performance Robotic Computing (HPRC), a new concept mapping supercomputing to the nuances of multi-robot systems. HPRC can be thought as supercomputing in the edge and while this approach will provide all kind of advantages, in certain applications it might not be enough since interaction with external infrastructures will be required or desired. To facilitate such interaction, this thesis proposes the concept of ubiquitous supercomputing as the union of HPC, HPRC and two more type of entities, computing-less devices (e.g. sensor networks, etc.) and humans.The results of this thesis include the ubiquitous supercomputing ontology and an enabling technology depicted as The ARCHADE. The technology serves as a middleware between a mission and a supercomputing infrastructure and as a framework to facilitate the execution of any type of mission, i.e. precision agriculture, entertainment, inspection and monitoring, etc. Furthermore, the results of the execution of a set of missions are discussed.By integrating supercomputing and robotics, a second ideal is targeted, ubiquitous robotics, i.e. the use of robots in all kind of applications. Correspondingly, a review of existing ubiquitous robotics frameworks is presented and based upon its conclusions, The ARCHADE's design and development have followed the guidelines for current and future solutions. Furthermore, The ARCHADE is based on a rethought supercomputing where performance is not the only feature to be provided by ubiquitous supercomputing systems. However, performance indicators will be discussed, along with those related to other supercomputing features.Supercomputing has been an excellent ally for scientific exploration and not so long ago for commercial activities, leading to all kind of improvements in our lives, in our society and in our future. With the results of this thesis, the joining of two fields, two forces previously disconnected because of their philosophical approaches and their divergent backgrounds, holds enormous potential to open up our imagination for all kind of new applications and for a world where robotics and supercomputing are everywhere.La supercomputación, también conocida como Computación de Alto Rendimiento (HPC por sus siglas en inglés) puede encontrarse en casi cualquier lugar (ubicua), desde el widget en tu teléfono diciéndote que hoy será un día soleado, hasta la siguiente gran contribución al entendimiento de los orígenes del universo. Sin embargo, hay un campo en el que ha sido poco explorada - la robótica. Más allá de intentos de optimizar tareas robóticas complejas, las dos fuerzas carecen de un contrato a largo plazo. Dado los avances en miniaturización, comunicaciones y la aparición de potentes computadores embebidos, optimizados en peso y energía, la siguiente transición corresponde a la creación de un cluster de robots, un conjunto de robots que se comportan de manera similar a un supercomputador. No obstante, hay un aspecto clave, con respecto a la comprensión de la supercomputación, que esta tesis pretende redefinir. Durante décadas, la supercomputación ha sido entendida como un mecanismo de eficiencia computacional, es decir para reducir el tiempo de computación de ciertos problemas extremadamente complejos. Si bien este enfoque ha conducido a innumerables hallazgos, la supercomputación es más que eso, porque para proporcionar la capacidad de resolver todo tipo de problemas rápidamente, se debe proporcionar otro conjunto de características que también pueden ser explotadas en la robótica y que transforman un conjunto de robots en una unidad cohesiva. Esta tesis pretende repensar lo que significa la supercomputación y diseñar estrategias para establecer su inclusión dentro del mundo de la robótica, contribuyendo así a su ubicuidad, el principal ideal de este trabajo. Con esto en mente, se presentará un estado del arte relacionado con intentos anteriores de mezclar robótica y HPC, seguido de la propuesta de Computación Robótica de Alto Rendimiento (HPRC, por sus siglas en inglés), un nuevo concepto, que mapea la supercomputación a los matices específicos de los sistemas multi-robot. HPRC puede pensarse como supercomputación en el borde y si bien este enfoque proporcionará todo tipo de ventajas, ciertas aplicaciones requerirán una interacción con infraestructuras externas. Para facilitar dicha interacción, esta tesis propone el concepto de supercomputación ubicua como la unión de HPC, HPRC y dos tipos más de entidades, dispositivos sin computación embebida y seres humanos. Los resultados de esta tesis incluyen la ontología de la supercomputación ubicua y una tecnología llamada The ARCHADE. La tecnología actúa como middleware entre una misión y una infraestructura de supercomputación y como framework para facilitar la ejecución de cualquier tipo de misión, por ejemplo, agricultura de precisión, inspección y monitoreo, etc. Al integrar la supercomputación y la robótica, se busca un segundo ideal, robótica ubicua, es decir el uso de robots en todo tipo de aplicaciones. Correspondientemente, una revisión de frameworks existentes relacionados serán discutidos. El diseño y desarrollo de The ARCHADE ha seguido las pautas y sugerencias encontradas en dicha revisión. Además, The ARCHADE se basa en una supercomputación repensada donde la eficiencia computacional no es la única característica proporcionada a sistemas basados en la tecnología. Sin embargo, se analizarán indicadores de eficiencia computacional, junto con otros indicadores relacionados con otras características de la supercomputación. La supercomputación ha sido un excelente aliado para la exploración científica, conduciendo a todo tipo de mejoras en nuestras vidas, nuestra sociedad y nuestro futuro. Con los resultados de esta tesis, la unión de dos campos, dos fuerzas previamente desconectadas debido a sus enfoques filosóficos y sus antecedentes divergentes, tiene un enorme potencial para abrir nuestra imaginación hacia todo tipo de aplicaciones nuevas y para un mundo donde la robótica y la supercomputación estén en todos lado

    Ubiquitous supercomputing : design and development of enabling technologies for multi-robot systems rethinking supercomputing

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    Supercomputing, also known as High Performance Computing (HPC), is almost everywhere (ubiquitous), from the small widget in your phone telling you that today will be a sunny day, up to the next great contribution to the understanding of the origins of the universe.However, there is a field where supercomputing has been only slightly explored - robotics. Other than attempts to optimize complex robotics tasks, the two forces lack an effective alignment and a purposeful long-term contract. With advancements in miniaturization, communications and the appearance of powerful, energy and weight optimized embedded computing boards, a next logical transition corresponds to the creation of clusters of robots, a set of robotic entities that behave similarly as a supercomputer does. Yet, there is key aspect regarding our current understanding of what supercomputing means, or is useful for, that this work aims to redefine. For decades, supercomputing has been solely intended as a computing efficiency mechanism i.e. decreasing the computing time for complex tasks. While such train of thought have led to countless findings, supercomputing is more than that, because in order to provide the capacity of solving most problems quickly, another complete set of features must be provided, a set of features that can also be exploited in contexts such as robotics and that ultimately transform a set of independent entities into a cohesive unit.This thesis aims at rethinking what supercomputing means and to devise strategies to effectively set its inclusion within the robotics realm, contributing therefore to the ubiquity of supercomputing, the first main ideal of this work. With this in mind, a state of the art concerning previous attempts to mix robotics and HPC will be outlined, followed by the proposal of High Performance Robotic Computing (HPRC), a new concept mapping supercomputing to the nuances of multi-robot systems. HPRC can be thought as supercomputing in the edge and while this approach will provide all kind of advantages, in certain applications it might not be enough since interaction with external infrastructures will be required or desired. To facilitate such interaction, this thesis proposes the concept of ubiquitous supercomputing as the union of HPC, HPRC and two more type of entities, computing-less devices (e.g. sensor networks, etc.) and humans.The results of this thesis include the ubiquitous supercomputing ontology and an enabling technology depicted as The ARCHADE. The technology serves as a middleware between a mission and a supercomputing infrastructure and as a framework to facilitate the execution of any type of mission, i.e. precision agriculture, entertainment, inspection and monitoring, etc. Furthermore, the results of the execution of a set of missions are discussed.By integrating supercomputing and robotics, a second ideal is targeted, ubiquitous robotics, i.e. the use of robots in all kind of applications. Correspondingly, a review of existing ubiquitous robotics frameworks is presented and based upon its conclusions, The ARCHADE's design and development have followed the guidelines for current and future solutions. Furthermore, The ARCHADE is based on a rethought supercomputing where performance is not the only feature to be provided by ubiquitous supercomputing systems. However, performance indicators will be discussed, along with those related to other supercomputing features.Supercomputing has been an excellent ally for scientific exploration and not so long ago for commercial activities, leading to all kind of improvements in our lives, in our society and in our future. With the results of this thesis, the joining of two fields, two forces previously disconnected because of their philosophical approaches and their divergent backgrounds, holds enormous potential to open up our imagination for all kind of new applications and for a world where robotics and supercomputing are everywhere.La supercomputación, también conocida como Computación de Alto Rendimiento (HPC por sus siglas en inglés) puede encontrarse en casi cualquier lugar (ubicua), desde el widget en tu teléfono diciéndote que hoy será un día soleado, hasta la siguiente gran contribución al entendimiento de los orígenes del universo. Sin embargo, hay un campo en el que ha sido poco explorada - la robótica. Más allá de intentos de optimizar tareas robóticas complejas, las dos fuerzas carecen de un contrato a largo plazo. Dado los avances en miniaturización, comunicaciones y la aparición de potentes computadores embebidos, optimizados en peso y energía, la siguiente transición corresponde a la creación de un cluster de robots, un conjunto de robots que se comportan de manera similar a un supercomputador. No obstante, hay un aspecto clave, con respecto a la comprensión de la supercomputación, que esta tesis pretende redefinir. Durante décadas, la supercomputación ha sido entendida como un mecanismo de eficiencia computacional, es decir para reducir el tiempo de computación de ciertos problemas extremadamente complejos. Si bien este enfoque ha conducido a innumerables hallazgos, la supercomputación es más que eso, porque para proporcionar la capacidad de resolver todo tipo de problemas rápidamente, se debe proporcionar otro conjunto de características que también pueden ser explotadas en la robótica y que transforman un conjunto de robots en una unidad cohesiva. Esta tesis pretende repensar lo que significa la supercomputación y diseñar estrategias para establecer su inclusión dentro del mundo de la robótica, contribuyendo así a su ubicuidad, el principal ideal de este trabajo. Con esto en mente, se presentará un estado del arte relacionado con intentos anteriores de mezclar robótica y HPC, seguido de la propuesta de Computación Robótica de Alto Rendimiento (HPRC, por sus siglas en inglés), un nuevo concepto, que mapea la supercomputación a los matices específicos de los sistemas multi-robot. HPRC puede pensarse como supercomputación en el borde y si bien este enfoque proporcionará todo tipo de ventajas, ciertas aplicaciones requerirán una interacción con infraestructuras externas. Para facilitar dicha interacción, esta tesis propone el concepto de supercomputación ubicua como la unión de HPC, HPRC y dos tipos más de entidades, dispositivos sin computación embebida y seres humanos. Los resultados de esta tesis incluyen la ontología de la supercomputación ubicua y una tecnología llamada The ARCHADE. La tecnología actúa como middleware entre una misión y una infraestructura de supercomputación y como framework para facilitar la ejecución de cualquier tipo de misión, por ejemplo, agricultura de precisión, inspección y monitoreo, etc. Al integrar la supercomputación y la robótica, se busca un segundo ideal, robótica ubicua, es decir el uso de robots en todo tipo de aplicaciones. Correspondientemente, una revisión de frameworks existentes relacionados serán discutidos. El diseño y desarrollo de The ARCHADE ha seguido las pautas y sugerencias encontradas en dicha revisión. Además, The ARCHADE se basa en una supercomputación repensada donde la eficiencia computacional no es la única característica proporcionada a sistemas basados en la tecnología. Sin embargo, se analizarán indicadores de eficiencia computacional, junto con otros indicadores relacionados con otras características de la supercomputación. La supercomputación ha sido un excelente aliado para la exploración científica, conduciendo a todo tipo de mejoras en nuestras vidas, nuestra sociedad y nuestro futuro. Con los resultados de esta tesis, la unión de dos campos, dos fuerzas previamente desconectadas debido a sus enfoques filosóficos y sus antecedentes divergentes, tiene un enorme potencial para abrir nuestra imaginación hacia todo tipo de aplicaciones nuevas y para un mundo donde la robótica y la supercomputación estén en todos ladosPostprint (published version

    Astrobee Robot Software: A Modern Software System for Space

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    Astrobee is a new free-flyer robot designed to operate inside the International Space Station (ISS). Astrobee capabilities include markerless navigation, autonomous docking for recharge, perching on handrails to minimize power and modular payloads. Astrobee will operate without crew support, controlled by teleoperation, plan execution, or on-board third parties software. This paper presents the Astrobee Robot Software, a NASA Open-Source project, powering the Astrobee robot. The Astrobee Robot Software relies on a distributed architecture based on the Robot Operating System (ROS). The software runs on three interconnected smart phone class processors. We present the software approach, infrastructure required, and main software components. The Astrobee Robot Software embrace modern software practices while respecting flight constraints. The paper concludes with the lessons learned, including examples usage of the software. Several research teams are already using the Astrobee Robot Software to develop novel projects that will fly on Astrobee

    Mapping and Optimizing Communication in ROS 2-based Applications on Configurable System-on-Chip Platforms

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    The robot operating system is the de-facto standard for designing and implementing robotics applications. Several previous works deal with the integration of heterogeneous accelerators into ROS-based applications. One of these approaches is ReconROS, which enables nodes to be completely mapped to hardware. The follow-up work fpgaDDS extends ReconROS by an intra-FPGA data distribution service to process topic-based communication between nodes entirely in hardware. However, the application of this approach is strictly limited to communication between nodes implemented in hardware only. This paper introduces gateways to close the gap between topic communication in hardware and software. Gateways aim to reduce data transfers between hardware and software by synchronizing a hardware-and software-mapped topic. As a result, data must be transferred only once compared to a separate data transmission for each subscribing hardware node in the baseline. Our measurements show significant speedups in multi-subscriber scenarios with large message sizes. From the conclusions of these measurements, we present a methodology for the communication mapping of ROS 2 computation graphs. In the evaluation, an autonomous driving real-world example benefits from the gateway and achieves a speedup of 1.4

    A Flexible-Frame-Rate Vision-Aided Inertial Object Tracking System for Mobile Devices

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    Real-time object pose estimation and tracking is challenging but essential for emerging augmented reality (AR) applications. In general, state-of-the-art methods address this problem using deep neural networks which indeed yield satisfactory results. Nevertheless, the high computational cost of these methods makes them unsuitable for mobile devices where real-world applications usually take place. In addition, head-mounted displays such as AR glasses require at least 90~FPS to avoid motion sickness, which further complicates the problem. We propose a flexible-frame-rate object pose estimation and tracking system for mobile devices. It is a monocular visual-inertial-based system with a client-server architecture. Inertial measurement unit (IMU) pose propagation is performed on the client side for high speed tracking, and RGB image-based 3D pose estimation is performed on the server side to obtain accurate poses, after which the pose is sent to the client side for visual-inertial fusion, where we propose a bias self-correction mechanism to reduce drift. We also propose a pose inspection algorithm to detect tracking failures and incorrect pose estimation. Connected by high-speed networking, our system supports flexible frame rates up to 120 FPS and guarantees high precision and real-time tracking on low-end devices. Both simulations and real world experiments show that our method achieves accurate and robust object tracking

    Deploying and Optimizing Embodied Simulations of Large-Scale Spiking Neural Networks on HPC Infrastructure

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    Simulating the brain-body-environment trinity in closed loop is an attractive proposal to investigate how perception, motor activity and interactions with the environment shape brain activity, and vice versa. The relevance of this embodied approach, however, hinges entirely on the modeled complexity of the various simulated phenomena. In this article, we introduce a software framework that is capable of simulating large-scale, biologically realistic networks of spiking neurons embodied in a biomechanically accurate musculoskeletal system that interacts with a physically realistic virtual environment. We deploy this framework on the high performance computing resources of the EBRAINS research infrastructure and we investigate the scaling performance by distributing computation across an increasing number of interconnected compute nodes. Our architecture is based on requested compute nodes as well as persistent virtualmachines; this provides a high-performance simulation environment that is accessible to multidomain users without expert knowledge, with a view to enable users to instantiate and control simulations at custom scale via a web-based graphical user interface. Our simulation environment, entirely open source, is based on the Neurorobotics Platform developed in the context of the Human Brain Project, and the NEST simulator. We characterize the capabilities of our parallelized architecture for large-scale embodied brain simulations through two benchmark experiments, by investigating the effects of scaling compute resources on performance defined in terms of experiment runtime, brain instantiation and simulation time. The first benchmark is based on a largescale balanced network, while the second one is a multi-region embodied brain simulation consisting of more than a million neurons and a billion synapses. Both benchmarks clearly show how scaling compute resources improves the aforementioned performance metrics in a near-linear fashion. The second benchmark in particular is indicative of both the potential and limitations of a highly distributed simulation in terms of a trade-off between computation speed and resource cost. Our simulation architecture is being prepared to be accessible for everyone as an EBRAINS service, thereby offering a community-wide tool with a unique workflow that should provide momentum to the investigation of closed-loop embodiment within the computational neuroscience community.European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme 785907 945539European Union’s Horizon 2020 800858MEXT (hp200139, hp210169) MEXT KAKENHI grant no. 17H06310

    Deploying and Optimizing Embodied Simulations of Large-Scale Spiking Neural Networks on HPC Infrastructure

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    Simulating the brain-body-environment trinity in closed loop is an attractive proposal to investigate how perception, motor activity and interactions with the environment shape brain activity, and vice versa. The relevance of this embodied approach, however, hinges entirely on the modeled complexity of the various simulated phenomena. In this article, we introduce a software framework that is capable of simulating large-scale, biologically realistic networks of spiking neurons embodied in a biomechanically accurate musculoskeletal system that interacts with a physically realistic virtual environment. We deploy this framework on the high performance computing resources of the EBRAINS research infrastructure and we investigate the scaling performance by distributing computation across an increasing number of interconnected compute nodes. Our architecture is based on requested compute nodes as well as persistent virtual machines; this provides a high-performance simulation environment that is accessible to multi-domain users without expert knowledge, with a view to enable users to instantiate and control simulations at custom scale via a web-based graphical user interface. Our simulation environment, entirely open source, is based on the Neurorobotics Platform developed in the context of the Human Brain Project, and the NEST simulator. We characterize the capabilities of our parallelized architecture for large-scale embodied brain simulations through two benchmark experiments, by investigating the effects of scaling compute resources on performance defined in terms of experiment runtime, brain instantiation and simulation time. The first benchmark is based on a large-scale balanced network, while the second one is a multi-region embodied brain simulation consisting of more than a million neurons and a billion synapses. Both benchmarks clearly show how scaling compute resources improves the aforementioned performance metrics in a near-linear fashion. The second benchmark in particular is indicative of both the potential and limitations of a highly distributed simulation in terms of a trade-off between computation speed and resource cost. Our simulation architecture is being prepared to be accessible for everyone as an EBRAINS service, thereby offering a community-wide tool with a unique workflow that should provide momentum to the investigation of closed-loop embodiment within the computational neuroscience community.journal articl