36,808 research outputs found

    A Case Base View of Heart Failure Predisposition Risk

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    Heart failure stands for an abnormality in cardiac structure or function which results in the incapability of the heart to deliver oxygen at an ideal rate. This is a worldwide problem of public health, characterized by high mortality, frequent hospitalization and reduced quality of life. Thus, this work will focus on the development of a decision support system to assess heart failure predisposing risk. The framework is built on top of a Logic Programming approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, complemented with a Case Based approach to computing. The proposed solution is unique in itself, once it caters for the explicit treatment of incomplete, unknown, or even self-contradictory information, either in terms of a qualitative or quantitative setting. Furthermore, clustering methods based on similarity analysis among cases were used to distinguish and aggregate collections of historical data or knowledge in order to reduce the search space, therefore enhancing the cases retrieval and the overall computational process. The proposed model classifies properly the patients exhibiting accuracy and sensitivity higher than 90%

    Tricuspid valve dysplasia in dogs

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    A general overview of tricuspid valve dysplasia in dogs is presented in this review. This congenital disease has been described in numerous large dog breeds but especially the Labrador retriever is predisposed. The condition is relatively uncommon, with a prevalence of approximately seven percent of all congenital heart diseases in dogs. The asymptomatic phase may last for several years and depends on the severity of the valve malformation. In the clinical phase, exercise intolerance, fatigue, anorexia, cardiac cachexia, dyspnea and signs of right-sided congestive heart failure can be present. Echocardiography including Doppler imaging is warranted to confirm the diagnosis. Curative treatment involves surgical valve replacement but is technically challenging and still in its experimental phase in dogs. As such, treatment in dogs involves the administration of supportive medication once the dogs develop symptoms of congestive heart failure and consists of diuretics, ace-inhibitors and positive inotropic drugs

    Diabetes mellitus and ischemic heart disease. the role of ion channels

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    Diabetes mellitus is one the strongest risk factors for cardiovascular disease and, in particular, for ischemic heart disease (IHD). The pathophysiology of myocardial ischemia in diabetic patients is complex and not fully understood: some diabetic patients have mainly coronary stenosis obstructing blood flow to the myocardium; others present with coronary microvascular disease with an absence of plaques in the epicardial vessels. Ion channels acting in the cross-talk between the myocardial energy state and coronary blood flow may play a role in the pathophysiology of IHD in diabetic patients. In particular, some genetic variants for ATP-dependent potassium channels seem to be involved in the determinism of IH

    Retrospective study of the association between neutering status and changes secondary to degenerative mitral valve disease

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaMyxomatous mitral valve disease is the most common cardiovascular disease reported in dogs. Although many patients may remain asymptomatic, some of them progress to left-sided congestive heart failure and develop clinical signs. Little has yet been published regarding the possible influence of the neutering status on changes secondary to myxomatous mitral valve disease. This study aims to assess a possible correlation between neutering status and myxomatous mitral valve disease. A retrospective study was conducted and included all the cases diagnosed with myxomatous mitral valve disease, consulted at the Cardiology service of the University of Liverpool. To help assess the association between neutering status and cardiac remodelling, dogs were categorized into four groups: FE (female entire), FN (female neutered), ME (male entire) and MN (male neutered). Retrospective review of echocardiographic data, signalment, and underlying diseases were performed. Echocardiographic measurements were made through offline analysis. Echocardiographic measurements were then compared between groups. Five hundred and eighty-two dogs (n = 582) were included: female entire (n = 24), female neutered (n = 235), male entire (n = 115) and male neutered (n = 208). Left ventricular internal diameter at end diastole (LVIDd), left atrial dimension to the aortic root diameter (LA:Ao) and left atrium maximal dimension to the aortic root dimension (LAmax:Ao) were significantly different between ME and MN, with ME dogs presenting higher mean values for LVIDd and higher median LA:Ao and LAmax:Ao measurements. Left ventricular internal diameter at end systole (LVIDs) was not significantly different between ME and MN. There were no significant differences between FE and FN groups. This study shows that neutering status may influence the development of myxomatous mitral valve disease in male dogs and that entire male dogs could be at higher risk of developing cardiac remodelling secondary to myxomatous mitral valve disease. On the other hand, neutering status doesn’t seem to have an influence on disease progression in female dogs.RESUMO - Estudo retrospetivo da associação entre a esterilização e alterações secundárias à doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral - A doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral é a doença cardiovascular mais prevalente em cães. Apesar da maior parte dos pacientes permanecerem assintomáticos, alguns podem progredir para insuficiência cardíaca esquerda e desenvolver sinais clínicos. Até hoje, existem poucas publicações sobre o possível efeito que a esterilização possa ter no desenvolvimento da doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar se existe de facto uma relação entre a esterilização e a doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral. Foi realizado um estudo retrospetivo que incluiu todos os casos diagnosticados com doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral consultados no serviço de Cardiologia da Universidade de Liverpool. Para avaliar a relação entre a esterilização e a presença de remodelação cardíaca, os cães foram categorizados em quatro grupos: FE (fêmeas inteiras), FN (fêmeas esterilizadas), ME (machos inteiros) e MN (machos castrados). A história pregressa e os dados ecocardiográficos dos animais foram revistos retrospetivamente e as medidas ecocardiográficas foram obtidas por medição offline. Estas medições foram depois comparadas entre os diferentes grupos. Quinhentos e oitenta e dois cães (n = 582) foram incluídos: fêmeas inteiras (n = 24), fêmeas esterilizadas (n = 235), machos inteiros (n = 115) e machos castrados (n = 208). Nos resultados obtidos, o diâmetro interno do ventrículo esquerdo no final da diástole (LVIDd), o rácio átrio esquerdo-aorta (LA:Ao) e o rácio diâmetro máximo do átrio esquerdo-aorta (LAmax:Ao) foram estatisticamente significativos entre machos inteiros e machos castrados. Os machos inteiros apresentaram não só um LVIDd médio superior, como também uma mediana de LA:Ao e LAmax:Ao superior aos machos castrados. Ao mesmo tempo, o diâmetro interno do ventrículo esquerdo no final da sístole (LVIDs) não mostrou ser estatisticamente significativo entre machos inteiros e machos castrados e nenhum dos parâmetros ecocardiográficos anteriormente referidos revelou ser estatisticamente significativo entre fêmeas inteiras e fêmeas esterilizadas. Este estudo demonstra que a esterilização poderá influenciar o desenvolvimento da doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral e que os cães machos inteiros poderão apresentar um maior risco de desenvolver remodelação cardíaca secundária a esta doença. No entanto, a esterilização não aparenta influenciar a progressão desta doença em cadelas.N/

    Metabolic and vascular effect of the mediterranean diet

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    Several studies indicated how dietary patterns that were obtained from nutritional cluster analysis can predict disease risk or mortality. Low-grade chronic inflammation represents a background pathogenetic mechanism linking metabolic risk factors to increased risk of chronic degenerative diseases. A Mediterranean diet (MeDi) style has been reported as associated with a lower degree of inflammation biomarkers and with a protective role on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. There is heterogeneity in defining the MedDiet, and it can, owing to its complexity, be considered as an exposome with thousands of nutrients and phytochemicals. Recently, it has been reported a novel positive association between baseline plasma ceramide concentrations and cardiovascular events and how adherence to a Mediterranean Diet-style may influence the potential negative relationship between elevated plasma ceramide concentrations and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) showed the positive effects of the MeDi diet style on several cardiovascular risk factors, such as body mass index, waist circumference, blood lipids, blood pressure, inflammatory markers and adhesion molecules, and diabetes and how these advantages of the MeDi are maintained in comparison of a low-fat diet. Some studies reported a positive effect of adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and heart failure incidence, whereas some recent studies, such as the PREDIMED study, showed that the incidence of major cardiovascular events was lower among those assigned to MeDi supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts than among those assigned to a reduced-fat diet. New studies are needed to better understand the molecular mechanisms, whereby the MedDiet may exercise its effects. Here, we present recent advances in understanding the molecular basis of MedDiet effects, mainly focusing on cardiovascular diseases, but also discussing other related diseases. We review MedDiet composition and assessment as well as the latest advances in the genomic, epigenomic (DNA methylation, histone modifications, microRNAs, and other emerging regulators), transcriptomic (selected genes and whole transcriptome), and metabolomic and metagenomic aspects of the MedDiet effects (as a whole and for its most typical food components). We also present a review of the clinical effects of this dietary style underlying the biochemical and molecular effects of the Mediterranean diet. Our purpose is to review the main features of the Mediterranean diet in particular its benefits on human health, underling the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-atherosclerotic effects to which new knowledge about epigenetic and gut-microbiota relationship is recently added

    Stroke genetics: prospects for personalized medicine.

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    Epidemiologic evidence supports a genetic predisposition to stroke. Recent advances, primarily using the genome-wide association study approach, are transforming what we know about the genetics of multifactorial stroke, and are identifying novel stroke genes. The current findings are consistent with different stroke subtypes having different genetic architecture. These discoveries may identify novel pathways involved in stroke pathogenesis, and suggest new treatment approaches. However, the already identified genetic variants explain only a small proportion of overall stroke risk, and therefore are not currently useful in predicting risk for the individual patient. Such risk prediction may become a reality as identification of a greater number of stroke risk variants that explain the majority of genetic risk proceeds, and perhaps when information on rare variants, identified by whole-genome sequencing, is also incorporated into risk algorithms. Pharmacogenomics may offer the potential for earlier implementation of 'personalized genetic' medicine. Genetic variants affecting clopidogrel and warfarin metabolism may identify non-responders and reduce side-effects, but these approaches have not yet been widely adopted in clinical practice

    Stratification of the phase clouds and statistical effects of the non-Markovity in chaotic time series of human gait for healthy people and Parkinson patients

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    In this work we develop a new method of diagnosing the nervous system diseases and a new approach in studying human gait dynamics with the help of the theory of discrete non-Markov random processes. The stratification of the phase clouds and the statistical non-Markov effects in the time series of the dynamics of human gait are considered. We carried out the comparative analysis of the data of four age groups of healthy people: children (from 3 to 10 year olds), teenagers (from 11 to 14 year oulds), young people (from 21 up to 29 year oulds), elderly persons (from 71 to 77 year olds) and Parkinson patients. The full data set are analyzed with the help of the phase portraits of the four dynamic variables, the power spectra of the initial time correlation function and the memory functions of junior orders, the three first points in the spectra of the statistical non-Markov parameter. The received results allow to define the predisposition of the probationers to deflections in the central nervous system caused by Parkinson's disease. We have found out distinct differencies between the five submitted groups. On this basis we offer a new method of diagnostics and forecasting Parkinson's disease.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figs, 3 Table