15 research outputs found

    On the expressiveness of forwarding in higher-order communication

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    Abstract. In higher-order process calculi the values exchanged in communications may contain processes. There are only two capabilities for received processes: execution and forwarding. Here we propose a limited form of forwarding: output actions can only communicate the parallel composition of statically known closed processes and processes received through previously executed input actions. We study the expressiveness of a higher-order process calculus featuring this style of communication. Our main result shows that in this calculus termination is decidable while convergence is undecidable.

    On the Power of Name-Passing Communication

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    It is shown that generally higher order process calculi cannot be interpreted in name-passing calculi in a robust way

    From CML to process Algebras

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    Reppy's language CML extends Standard ML of Milner et al. with primitives for communication. It thus inherits a notion of strong polymorphic typing and may be equipped with a structural operational semantics. We formulate an effect system for statically expressing the communication behaviours of CML programs as these are not otherwise reflected in the types.We then show how types and behaviours evolve in the course of computation: types may decrease and behaviours may loose alternatives as well as decrease. It will turn out that the syntax of behaviours is rather similar to that of a process algebra; our main results may therefore be viewed as regarding the semantics of a process algebra as an abstraction of the semantics of an underlying programming language. This establishes a new kind of connection between ''realistic'' concurrent programming languages and ''theoretical'' process algebras

    Fully Abstract Translations Between Functional Languages

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    We examine the problem of finding fully abstract translations between programming languages, i.e., translations that preserve code equivalence and nonequivalence. We present three examples of fully abstract translations: one from call-by-value to lazy PCF, one from call-by name to call-by-value PCF, and one from lazy to call-by-value PCF. The translations yield upper and lower bounds on decision procedures for proving equivalences of code. We finally define a notion of functional translation that captures the essence of the proofs of full abstraction, and show that some languages cannot be translated into others

    Domain Theory for Concurrency

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    A simple domain theory for concurrency is presented. Based on a categorical model of linear logic and associated comonads, it highlights the role of linearity in concurrent computation. Two choices of comonad yield two expressive metalanguages for higher-order processes, both arising from canonical constructions in the model. Their denotational semantics are fully abstract with respect to contextual equivalence. One language derives from an exponential of linear logic; it supports a straightforward operational semantics with simple proofs of soundness and adequacy. The other choice of comonad yields a model of affine-linear logic, and a process language with a tensor operation to be understood as a parallel composition of independent processes. The domain theory can be generalised to presheaf models, providing a more refined treatment of nondeterministic branching. The article concludes with a discussion of a broader programme of research, towards a fully fledged domain theory for concurrency

    A unified rule format for bounded nondeterminism in SOS with terms as labels

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    We present a unified rule format for structural operational semantics with terms as labels that guarantees that the associated labelled transition system has some bounded-nondeterminism property. The properties we consider include finite branching, initials finiteness and image finiteness

    Calculi for higher order communicating systems

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    This thesis develops two Calculi for Higher Order Communicating Systems. Both calculi consider sending and receiving processes to be as fundamental as nondeterminism and parallel composition. The first calculus called CHOCS is an extension of Milner's CCS in the sense that all the constructions of CCS are included or may be derived from more fundamental constructs. Most of the mathematical framework of CCS carries over almost unchanged. The operational semantics of CHOCS is given as a labelled transition system and it is a direct extension of the semantics of CCS with value passing. A set of algebraic laws satisfied by the calculus is presented. These are similar to the CCS laws only introducing obvious extra laws for sending and receiving processes. The power of process passing is underlined by a result showing that the recursion operator is unnecessary in the sense that recursion can be simulated by means of process passing and communication. The CHOCS language is also studied by means of a denotational semantics. A major result is the full abstractness of this semantics with respect to the operational semantics. The denotational semantics is used to provide an easy proof of the simulation of recursion. Introducing processes as first class objects yields a powerful metalanguage. It is shown that it is possible to simulate various reduction strategies of the untyped λ-Calculus in CHOCS. As pointed out by Milner, CCS has its limitations when one wants to describe unboundedly expanding systems, e.g. an unbounded number of procedure invocations in an imperative concurrent programming language P with recursive procedures. CHOCS may neatly describe both call-by-value and call-by-reference parameter mechanisms for P. We also consider call-by-name and lazy parameter mechanisms for P. The second calculus is called Plain CHOCS. Essential to the new calculus is the treatment of restriction as a static binding operator on port names. This calculus is given an operational semantics using labelled transition systems which combines ideas from the applicative transition systems described by Abramsky and the transition systems used for CHOCS. This calculus enjoys algebraic properties which are similar to those of CHOCS only needing obvious extra laws for the static nature of the restriction operator. Processes as first class objects enable description of networks with changing interconnection structure and there is a close connection between the Plain CHOCS calculus and the π-Calculus described by Milner, Parrow and Walker: the two calculi can simulate one another. Recently object oriented programming has grown into a major discipline in computational practice as well as in computer science. From a theoretical point of view object oriented programming presents a challenge to any metalanguage since most object oriented languages have no formal semantics. We show how Plain CHOCS may be used to give a semantics to a prototype object oriented language called 0.Open Acess

    A Calculus of Mobile Processes, I

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    AbstractWe present the π-calculus, a calculus of communicating systems in which one can naturally express processes which have changing structure. Not only may the component agents of a system be arbitrarily linked, but a communication between neighbours may carry information which changes that linkage. The calculus is an extension of the process algebra CCS, following work by Engberg and Nielsen, who added mobility to CCS while preserving its algebraic properties. The π-calculus gains simplicity by removing all distinction between variables and constants; communication links are identified by names, and computation is represented purely as the communication of names across links. After an illustrated description of how the π-calculus generalises conventional process algebras in treating mobility, several examples exploiting mobility are given in some detail. The important examples are the encoding into the π-calculus of higher-order functions (the λ-calculus and combinatory algebra), the transmission of processes as values, and the representation of data structures as processes. The paper continues by presenting the algebraic theory of strong bisimilarity and strong equivalence, including a new notion of equivalence indexed by distinctions—i.e., assumptions of inequality among names. These theories are based upon a semantics in terms of a labeled transition system and a notion of strong bisimulation, both of which are expounded in detail in a companion paper. We also report briefly on work-in-progress based upon the corresponding notion of weak bisimulation, in which internal actions cannot be observed

    Particpants' Proceedings on the Workshop: Types for Program Analysis

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    As a satellite meeting of the TAPSOFT'95 conference we organized a small workshop on program analysis. The title of the workshop, ``Types for Program Analysis´´, was motivated by the recent trend of letting the presentation and development of program analyses be influenced by annotated type systems, effect systems, and more general logical systems. The contents of the workshop was intended to be somewhat broader; consequently the call for participation listed the following areas of interest:- specification of specific analyses for programming languages,- the role of effects, polymorphism, conjunction/disjunction types, dependent types etc.in specification of analyses,- algorithmic tools and methods for solving general classes of type-based analyses,- the role of unification, semi-unification etc. in implementations of analyses,- proof techniques for establishing the safety of analyses,- relationship to other approaches to program analysis, including abstract interpretation and constraint-based methods,- exploitation of analysis results in program optimization and implementation.The submissions were not formally refereed; however each submission was read by several members of the program committee and received detailed comments and suggestions for improvement. We expect that several of the papers, in slightly revised forms, will show up at future conferences. The workshop took place at Aarhus University on May 26 and May 27 and lasted two half days