43 research outputs found

    The construction of high-performance virtual machines for dynamic languages

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    Dynamic languages, such as Python and Ruby, have become more widely used over the past decade. Despite this, the standard virtual machines for these languages have disappointing performance. These virtual machines are slow, not because methods for achieving better performance are unknown, but because their implementation is hard. What makes the implementation of high-performance virtual machines difïŹcult is not that they are large pieces of software, but that there are fundamental and complex interdependencies between their components. In order to work together correctly, the interpreter, just-in-time compiler, garbage collector and library must all conform to the same precise low-level protocols. In this dissertation I describe a method for constructing virtual machines for dynamic languages, and explain how to design a virtual machine toolkit by building it around an abstract machine. The design and implementation of such a toolkit, the Glasgow Virtual Machine Toolkit, is described. The Glasgow Virtual Machine Toolkit automatically generates a just-in-time compiler, integrates precise garbage collection into the virtual machine, and automatically manages the complex inter-dependencies between all the virtual machine components. Two different virtual machines have been constructed using the GVMT. One is a minimal implementation of Scheme; which was implemented in under three weeks to demonstrate that toolkits like the GVMT can enable the easy construction of virtual machines. The second, the HotPy VM for Python, is a high-performance virtual machine; it demonstrates that a virtual machine built with a toolkit can be fast and that the use of a toolkit does not overly constrain the high-level design. Evaluation shows that HotPy outperforms the standard Python interpreter, CPython, by a large margin, and has performance on a par with PyPy, the fastest Python VM currently available

    High Performance Reference Counting and Conservative Garbage Collection

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    Garbage collection is an integral part of modern programming languages. It automatically reclaims memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use. Garbage collection began in 1960 with two algorithmic branches — tracing and reference counting. Tracing identifies live objects by performing a transitive closure over the object graph starting with the stacks, registers, and global variables as roots. Objects not reached by the trace are implicitly dead, so the collector reclaims them. In contrast, reference counting explicitly identifies dead objects by counting the number of incoming references to each object. When an object’s count goes to zero, it is unreachable and the collector may reclaim it. Garbage collectors require knowledge of every reference to each object, whether the reference is from another object or from within the runtime. The runtime provides this knowledge either by continuously keeping track of every change to each reference or by periodically enumerating all references. The collector implementation faces two broad choices — exact and conservative. In exact garbage collection, the compiler and runtime system precisely identify all references held within the runtime including those held within stacks, registers, and objects. To exactly identify references, the runtime must introspect these references during execution, which requires support from the compiler and significant engineering effort. On the contrary, conservative garbage collection does not require introspection of these references, but instead treats each value ambiguously as a potential reference. Highly engineered, high performance systems conventionally use tracing and exact garbage collection. However, other well-established but less performant systems use either reference counting or conservative garbage collection. Reference counting has some advantages over tracing such as: a) it is easier implement, b) it reclaims memory immediately, and c) it has a local scope of operation. Conservative garbage collection is easier to implement compared to exact garbage collection because it does not require compiler cooperation. Because of these advantages, both reference counting and conservative garbage collection are widely used in practice. Because both suffer significant performance overheads, they are generally not used in performance critical settings. This dissertation carefully examines reference counting and conservative garbage collection to understand their behavior and improve their performance. My thesis is that reference counting and conservative garbage collection can perform as well or better than the best performing garbage collectors. The key contributions of my thesis are: 1) An in-depth analysis of the key design choices for reference counting. 2) Novel optimizations guided by that analysis that significantly improve reference counting performance and make it competitive with a well tuned tracing garbage collector. 3) A new collector, RCImmix, that replaces the traditional free-list heap organization of reference counting with a line and block heap structure, which improves locality, and adds copying to mitigate fragmentation. The result is a collector that outperforms a highly tuned production generational collector. 4) A conservative garbage collector based on RCImmix that matches the performance of a highly tuned production generational collector. Reference counting and conservative garbage collection have lived under the shadow of tracing and exact garbage collection for a long time. My thesis focuses on bringing these somewhat neglected branches of garbage collection back to life in a high performance setting and leads to two very surprising results: 1) a new garbage collector based on reference counting that outperforms a highly tuned production generational tracing collector, and 2) a variant that delivers high performance conservative garbage collection

    A study of thread-local garbage collection for multi-core systems

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    With multi-processor systems in widespread use, and programmers increasingly writing programs that exploit multiple processors, scalability of application performance is more of an issue. Increasing the number of processors available to an application by a factor does not necessarily boost that application's performance by that factor. More processors can actually harm performance. One cause of poor scalability is memory bandwidth becoming saturated as processors contend with each other for memory bus use. More multi-core systems have a non-uniform memory architecture and placement of threads and the data they use is important in tackling this problem. Garbage collection is a memory load and store intensive activity, and whilst well known techniques such as concurrent and parallel garbage collection aim to increase performance with multi-core systems, they do not address the memory bottleneck problem. One garbage collection technique that can address this problem is thread-local heap garbage collection. Smaller, more frequent, garbage collection cycles are performed so that intensive memory activity is distributed. This thesis evaluates a novel thread-local heap garbage collector for Java, that is designed to improve the effectiveness of this thread-independent garbage collection

    Efficient query processing in managed runtimes

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    This thesis presents strategies to improve the query evaluation performance over huge volumes of relational-like data that is stored in the memory space of managed applications. Storing and processing application data in the memory space of managed applications is motivated by the convergence of two recent trends in data management. First, dropping DRAM prices have led to memory capacities that allow the entire working set of an application to fit into main memory and to the emergence of in-memory database systems (IMDBs). Second, language-integrated query transparently integrates query processing syntax into programming languages and, therefore, allows complex queries to be composed in the application. IMDBs typically serve as data stores to applications written in an object-oriented language running on a managed runtime. In this thesis, we propose a deeper integration of the two by storing all application data in the memory space of the application and using language-integrated query, combined with query compilation techniques, to provide fast query processing. As a starting point, we look into storing data as runtime-managed objects in collection types provided by the programming language. Queries are formulated using language-integrated query and dynamically compiled to specialized functions that produce the result of the query in a more efficient way by leveraging query compilation techniques similar to those used in modern database systems. We show that the generated query functions significantly improve query processing performance compared to the default execution model for language-integrated query. However, we also identify additional inefficiencies that can only be addressed by processing queries using low-level techniques which cannot be applied to runtime-managed objects. To address this, we introduce a staging phase in the generated code that makes query-relevant managed data accessible to low-level query code. Our experiments in .NET show an improvement in query evaluation performance of up to an order of magnitude over the default language-integrated query implementation. Motivated by additional inefficiencies caused by automatic garbage collection, we introduce a new collection type, the black-box collection. Black-box collections integrate the in-memory storage layer of a relational database system to store data and hide the internal storage layout from the application by employing existing object-relational mapping techniques (hence, the name black-box). Our experiments show that black-box collections provide better query performance than runtime-managed collections by allowing the generated query code to directly access the underlying relational in-memory data store using low-level techniques. Black-box collections also outperform a modern commercial database system. By removing huge volumes of collection data from the managed heap, black-box collections further improve the overall performance and response time of the application and improve the application’s scalability when facing huge volumes of collection data. To enable a deeper integration of the data store with the application, we introduce self-managed collections. Self-managed collections are a new type of collection for managed applications that, in contrast to black-box collections, store objects. As the data elements stored in the collection are objects, they are directly accessible from the application using references which allows for better integration of the data store with the application. Self-managed collections manually manage the memory of objects stored within them in a private heap that is excluded from garbage collection. We introduce a special collection syntax and a novel type-safe manual memory management system for this purpose. As was the case for black-box collections, self-managed collections improve query performance by utilizing a database-inspired data layout and allowing the use of low-level techniques. By also supporting references between collection objects, they outperform black-box collections

    Performance analysis methods for understanding scaling bottlenecks in multi-threaded applications

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    In dit proefschrift stellen we drie nieuwe methodes voor om de prestatie van meerdradige programma's te analyseren. Onze eerste methode, criticality stacks, is bruikbaar voor het analyseren van onevenwicht tussen draden. Om deze stacks te construeren stellen we een nieuwe criticaliteitsmetriek voor, die de uitvoeringstijd van een applicatie opsplitst in een deel voor iedere draad. Hoe groter dit deel is voor een draad, hoe kritischer deze draad is voor de applicatie. De tweede methode, bottle graphs, stelt iedere draad van een meerdradig programma voor als een rechthoek in een grafiek. De hoogte van de rechthoek wordt berekend door middel van onze criticaliteitsmetriek, en de breedte stelt het parallellisme van een draad voor. Rechthoeken die bovenaan in de grafiek zitten, als het ware in de hals van de fles, hebben een beperkt parallellisme, waardoor we ze beschouwen als “bottlenecks” voor de applicatie. Onze derde methode, speedup stacks, toont de bereikte speedup van een applicatie en de verschillende componenten die speedup beperken in een gestapelde grafiek. De intuïtie achter dit concept is dat door het reduceren van de invloed van een bepaalde component, de speedup van een applicatie proportioneel toeneemt met de grootte van die component in de stapel

    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming in Java

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    This book contains the proceedings of the 4th international conference on principles and practices of programming in Java. The conference focuses on the different aspects of the Java programming language and its applications

    Compiler and Runtime Optimizations for Fine-Grained Distributed Shared Memory Systems

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    Bal, H.E. [Promotor

    Applications Development for the Computational Grid

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